Category: Torture sex

I Am Worthless

Suffocation phone sexI am nothing more than a bonafied snuff and pain slut.  I want the pain, I want the hurt.  I want to run my hands over my body only to wince why I fight back the tears from the abuse you cast upon me.  I want you take me, hard.  I want you to show no mercy.  I want to walk around for days with the taste of you mingled with blood in my mouth.  I want to feel the impact of your nails digging into my skin.

I beg to have your strong hands clamped around my smooth neck.  I want to feel this world fade from my eyes, only to be revived to be fucked again and again.  Yes, I will cry out, but my cunt will drip.  I crave this, I love this, I live only to die by your hand.  I want to be your cum guzzling, shit eating, piss drinking, bruise wearing slut.  You can never go to far with me fore this is what I was born to do. To be a worthless object in your eyes.

Stupid Whore!

Killer phone sexA good woman knows her way around the kitchen, mama always told me. Good thing I’ve got some prime meat left over from the game I made last week. She was a runner, but I was horny so I couldn’t let her get away. Most of her clothes had already been torn off from running through brush since I chased her into the woods. What a stupid whore. She tripped and I sunk my favorite knife into her back, severing her spine to keep her from struggling any more. I was already pissed since killing the stock while it’s stress toughens the meat but I had eaten right in so long I decide it was worth it. I took a little taste while she was screaming, like eating sushi, tender raw meat, then had to make myself cum since I was so pent up from all the excitement. I still can’t get off while rubbing my pussy without taking the knife on myself so I nicked my thigh just enough to bleed so I could get off. The whole situation was just so fucking sexy that I had to share it with somebody. 

Torture Sex leads to Castration phone sex

Torture sex is exactly what they will get along with their fucking little dicks castrated. That’s right these frat fucks think they can just trot the fuck in a place they DO NOT fucking belong and act like entitled little dicks. Well those little dicks won’t matter when I’m done with them. They think they’re some kind of special, well they are REAL special.

My entourage and I surround the meathead fucktards and took to showing them who’s in charge. A real bawdy mofo with the big mouth was my main focus. I kneed him in the nuts then I proceeded to kick him, dropping his ass. As the asshat was keeled over I took a bottle of 151 and poured in on him and took the lighter as though I was going to set him afire.

Torture Sex

Yeah, I really wanted to smell his gross assed flesh burn and stink the place up, NOT! As the fear in his eyes made me fucking laugh I motioned for my guys to pull his ass up. They knew exactly what I wanted one held him up by his arms at hiis back. The other tied his ankles to the kickbar at the foot of the bar then bound his wrists behind his back and hooked him up to the post. The fuckhead was bound and upright as I unzipped his pants yanked my knife out and swung it open. Kneeling down keeping my eyes fixated on this dumb bastard I took the knife slowly along his ballsack. Taking sweet pleasure in torturing him as the blade draws droplets of blood along the base of his balls.

Once I have him whimpering like a bitch I press the shiny sharp tip of my blade right into the center of his balls. I slice right into them as another guy pours Tequila right along the cut. Once I have the ballsack slit open I remove the balls and drop them in a rocks glass. Topping the cocktail off with some gin and vermouth I take the glass and force his frat budy to drink. Forcing him to open his mouth and swallow the balls of his beloved fucktard frat bro I laugh in his face and stab my knife in his gut. Catching the spurting blood as I remove the blade I kneel down rubbing it all over my breasts.

As I finish torturing each one of the fucks with my knives my entourage situate each of them for their final demoralizing. I grab my biggest strap-on as the three of my guys with the biggest cocks work them nice and hard. It is the ass rape porn sodomization of these fucks filmed and live streaming for everyone to see. I take my first choice and my guys do the same as we destroy these asswipes of society.

They don’t deserve to live now do they?


Torture sex

torture sex

I got recruited to do some hunting. I loved the hunt, the process. I needed to find one and just one I was told if I could find a good one I might even be able to help. I had found a few gals for this client in particular so I knew exactly what he was going to be looking for and the discretion he always required which was never a problem. I found one, she was super cute and I meant in the naive kind of way that girls had that have never left home and loved their daddies. On top of that was that she was really tiny and Asian, they had the best squeals. I knew the client would love her so I simply asked her to help me open my trunk with an arm full of groceries. All I had to do was hip check her 80 pounds ass into the trunk and with an eep she was in and it was shut. I blared my music loud to cover the screams and cries that were coming from her ad rove to the meet location. When I got there were five men in masks and suits. I pulled my cattle prod out from under my seat and held my keys in my other hand. I wanted to make sure I had the jump on her in case she tried pulling her little ass ninja skills bull shit. When I lifted the trunk she tried to jump out and was met with a quick zap of the prod. The guys behind me whisper with anticipation.
I pulled her from the trunk and carried her inside pausing to let my eyes adjust. I carried her over to the rack and tied her ankles and wrists in place. I was then met by my client who offered me extra money to meet the gentleman’s demands and participate in the action. I told him I would if they would put their seed in a cup for me to play with later. This was of course not a problem.

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I went and hanged into my leather corset and boots and came back to little china lying on the table whimpering while all the men stood behind her. I jumped onto the table and crawled up towards her face like a cat on the prowl. She looked at me and begged me to help her. I slapped her across the face and I could hear the men get all riled up. I took a spider gag and placed it into her mouth. There were my favorite, that way the guys could fuck her face till she turned blue. She cried tears running down her face. I took my hand and wrapped them both firmly around her little throat and she gasped for breath. I encourage one of the gentlemen to please stuff her face so she wouldn’t scream to loud and climbed from the table.
I walked towards the end of the table to her rather hairy cunt. I spit my fingers and began to rub it. She was already getting wet. I took some clasp and pinned back her hairy lips so that you could see her little twat with its slit spread open. I could hear the gentlemen at the top grunting while she gagged and puked throwing up onto the floor. She cried for help, as I grabbed an electro want and began to give her little zaps on her clitty. She squealed like a little piggy and he body shook with every zap I gave her. One of the guys came to the back and stuck his dick into her ass hole. I put a riser under her hips to elevate it to him and tied her ankles to the table legs. One of the gentlemen took the rod from me and began to torment her nipples. I stood back as they sacrificed her every orifice to their sexual deviant desires. When they came they spit themselves into the cup like I wanted. I took care of her as they cleaned themselves up, slitting her throat and wrapping her in plastic for the disposal guy that my client used. I always insisted that I was more than capable but it was his preference to go this route which was not a problem. I Changed again and went back home to my basement room. I sat on my bed; my adrenaline was still pumping and began to pour the semen all over my body feeling its slickness against my skin. I played with my pussy remembering the screams of the bitch that was just sacrificed. I came and slept a devilish dream, who was going to be my next victim to slaughter.

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Bet Good

bloody phone sex karma1So Shadow thought she was being slick making a bet with me that she knew I would not, could not turn down. She thought the scales were tipped in her favor because she likes them young. She didn’t think I would think of that. But I had a little something up my sleeve. The bet was who could fit their victim in the smallest container to dispose of the body, as she made the proposal with an evil grin on her face and a twinkle in her eye my pussy began to twitch with the excitement of it all. She would surely find a victim ads young as possible, her way of cheating. Shadow is not one to play fair, but then again neither do I. I asked if there were any rules for this little wager, she said no, and I knew I would win. There is no way she could beat me. We had until the next night to find and snuff our victim and we would meet back at my place with the remains in their containers.  Sealing the deal with a handshake we went our separate ways.  I had everything I needed, except a victim, which I found easily. She was a grown ass bitch, about 125 pounds. After torturing her and getting my rocks off I tossed her into the tub. Pouring muriatic acid all over her I watched as her flesh melting into a pile of liquid leaving nothing but her bones. The sight had my cunt dripping wet.  I found my mason jar and made sure all the liquid was in the jar before taking the bones out to start hacking into bits before crushing them with a hammer and pouring them into the jar as well. Watching them settle to the bottom made me cum yet again. I was ready for Shadow, there is no way she is getting her victim in anything smaller then this jar! bloody phone sex shadow

Easter Feast

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My bones hurt like I was aged 40 more years than I actually was. The sting of the cold floor burned my skin like frostbite. I wanted to die instead of dealing with the emptiness of being shoved into this dark cave and forgotten. Last time I saw Master he came and got the broken down boy from the corner. I was so hungry, but my stomach no longer begged me for food. My lips longed for the taste of liquid to sooth them. I was not sure what day it was as I began to wake from my sleep. I listened to the empty noises around me longing for something. Master had company up stairs; I could hear the shuffle of feet but knew better than to make a cry for help.
I must have dozed off because I awoke to many feet coming down the stairs. It sounded like 4 or maybe five different sets. I could not see because Master had me tied against the wall with my arms over my head and legs spread out. I have no idea how long I had been in the same position only that I could no longer feel my arms. The men scrambled at my backside. I attempted to look at what was going on, my face was quickly met with a closed fist knocking it back into the wall. I whimpered as my eyes blurred and attempted to come into focus. It was him, the piece of shit that got me into this awful place with Master again. He was now my Master’s apprentice of pain. I knew it was to be the end of me, or at least I wished it was. I could make out three separate men from Master and shit stain. Master told them how I was starving and needed to earn their seed.

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I felt one enter into my ass spreading the cheeks with his hands. I cried out, the thick cock stretched the small space with no lubricant. He let out a primal grunt as he tore his way into me. I whimpered as tears began to fill my eyes. He thrust into me with such force I could feel blood begin to trickle down my leg. I was not paying attention to my numb arms when I fell straight to the ground. His cock fell from me and my knees ached from the dead weight hitting so hard against the concrete. I was released and had a sudden burst to run for the stairs. I do not know what came across me. I cried as I was snatched by my hair and thrown onto the ground. I was stuffed in every hole of my body.
My face was fucked so hard I almost blacked out from lack of oxygen. My face had tears streaming down it and the color of worn mascara decorated my eyes. I gave up fighting, and I did not know why I even fought anymore. My arms were bruised from being pinned and my cunt bled like a virgin from the abuse it was taking. I was made to kneel on the ground while the circled me and forced themselves into my mouth. My throat was raw from dehydration and friction of the thrust into it. I begged for death, I begged for it to stop and then I begged for their seed so I may have them as a feast in my belly. They came one at a time into my mouth. They tasted like the finest porterhouse that you could find. Master was the last and I craved the familiarity of it the most. He denied me that satisfaction and that is why while I longed death I wanted him more than anything. I thanked him for providing with what I overheard was my Easter feast. He thought of me and chose to celebrate it with me. I was honored for his love and kindness.

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Evil Easter

violent phone sex angieHe looks diabolical in his Evil Easter Bunny get up. Just looking at him and imagining the carnage we are going to bring at the sweet community Easter social that this boring town holds every year makes me dripping wet wtih evil anticipation. All the brats out in their Sunday best running around carefree, laughing and looking for colored eggs in the park. It makes me sick….but our plans are going to bring a dark and twisted turn to an otherwise perfect day for the little twits. He is going to hide behind the bushes and scare the shit out of the little twits until I point out the one that I want to bring home. Then he is going to nab that little fucker and throw her in the van. Kidnapped by the Evil Easter Bunny, it is sinister and diabolical an absolutely perfect! I have a wonderful little torture chamber set up that is themed Evil Easter with everything from rotten boiled eggs to a boiling pot so that I can turn my little wit into a human Easter egg. I have holiday plans of my own for tomorrow and I can’t wait  for them to come true! violent phone sex bunny

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies with Venus: Who Do You Want to Snuff Out?

killer phone sex fantasies butcher girlI get asked all the time about my ideal victim. I am rather steadfast in my assertion that I have no type other than a person who has annoyed the crap out of me in some fashion. Age, race, gender… don’t matter to me because worthless fucks come in all shapes and sizes. Self entitled assholes, stupid fucks, whinny brats, needy bitches, small dick losers, are everywhere. But putting all that aside, the type I fantasize about butchering the most is the American Bimbo. Vacuous, attention seeking, drama filled, gold digging, bed hopping, Botox injecting, fake looking whores who give real women a bad reputation.

 I have zero tolerance for fake ass stupid bitches. When I see them at the mall shopping on some sugar daddy’s dime, or teetering drunk on stripper heels at some club, or using their plastic parts to get what they want, I’m consumed with sadistic ideas on how to dismember and torture them. I want to inflict insurmountable agony to their fake bodies. I have murderous visions of sawing off big bogus titties and feeding them to a pack of wild dogs. Using pliers to snap off dragon lady finger nails. Peeling the fake tanned skin from their bodies. Violating their bubble butts with a blow torch. Pulling the bleach blonde hair from their heads by the root. Sewing up their whore cunts so they cannot breed brats they can’t feed. Cutting out their tongues so they cannot ask stupid questions or lie. Yanking the ring from their worthless belly buttons with my teeth. My pussy drips at the thought of ridding the world of these dim-witted piranhas.

 On second thought, maybe I do have a type. Who wants to hunt with me?

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Easter Egg Hunt

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So I decided this year in the spirit of the holiday season Terry would play the fury little thing in pink and lay eggs around in peoples yards for all the brats to find when they woke up. I got the idea when I was at the dollar store watching a bunch of idiots fumble and fight one another over stupid candy to stuff into their plastic eggs. Now normally I would encourage this kind of hatred towards one another but on a day like today I just wanted to get the fuck out of their after dousing the place with tear gas.

So I shoved some of the plastic eggs into my purse and walked out with the choice that I was going to fill these with something everyone could appreciate. I was sitting in my car holding one of them in my hand, it was so shinny and covered in the nastiest pink color you could find. I wracked my brain over what to put in them as I went to pull out of the parking lot only to be cut off by a dick wad in a green suv. That is when it occurred to me it is not so much what as who I should be stuffing this disgusting decorations with. Poor guy was about ready to be planted all around the town. So he pulled into the Floormart parking lot, no doubt in a hurry to pick up something for his little spawn he forgot to grab. I watched him stalking him from the aisle and was already at my car when he got to his which was next to mine. We were both parked at the end of the lot since the lot was stuffed. I pretended to act all damsels in distress like I could not get my trunk open. I poked my butt out for him to see and he took the bait fast like they always did. “Here let me help with that” He said winking at me and lifting the trunk lid. His wedding ring sparkled at me as to say ‘kill this cheating asshole’ And that was all I needed. I knocked him in the back of the head with my tire iron and shoved him in.

torture sex

When I got home the prick was still passed out and I had to carry his heavy ass all the way to the garage. I tied him to a chair while I laid out layers of plastic to make clean up a little bit easier. Once everything was done I laid him on the floor and grabbed my jar with Curare in it and poked him with a needle and that on the tip. This was going to paralyze his voluntary muscles so I attached oxygen under his nose. I need him to be still for what I was going to do and quiet, but he needed to feel every second of it. I attached tourniquet to each of his limbs tightly. As they became purple I would saw through them one at a time and then cauterize them with my portable electric burner. He breathed heavily and his body became drenched in sweat. I took his leg in my hand and sat by his head, criss cross just like one of his brats would. I took a scalpel too it and began to knife down the skin ripping it. I would then take a shred of it ball it up and stuff it into the eggs. He tried to shut his eyes and I supper glued them upen and held them till they dried. I was even sweet enough to add eye drops. I continued the process of cutting his limbs and stuffing the eggs till all four limbs were done. 4 hours later I had grown bored. I grabbed his wallet and got his address. I took the two bags of egg and chopped off his head to come with me. I giggled; I had forgotten he was alive. Lol. Was.

I took him back to him house and set everything up. When his family woke up the next morning they would find his head in the basket on the porch and eggs of him spread up and down the street. I hope everyone has a memorable Easter this year. I really tried my hardest to make it one no one would forget. 

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March Madness

torture phone sex renaMarch has been one crazy month. All the college basketball games have been on, and my father has gotten himself into even more trouble. That means his ass is in hot water with the bookies, and my ass is gonna have to get used to bail him out. Such is my life. This has been going on for years.
I got a call from Tony, one of dad’s lenders, telling me he was hosting a game night at his place and I was to be the prize. He left me the address and told me to look like a fan girl. I put together my best looking Michigan State University cheerleader outfit and did my make-up.
I got to Tony’s as instructed, an hour before tip-off. His place was filled with men of all ages, shapes and sizes. Many of them had been drinking and I could tell that they were looking me over like meat on a plate. I stepped into Tony’s Go-Go cage, which he had suspended at the corner of the bar. The rules were I had to give any man Tony sent over a blow job, and the winning better got to take me home for the rest of the night – no holds barred. I hoped that this time the winner would be someone kinder. Many of the men that ran in this crowd were rough.
Marty the bartender handed me a drink through the bars of the cage. Ahhhh a nice Absinthe to settle my nerves. No sooner had I downed the drink when Tony sent over the first of many men that night. I was all about the business and got right on my knees to give this guy head. He was a talker. Said his name was Lee and he hoped he would be lucky enough to win me. He had a lovely accent – which I could not place. South Africa maybe? London? Anyway it was nice to hear him talk. Sadly that did not last very long as he was an easy comer and did not last more than 5 minutes. I slurped up every drop of cum from his spent cock and smiled. He winked at me and slid me a $20 bill. Tony saw that this guy was trying to tip me and immediately rushed over. “That belongs to me” he bellowed “for this cum whore’s debt”.
I must have blown 15-20 men before the game was over. I lost count after Marty gave me another Absinthe. Finally it was down to the last minute of the game. The scores were close and I could hear the men jeering that they were going to be the one to take me home. I looked over the crowd of men and saw Lee nodding his head. He gave me the thumbs up sign like he knew he was gonna be the one. I smiled back and nodded. I hoped it would be him. Lee was a tall, slender man with ginger red hair. He seemed like a gentleman, and his voice was very soothing.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the final buzzer for the game. Tony got up to the bar and announced that the winner of tonight’s prize was Lee!! I could not believe my luck! Lee hurried over to the cage and quickly whisked me away to his SUV. We drove down a country road and pulled up to a big red barn. “Follow me”, he said politely. As we walked in, I could tell something was wrong. The lights in the barn were red and all I could see was dungeon furniture! Paddle benches, Saint Andrew’s Crosses and tables with restraints lined the whole perimeter. Lee forcefully grabbed my shirt and ripped it off me. He yanked my hands up over my head and tied me to the St. Andrew ’s cross. He took off his suit and tie and rolled up his sleeves. He opened up a rifle case that was filled with whips, crops, floggers and canes.
He took turns beating me with each tool for what seemed like hours. I don’t know if it was blood or sweat that was running down my back. I felt like I was about to pass out when he dumped a bucket of ice water on me. “No-no little one, I want you awake!” He untied my hands from the cross and dragged me over to a bench. He flipped me over on my tummy and spread my legs. He unzipped his pants and shoved his hard cock into my twat. Over and over again he pumped my slippery cunt. I listened to the hard slaps of his balls against me as he fucked me like a beast. Finally his breath became ragged and he dumped his load deep into me. He pulled me up by my hair and told me I was his cum whore from now on. He had paid off my father’s debt to Tony so he could have me. I was glad to be done with Tony but had no idea what the future would mean with Lee. I guess only time will tell.