Category: Torture sex

Snuff Porn Barbie Doll Fantasy

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I would have to say that I have always been a really big brat. From the day that I was born I wanted nothing but to hurt those who needed hurting. One time my mommy thought I needed a spanking because I knocked her bottle of jack onto the floor. I decided she did not need those beautiful blonde locks of her and cut them off while she was sleeping. She did not really mess much with me after that. She did however try to turn me into the nasty ass pretty princess like she always wanted.
No fucking way I was having that. The bitch kept buying me all kinds of Barbies thinking that would do the trick. I would show her! I set up all of those little dumb ass dolls so that she would find them. Made my very own Barbie snuff porn scenes! Mommy did not like that. She asked her fuck face of a husband to give me a good lashing. I laughed as he took the belt to the back of my thighs. I have no idea what he was trying to accomplish but it was only making things worse, for him anyways.

taboo phone sex That night I had everything planned out accordingly. I was going to teach those two. I was going to show them just how much Barbie meant to me. I waited till everyone was sound asleep. I could not hardly contain my excitement. I pulled a ski mask on and let my friends Max and Henry in. Those two were a lot older than I was at the time. I was there leader in most instances, but we were the perfect accomplice team. We headed into their rooms. Max gabbed mommy and held her arms behind her back and big Henry got on top of dad and held him down at the wrists.
I grabbed one of the coveted Barbies and began to taunt my mom with it. She started crying, asking us to stop. We had ski masks on so she could not see our faces. She knew it was me though. I popped the head off of the doll and shoved it into her mouth, placing duct tape over her dirty slut lips. I was such a fucking little bad ass. I continued to sodomize and torture my parents with the Barbies, Both of them, till my dolls were coated in the blood of their dirty little ass juices. We knocked them out and when they woke up we were all gone and I was asleep in my bed. My mother could do nothing but cry at the sight of me for the next month. It would be years before they stood up to me again. I would be more than ready to take them on myself!

bloody phone sex

Torture phone sex with my master

torture phone sex

 My master can be so cruel sometimes. I know I deserve every bit of pain he gives me. Today when I woke up I felt a big strike over my head. I woke up and found myself out in the hot heat tied to a chair. I was so thirsty, my body and head ached with pain. My arms were strapped so tightly behind me I could not even feel them anymore. It was so hot that I couldn’t even catch my breath as my nakedness stuck to the chair. He wanted to make me suffer in every way possible. My head was ringing from the impact that had previously happened to my head. My legs were completely spread open and my pussy was fully exposed, along with my nipples. He cut a hole in the bottom of the chair where my ass hole was fully exposed if he knocked me over. Oops I spoke to soon. I went face first into the dirt. It hurt so bad, my ass hole was up in the air being stretched out by as many objects as my master could find. He pissed all over me while I was still in the dirt. I am nothing but a nasty little whore, he was wanting to claim his territory. He dragged me up and sat my chair back up. I was covered in dirt and a little bloody. He was going to have his wild way with me and we were just getting started by the look in his eyes. I love him, and just want to please him.


taboo phone sex

Castration Phone Sex with Junk Removal Expert Venus

castration phone sexCastration phone sex can take on several forms. It can be fantasy or it can be real. On phone however, you have to have the balls to do it, lol! I am more than happy to encourage you, instruct you, taunt you about why you don’t deserve your worthless balls, but ultimately you have to be the one to sever your sperm bank from your body to ensure that your stupid, pathetic ass cannot reproduce. This world has enough stupid fucks running around, it certainly doesn’t need any more. I offer junk hauling services for a premium price. You have old junk or damaged junk or worthless junk or small junk, even just dirty junk, I will haul it away for a per inch rate. Sometime, regardless of your desires, I will take your junk for free because I can spot junk that has no value whatsoever and never will, a mile away.

taboo phone sexI’ve been a junk removal expert since I was a little girl. I remember the day clearly. It was Halloween. I was dressed as a little nun. I knocked on a neighbor’s door. He invited me in because he had to go get more candy from the basement. He had me come down stairs to help him carry the bags. That was the first, and last time, anyone ever had the upper hand on me. He had his dirty old pecker out; he forced me down on it and I bit his junk like I was biting into a chocolate bar. Little girl teeth are razor sharp. Did you know that? Old Mr. Bauman certainly did not. I was like a rabid dog between his legs. I gritted down, and shook my head back and forth, never letting loose of my vice grip on his sorry old dick. His blood coated my face as I tore his dick off at the base with my little girl teeth. I was in front of him, on all fours like a dog returning a toy. I dropped it at his feet and left.

mutilation phone sexHe fell to the ground, moaning, shaking, bleeding all over his basement floor. I washed my face, used his toothbrush to get rid of my bad dick breath, and went back to trick or treating. He never reported me. Of course he wouldn’t. Molesting a little girl would have put him in lock up, and we all know what happens to p men in prison. Old Mr. Bauman would never take advantage of anyone ever again. As I grew up, I encountered more Mr. Baumans. The world is filled with men who do not deserve their dicks or their balls. Sometimes losers are very self aware and hire me for my junk removal services. Other times, I am rather philanthropic, and haul it for free.

Snuff Porn Streaming A Summer School Slaughter

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I do not like school. It is not so much the learning as all of the little cuntsies that need all of their holes tortured. Mommy and Daddy sent me to the worst summer camp this year and would not let me come home. Lucky for me I had so disastrous friends on my side, guys who were into all of my snuff porn work. We collaborated together for the darkest little snuff porn streaming that would fill our watchers eyes with some nice taboo phone sex to yank their little cocks to. All they had to do was come in daunting their sexy ski masks.
The two of them and me went to quick work of all the nasty little cunts. One went to tearing open the ass of one of the little whores. At first she moaned, she enjoyed it too much, that was until I took my blade and sliced it across her throat. I laughed and pulled it across my tounge tasting her blood. Then he moved onto force fucking one of the cunts who did not like it very much. I giggled as I freaked her out running the knife across her skin. When he had enough of her he strangled the nasty cunt as she struggled kicking trying to get free.

snuff porn streaming The last little slut was being filleted in the corner by the master of torture himself. He made delicate incisions in her body cutting her open and removing various parts of her to munch on in front of her face. She cried and begged for him to kill her. I leaned forward and kissed him exchanging the nipple into my own mouth. I spit the silver jewelry out into her mouth. I reminded her that only little dirty whores had nipple jewelry.
Holding my hand over her mouth and nose I snuffed the life from her. I licked onto her dead pussy making it nice and wet for one of the guys to shove his dick into. He had no problem with that. The other one fucked my cunt. I moaned and whimpered as he bounced me up and down him cock. We were all covered in the three school sluts’ blood. I looked at the camera and blew a kiss to all of my xxx snuff porn watchers. Then I giggled shutting of the camera as the two of them blew their load in perfect unison.

taboo phone sex

My Fur Baby is hungry!

Taboo phone sex

The young ones are easy to eat. Their bodies are easy to get rid of and its even easy to trick the young ones and get them into my car and house. I can get em with the promise of candy or by telling them my fur baby is stuck I need their help. They are suckers for animals. I have a big boy who loves their young flesh and insides. I enjoy having them for dinner. Their meat is soft and tender. It has great flavor. But I also enjoy the fun that happens before our meal. My fur baby’s name is Buddha. He is a big mean fur baby, about 150 pounds of muscle and anger that is focused on a young cunt. He hates to hear the ankle biters screams. It sets him off and makes him angry.

Snuff porn

That is where I have my fun. I like to take my razor blade and cut her young skin all over! Listening to her scream is part of the fun for me. Then I’ll piss, pour lemon juice or bleach all over her body. As she screams I let Buddha’s chain lose and he grabs her right on the belly. Riping her to shreds as she screams louder and louder. Buddha is such a good boy! He will get a yummy peanut butter treat and mommy will get the best lick of her life.

The Sweet Sound Of Terror

torture phone sex angieThe sweet sound of terror fills the air. The shrills of the screams send shivers of delight up and down my spine. I sit here in my antique winged back chair sipping Brandy, listening to the sounds of the fire crackle. The flames are dancing in the hearth in unison to the shrill sounds of pain. It is almost as if they are as happy as I am by the sound. My fingers find their way to my nipples and slowly encircle the hardening buds under the thin cloth of my gown. It has almost been thirty minutes now the flesh should be eaten almost to the bone. Smiling I get up to make my way to him. The cage i have devised is genius and I can move it from body part to body part, leaving it there for 30 min increments. Rats have the most beautiful, sharp teeth and will gnaw the flesh all the way to the bone if I leave them in one place long enough. Sometimes I sit and watch, sometimes I like to remove myself from sight and listen while my imagination fills with images. This is one such night. I simply want to enjoy the knowledge that he is in pain and is filled with fear not knowing when or if I will return to end this or to prolong it. Using rats as my little minions is perfection for me.

Babysitter Phone Sex with Venus: Teaching Bad Parents a Lesson with Tentacle Rape Porn

babysitter phone sex evilDo you enjoy sadistic babysitter phone sex stories? I got one for you! I like to place ads on Craig’s List for babysitting. You would think by now, I would no longer be shocked at how many people trust me with their little ones. Look at me? Anyone with half a brain would not leave me in charge of their brats. So every time someone hires me to watch their offspring, I think to myself, I need to teach these dumb asses a lesson.  Make them think twice about hiring some Wednesday Adams looking, brooding stranger to care for their wee ones. Got to have a license to hunt, drive, own a gun… do just about anything, but they will let any ass hat be a parent.

I showed up as scheduled with evil on my mind. Sometimes a small sacrifice is necessary for the greater good. If I have to snuff a wee one out or use a little torture sex to highlight bad parenting, so be it. Some folks are just to hedonistic to be parents. Therefore, the brat is better off without them. Not minutes after the rentals left, I had little Suzy tied to the bed spread eagle, naked. She thought we were just playing some game at first. We were. Just a sick one.

tentacle rape porn bad babysitterHave you ever watched tentacle rape porn? Something about it as always intrigued me. All the images I have seen are usally young school girls being ripped apart by creatures with 8 or more legs. I visited my local seafood market, and purchased a shit load of live creepy, slimy squids and baby octopuses. It was easy. Just had to keep them on ice with a little bit of shallow water. Heavy as fuck, but they were the perfect accomplices to teach bad parents a lesson they would never forget.

torture sexI put a ball gag in little Suzy’s mouth and dumped those scary sea creatures on my tiny victim. She peed the bed. I could see the fear in her eyes as they started to crawl all over her tiny naked body. Tentacles molesting her flesh. It was quite a sight. Those cephalopods were horny little creatures, slipping their tentacles in and out of her young virgin fuck holes. They forced fucked her better than any grown ass man could. It was like looking at a freak show; some carnie act. Now I know why tentacle rape fantasies are so popular. Sadly for Suzy, this was no fantasy. I decided to snap a few pictures, even some video in case I could profit off her torture. I left her there. Tied her safely to the bed so she could not hurt herself or get into trouble. Not THAT bad of a babysitter. Of course I left her with my freaky accomplices.

rape phone sex fantasiesPretty sure when the rentals come home and find their precious baby girl being violated in all her once virgin fuck holes by slimy sea creatures, they will think twice about hiring a babysitter off of Craig’s List. Didn’t the Craig’s List Killer teach anyone about the dangers of online advertising?

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Snuff Porn; Attack of the Rabid Bunny

Snuff Porn

I found this beautiful bunny in my back yard. It looked like it had been mauled, its fur was matted and blood soaked its white coat. It was extremely aggressive and made this really awful noise. I could tell that it had rabies, I wanted to catch it. So that is what I did, I put out a trap and caught my rabid beast, and then went to find the lucky one to endure its pain.

taboo phone sex
That was not hard, guys are always hungry for my hot pussy when I walk around town in my school girl out fit and pigtails. All I had to do was attract a nice guy who loved young puss and have him follow me. As soon as we made it around the corner I turned around and stuck a needle into the side of his neck. He made it back to my house, a pathetic passed out pile of puke.

evil phone sex
When we got back I strapped him to a chair and let the bunny go in the basement. I recorded the whole thing because I thought the stages of human rabies would make a fun snuff porn. The torture was something that you would not find in a lot of taboo phone sex shit. I locked them both up together and went to monitor the cameras from upstairs. I thought I would see the bunny maybe bite him and that was all.

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Yet, to my surprise after the first bite he kept going. He ate the human bit by bit. Oh how I loved listening to his screams as the rabid animal tore into his flesh. I leaned back in the chair and played with my pussy till I creamed my fingers. When he was done I shot them both in the head, and paid a cleanup crew. I watched over and over for week’s finger banging my cunt to his torment.

Accomplice phone sex with daddy

accomplice phone sex

I got to hangout with daddy today and we went around looking for some trouble. We saw two girls and decided to invite them for a little fun. Little did those fucking skanks know that we were going to be the ones having a lot of fun. We invited them down to our place, we said we were going to have a little “party”. They came over wearing slutty little clothes that hung off of their pure little flesh skin. Daddy was getting a rock hard cock thinking about the nasty things we were going to do to them.

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I gave them a drink and spiked it with a sedative to only knock them out for a little. They knocked out and me and daddy dragged their bodies into our special room. I stripped their clothes off of them and tied them up beside one another on our table. They are extended and stretched out. They have no where to hide. Their tits are all over the place and and they are completely vulnerable and pathetic. They finally wake up and realize what is going on, they cry and their faces turn red as they try and beg for us to let them go with tape over their mouths. Daddy sits back and tells me to be gentle at first with them.

snuff phone sex

I take a torch and lightly put it over their pink nipples. I watched them turn a char color and smell burnt skin in the air. They shriek with pain! It reminds me of myself. I then get a box cutter and open up the side of those fatty juicy tits. Blood pours down their tummies and there is sweat on their faces. I take the box cutter and run it down one of the girls stomachs, I watch her quiver anticipating the pain to come. I go further with my box cutter down to her pussy lips. I rub her pussy with the sharpness back and forth, from her clit to her ass hole. She seems to like this a little more. Still pain in her face, but she is struggling with the sensations I am making her feel. I then take my finger and shove it up into that pussy of hers. It is bloody and wet. The smell of silver lingers on my fingers as I walk over to daddy to let him have a lick. The other needs some attention, oh these poor girls. This is going to be a crazy good night.

Cannibalism Phone Sex in Mid Air

Cannibalism phone Sex

      Cannibalism Phone Sex makes me so hungry one night with a caller! …

    The flight was continuing and I was anxiously awaiting spending the holiday with my parents. There was something strange about this flight though and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Shrugging it off, I boarded the plane and found my seat.  Strapping myself  in I looked out the window until we were in the air. As the stewardess asked for my cocktail selection I began to get very sleepy. When I fluttered my eyes open again I saw the stewardess on her knees with a cock in her mouth. I tried to wiggle out of my seat and excuse myself but I couldn’t unbuckle the straps. She was sucking that cock so well and I was so hypnotized I barely got out of the way as he pissed in her mouth as well. Then she licked the cock clean and got every last drop of his cum out his cock head.

      I am going to have lunch he said. “I have to inspect my meat before I eat it! He said. Placing his hands on my pussy he began to finger it.” I am going to decide which part of your body to eat!” I struggled and scratched to get the seatbelt off of me but to no avail. Returning with a transportable grill the stewardess explained it was a pussy grill! I felt this piercing pain and it felt like my pussy was on fire! I smelled my burning flesh. Arranging the cutlery for him, the stewardess began to cut my tits and ass and place it on a plate. Grabbing a  knife and fork he began to cut and enjoy the tender pussy steak. Coming back the stewardess said its time for desert. He was served my brain and cup of blood.

As the phone shook and I heard the dial tone of the fantasy ending, my pussy was drenched with sweat! This caller sure had got the best of me with this one! I couldn’t wait to do it again!