Category: Violent phone sex

Anything Goes

Sadistic phone sexMy old man treats me like shit. I’m his personal ATM, a money making machine that he can mistreat and abuse. He has a serious drug addiction that I fund by selling my ass on the streets. I get in cars with strangers and suck cock for small change. Sometimes he lives me at the crack house and I get gangbanged by drug dealing gangsters. Thug after thug fucks me until my cunt is bloody and sore. I swallow so much cum that I feel full and have no need for real food. I have been treated like trash by every man that I’ve ever known. My mind is so fucked up that pain gives me pleasure. My old man is a sadistic asshole and as long as he gets paid for my services, you can do anything you want to me. Fuck me in any hole, treat me like a punching bag, or even bite me…anything goes.

Snuff sex

snuff sex

I had a man ask me if I had seen his dog while I was on a walk. He kept driving beside me until I offered to help him look for his pup. I came to find out that I was the bitch he was looking for. He told me that if I did not want to die so soon, I needed to find him some meat to have fun with. So I went around the neighborhood until I saw some cute girls in pigtails with their parents no where in sight.

I pulled them into the car while I grabbed the smallest unto my lap in the front by the scary man. I forced her head down as we drove so that she could suffocate on his cock that pushed back behind her tonsils. She was crying so much all over his cock until she passed out. We found a small place to pull over to so that he could take them how he wanted to.

He plunged his cock into those tiny little holes, ripping them open while he choked them. There will be nothing but scraps of them left.

Violent Phone Sex Fantasies with Dusty

My boyfriend and I really love to get into some dirty fucking trouble and the trail of blood and dismembered parts will be the only sign we leave behind. We like to go up to this Lookout area that becomes a total fuck place after dark. I really love pulling an unsuspecting young couple apart and watch my boyfriend rape fantasy the dumb little slut as I ride her Boyfriends cock giving him the best fuck of his life, before I take his life.

As I feel the pathetic fool nearing his expulsion of cum I slit his fucking throat making sure the girlfriend see’s every bit. With such a move that bastard came like mad and I wanted to be sure the slut got her chance with it. I strap-on this cock I made from one of the guys I cut and killed. This special taxidermied dick will penetrate her cunt while she is in pure horror of having a zombie cock fucking her and I will push the jizz into her hole laughing the whole time. My boyfriend will work on cutting her stomach open and ejaculating into it while I collect their heads via decapitation. We have a lot of fun with the heads before tossing them over the cliff into the ocean. I love a good messy fuck and nothing like dismemberment and fucking to really make me thirsty.

violent phone sex


Taboo Phone Sex Whore Needs a Dominant Daddy

taboo phone sex

Taboo phone sex is my specialty. I do the things most women won’t even consider. That is because I am a submissive whore. My only goal in life is to serve men, no matter how dark their fantasies may be. I was raised to put men’s needs first. My father was never loving with me. I was daddy’s slave. He pimped me out and used me for his own sexual needs. I never minded because I knew I was lucky he put a roof over my head and clothes on my bimbo body. Although, I have not seen daddy in years, I am naturally attracted to older men with a dark side. Sometimes, I regret that I have daddy issues. It leads me down a dark path more often than not. When I met Brian on the dark net, he seemed like the perfect bad daddy for me. He was into punishing girls. He sounded like an old school BDSM man, but when I met him, he was something far more sinister. He pushed me into the basement of his nice house. I was stripped naked and tied to a rack where he whipped me until I bled. I felt like a nigger slave who had fled the plantation and got caught. He was much crueler than he led me to believe. I was thinking spanking, bondage and maybe some flogging, but he tore the flesh from my bones and urinated into my bleeding wounds. It was both humiliating and painful. His cock was rock hard. “I like punishing you baby girl,” he said as he whipped me with one hand, and jacked off with the other.  I was fighting back the tears. My real daddy punished me harder if I cried. Turned out this daddy wanted me to cry because when I couldn’t fight back my tears anymore, he stopped whipping me. I guess I need to work on being a better whore so I can know what my daddies want from their little whore.

Gangbang rape porn

gangbang rape porn

I went to a guy friends house thinking we would all just hangout and drink and have some fun. When I got there I realized they all knew something that I was not aware of. They gave me some drinks, trying to get me drunk. When I got a bad feeling, I was about to leave. They all hold me down and told me I was not going anywhere.

They set up a camera and said since I fuck for money all the time and I was a whore why do I not just fuck them. I begged for them to stop. They tore my clothes off and all twelve guys took turns having their way wit my. They forced my legs apart and began to stuff their hard cocks inside all of my holes. They slapped me across my face making me choke on their cocks.

One had a pocket knife and he kept cutting me trying to make me obey everything they wanted. Hours are going by of them all jerking their cocks with my holes. I am so sore I do not think I will be able to walk again.

Fuck Me Like You Hate Me

Sadistic phone sexI’ve been with my old man since I was a very young teen. My parents were crackheads and would loan me out for crack like I was a rental car. My boyfriend was kind and gentle before he became hooked on crack, too. Now he loans me out for crack and money. For a few dollars, you can do whatever you want with me. You can fuck me in any hole, beat me, bite me… anything. I get abused so much that I’ve gotten used to it and I no longer cry. And I’ve swallowed so much cum that I’ve required a taste for semen. If you don’t fuck me hard and rough, then I can’t orgasm. My head is so screwed up that pain=pleasure. I need a man who fucks me like he trying to kill me. Take all of your anger and stress, and take it out on me.

Finding the Best Beating And Fucking

Evil phone sexGetting fucked and torture are the best. I hate pansy ass who can not give me the pain I deserve, want, need, or crave. I hear of men beating and fucking women all the time. But damn all my beatings are light. Boring!!! Maybe I am going about this the wrong way. Maybe instead of trying to find a stranger to do these wonderful things to me. Maybe it should be someone close to me that I know. Maybe they would give me the best beating and torture. Maybe my brother I know he is a sadistic son of a bitch. I wonder how he would feel about torturing, beating, and fucking me. You know what I will ask him and if he does agree. Then our first session will become a blog here.

Ass Rape Porn Star for the Night

ass rape pornWe were up late getting high and watching ass rape porn. He was getting increasingly more violent towards me. He slapped me. Punched me in the stomach. He even burned me with his cigarette. I knew better than to fight him when he was in this sort of mood. I just tried to not complain. I knew he would pass out eventually. Not, however, before he invited a couple friends over to abuse his favorite whore. When there was a knock on the door, I knew I was in trouble. His friends were as high and twisted as he was, maybe even more.  One of his friends brought a baseball bat. I knew that couldn’t be good. He went Clockwork Orange on me beating me with the baseball bat. The men enjoyed my cries and screams in pain. They liked seeing my blood and they loved seeing my skin go from porcelain white to black and blue. I was trying to escape the pain in my head, but they wouldn’t let me. They wanted me in pain. They wanted me cognizant. When I was black and blue and covered in blood they decided it was gangbang rape porn time. They sodomized me for hours until they grew bored with me. Just a typical day in the life of a submissive whore.

Strangled during home invasion

Home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex with my filthy pervert caller always makes sure to snuff me out exactly how I like to be snuffed out! After violently killing my Mommy and Daddy in their bedroom and leaving them to lay in pools of their own blood, the filthy pervert then makes his way into my bedroom and creeps himself up into my bed while I am sleeping soundly. I wake up startled by this disgusting stranger on top of me and he forcefully shoves his hand over my mouth to keep me as quiet as possibly as he spread my legs open wide and fucked me deep with his throbbing cock. He wrapped his other hand around my tiny throat and squeezed as hard as he could, cracking the bones in my throat as he strangled me to death. The suffocation was horrific as I gasped for air and tried to break free from his grip. But it was no use, he had done me in and snuffed me out as he busted a huge load of cum inside of my tight cunt, moaning loud in pure pleasure! He left me there all bundled up in my blankets to rot as I was oozing with his cock cream! I love having strangulation phone sex!

Torture sex

torture sexHe tied up my wrists to the bed. I was thrashing my body all away trying to loosen the grip. The guy that captured me got on top of my body and laughed right into my face as his hard dick pressed up against me. I begged him to stop. That only made his cock grown harder and longer. He smacked me across my face and spit on me. He licked my tears away.

He forced my thighs open and he took one long stroke and pushed himself all the way inside of me. He thrusted in and out of me while his knuckles bashed into my face. He was giving me black eyes and split cheek bones. He was not going to stop beating me until I was a bloody pulp. I feel his cock cumming inside my torn vagina from him fucking me so hard.

He holds my fate in his hands.