Category: Violent phone sex


Rape phone sex fantasies

Predators just seem to be able to sniff me out, like a cat hunting a mouse. I’ve always been a victim. Years ago when I was a lot younger, I was walking home from school when a man took me. I guess he saw a cute little redhead walking alone and he just couldn’t help himself. He pulled me into his car and drove me to his house. He duct taped my mouth and tied my ankles and wrists. He held a knife to my throat and told me if I screamed he would carve out my jugular. He took the tape off my mouth just so he could jam his cock into it and fuck my throat until I vomited on myself. He forced himself into my virgin pussy and fucked me until I was bleeding. I could feel his hard cock ripping apart my hymen. When he was done with me, he warned me not to tell anyone or he would come back for me. He dumped me out onto the road in front of my house the next day and drove off. Sometimes I would see his car parked outside of my house at night and I knew he wanted me to see him, he wanted me to know he was watching me. I never told anyone for fear he would make good on his word about coming back to take me out. I still look over my shoulder when I’m walking alone. I’m just waiting for the day I see his car slowly driving down the road, coming to get me and drag me back into his basement to abuse all of my holes and hold a knife to my throat. Will he let me go again when he comes back for me? Or will he finally snuff me out for good?

Gangbang Rape Porn Valentine

gangbang rape pornI didn’t ask to make a gangbang rape porn for Valentine’s day, but that is what happened. My stepson fed me some bullshit about wanting to make nice with me and take me to a fancy dinner.  I should have known it was a lie, but when he said he had some coke for me as a present, I let myself think the best. I am a coke whore; if I think there is a chance I can score coke, I believe anything anyone tells me. It is like they had me at coke. When I arrived at his place, there were a few more men than I was expecting or wanting. He promised me coke if I didn’t scream. I wanted that blow so badly, I agreed. He lives in an apartment and I can get loud. His friends never go easy on my fuck holes. There was no reason to think that because it was Valentine’s Day anything would be different. My stepson tied me up and let his friends have me as a gift. They forced their dicks in my tiny butt hole and pink pussy. I was grinding my teeth so hard I thought I might chip some teeth. They put a couple cocks up my ass at once. My stepson was the director. He filmed what felt more like a snuff porn. My ass was bloody and gaped so wide, I knew I would never shit right again. I might not ever sit right again either. I just had to endure his sick rape fantasies for a couple hours then I got my coke. I know I am warped. Who degrades themselves like that for powder? It was all worth it to get that much free coke though. I guess it wasn’t free because I paid for it with my ass and my cunt.


Taboo phone sex

I was startled awake to the sound of broken glass from my bedroom window. Before I could even scream for mommy and daddy to help me, I was bound and gagged and shoved back out of my window. I was pushed into a van and that was when I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in strange warehouse. Tied up and bound with rope so tightly it dug into my skin. I realized I was completely naked with my bald pussy pinned back and my perky teen tits tied up and turning purple. My kidnappers brutally beat my crumpled body until it was black and blue. They whipped my quivering clit until it was swollen and bleeding and then performed their brutal rape fantasies on my virgin cunt and rosebud ass. They fucked me so hard until my asshole prolapsed and then they whipped it and kept fucking me until I bled. For days, they made me the star of their teen ass rape fantasies. Every single day.

Barbed wire

Snuff phone sex

I can’t sit down today at all, all I can do is lay on my stomach because the pain is just too much right now. Last night my dad got really drunk and wanted to act out a particularly painful fantasy he had been thinking of. He put down plastic sheets on the floor and had me lay on my stomach with my back in the air. I had no idea what he was planning to do to me until I felt the first blow. He whipped me across the back with his homemade flogger made of strands of barbed wire taped together and then held with a leather handle. I screamed and tried to get away, but he had the door to the basement locked. I finally gave up and prayed it would be over soon as he whipped my ass and lower back bloody. He used my blood to lube up his cock and jam it into my pussy and fuck me while I bled and screamed.

Make Snuff Porn, Don’t Watch It

snuff pornWatching snuff porn is foreplay for me, but making it is the main course. Why watch it when you can make it is my motto. I have a popular dark net live stream I do once a month. My favorite movie chain is the Hostel movies. I just love the idea of people paying for their darkest desires. I do Hostel with a twist, however. Instead of having some Serbian warehouse where folks must find, I let people all over the world bid to see me torture and kill a victim. They pay to watch the stream and the pay to ask me to do something to my victim. I can do anything they pay to see. I only do it once a month because for one, it takes a lot of planning and preparation to do one stream. Two, I make bank off 12 a year, trust me. I am making more money than Tom Brady right now. Snuff movies are the dark net’s cash cow. I usually get a hot teen slut for my victim. They are the most popular. My viewers love seeing sick and demented things done to young, vacuous girls. I have gauged eyes out, cut off breasts, burned clits, carved names in their flesh, stabbed their ass and cunt with knives, and even peeled the flesh off their bodies. You could say I am the sick one for doing it, but I am just following what my viewers want to see. Teen girls are the meanest girls around. They are stupid and egotistic too. The world is over populated with teen twits, so if one goes missing a month, it’s just one less stupid cunt in the world, right? Wouldn’t you love to watch me do some very bad things to some very young girls?

Violent Phone Sex Boyfriend

violent phone sexThe new man in my life is the violent phone sex kind of man. He enjoys hurting women. I am not his sub; I am not really his girlfriend either. I guess I am his rough sex buddy. I have a wild attraction to bad boys. I always have. I know it is risky, but I can’t help it. Nice guys are boring as fuck. Roger was in a rougher mood than usual. I got the booty call around 1 am. I dressed in something slutty that wouldn’t stay on my body long. I wore his favorite perfume and did my make-up like a whore. The little touches he loves so much. When I arrived, he pulled me by the hair caveman style into the bedroom. I was wet because he was so forceful. I love a strong dominant man who takes control of me from the get-go. He tossed me on the bed, stripped my clothes of and sodomized my dry asshole. He never uses lube because he wants my ass to bleed. He pulled my arm behind my back in such a way that I suffered a spiral fracture immediately. I heard the bone snap, so did he. I felt it shortly thereafter. The pain was incredible. He just looked at me and said, “Suck it up bitch. You can’t leave until I nut in your whore ass.” I was fighting back the tears because my arm was useless. He still pounded my ass while my broken arm dangled at my side. I prayed he would nut soon because I needed medical attention. He liked fucking me while I was in pain. Eventually, he came.  I had to try to dress myself with a broken arm and drive to the hospital because he didn’t care about what he did to me. My top was unbuttoned, and I drove poorly. I walked into the ER and passed out. I now have a pretty pink cast for 2 months. The price of liking bad boys like you and Roger.

Fuck Meat: Prey for Violent Phone Sex

Violent phone sex

I used to be the trophy whore of a kingpin drug dealer but that didn’t last. He pimped me out to the most horrific situations to get my pussy and ass mutilated. These situations went from me being fucked by anything they felt like fucking me with or shove up my holes. My dad started it all for me with his brutal ways of abusing me and making me a fuck meat rag doll. I get fucked to my death, sliced up and fantasy raped with blades, guns and clubs. My pussy becomes prolapsed, my ass follows after some mad ass gaping pounding with huge black dicks, and my throat slit. I pray this is the end and they let me go, but I am resurrected like a mother fucking Christ and the torturous fucking nightmare continues. The number of orgasms I get during these interludes of violence, torture and murder are sinfully delicious, I am the delicious prey you need to take out your frustrations on.

Won’t you please destroy me completely?  

Murder phone sex Fantasies


Taboo Phone Sex: I Will Do Anything for Coke

taboo phone sexI was set up for a taboo phone sex roleplay I never could have dreamed up on my own. I knew I was in trouble when I showed up at the address my dealer gave me. In order to get the large quantity of party supplies that I needed, I had to do my dealer a favor. I knew this wouldn’t be good. It never was in the past. The house was the home of a notorious dyke. She is a bad ass biker bitch into making lesbian snuff films. She has an underground following for live streaming lesbian torture. I swallowed hard, because I knew I was about to be the star of her next lesbian torture sex film. I walked in and some bitches jumped me. They put a pig nose on me. They made me oink like a pig. A curly pig tail was rammed up my ass too. Her lesbian posse starting spitting on me and pulling my hair and limbs. They dragged me into a room that was all lit up, so I knew this was where they planned to film me. Hours of abuse I endured. They fisted my cunt and ass. They fucked me with monster dildos bigger than any cock known to man. They punched me. My ass and pussy were bloody and prolapsed. I kept my eye on the prize though. All this torture was just so I could get a nice big bag of coke. When they were done abusing me, they told me I was their best bitch yet. I was promised more coke if I did more shows. I must recover first, but I am sure I will be back. I am a glutton for punishment and a coke whore. I have endured more pain and humiliation for far less coke.

Extreme nipple torment

Torture sex


Daddy loves to torture his worthless slut. Seeing me in pain and begging him to stop makes Daddy’s cock really hard and ready to fuck me. Last night he tied me up and tormented my tiny little perky tits and nipples with hypodermic needles. He took one needle and slowly inserted it into my tender little pink nipple while I screamed and tried to wriggle free. One after another, he slowly inserted more needles into my nipples until I had five of them jammed into each tit. When he ran out of room for more needles in my tits, he was ready to fuck me. Seeing my nipples bleeding and hearing my screams had gotten daddy’s cock hard as a rock and he was ready to fuck me now. He slammed in and out of my pussy while pulling on the needles and making them rip through my skin until my nipples were torn apart and my tits soaked in blood.

Snuff Sex Mercy Kill

snuff sexSometimes I am just in a snuff sex mood. Last night was one of them. I went cruising for a young hooker for hire. No one ever goes looking for a missing whore, no matter what her age is. Runaways and illegal immigrant girls are always hooking on the corner downtown. Money is money, right? A young hooker will take money from a woman just as much as a guy. I picked up this little Hispanic bitch. She had a chunky ass and big tits. For a moment, I thought she might make a tasty meal, but I was flying solo and she was enough food for a few people. She barely spoke English, but I could tell she had a tragic life. Needle marks all over her arms, bruises on her body, a few teeth missing…no way I would ever fuck her. I was sure she had a nasty coyote pimp who was making her hook to pay for the honor of being brought illegally into our country. This was a mercy killing. Too bad you weren’t with me too savor her fuck holes first. She did have a juicy cunt. She was less than half my age, but her cunt looked like she was 30 years older than me. I fed her, sort of a last meal, I guess. I even let her shower at my place. I knew her pimp likely had a tracking device on her, so he would be coming by when she didn’t return home. While she was in the shower, I killed her. Stabbed her like I was Anthony Perkins in Psycho. She didn’t put up much of a fight as I stabbed her tender flesh. That was a letdown.  Now her pimp, he was more fun.  He put up a hell of a fight, but I cut off his cock and from then on, I had the upper hand. I made a mess of my house, but I fed them both to the coyotes. No one would be looking for them because no one knew they were in the US. I love killing illegals because no cares about a dead illegal freeloader, right?