Category: Torture sex

Taboo Phone Sex: This Girl is Poison

taboo phone sexYou remember that insipid song “That Girl is Poison,” by Bel Biv Devo? I hate hip hop, but that song is my anthem. I am poison. Literally. When there is a man that annoys the fuck out of me, who won’t take no for an answer, who won’t get a fucking clue that I am not interested in him, I put on my special lipstick and give him head to die for. Meet Charlie. He used to a live mother fucker. Now he a dead mother fucker. Why? Because he mistook me for some pathetic desperate needy bitch playing hard to get. Listen up ass hats. When I say move along loser, you better fucking move along.

snuff porn poison deathCharlie hit on me at the grocery store. Like my “Goth I could kill you with my eyes look” wasn’t enough of a clue. He missed the big box of tampons and bottle of Midol I was holding. His biggest mistake was grabbing my arm as I tried to get into my car. Yes, the annoying fucker followed me to my car trying to get my phone number after hearing “fuck off you annoying loser” at least a dozen times. I got in my car, took a nice deep breath, and applied my special red lipstick. “You know, you are right. Of course I want to fuck you. I bet you have a huge cock and are being so persistent because you know the only cure for my cramps is a big fucking cock,” I said sarcastically. The sarcasm of course was lost on the loser.

castration phone sexAll he heard was fuck and his dick was out of his pants. I laughed, but of course he had no clue I was laughing at his shrunken baby dick. I wrapped my lips around his sorry ass excuse for a penis, counted to 5, took my mouth off his loser dick and guzzled down some mouth wash as I watched the poison take effect in the parking lot of Krogers. The paralysis set in, which made it easy to push him into the back seat of my car, so I could toss him in a wooded area on my way home. I watched as his body transformed into some zombie plague looking creature. When his dick fell off, I started singing Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust.” I should be getting paid for riding the world of annoying tiny dick mother fuckers. I dare you to hit on me with that shrimp dick of yours. I’m a castration junkie and I’ve got 99 problems but small junk ain’t one.

Bye bye stupid slut

snuff phone sexIt is the stupid sluts that annoy me. The ones that don’t know a dick from a dildo. They make me want to just tear out their own throats then shove it up their stretched out ass. There was this one fucking slut that I really had it out for, I mean even her face pissed me off into next week. And I knew I would be doing everyone a favor if I just ended her miserable life. I am sure it was already ending because there is no way that she was not infested with every disease known to mankind. I am sure she even got fucked by a beast or two because she could easily take a giant dick like that. Slut. Anyway, I just could not handle her being alive so my only option was to do something about it. So I had to find a way to end her in a more creative way that usual but I did not want to fuck this skank. One day I asked her if she wanted to come over for dinner and fuck me after and obviously she said yes (ew!). I planned on ending her miserable life two ways…by feeding her meatballs laced with rat poison and using my new favorite toy…it was a strap on, but not just any strap on, it was a strap on that’s cum was pure poison. She came over and I was already waiting for her. I sat her down to a candlelit dinner and made sure she ate every bite. Then I led her to the bedroom and grabbed her and threw her onto the bed. I wrapped her wrists in acid coated chains and I could hear it sizzling her skin. She began to scream but she couldn’t scream for long because I went straight to fucking her mouth senseless. I watched the tears roll out of her eyes and I told the nasty slut to hold the fuck on it would be over soon. I pounded her face breaking her nose and ripping her lips. Finally I released my poison down her throat keeping my strap on in place so she couldn’t spit it back up. Finally the bitch was dead.

Home invasion phone sex

home invasion phone sex

I told my neighbor that I would keep an eye on her house when she goes out of town. She has some animals that need some care. Long story short, I went out tonight with some friends and completely forgot to go by her place to take care of the animals. I felt awful, so I rushed over there- even though it is very late. The house feels colder then usual and I swear I locked the back door.

taboo phone sex

It is completely wide open now. I walk over to the home phone to call someone. As I pick up the phone I realize it has no dial tone. I look back at the door and it is now closed. I think I am loosing it. All the sudden I see a dark figure and everything around me goes black. I awake to a bright light above my head. I feel so cold I think I am in a freezer. As my eyesight clears up, i realize I am strapped to a table naked, covered in blood. Is it my blood? Is that why i am so cold? I manage to reach at my thigh and touch some of the blood. I feel a gash of my open flesh. Holly shit it is my blood. I am getting feeling back, oh my gosh my body hurts so bad. The man in black comes over to me. He tells me he has missed me so much. I am in a lot of trouble. I get this feeling my life is no longer my life any longer.

Sadistic Bloodthirsty Accomplice

taboo phone sex indigoI’ve noticed how your new neighbor gives you perpetual blue balls. She’s such a cock tease, the bitch needs to be taught a lesson. She’s constantly jogging past your window in those tiny little shorts with her barely there sports bra on. You can see her ass cheeks sticking out of the bottom of her shorts and her tits bouncing over the top of her bra. She knows exactly what she’s doing. I’m going to wait in the bushes near her front door and when she finishes her jog and goes to unlock her front door that’s when I’ll make my move. I come up behind her and clamp my hand down over her mouth while my other hand presses the cold steel of my switchblade against her throat. I whisper in her ear that if she even thinks about screaming I won’t hesitate to slit her throat and leave her to die in a pool of her own blood. I bind her hands tightly behind her back and drag her over to your apartment. I throw her at your feet and cut her clothes from her body. She’s crying and begging for mercy but she’ll get none of that. Choke her with your cock ram it down the back of her throat while I shove her face so far down that she starts gasping for air. Then I’ll give her a hard kick with my boot so she goes flying onto her back which is the perfect position for me to hold her thighs open while you fuck her like a ragdoll. Don’t hold back and don’t feel bad for the little cock tease for even one second, she’s getting exactly what she deserves. If the bitch keeps carrying on I’m going to really give her a reason to scream! Use every single one of her fuck holes and when you’re done with her, we’ll drug her and dump her on the side of the road somewhere. She won’t remember a thing.

Taboo Phone Sex: Pig Roast

Taboo phone sex brings out the cannibalism factor in many when they attend my big bash tonight. In store for the cannibalism phone sex scene we have a plump piggy in need of oiling, seasoning and slow roasting over hot coals.

The big bash tonight is hosted by yours truly and I have something extra special in store. I have this annoying fucking piece of shit land lady and she has pushed her fat ass too far into my business to be allowed to live. This fucking piggy is going to get just what she deserves. I set her up to have a couple of my biker studs flirt with her and lure her to a beach front cottage. While she is unaware of what is about to happen she actually believes these two want to fuck her piggy cunt.

They get her stripped and start rubbing her juicy fat limbs with avocado oil with some herbs de province and garlic mixed in. Her fat fleshy cunt is going to be stuffed all right but not by the kind of sausages she is expecting. Ring me up to hear all about this bash!

Taboo phone Sex 0


Gothic Phone Sex Bitch Loves Behead Execution Snuff Porn

gothic phone sex knife tortureGothic phone sex means you are looking for darker fantasies. I’m not a vanilla phone sex whore. I don’t deliver GFE fantasies, unless your perfect girl is a knife wielding anti social sadistic bitch. You don’t watch the Notebook with me. I’m more into behead execution snuff porn. I want to see blood. I want to see stupid ass whores running around with their heads cut off. Sometimes though finding a real good snuff porn is hard to find. They all look so staged and the blood is fake looking. But if I’m your sidekick, I will suggest we just make our own movie. Just need a bitch you hate, or maybe some stray we find on the side of the road. I will bring my camera and my knife collection and we will have ourselves a party. Think of all the fun we can have torturing a stupid cunt first. Slicing off tits, labia lips, her clit, before we behead her and see if she still runs around! The sick shit we can do to a worthless whore is endless. I know I have a lots of bitches and a few bastards I’d love to see in homemade snuff movies.

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Chelsea and Blaze in “Good vs Evil”

2 girl phone sexChelsea is nothing but a druggie slut. She wants to be good but she can’t quit getting high and ends up getting fucked every time. Her pussy is a gaping fuck pot from being banged. Her asshole stays sore and she wakes up tasting cum on her lips. She proudly wears a cross given to her by her grandmother.
When evil Blaze sees her cross, she gets angry and tries to rip it off. Blaze believes that Chelsea is a fake and she aims to see her exposed for the whore she is. She gives Chelsea an overdose of drugs and takes her to an orgy. There, she and her BF (you) try to make Chelsea denounce her religion by berating her god.
Even when Blaze beats and tortures Chelsea, she refuses to be a devil worshipper. Blaze’s BF rapes her repeatedly in every possible way while Blaze does what she loves best….torturing the ignorant and innocent. Chelsea is beaten, shocked, and cut by Blaze in an attempt to make her admit what she is.
Will Chelsea give in? Will Blaze kill her? Join us in a battle of blasphemy and evil between two whores. We’ll let you decide who wins.

You Make Me All Nipply

taboo phone sex angieHer breasts were just to perky and pink for me to not have some fun with them. Her perfect body stretched out in an X formation, arms raised high above her head and bound by the wrists, her legs spread with a bar. Tears streaming down her face, she had long since stopped crying out and was sobbing, resigned to what ever fate I may have in store for her. Using every means at my disposal I have invaded every inch of her body making it mine. She has whelp marks on her fair skin with drops of blood creeping out of her skin. Her tight holes ave been filled with things that she never thought would ever be there and I have sucked her beautiful tits so far in my mouth they are a sore as a lactating mother’s. Now it is time for her to taste those nipples. Her tits, lovely as they are, are not big enough for me to put in her mouth Running my silver blade across her skin and bringing goose bumps to her flesh I tell her it will only hurt a little. I slice that pretty nipple right off and slide it between her lips, letting her taste all the goodness of her flesh. 

Ass Rape Porn & Strangulation Snuff Porn Sites

ass rape pornAss rape porn whores like me are good submissive fuck pigs. I understand that each Master of mine has unusual kinks and fetishes. It is my duty to cater to them all. The one I hooked up with last night was into erotic asphyxiation. Have you ever tried it? I love breath play. Having my oxygen cut off as I am cumming gives me the most intense orgasm ever. Master was fucking me in the ass while choking me. I got light headed, giddy, dizzy and wet as fuck. As Master was force fucking my ass and crushing my wind pipe, my pussy was leaking cum like a faucet. Cum was gushing down my legs. I could feel my eyes bulging. I am pretty sure my eyes went bloodshot from the pressure of his hands. It an amazing orgasm for me, and he gets off on the torture and pain. For my cruel master it is a sexy thought to know he could kill me by crushing my windpipe.

Master was not losing his grip on my throat after I came. He was lost in the good feeling of choking me. He said he had been surfing strangulation snuff porn sites all day for how to increase the danger, increase my pleasure. Anything more dangerous always gets this pain slut wet. He dragged me into the bedroom, tossed me on his bed and took off his belt. He wrapped it around my neck as he fucked my ass from behind. He had the belt so tight around my jugular I couldn’t breathe. I was getting faint, really dizzy. There was no air coming in. I started to fight. Claw at the belt so he would let go, but he just clenched it tighter until I blacked out.

strangulation snuff porn sitesI woke up this morning with a huge purple bruise across my throat. Finger marks on my neck. Bloodshot eyes. Veins popped on my head. Bags under my eyes. Bruises all over my body. Cum running out my ass. I even peed my bed. My voice is hoarse today and I need medical attention. I want more strangulation phone sex. Please choke me.

It was Me or Her

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I stumbled and fell, but was ripped back up by my nipples. “Get the fuck up slut.” A guy from my Dad’s crew ordered me. He twisted my nipples hard then attached nipple clamps to each one. My nipples were rock hard and throbbing. “Mmm you like that don’t you, you fucking pain slut” he spit in my face as he attached a chain to my nipple clamps, dragging me along. I stumbled some more but he continued to tug me along by my nipples. We reached a place in the middle of the woods; a mattress was there on the ground, as was more guys than I could count. I recognized almost all of them, all were either my Dad’s workers or friends. They were going to torture me again. Fuck me raw until my holes were wide open, dripping with cum… blood and cum dried onto my face. He threw me onto the mattress face first, taking a fist to my ass already causing me to scream. As I opened my mouth another cock was there already fucking my face. I coughed and gag and moaned as my ass and mouth were violated. I am such a fucking slut. I deserve this, I love this. I feel my cunt sopping wet, and I am ashamed. Being their whore, their cum dumpster, their pain loving slut makes me so turned on. Suddenly my face is being brought up and I see another girl has arrived to the party. But I know she won’t make it out, I am the only one who lives to remember what happens at night with Daddy’s friends. They push her to the ground and begin to fulfill all their rape fantasies, and drag me over to fulfill their snuff phone sex fantasies too. She is laying there, sobbing, bloody and covered in piss and cum. They hand me an ax and tell me it’s me or her, and of course I obey them… I am a good submissive slut – I bid her goodbye with one good hack to the neck.