Category: Torture sex

Punching Bag Hag

Violent phone sexHis fucking hands were so big!  I had to have him as soon as I walked into the bar.  He was with some other skank, but I’m the ultimate skank and she wasn’t dirty enough for him.  I could tell.  He called her a bitch a few times and she looked like she wanted to cry.  Stupid cunt, doesn’t she know that are terms of endearment?  I learned long ago that women who look like me should be used by men in what ever capacity they see fit to use us in. 

I had just had some candy in the car so I was revved up and ready for anything.  I went there looking for some pain slut fun, and if I could just get the idiot away from this huge guy I knew I would find it.  Fucking is secondary to me, I just want the bruises, gashes, welts, because that’s what gets me off. 

I stepped up to him and kissed him hard.  I spit in his girl’s face and he laughed.  I asked him, “Don’t you want to take out some frustration big man?”  He smiled and called me a few names, I just smiled.  He asked me if that pissed me off, I told him no, I like it.  Then I pushed his hand onto my tits.  His girl just sat and watched.  I asked him if he would like to step outside and teach me a lesson for being such a whore.  What do you know? He said, “FUCK YEAH!”

I’m not sure which punch made me pass out, but when I woke up by the dumpster I was sore.  I made my way back to my car, drove home and looked at myself in the mirror.  My pussy almost exploded!  I looked like the garbage I am.  I will have to go back to that bar again to see if I can be someone else’s punching bag hag for the night.

A Serial Killer is Born in a Blizzard

snuff porn evil dominatrixLast year my accomplice, my companion, my partner in crime, John and his daughter Amy, were driving to a concert in another city. The forecast was for a dusting of snow, but once we got on the road, it was obvious a dusting was now a blizzard. The roads were horrible. White knuckle driving.  John was going 35 miles an hour. We must have passed a dozen  cars off the road. I told him perhaps we should just pull over and wait it out. Amy had to pee, we were low on gas;  made sense to pull over. We were huddled in the backseat staying warm, when we heard a crash. A car had skidded off the road, smacked a tree.

We rushed out of the car to see if we could help. John was trying to call 911, but our cells were all dead. I told Amy to stay in the car. I knew there was a good chance there would be a lot of carnage by the look of the car. I was correct. Single male driver. He was thrown from the car. John was checking for a pulse. The guy was alive, but barely. He had to be in excruciating pain. His internal organs were spilled onto the snow. I felt bad, but I was turned on by the blood and sinew. John and I have a dark side, but the folks we stalk and maim, deserve it. We knew nothing about this guy. For all we knew he was a choir boy.

snuff porn tortureJohn knows me, he knew I was aroused. It looked like he was gutted. John was like, “He is going to die. No one will get here to save him.” This is what you call a crime of opportunity. I went to check on Amy, and to my surprise she was standing behind me, hands in her panties, filming the wreckage with her camera phone. So young, but sharing our love for blood and sinew, even pain. Not our pain, but pain of others.

Amy got closer, filmed the life going out of him. But she wanted more reaction from his eyes. John started pulling on his intestines. Literally, pulling all his organs out. He couldn’t talk, but you could see the pain in his eyes. Playing with his organs was the stuff  that sells snuff porn. This was real, raw, emotional. Amy was filming it all in awe. She liked watching him die. She likes seeing her daddy and I as angels of death. I took over the camera so Amy could play. She is a natural sadistic. Maybe a natural born killer. John and I watched her pull on his intestines, reach her hand into the gaping hole in his belly and gut him. That finished him off. We caught the whole thing on film. Amy’s first snuff film. Amy’s first kill. Perhaps it was more of a mercy kill, but it was still hot to watch such a young girl enthralled by death, curious about pain, with no quilt whatsoever about what she did. A serial killer was born in that blizzard.

snuff porn killer fantasies

Never Steal Another Man’s Bitch

killer phone sex bloody snuffMy son is very particular about who fucks me. He has no problem pimping me out, but it is usually for profit, to settle a debt, or for a special occasion to a best bud.  He was not at all happy to discover that a revival had kidnapped me, and was keeping me captive in his dungeon. For days, Master Roberto forced me to perform all sorts of sex acts on him. All the while taking pics and sending them to my son with messages like, “She’s my bitch now,” and “You can’t protect your women.” Their rivalry with women goes way back. I never liked him. Even as a little boy he was  a sick cruel fuck. I never told my son that once during a sleepover, he came into my room and violated my ass with a baseball bat. My son would have murdered him.

My son is smart, smarter than Roberto. Recognized the dungeon from the photo he texted him. He showed up to claim what was his, me. Roberto acted like it was all a joke. It may have been to him, but not to my son. My son swung a tire iron at his head, knocked him out, and grabbed his phone. My son’s hands covered in blood, he scrolled through the pics of Roberto forcing himself on me. He cut me down as I was suspended upside down. My son kissed me, then realized I had Roberto’s cum on my face. The fact that he came in and on me meant Roberto had to die. He violated his mother, a sin punishable by death in Italian communities.

I helped tie him up. My son drove us to the marina, where his boss keeps his boat. We borrowed it. Took that  boat out far enough that a body would never wash up on shore. This boat had a fishing plank, so my son made him walk the plank to his death. But to make it more interesting, my son cut off Roberto’s dick first. Let him get covered in blood, then stuffed his dick in his mouth and forced him off the boat. The sea was turning red with his blood. Schools of scavenger fish were circling him. Rumor has it that piranhas are in that part of the ocean. Regardless, he was gonna drown, bleed out or be dinner to the oceanographic life and never be a problem for me or my son again.

bloody phone sex killer fantasiesMy son and I watched him struggle, his head bobbing up and down for several minutes while the blood ran out of him, while he was dinner for the local wildlife. My son even snapped a few pictures of him drowning. My son kissed my forward and said, “You’re MY slave, don’t ever forget it,” or you will rest with the fishes too.

Feeding the sharks

killer phone sexThis bitch was seriously the biggest fucking pain in my ass ever! Usually when I abduct some fucking whore I expect them to fight back and protest but Jesus fucking Christ this one took it way too damn far! She actually almost got away from me can you believe that shit? I wasn’t going to take any chances after that, I hit her upside the head with a lead pipe and once she was safely knocked the hell out, I hogtied that bitch and dragged her out to my trunk because we were going to take a little ride. I wanted her in the middle of the ocean, where no one could hear her screams, no one would see me throw her in, no one would bear witness to this depraved act but me! Plus I knew the perfect spot to dump her when I was done with her, the sharks are everywhere there and I knew they would eat any evidence I threw at them. The look on her face when she woke up was priceless, she was shocked to be tied up, spread eagle, on the deck of my boat and when I cam towards her with my big shiny knife in my hand she started to scream. All I could do was laugh at her pitiful attempts to get help, there was no one around for miles so I was the only person that could hear her screams. The best pert though was at the end, I brought her near death but didn’t kill her, I saved her for those hungry sharks. There were several swimming right next to my boat and when I threw her overboard she didn’t even have a chance to scream before they were all over her. I rubbed my sopping wet cunt while I watched them eat her and came harder than I ever have before, I will definitely have to do this again!

Whatever You’ve Got

torture sex kaliI was minding my own business on campus a couple days ago. My phone rang and “DADDY” flashed across the screen. “Hi Daddy!” I answered “Hi Princess” he said. He actually sounded sober. “How’s about me and you grab some lunch, a Daddy daughter date?” “I’ve got 40 minutes til my next class” “Sounds perfect. Meet me out front in 6” Sure enough, six minutes later on the dot, Daddy pulled up in his work truck. “Subway okay?” “Sounds great Daddy!” We stopped and went in. Daddy ordered some manly sandwich and I ordered an oven roasted chicken breast with all the vegetables besides jalapenos. I started to order my usual Diet Coke but my dad reached his hand out “Just water for the little lady, please” Weird. Oh well. We ate our meal and caught up. I looked at my phone. “We’ve gotta get back, dad” “Oh, alright” We jumped in the truck and he drove…past the school….to his construction site. Fuck fuck fuck not again. We got out and his buddies rushed me, showering me with kisses and compliments. I acted flattered but was really truly terrified. As I dutifully flirted with the men, I saw one out of the corner of my eye coming up next to me. I felt an agonizing pain in the side of my head and promptly passed out. When I woke up, it was dark. I was in the bed of a truck, and I hurt. Oh my god I hurt so much. My cunny burned, like I’d been fucked hard, and my side ached so much. I put a hand to my side, right above my hip, and raised my hand to my face. Spunk and blood, mixed together in a strawberry cream pie…but why was it coming from there?? I succumbed to the pain again and passed out. I awoke to a man lifting me up and throwing me effortlessly over his shoulder. I smelled Daddy’s familiar scent and asked what was going on, why was there so much blood, why does it hurt so much? He gently laid me down in bed and covered me up. “Daddy and John have a gambling problem, hun” “I know that, Dad. But what…” he nodded to his truck, which we could see from my bedroom window. It was backed up to the window with the tailgate down for ease of getting me out, and it was then that I noticed the cooler. “Good price for human kidneys, Kali” My jaw dropped. “But this wound, daddy. So much…” he laughed “All the men on my crew, their wives are snooty bitches. Don’t put out but for 2 days a year. None of them can resist a good hole when they see it”

Angie’s Dungeon of Pleasure and Pain

domination phone sex orgyOne of my Master’s traded me to a female domme, Mistress Angie. He never told me why, but she showed up and claimed me as her newest bitch. I wasn’t sure about this; I’m accustomed to male masters. She informed me I was going to fit right into her Dungeon of Pleasure and Pain. When I tried to question her she punched me so hard, I was knocked out cold. She transported me to an abandoned building. An old insane asylum she uses for torture sex shows. When I woke up I was in a BDSM outfit . A big guy picked me up off the floor, threw me on a table and started taking my ass. I tried to see what was around me. It was dark, but there were these flashes of light that let me catch a glimpse every now and again of the depravity going on around me.

torture sex snuff mutilationAs my ass was being violated, Angie let me know that things could go two ways for me. I could be part of her pleasure palace where I am fucked for her hardcore bondage and anal torture clients. Or, I could suffer a worst fate. Mutilation, torture sex, and snuff for her more sadistic clientele. The screams I was hearing came from women who were not good fuck pigs, but torture dolls. Women who apparently didn’t know how to survive.  Angie was a sadistic bitch. She had women in various rooms all suffering  genital mutilation and torture while she filmed it. This abandoned building was a warehouse of missing women. Women, like me, who were sold or traded, some even kidnapped. Angie was operating some sort of underground sex fetish hotel . Guys have a selection of woman: women to fuck and play BDSM games with, and women to torture and snuff.

bondage phone sex femdomI am a pain slut, and a good submissive, but some of the things I saw guys paying for sickened me. This was beyond nipple torture and whipping. I saw a guy shoved a live rat up a girl’s cunt and staple her pussy shut. I heard a chainsaw and screams. Anything goes in her dungeon. You can smell the blood and death and fear in the air. I prefer to live. So, I will let men fuck me however they want if it prevents my pussy from being mutilated and keeps me alive.  But if you are looking for whores to torture and kill or just fuck against their wills, she has a wide selection of women available, from teens to grannies.  I’m going to be a good whore so I avoid Angie’s wrath. She said Master spoke highly of my obedience, so if I do well as a fuck pig, I will get promoted to her accomplice. If it is a matter of my life, I will snuff out a slut and enjoy it. Fuck female bonding, it’s all about survival.

torture sex domination

Left it all Behind


Before I got myself together and really started taking care of business I was struggling hard. My bottom was when I found myself hanging around in an abandoned building right outside of town. I knew it was dangerous here but it was more comfortable for me than a shelter and it wasn’t far from town at all. I had been walking to a bus stop when I noticed it, it looked like no one had been inside there in months. Instead of hoping on the bus I went to check out what was inside. As I entered I saw how dark and dusty it was, but there were rooms every where so I was excited to explore. I unpacked myself right inside the front room, just in case I had to flee I would be able to grab most of my things.

A few days of staying there and I was feeling like I had really found my home. Of course it was silly to think that, but I found comfort in calling it my home. One night when I came home I was met by a group of white men who seemed to be pissed that I was “squatting” in their neighborhood. They tortured my black pussy shoving cocks in my ass and a huge cucumber ripping my ass hole wide open. They were shoving the cucumber so far inside of me I thought I would burst. They made me their cum slut that night, shooting their loads anywhere on me.  I could feel the skin around my ass hole tearing as they tore into my pussy. They all fucked me raw right there in my doorway and left me on the front porch with the cucumber still lodged in my ass hole. When they were done my face was covered in cum, it was dripping out of my hair as I laid there trying to catch my breath.


Becka’s Bloody Ass Rape Porn

ass rape porn titleWhen I met Becka and she told me about her “little secret’ my cunt exploded! This little whore thinks she is a real pain slut. She claims to love the pain of being cut and watching the blood drip down her arms and body. She claims that she cums the hardest when pain is being inflicted upon her. I have just the thing for her. I am going to film a sweet little porn. I am going to bring a new meaning to the term ass rape  for her and she is going to bleed like she never has before!

I had everything set up in my basement . She was about to get everything she asked for and more. The cameras were set up. The knives, scalpels and razor whips were all in place. The restraints had been checked and double checked.

She walked in looking all slutty in her skimpy little mini skirt. her makeup done to perfection. I could imagine that make up running down her tear streaked face. In fact I had an extra special surprise for her.ass rape porn becka

While she was telling me all about how her dad had no fucking clue about her ” dark and twisted” side, she said he would have her locked in a convent if he ever found out. So what better accomplice to have for the filming of this bloody ass rape porn party then my friend Francis? Also known as Sister Mary Francis. She was once a nun and still has and wears her habit for twisted fun.

She is going to be the star sadistic in this porn. Next to me, no one inflicts pain and is so warped and fucked up as Francis.

Walking Becka to the basement, my cunt is alive and on fire. I know what is waiting in that basement of mine.

I will leave what happens to your imagination until I post the video on line, at which point you can view it yourself and jerk your cock to the carnage.ass rape porn francis

Movie Night

Snuff MoviesI think each and every one of us have a favorite all time movie.  Mine is a bit more…brutal than most.  My favorite film of all time is one that is entitled “A Serbian Film”, some of you may have seen it, and if not then perhaps you should.  This is about as close as you can come to having a movie about brutal, violent, gory, tortuous, vile sex that you can get.  It’s my go to snuff movie for inspiration.  This movie also has the distinction of being banned in not one, but four countries. 

There is so much depravity in this film that I come away from watching it feeling almost giddy.  I have never been full on giddy in my life, so that should tell you how much this movie is fucked up.  There is a plot to this movie, albeit stupid, but a plot none the less.  Just like you do not watch regular porn for the story line, you do not have to watch this one for a story line either.  The way it is shot is visually assaulting.  Beautiful, simply beautiful.

The next time you have your lady of choice over for a romantic evening.  Pop in this movie in the Blu-ray, and perhaps you can try to outdo the scenes in the movie.  I will leave you with my favorite line from the movie and it comes at the very end when one of the men filming the whole thing unzips his pants and heads toward three dead bodies, as he is doing so  the director says, “Start with the little one!”

Snuff phone sex

Violent Phone Sex

Castration Phone Sex with Venus: Fuck Pig for Sale

castration phone sex bloody knife

Are you looking for castration phone sex? I have lots of private fuck pigs who recognize they have worthless peckers than can do me no good. Take my fuck pig below. My Pomeranian has a bigger dick. Therefore, this fuck pig belongs in a cage. In fact, I am gonna auction him off to the highest bidder. If he can’t bring me any satisfaction sexually, he is gonna bring me money. You see, if you got a worthless pecker, you don’t need it. Hell, I suspect you won’t miss it. We all know, no woman would ever miss it.

I can make money off his castration. Lots of sick fucks out there just like me who would pay for the fun of slicing off the balls and dick of a useless prick. I’m running my own private Hostel! If he had money, I would get out my knife collection and slice his junk off myself, and get off watching him bleed and writhe in pain. But you go  to pay for the privilege of me ridding you of your worthless bits. So, I am going to auction off my fuck pig to the highest bidder to do whatever they want to him. Castrate him, snuff him, beat him,  torture him,  cook him and serve him for dinner. I don’t care what the fuck you do with him. He is a worthless fuck pig. I own him, so I can do what I want with him. And if you buy him, you can do what you want with him. I’ll throw in his cage for free.

All reasonable offers will be entertained. Let the bidding begin. You will not be disappointed. He knows he is a worthless pig.

castration phone sex fuck pig