I am a taboo phone sex bitch. I have no limits and I like to get extreme. Most of my callers are men who fall into two categories: accomplices and losers. I love both. I enjoy having an equally sick and demented mind to hunt, hurt and humiliate with; but I also love a pathetic piece of shit I can degrade, abuse and castrate. Luckily, for an evil bitch like me, there is no shortage in this world of sissies, bitches, tools, idiots and tiny dick losers who should not have their junk. Testicles are for winners. If you are not a winner, then let me assist you in removing what you don’t fucking deserve. I have a big old knife collection, various CBT toys, cigarettes to stop the bleeding, special chairs made just for junk removal and a whole slew of fun torture devices. Before I remove your worthless balls, I will have fun torturing you first. The more pathetic you are, the more fun I have. I vowed in 2016 to castrate more losers to protect the future. Have you yet made the resolution that you need your junk removed? Admit it too yourself. “I’m too pathetic to have balls.” Wasn’t that easy? Let your balls hit the floor in 2016. I’m waiting.
Category: Torture sex
Testicles are for Winners: Taboo Phone Sex with Venus
Everclear and Ass Raping Porn
The dinner party guests were back for their weekly dinner parties. I was sitting in the basement when they came in. It was so damp down there. My new parents never gave me any clothes, so I had goosebumps up and down my body. I heard footsteps on the oak floors upstairs and I shook with fear. I knew I was going to be punished. Last week, I passed out from the pain and my parents didn’t like that one bit.
Next thing I knew, my father was downstairs dragging me upstairs by my long hair. My scalp was on fire by the time I got upstairs. Everyone was already seated at the table. My father threw me on the table like a pig ready for slaughter. I knew how to present myself by now, so I thrusted out my pink puffed out pussy. One of the men inserted three of his fingers to examine me. He pulled them out and wiped my juice on my cold helpless body.
My father laughed and said we wouldn’t be using that hole today. He made me stand up and bent me over the old farm table. The men took turns lashing my ass. It was so painful. One of them laughed when he cracked the whip so fast that skin came off with it. I was screaming as loud as I could, but I knew it was useless. No one was coming to save me.
Once the men were done lashing and bruising my little ass, they threw some Everclear on it. It hurt so badly! I felt like I was dying. All of a sudden, one of my father’s best friends who always attended these parties put his cock into my ass. There was no lube or anything else to help ease the pain. I knew better then to fight it so I laid there. My ass was still on fire from the lashing. I laid there crying like a pathetic little girl while these men laughed and took turns ruining my asshole.
Well I did TRY…
Well… I have to admit. For the New Year I made a resolution. My resolution was that I would TRY and be nicer…but I already broke my new year’s resolution can you believe it? I am sure you can… a girl like me seriously struggles with being nice, I am a mean, cold hearted bitch and I know it and you know it and that’s why you’re here. Well let me tell you… I couldn’t contain myself. I had to kill this dumb little whore. SO I suppose I am just going to have to be myself and stay mean. A coldblooded killer, and evil bitch I am and always will be. Not only can I not control my anger with stupid sluts but the satisfaction in my pussy as I do so many terrible and violent things to them makes nothing else be able to compare… I am sure you know what I mean. Do you want to be mean together? Fuck being nice, those whores deserve to die. They deserve everything we are going to do to them.
taboo phone sex
I have this Fed ex guy that really creeps me out. He is one of those guys that looks at me and pictures me naked hoping for this package transaction to be something from a porno. Which is never gonna happen as nice as he is , he will never get some as from this sexy bitch!
So I wake up one morning running to the door expecting my normal packages at the door from Amazon like panties and bras when suddenly the door swings open and the Fed ex guy runs in slamming the door behind him! I then run up my stairs and to my surprise I slip falling down the first three steps giving the fed ex guy enough time to mount me !
He pull out his knife sliding the blade against my cheek ordering me to stay quiet or else! I begin to tremble as he bends me over on the stairs ripping my clothes off with his huge knife … I asked him not to hurt me as I placed his hot moist hands on my ass. He snickered as he whipped out his huge penis and penetrated my tiny pussy. I screamed with pain as he continued to hit my cervix with his penis thrusting in and out until blood poured out of pussy. He fucked all my holes until they were saturated in his white slimy thick cum.
Taboo Phone Sex Mommy
Taboo phone sex is my favorite. Yes I am a mommy, and maybe I look like a typical soccer mom, but I am anything but typical. I’m a pain slut. I’m an incest mommy. I’m a submissive whore. I’m a nose candy addict. Any one of those would make me not typical for suburbia life, but combine all four and that means I am not your characteristic hot MILF next door. My neighbor boy has paid way too much attention the past two weeks off of school to my comings and goings. Turns out he has been charting who comes by the house with pictures and time stamps. Also he has been using binoculars to witness some of the naughty things I do with my sons while my husband is away. Little shit black mailed me last night. Said if I could act like an ass rape porn star for my sons and my dealer, I could for him too. The lad watches way too much internet porn and is obsessed with rough anal.
He had me by the balls so to speak. So, I pretty much had to let him do with me what he wanted. I told my boys I was running an errand, then paid him a visit. He was ready for me too. He had all sorts of things to shove up my ass. He made me his little pony first by shoving a pony tail dildo up my asshole. I had to suck his cock while wriggling my ass for him to smack. He acted like his little hairless dick was a carrot, my reward for being good. That was mild, compared to the wine bottle he rammed up my butt. He even sodomized me with his little league baseball bat. But when it came time for his dick to fuck me, he realized he made my ass hole gape open way too far for his baby dick to stay inside. The sick little fuck shoved his fist in instead. He got sick pleasure out of destroying my asshole.
I went back home unable to sit. My boys were waiting with their fists in the air and a big jar of Vaseline. “Our turn now mommy,” they said in unison. Fuck my life. Even the young ones own me.
Ass Rape Porn
What a deliciously evil New Year I had! I was able to lure a fine young couple to my place that were completely inebriated! I couldn’t believe how turned on he got when I started to torture and torment his girlfriend. He had a dark side that I hadn’t counted on but it drove me wild and was a bonus. As a result I snuffed the poor little bitch way to soon. But just when I thought I had ruined the night he decided he wanted to fuck her dead body. She never let him fuck her int he ass and he wanted to ram that cock up her ass. Anal sex with a dead body made for the perfect ass rape porn. I filmed the entire thing and it took me over the edge. He was so fucking good that I let the bastard live. i am sitting her fingers deep in my wicked cunt watching the film again!
Bondage Phone Sex or Snuff Porn: What Awaits Me in 2016?
The last thing I remembered was having drinks with you at the bar as we toasted the new year. I woke up your captive. Naked, chained and strung up in a net like a wounded animal. How long have I been bound like this? Trapped, no place to go. Scared. You ignore my cries and my pleas. I can peer down and see your torture chamber. You have knives, whips, chains, what looks like some medieval torture devices. What the fuck are you going to do to me? Am I starting 2016 off dead? I’m so scared, I piss on myself. Some falls on your head. Oh my god, what have I done. You look up at me with an evil pissed off look. You lower me to the ground with a hard plop. You cut open my rope trap and make me lick my piss off the floor while your boot is across my neck. I get a cattle prod to the ass, which makes me piss and shit. As you are using me as human mop, I hear the chainsaw. 2016 is not starting off well for this submissive slut.
Castration Phone Sex: Let Them Balls Drop
Castration phone sex is one of my favorite types of calls. Why? Because most men who call me are pathetic losers with tiny dicks that don’t deserve pleasure. And this world certainly doesn’t need them reproducing. I have an entire room of gadgets to remove junk. And many different methods. There is the standard whack them balls off with a knife. There is the tie them up so tightly that they go blue and pop off. Then there are all the more hardcore torture methods. You can use a blow torch and burn them off. A chainsaw is quick and really gruesome. They can be torn off by a well trained dog. They can be lobbed off using a table guillotine. Can tie a string around the ball sac and then to the bumper of a car and get an angry bitch to go pedal to the metal. Can you tell I like to take off nut sacs?
I like taboo phone sex. I am not a vanilla girl, nor your girl next door. So if you call me and tell me to castrate you, be prepared for some pain. I don’t give you pain pills. I don’t let you use drugs to numb yourself. Today I am in the mood to tie a heavy cement block using rope to your worthless balls and letting the heavy block pull them clear off. Talk about balls dropping for New Year’s! I will gladly count down until you nut sac is severed from your body in a bloody and painful way. Then I will laugh my ass off as you are finally a ball less wonder. Your pain, is my pleasure. I am a firm believer that balls are a privilege not an entitlement. So if you are a pathetic bitch or a total asshat, I will be as giddy as a school girl watching your balls drop in 2016!
I partied way too hard!
I must have partied too hard… if that is even possible! I woke up completely hungover and soaked in blood. I looked around to see what I had done the night before and I could see all the bitches I killed sprawled out or strung up. I could see they were saturated in blood as well; it looked to me like I had quite some fun with my knife the night before. Looks like I found a couple nice young girls and forced her to fuck, scaring her with my knife, making her cry and scream and beg. I love having that power; nothing like it turns me on more. Don’t you agree? You want them to beg you to stop, to not hurt you, or fuck their sweet pussy even though you can see right there that they fucking love it. So let’s tell that little slut how much she loves being forced and being called a whore, and look as she is getting even wetter! I can’t help but laugh, this little bitch fucking loves it. Oh am I being too extreme for you? Too fucking bad, go somewhere else, because I like my sexual adventures hardcore, brutal, and downright ruthless. Just look at what I did last night…
Bloody Fucking Christmas with a Knife Play Phone Sex Bitch
Merry Fucking Christmas from your favorite knife play phone sex bitch. Tis the season to be bloody. Fa la la la la, la la la la. I know most folks were out shopping last night, but I was hunting. I’m like Bad Santa or Krampus. I look for some unruly brat not deserving of anything for Christmas, kidnap him or her for some fun for me and my group of dirty old men who love snuffing out the little ones. After they force fuck and torture them for hours first, of course. I hit the jackpot last night with twins who were throwing tantrums all over the mall. One of each for my P friends. I don’t judge. I am an equal opportunity hater. A girl who castrates men for fun and loves torturing folks, will never judge a man who loves them young.
My P men were so happy. Each brat got passed around like a joint. Every guy in my P circle hit a little cunt or a back door pussy with their hard cocks. I pacified the brats with a Benadryl cocktail so screaming would be at a minimum. Personally, I like the screams of agonizing pain. Makes my pussy drip. But this particular group of little lovers like their young ones more subdued. They are white collar guys and I think they just worried screams might draw attention.
After every guy got to fuck the brat of his choosing, I broke out my knife collection and vintage torture devices. I kind of run a holiday hostel. Men pay a price to do depraved things to the brats I deem not worthy of living. The thrill for me is I get to watch, profit and help. I got to saw a little girl’s leg off; stitch her cunt lips shut; castrate a little boy and fuck him in the ass with a knife. Merry fucking Christmas to me. Sure I had one hell of a mess to dispose of, but that is part of what I offer. My men pay top dollar to arrive, play and make some snuff porn then leave quickly.
Would you like to join my club? Maybe bring your own brat to share and play?