Category: Violent phone sex


Killer Phone Sex

There had been lots of reports in the news about the ghost of a samurai going around and killing young, blonde girls after brutally raping them. Many people thought it had to be some kind of hoax- there were never any samurai here. This wasn’t Japan! But girls were still dying, regardless of the ridiculous circumstances. I even thought it sounded pretty silly until I was visited by the vengeful “spirit” myself.

Taking a short cut home, a thick fog rolled in as soon as I was passing by the marsh. It was late at night, but my shift at work ended after the last bus already left, so I had to risk the walk home. That’s when I heard the clanking of armor. Through the fog, the faint figure of a samurai could be made out. Scared out of my wits, I turned to run, but the samurai caught up to me with unnatural speed and made a quick slash across my calves.

Now unable to run, I trembled as the apparition came closer. Pulling out his cock from the metal armor, he lifted his mask to reveal he was no ghost. It was a crazed man who must have found an antique suit of armor. He held his sword to my chest to keep me from breaking free as he frantically thrusted into my dry cunt. Busting a fat nut inside me, he released me from his grip. I shot up and tried to run, but he was quick with the blade as he slashed me so severely through the shoulder, he almost made it clean through my body. He escaped into the night, leaving my mangled body behind.

Necrophilia phone sex

 necrophilia phone sex

I was laying there completely dead to the world. I could see my tight body swollen and beaten and bruised. There was no denying that I couldn’t feel a single thing. I had already left my body and I watched the big man that captured me play in my blood. I was watching my lifeless pussy hole stretch open as he put all of his weight down on me.

I took his cock buried inside of my worthless pussy. He thrusted deep and hard trying to make his cock feel cook in my cunt hole. I took him ramming himself harder and deeper. My whole body moved with each hard thrust he pounded inside of my dead pussy hole. He seemed to really enjoy how I laid there lifeless.

The Trash Bag

Killer Phone Sex


They found me in the trash- which is right were I belonged to start with. You spotted me walking alone and couldn’t resist the chance to take advantage of a poor girl by herself. You could tell I was lonely and offered to walk me home, I had the look in my eyes like I may need to talk to someone and you took advantage of it. I told you about how things were going at home with my parents not being around and how scared I was that I wouldn’t have a place to live soon. You offered your place and I was glad to take it. I ran home while you waited and grabbed a few things then we went back to your apartment. Once I got there I knew something was off but I was just so glad to have someone around who maybe cared. You grabbed me by the wrists once we got inside and told me how this was going to go down. I am going to be your place for release until you decide its time to get rid of me. You’re even going to have guys over and let them have some fun too. I was so scared and after all the terrible things you did to me anyone would be. I was your sex slave but you had to trade me in. You left my used up body in a trash can. No one could even identify me, even if someone would of shown up to. What all did you do to me while I was your toy?

Anal Gangbang Rape Porn on a Friday Night

gangbang rape pornAnal gangbang rape porn? I love hardcore anal, but what happened to me last night was so much more than a good hardcore ass fucking. The guys I was partying  with were extreme. They didn’t just want to fuck my ass they wanted to destroy it. They completely prolapsed my asshole. It is still hanging out. My ass got sodomized with beer bottles and fists. They had no desire to fuck me. It was all about hurting me, humiliating me, even ruining me. These were frat boys. I had no idea they had such a mean streak in them. “We have tight coeds to fuck whore. We don’t need your used up old snatch,” one guy laughed as he rammed his fist up my butthole. They laughed because I was bleeding and crying from the pain. According to the fraternity president, a stupid druggy whore like me should be used to massive things in her holes. One of the pledges got his pledge paddle to use on me. It was a big piece of wood. Not the good kind of wood either. It took 4 brothers to hold me down while he rammed it in me without lubricant. Not only could I feel it tearing my asshole, I could feel the splinters in places no woman should ever have splinters. That was the final fuck that pulled my rectum out. They took turns sucking on my asshole that was dangling out of my butt. I felt so humiliated. Some of the brothers even tried to piss on my asshole like it was a bullseye. The abuse went on all night. By the time sunrise hit, my asshole looked like bloodied cauliflower hanging out and inflamed. I begged someone to take me home because I couldn’t sit, but they told me I was a stupid cunt, not a date and to call Uber if I wanted home so badly.

Knife play phone sex

knife play phone sex

 He took a knife and dug the tip of it into my tit. I pleaded for him to stop and begged him to just let me go. He dragged the knife blade down my body. My blood gushed all over my skin. He worked his way down my torso to my white little pussy mound. He started rubbing my clit as he sliced my pussy mound right in half, down to my pussy lips.

I felt his shiny sharp blade puncture my pussy hole. He lifted the knife up and then violently stabbed it down on my pussy. Over and over again he gashed my pussy right open. He even rammed it at a different angle pushing it up inside my pussy like it where his dick. He got me saturated in my own blood and then took his cock out to slide it in my bloody pussy.

He pushed it in, fucking away until I was so dizzy from loosing so much blood.

Hands Around My Neck

Strangulation phone sexI made so much money tonight walking the streets selling pussy, I was excited to go home and hand the cash over to my man. But no amount of money is ever enough to satisfy him, he’ll always find a way to be angry.
“Bitch, what are you smiling about, this ain’t shit!” he said while counting the cash.
“It’s never enough for you!” I screamed.
And that was my biggest mistake, talking back to my man was a big no no. He threw the money at my face and flew towards me and wrapped his hands around my neck. He squeezed my neck harder and harder. I clawed at his fingers, trying to escape his grip. I finally just stopped fighting and accepted my fate…I was about to die. I faded into darkness.
When I opened my eyes, my man was fucking me. His dick was pumping my pussy hard and fast. His sweat dripped onto my face mixing up with my tears. If I don’t get out of this abusive relationship I was going to die.

My snuff sex fantasy came true!

snuff sexMy snuff sex fantasy finally came true! For years I have longed to be at the top of the gallows, swinging carelessly while 2 little whores dangle by their necks on either side of me. It took forever to find the perfect location and the helpers I’d need… not to mention the victims themselves, they had to all be perfect! Last week tho, it all finally came together! I saw the victims walking alone early one morning, they were twins, blonde and delicate and almost angelic looking. It seemed somehow profane… almost blasphemous in a way to kill such beautiful girls, so you know that made me want to do it more. It was easy to get them to go with me, they were lost and I promised to help them but once they were in my car they were already damned. We used their delicate little bodies until they were broken beyond repair, fucking all their holes while they screamed and begged for mercy! Then we strung them up and I got to swing between them while their bodies danced and twitched and died…

Father Deserves To Die Today

Killer phone sexToday is Father’s Day and I must say, I fucking hate my Dad and he absolutely deserves to die today. My Master and I concocted a plan to get rid of him and I am really looking forward to following through with it! Throughout my life, my Daddy has always treated me like shit, abused and degraded me and it’s really shaped me into the evil young lady that I am today, a worthless cunt that’s a victim to it all. Master said that he wants lots of blood, the more blood that’s shed, the better! The way my Dad would molest and violate me all of my life has been repulsive. He put his hands on me all the time and he choked my Mom to death right in front of me when I was just a youngster. That is a vision that I will never be able to get out of my head! When Master and I devised our plan, we decided that we are going to break into his house later on this evening so that we can catch him off guard as he’s tired and winding down from his day of Father’s Day celebrations. Once Master and I break into his house, we are going to ambush him and attack him with butcher knives until we have him dead and beaten to a bloody pulp. I want him to look like a slaughtered pig by time we are finished with him. To literally add insult to injury, i’m going to carve a special message into his back. I’ll engrave Happy Father’s Day deep into his skin so that his rotting corpse can burn in hell with the prolific message on him for eternity!

Smashed and tenderized

Castration phone sexCastration phone sex is one of my very favorite games. It just feeds my power as a female to rid the world of nasty balls. Scrotums. Nut sacs. Testicles. I I often hit the clubs looking for men who deserve to lose them.. Oh you men think you are so superior with your delicate little sacs. But one good kick or a stomp from these stiletto boots will render you useless and infertile forever. I enjoy the popping sound a teste makes when it’s squished like a grape.

So next time you are at a club, hitting on women and making those sexist bitch comments, better watch your ass. You might find me there in the background, watching and waiting. So easy to buy a man a drink and slip him a happy pill. Not enough to knock him out. Just makes him super happy and drunk acting. Of course I was there to lead you outside and into my car.

When you awoke, you were tied down with your nuts in a vice. I slowly tightened them until you moaned. “Kinky bitch, are you? I’ll fuck you so hard, you’ll beg for mercy, you cunt.” I laughed. “Oh really, How are you going to do that with no cock or balls?” I saw the fear and I liked it. I tightened it some more until your nuts turned blue. “Who’s gonna be begging for mercy, fuckhead?”

I gave the vice a hard spin and you screamed like a girl. I took the scalpel and held it to your bloated sperm factories. One quick slash and they exploded, the testes bursting from their sacs like popcorn. “It won’t hurt too bad.” I stopped and took a drag from my cigarette, grinding it out on the head of your cock. As you screamed in pain, I rendered that final slash, forever severing your pathetic manhood. I almost finished you off then. but changed my mind. It would be so much more fun watching you go through life as a Ken Doll. Betcha won’t be talking shit to women any more….



Black Leather and Wet Flesh

Sadistic phone sex I didn’t make enough money tonight and my man was pissed. I walked up and down the Houston streets, but came home with $200 and that’s not enough to keep my man high all night long. When I came through the door and gave him the money he didn’t show his anger at first. He smiled, kissed my forehead, and told me to take a hot shower. Relief flowed through my body because I thought I was in the clear. I went upstairs and got in the shower. The hot water and soap erased the saliva and cum from the tricks that paid me for a good time. I closed my eyes and let the water cleanse my face…
But my man busted in the bathroom and grabbed me from the shower by my hair, pulling the shower curtain and rod from the wall. He dragged me to our bedroom and flung my body to the floor. He pulled a leather belt from the closet and wrapped it around his fist. I cried out and begged for forgiveness but he wasn’t hearing it. He hit my wet flesh over and over again. The pain was so bad that I blacked out eventually, but when I would wake up he would start whipping me again. When he finally stopped my body was covered in welts. I need to get out of this relationship but I can’t leave him.