Category: Violent phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Whore

taboo phone sexWhen you are a taboo phone sex whore, anything goes. In my real life, men know that if they have what I need, they can get away with murder. What they have that I need is cocaine. I am a suburban housewife with a dirty secret life. None of the normal drug dealers will sell me coke anymore, so I need to frequent the more extreme dealers. The ones that make me work for my fix. No one wants to fuck me in exchange for drugs anymore. My holes are too used up. Nothing is tight on me, not even my ass. That means the only way I can get my coke is humiliating myself and putting on a show for the men in power. Last night, Big E wanted an ass rape porn show, but not with cock. He had a series of huge dildos lined up for me to ass fuck. Each one bigger and more daunting than the other. The first couple weren’t bad, but as I moved down the dildo line, they got thicker and harder. One had Ben Gay on it, so I was fucking it while my asshole burned. My eyes watered, but I plowed through it. The one after that had little shards of broken glass super glued on it, so I tore my ass with every thrust. I was bleeding but I had to keep entertaining Big E and his friends, or I would have ruined my asshole for nothing. The last one was so wide, I felt my asshole rip. I have had some big dick inside me, but nothing as thick as the last dildo. Now, it had no glass on it, but it was lubed up with more Ben Gay. My ass was torn and bleeding now, so the Ben Gay hurt a thousand times more than the first time. My ass was ruined. Prolapsed, torn, bloody and burning like a son of a bitch, but I got my coke.

Smile Through The Pain

Keeping a smile on my face while multiple men either one at a time or in a group abuse me and fuck me hard is something I now have to do. It is something master came up with while teaching one of his classes. They want to see me try as hard as I can to smile while the pain is being inflicted on me. This all started last week. On my first day, I thought I was going to die. The men went in on me hard, they wanted to see me fail and give me a punishment. I did not fail though, even when five men surrounded me, blasting their cocks in every one of my holes while tying a leash around my neck suffocating me, I still kept a smile on my face.Rape phone sex fantasies I was not going to let these men see me fail. In fact, I did so well when one of the men decided to take a knife and twist it in my asshole causing me to bleed out heavily I decided to moan a little. The amount of blood coming out of my ass was a lot, I was going in and out of consciousness, the men could tell and started to get bored. They knew if they punished me now for my smile starting to fade away from trying not to pass out, they would not have a lot of fun torturing me. The men left, one guy stayed with me to fuck me one last time while I was slumped on the wet grass, the blood made his cock go in real smooth. That is the last thing I remember before passing completely out.


Snuff phone sex

Daddy’s basement is where all of his torture happens. It’s dark, soundproof, and  most importantly, escape-proof. I tried to run away from him, so he punished me by dragging me to the basement, stripping me naked, and leaving me in the dark and cold for days. He didn’t return unless it was to force fuck and beat me. After two nights I was begging for food and water. Instead of giving me food or drink, he told me I could eat his cum and drink his piss if I wanted to survive bad enough. He forced his cock into my mouth and fucked my throat. I was so hungry I swallowed every drop of his cum. He pissed on my face and my open mouth. In my thirst, I drank as much of it as I could and then licked every drop of it off of the floor.

He made me stay in the basement for a full month. My only food and water source was his and his friends’ piss and cum. In my desperation, I swallowed it all.

Torturous Teen Snuff Porn

Snuff porn

I was in agony. I have been tied up and gagged for days, weeks, months maybe. I don’t know. I was taken, taken from my bedroom. I miss my mommy and daddy. They beat me every day. They tie my arms back then burn, whip and cut open my tiny chest. They torture me by breaking my body, shocking and shoving needles and pins through my puffy pink nipples. They have sick teen rape fantasies that they live out on my petite body every single day. They say they have big plans for me. When they are tired and done with torturing me and force fucking me, they want to snuff me out and post it online for everyone, even mommy and daddy to see. Mommy and daddy will see me get my holes tortured with knives, hot metal rods and forcibly fucked over and over again until my body is sliced into tiny pieces of flesh for them to fuck.

Taboo Phone Sex Victim

taboo phone sexAs a taboo phone sex victim, I get off on the dirtiest things you can think to do to me. I have my own dark fantasies and they usually involve brutal torture and snuff. Guys always apologize for killing me, but the way I see it, I am a snuff victim. No need to apologize. I want to be your victim. I want to hear all about the nasty creative ways you would kill me. My cunt is wet just thinking about it. I am stress release for men. I can be the bitch you hate, the mom you want to force fuck, the daughter you want to sodomize, or any female you want to do very bad things to. The sicker your mind is, the wetter my cunt gets. I have long had a strong submissive side to me. It began with daddy and it continues today. I love medieval torture sex the best because its wicked violent and gruesome, not to mention painful. Whatever sick and twisted ideas that are in your head, I know I will get wet. And, you will get hard brutalizing my bimbo body.

Tiny Cunts For Breakfast


torture sex

I might be the nastiest meanest cruel tiny twat torture sex whore around. I have these souls who follow me and demand that I keep cutting up young hoes for my men who get raging hard-ons for my snuff whore ways! Tiny Bodies on crosses as I bleed them out from those puckered assholes. Meat grinders are full of little bodies that were force fucked to death. I have no regrets as making sure meaty dicks are satisfied with my savagery. My latest slut and slutkin were wife and offspring of a man who wanted to watch as those asses and pussies were destroyed by BBC men forcing them to have sex. I was quite proud that I was able to suck the daddy/ husband dick off as I sliced both of his girls throats for my surprise killing before him! Bahaha, I am the Angel of death that gets soaked for blood and force fucking tiny sluts and mommies! 

Baby I like it raw

snuff sex

I was enjoying a night out on a Friday night. My friend Tara dipped out on me because she’s a married woman now. I have been such a party whore for a few years now. I have found my classmates are all moving along with there lives. I am still stuck in the mental state where you only live once, and you should have fun. I have been so into snuff sex that I don’t find it strange to strike up conversations with a group of sketchy men. I like rough sex, and I enjoy it in the part of town that I shouldn’t be in, I met up three guys as soon as my friend left. They were buying me drinks and trying to slip things in my drinks. I whispered in the one that was trying to pop a pill in my vodka “I am a willing slut” Right then and there they knew I was game to be fucked and used. Baby, I like it raw! I made my point crystal clear. I got my wish. 

Gangbang Rape Porn in the Alley

gangbang rape pornDo you have gangbang rape porn fantasies? Most men do; at least most men do when they see me. For whatever reason, I bring out men’s darker desires. They want to fuck me regardless if I want to be fucked. I went to the liquor store late last night. I was minding my own business when a bunch of men grabbed me and pulled me in the alley. They were waiting for a woman to come by and I was the first one that didn’t look like a crack whore according to them. I pleaded with them not to do what they were about to do because I had a husband and sons waiting at home for me. They didn’t care. In fact, I think they liked the fact that I was a suburban housewife. They didn’t know I was a taboo phone sex whore who has done things most housewives have never considered. I didn’t know what to do. Fighting them might be worse for me, but not fighting them could end up the same way. I half assed fought them. They rammed their cocks in my holes in a cold dark alley like it was something they do every night. I begged them not to cum inside me because I didn’t want to get pregnant. They joked that an old whore like me couldn’t get knocked up anyway as they shot their cum loads inside me. They were laughing at me and joking about going back to my family looking and smelling like a cum dumpster. Little did they know that is not a new look for me.

Teen Force Fuck

Teen rape porn

Daddy got drunk again last night. He gets even more violent and sadistic when he’s been drinking. He made me dress up for him in a little pair of pink panties and matching babydoll negligee and pose for him. He took pictures of me in various poses. I accidentally knocked over his beer as I posed and that sent him over the edge. He backhanded me across the face and grabbed me by the hair and forced my face into the spilled beer and broken glass on the floor. He forced me to lick it all up, even the glass shards. My tongue was bleeding and cut and little trickles of blood were dripping out of my mouth. Seeing my bloody mouth made him hard as a rock. He made me suck his cock even though my tongue and lips were all cut up and bleeding. He forced his cock into my bleeding mouth and fucked my throat and face like it was a pussy. All I could taste was the metallic tang of my own blood and the saltiness of his cum.

Homemade Snuff Films

Teen phone sex

Daddy forces me to make ass rape porn videos for him to tell on the internet. He drags me down to the basement where he and the men he finds brutalize me on camera. I’m tied up and blindfolded the whole time, so I can’t even see who his fucking my tight holes. All I can do is scream while they take turns forcing their hard cocks into ass and fucking me until my ass is torn and bloody. He sells the videos online and men pay a pretty penny to see cute young teens like me used by men to enact out their most painful and twisted fantasies. When they’re tired of fucking my bleeding ass, they torture me by putting out their cigarettes on me or fucking my mouth until I’m choking on my own vomit. The more hardcore the video, the more money men are willing to pay to see it. I know they only reason he hasn’t snuffed me out yet is because I still have a few good years left in me to make his special videos.