Torture sex is exactly what they will get along with their fucking little dicks castrated. That’s right these frat fucks think they can just trot the fuck in a place they DO NOT fucking belong and act like entitled little dicks. Well those little dicks won’t matter when I’m done with them. They think they’re some kind of special, well they are REAL special.
My entourage and I surround the meathead fucktards and took to showing them who’s in charge. A real bawdy mofo with the big mouth was my main focus. I kneed him in the nuts then I proceeded to kick him, dropping his ass. As the asshat was keeled over I took a bottle of 151 and poured in on him and took the lighter as though I was going to set him afire.

Yeah, I really wanted to smell his gross assed flesh burn and stink the place up, NOT! As the fear in his eyes made me fucking laugh I motioned for my guys to pull his ass up. They knew exactly what I wanted one held him up by his arms at hiis back. The other tied his ankles to the kickbar at the foot of the bar then bound his wrists behind his back and hooked him up to the post. The fuckhead was bound and upright as I unzipped his pants yanked my knife out and swung it open. Kneeling down keeping my eyes fixated on this dumb bastard I took the knife slowly along his ballsack. Taking sweet pleasure in torturing him as the blade draws droplets of blood along the base of his balls.
Once I have him whimpering like a bitch I press the shiny sharp tip of my blade right into the center of his balls. I slice right into them as another guy pours Tequila right along the cut. Once I have the ballsack slit open I remove the balls and drop them in a rocks glass. Topping the cocktail off with some gin and vermouth I take the glass and force his frat budy to drink. Forcing him to open his mouth and swallow the balls of his beloved fucktard frat bro I laugh in his face and stab my knife in his gut. Catching the spurting blood as I remove the blade I kneel down rubbing it all over my breasts.
As I finish torturing each one of the fucks with my knives my entourage situate each of them for their final demoralizing. I grab my biggest strap-on as the three of my guys with the biggest cocks work them nice and hard. It is the ass rape porn sodomization of these fucks filmed and live streaming for everyone to see. I take my first choice and my guys do the same as we destroy these asswipes of society.
They don’t deserve to live now do they?