Category: Violent phone sex

Snuff phone sex

 snuff phone sexI was at a club and finally got done doing my stage time. I went to the back to freshen up and maybe pack my stuff up for the night. I was all alone since the girls were all in the front giving dances and preforming. I heard a mans voice behind me so I quickly turned around. I was still ass naked from my performance.

I told him he could not be back there. I was thinking he may just leave and say it was a mistake that he was back here. Instead, he pushed my body up against my dressing room vanity and forced my legs apart. His hand went over my mouth to muffle my shrieks. He entered inside of me with his swollen cock and began to fuck the shit out of my cunt.

He whispered into my ear how I was a little dirty slut just asking for this. He was giving me what I wanted. I tried to plead through the cracks of his hands to let me go but he was not budging. When he finally used me as the cum rag he intended, I thought he was going to be on his way. He took me by my hair and led me out the back to his car.

He demanded that I get in and took out a sharp blade. I decided in that moment to try and sprint off. I did not even stand a chance. He grabbed me and made a slice from my neck down to my tits. I gushed blood down my torso. He told me he wanted to keep me alive a little longer and that I need to be patient to act stupid like that.

I submitted to him and just got in the car. I have no idea where he plans on taking to me, or worse- what he plans on doing to me.



,Sadistic phone sexMy man traded me for a few hundred to a man from his job. I had a bad feeling and refused to leave the car so my crackhead boyfriend dragged me to the front door by my hair. I relaxed a little when a harmless looking man opened the door. But I should have known not to judge a book by its cover. As soon as my man’s car left his driveway the man attacked by biting me. That’s what turned him on, biting. He bit me all over my body. I had bite marks on my tits, face, neck, thighs, and legs. I lost count after 20 bites. He acted like a wild animal and my cries of pain turned him on. By the end of the night, I was a bloody mess. This man who looked like an innocent school teacher was a sick psychopath. My man came and picked me up the next morning. When we got into the car to leave he slammed my head against the window and yelled at me for provoking the man. I cried all the way home.

Domination Phone Sex: I’m a Human Dog

domination phone sexDomination phone sex is what I crave. I need a strong man for some slave training. I got more than I bargained for with Master Teddy. I answered an ad for a fetish model. Although, I am not super model pretty, I am no stranger to bondage modeling. The add called for a woman willing to be subjugated for a series of photos. I have done it before with no pay, so why not for fun money, right? When I arrived at the address that was texted to me, the set looked authentic. Turns out it looked authentic, because it was a real life dungeon. I was trapped. If I got out, it would not be because they let me go. It would be because I escaped, which I did. I think they underestimated this coke whore. I was collared, chained and thrown in a pen with other women. Food and water was on the floor in dishes with our names on it. We were being treated like dogs. It was a human dog fighting ring. We were the bait dogs. I watched a round in fear. I watched a waif of a girl be thrown into the bull pen with the hounds from hell. Within minutes there was nothing left of her but blood and a pile of bodily tissue and crushed bones. My head was held up so I was forced to see the carnage. I had been stripped down into my bra and panties, but no one searched me. I have a pierced clit with a long needle through my labia. When no one was looking, I yanked it out. When I was being walked to the bull pen, I stabbed the eye of the cunt leading me to my death. I ran like a bat out of hell. I escaped through a small basement window.  I ran to the cops, but no one believed a strung out whore like me. They thought I was on an acid trip.

Fantasy Phone Sex & Cosplay

He told me he wanted to be my sugar daddy, and take care of me like no one had before. Well, to a girl who’s spent a few years wandering the countryside, you know that sounded amazing. So, I went with him. He took me shopping, bought me a few new outfits, some new bathing supplies, pretty hair stuff, even a new necklace and ring. Then, he noticed that there were Halloween supplies in the store we were in, and decided to take a look. He found the most beautiful Belle costume, and decided to get it for me. When we got back to his place (and it was a gorgeous home), he invited me in, told me I could pick a room, that it would be mine. I’d hardly picked one and been allowed a few minutes to get my stuff put away before he came in asking me to try on my costume. He helped me do the back up, and then wrapped my hands with zip-ties behind my back. Fantasy phone sexHe carried me back downstairs to the living room, where he made me stand still long enough for him to put shackles where the zip-ties had been, and shackled me to the arch of the entry-way. He put a chair there for me to kneel on when my feet got tired, but pulled my panties off before I could make use of it. He tied the back of my dress up, and started smacking my ass cheeks, telling me what an ungrateful bitch I’d been, not saying “Thank you” even once, what with all he’d done for me. He stuffed a butt plug in my ass, smacked it a bit more, and then left me there for a few hours. When he came back, he brought who appeared to be a homeless guy back, and told that guy I was fair game, as long as the costume didn’t get messed up. His dirty hands were all over my ass and pussy, and then he was inside me, pumping and grunting. He shot his load off, and still kept going….

Torture Sex Doll for Abuse

torture sexI love torture sex as a pain slut. In real life, I don’t want my pretty face maimed or my hot body carved up. I also don’t really want to die. I just want to wish to be killed because I cannot take the pain any more. When it is fantasy, we can get as violent or deadly as you want. Thinking about that kind of excruciating pain makes my whore holes wet. Guys ask me all the time, what do I have at home to hurt myself with. They think this is nothing but fantasy for me. I have a few devices e that every pain slut like me should possess. It is my chest of horrors as I call it.  I have impact toys like a paddle, belt, cat o nine tails and a riding crop. I have bondage tools like handcuffs, rope, zip ties, duct tape, dog collar, chains and electrical wire. I have several types of gags: funnel, ring and ball. I have a large array of insertable toys: vibes and dildos of varying sizes, butt plugs, anal hooks, pony tail and speculums. I have nipple clamps. I also have a diverse collection of piercing instruments: needles, hat pins, safety pins, veggie skewers, nails, tacks and an ice pick. Did I mention I have other things like ice, cigars to burn my girl parts and weights for my tits and my clits? I am a true pain whore. I just need a strong, sadistic man like you, to tell me just how to hurt myself for his pleasure. I am waiting on the couch like a good submissive whore for you to take control.

Snuffing Fun with P-Daddy’s

Snuff sex fantasies are decadent when it comes to your fucking p-daddy pervs and the need that is so strong to use a little one and off them when done. I will always be sure the evidence is destroyed and I will always fucking own the daddy, especially the p-daddy of such little sweet meat sluts. The undeniable need for being a evil genius that must fuck the shit out of daddy while his wife is nearby. The need to have daddy need me like a god damned drug.

I love owning him and getting him to bid my desires and help me rape fantasy the crap out of wifey and make her watch as daddy and I play with their offspring. We are going to have a lot of fucking fun violating the fuck out of those holes, and causing a bloody massacre of sinfullicious debauchery.

Snuff Sex

Babysitter Phone Sex

Ass Rape Porn: Pay Up Bitch

ass rape pornAss rape porn is never what I want, but it is always what I get. Troy said I owed him money. I didn’t even remember this guy. Supposedly, we fucked months ago. I used him for drugs. I use every man for drugs. That is my reputation. Not like he didn’t get anything out of it, right? I felt no allegiance to him. He got pussy; I got coke. It is called a trade. Women don’t fuck for free. I don’t even fuck my husband without expecting something in return. He didn’t like my answer. He smacked my face so hard, my lip bled. I tried to run away, but he grabbed me by the hair and tossed me on the floor. His dick was out. He intended on collecting his money one way or another. He kicked me until I begged for mercy and promised to be a good slut for him. He even kicked me in the head. He pissed on me while laughing. He informed me that his fee went up because I was being a twat. I was contorted like a beach ball. My yoga pants tore at the seam from the position. He split them even further, then just ripped them off me. All he needed was room for his cock and access to my asshole. He pounded me like he was a hammer and I was a nail. He got in so deep. In that position, he could pin my arms back too so that if I fought or moved away he could snap my arms. Over an hour in that position was more torture sex than anal sex. I was bleeding, in pain with a prolapsed anus by the time he was done. He spat in my face and said sarcastically, “Next time pay up bitch.” Another lesson learned the hard way.

The Belt

Sadistic phone sexI was so scared walking towards my front door. I didn’t make enough money to keep my crackhead boyfriend high all night. I opened the door and handed him all of the money I made from hooking up and down the boulevard. He counted the cash with an evil snarl on his face. He threw the cash at my face then slapped me so hard that I fell to the floor. He spit on me and relief briefly flooded through my body. I thought his tantrum was over, but I was so wrong. He gripped my hair in his fist and dragged me upstairs like I was a rag doll. He flung me towards the bed and pulled his belt from his pants.
“Get your fucking clothes off NOW!” , he demanded.
I took my clothes off and he started whipping me with his belt like I was a runaway slave. He hit me over and over again, each last worse than the one before. He hit me until his arm got tired. With welts all over my body, I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.

Killer Phone Sex Accomplice

killer phone sex Killer hone sex is my specialty. I am the kind of accomplice that helps you do what you really want to an ex girlfriend, boss or little cock teaser. I’m the devil on your shoulder egging you on to explore your dark desires. I like helping men do what they are too chicken shit to do on their own. I met Shaun on the dark net. We fucked a few times. He is not a goth guy. He is more a Wall Street type, but cute and hung. He has a secret life no one would ever suspect. He is a pain whore. I pierced his nut sack. While talking, he admitted to wanting to do some bad things to this neighbor girl. She is a teen tease. You know the type, I am sure. She wears slut clothes for attention, then gets offended at the attention. She thinks she is better than everyone because she she is hot with a great body and comes from money. We devised a plan to kidnap her, have some fun then sell her into white slavery. I know this Russian dude who pays good money for hot teen sluts. They are in high demand in his line of work. We drugged the little slut and brought her to this old house in the middle of nowhere that I inherited years ago. I do very bad things there. My little Wall Street pain slut fucked the shit out of her. Fucked the attitude right out of the cock tease. Rough anal sex until the slut cried and begged for mercy. I gave her a shot of heroin to make her less whiny. He worked her fuck holes over well. She was a virgin. The blood all over his dick was proof of that. I sucked the cherry juice off his dick. Tasted sweet. We had to wait a day before I handed her over to Yuri. We roughed her up good.  She is just another teen whore who has gone missing. Occurs every day. Is there a little cock tease you want to get rid off? I bet I can help.

Playing Both Sides And Loving It Part 2

Torture sexHearing his words.  Knowing this was my chance to do to this little cunt bitch exactly what I wanted done to me.  I walked right over to the dope up bitch and backhanded her hard across her fucking face.  Then immediately I stripped the little whore down.  She was drooling and trying to mumble the words please no stop.  I just laughed at her  and told her to shut the fuck up.  The man that was with us (sorry never found out his name.) put in a Snuff porn video for entertaining background noise.  I started to twist at this cunt’s nipples and cunt lips.  Taking my cigarette and burning her.  Laughing as her screams were muffled by the drugs in her system.  I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and started to cut at her flesh.  Just enough so she can feel the pain and I can see the blood.  She tried to fight me off but in her doped up state of mind she could barely move.  Just become a blubbery pile of shit on the floor.  I grabbed some salt and poured the salt into her open cut wounds.  Her body lashed at the pain I was inflicting.  This made my cunt sloppy fucking wet.  I saw a bat near by and whacked her a few times hard in the stomach and on the thighs.  Before shoving the bat deep in her cunt. Sliding the bat in further and further with each stroke.  Torture sex brings out the best orgasims in me.  The man was relishing in all this torture I was inflicting on this bitch.  His fuck rod was fucking hard as a rock. He walked over to us and pushed the bat out of her and shoved his cock in her.  He told me to start bashing her head in with the bat.  I squirted right there in my panties with his words.  “Ohh  Yes I shouted out!”  As I began to smash her head in.  feeling every blow that hit her head vibrate through the bat.  Oh My God what a fucking turn on this all was.  She was lifeless and he was still pounding away at her dead body.  Then he turned his attention to me.  And I knew exactly what I was in for.  The time of my fucking life!!!