Category: Torture sex

Castration Phone Sex Purifies the Human Race

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is way more popular than you would think. That makes me giddy like a school girl knowing how many men out there can admit they don’t deserve to have their testicles. I’m not saying I liked the Nazis, but I appreciated their scientific experiments to preserve their race. I look at castration as a method of purifying the human race. We have to make sure that only the finest specimens reproduce. Sure there are plenty of worthless women out there that need sterilized or their twats stitched closed. But, it if we can prevent the dead beat dads, losers with tiny dicks, the stupid fucks, the trailer trash rednecks, perverts and annoying self absorbed tools from procreating, we can make the human race stronger, better. I am a firm believer that assholes breed assholes.

Take my latest victim for example. Tony has sired 14 brats. He pays for none of them, subsequently his baby mamas are draining our tax dollars living off of welfare because Tony lacks the manhood to take care of his brats. I got wind of this lothario through a mutual friend and paid him a visit. The conceited tool thought I was there to fuck. He was like “you really aren’t my type, but I can toss you a bone, bitch.” I laughed hysterically. He looked so perplexed until he saw my big ass knife. Now, normally with the more willing castration victims, I use a castration chair, maybe slip them a roofie to dull the pain, and I most definitely try to cauterize the wound so they don’t bleed out.

snuff pornI could give a fuck if Tony ever took a breath again. I held the knife to his throat while I made him pull his pants down. I listed off a litany of reasons he didn’t deserve his balls. He thought it was all a joke. That one of his baby mamas was punking him, until I sliced his balls off. They hit the floor and looked like fish out of water. I stepped on his worthless nut sack with my high heels and squished them like a bug. Then, the fun part. I made him step barefoot on his own balls or lose his cock too. Of course after he stepped on his own worthless balls, I lobbed his cock off too. He shouldn’t ever fuck again. No woman, even ones I hate with a passion, should ever have to deal with this loser. I’m hoping he just bled out on the floor. I’ll take your junk too. I don’t even need a good reason.

I like to mix it up sometimes

snuff sexSometimes my regular torture techniques get really old and boring…I have to seek out alternative ways to fuck up the bitches that deserve it all. They are literally going to get the worst of the worst from me…My very favorite new torture? Ahh, the good old starving rat in a cage. They’ll  claw and chew their way through your body to get to the food and you can do nothing but take it, deal with the pain. That’s what I want, to hear them scream and cry and beg for it all to end but not letting them get that kind of satisfaction. I want guys and girls to do this with a little sweet couple would be ideal. A stupid college couple that gets too drunk or is too stupid to be afraid of me and once they’re in my clutches they’re fucked…they’re mine to do whatever I want to. Mine to drain of their blood, ruin all their fuckholes and take all the pleasure as I watch the life drain from their eyes.

What is Your Medical Fetish Phone Sex Fantasy?

medical fetish phone sex blairMedical fetish phone sex takes on all kinds of forms I discovered. Honestly, I thought it was just castration or other kinds of male sexual torture. I had never done such a call before, until a sick perverted doctor wanted to play doctor with this dirty mommy. I showed up for my yearly gynecological exam not suspecting what was in store for me. I was in the stirrups waiting to have my pussy checked out by the professional, when I heard voices. Another man was in the room. My doctor assured me it was just his PA, but as I turned to look, my ankles were restrained to the stirrups and a spiked specula was inserted in my pussy. It hurt like hell as he widened it. I could feel my pussy bleeding as the spikes dug into my vaginal wall. I let out a scream, as the PA strapped my head down and shoved his cock in my mouth to silence me. I peed in fear all over Dr. Demento between my legs. I was restrained on a medical table for hours while two supposed medical professionals did torturous experiments on my female parts. My labia lips were sliced. My clit was burned and over stimulated to the point of excruciating pain. My vaginal wall scraped with no pain medication like a backyard abortion. I was told I was a dirty whore who plays with her sons. Incest is a sin that deserved the ultimate punishment. Yes, I am a dirty mommy, but I don’t hurt my sons. They love playing with me. I pleaded for forgiveness, but was only given more pain. I was fucked and sodomized with a cattle prod until I could smell my burning flesh. I later learned that I was sterilized so that I would never give birth again. If two medical doctors could hurt me so badly, I wonder what you could do to me? Whatever your taboo phone sex fantasy is, I bet I am the perfect victim for your depraved desires.

I know you need some snuff porn…

snuff pornI know you need some snuff porn, I mean what kinda of freak would we be without that hot shit? I can’t watch any other kind of porn besides that anyway because this is the only thing that gets this cunt dripping wet and ready for more of that shit. As in I can’t just watch it on the tv, I need it in real life…so I make that shit just happen. I can handle it all myself and I make sure to be cumming in no time… right on that bitches face. It’s always fun to have an accomplice with me to make this lil bitch suffer and to give her a good ass beating, then an ass fucking. Some forced cocksucking and cutting that lil soft body all over till it is covered in blood and cum and she is crying and begging for it all to end…we can more than give her that, we’ll give her the end of everything and cum so hard when we kill the bitch and our snuff porn is made, just with you and me and all our twisted desires.

Ass rape porn

ass rape porn

I have a fascination with angry unstable men. I love having them treat me like the nasty little Slutt that I am. Especially when they show me affection ! They do it with such passion and rage, they hold me down tying me up with tie straps since that’s all they had in there car, they then put a nasty ass oil covered rag in my mouth as they begin to hang me upside down by my feet. They then grab this blade tearing into my flesh as they carefully try not to go to deep where they cut an artery.

The cut is carefully placed on my skull with in seconds bloods beings to pour out since all the blood is rushing into my head from being upside down. They then put this bag over my face so that the blood begins to suffocate me as I try to gasp for air. I then feel my body beaten by fists, burned by sharp pointy objects in between my spine. I feel this cool sensation on my legs as I feel this tiny scalpel scrape across my skin exposing this icy cold breeze that sends chills up and down my body.

I then feel my self being lowered feeling this warm hot liquid being poured all over my body making me go numb. As they take my mask off one of the men pees in my eyes slaps my face and orders me to give him head as he points a bloody knife at my eyes. I cry and whimper choking as I taste his cum running down my tongue. Another man then rips off my underwear with his scissors and begins to cut at my pussy lips. I begin to scream in pain and they laugh with joy as I begin to bleed all over.

One man begins to eat my pussy causing his whole face to be covered in blood. I scream in pain when he begins to bite my clit trying to chew it off. His teeth piercing through my skin shooting pain all over my body screaming I being to cry out for help. One of the men then begins to fuck my ass cheeks as I scream for help pulling my hair laughing as he penetrates deep inside me. He begins to lick my face saying that he has always wanted to fuck and kill a little blond bitch! I then passed out waking up in a Walmart parking lot not being able to move.

Saturday nights are so fun!

evil phone sexYay! Its Saturday…do you know what that means? It means the sluts are coming out to play. They’re going to go get shit faced, they’re going to grind on all these guys, and they are going to be just strutting around in there too short miniskirts and their slutty ass clothes. These are the girls that are so easy for me to hate. So easy for me to take advantage of. They are greatly needed…you see, I need them to learn a lesson. That being a whore isn’t cute, that getting drunk and having no control is not okay…well it’s okay for me cuz I can do whatever I want to those teen bodies, I can do whatever I want to those bald cunts and I can make them bleed… everywhere. I have plans for these whores that will scar them for a lifetime, literally…but that’s if I let them live of course.

Snuff Porn Late at Night

snuff porn Langley

You always call at this time of night for snuff porn. You love hearing me moan while you talk about what you would do to my worthless body. I have to admit that sometimes I get wet hearing all the new ways you want to kill me. You spare no ideas. No limb of my is off limits when you are playing with your rusty saw. I am just a helpless piece of meat to you. Nothing more then an animal to slaughter. You describe the sounds my bones break as you bend them backwards. My gasps and screams come through the phone. You love when you break my legs and bone comes out of the skin. You crack an evil smile. It’s so painful but that’s why you love it. By the end of our call, I am soaked in blood. All I want to do is run but my body won’t move. I’m at your mercy. And you never show any mercy for my bloody broken body.

Sex with Dead Bodies Snuff Porn

sex with dead bodiesSex with Dead Bodies was the name of the snuff film I auditioned for yesterday. I needed money for drugs so I thought I could play dead and let guys fuck me for cash. I was told I was perfect for the role with my alabaster skin. I was to meet them around midnight back where I auditioned. The setting was a graveyard. That is where they texted me at the last moment to meet them. I thought they were just going for the authentic feel. Creepy, cloudy night. Damp and cold. I was going to be dug up by a perverted grave robber and fucked only the day after I had been buried. I got in this rickety old wood box naked. They lowered me into the ground. This was going to be an authentic looking snuff porn for sure. I heard the dirt covering my casket. It was really cold out and being naked, I was shivering. It was dark; I could see nothing.

Time started passing. I couldn’t hear anything. What was going on? I think I just got duped into being buried alive. I start screaming, pounding on the box to break through. I manage to dig through the dirt because I was buried in a shallow grave. I break through the dirt and look like a mud wrestler from the rain. I’m naked, cold and muddy. No one from the movie shoot around. They left me to die. I started to walk naked towards the road. The rain made the mud fade. Suddenly three men jumped me before I made it out of the graveyard. They assaulted me for hours. Brutalized my body. I thought for sure they would kill me. They strangled me, shoved mud in my mouth, punched me, even broke my nose. As I was laying battered and bloody naked in the mud, I heard someone yell “great job.” This was all part of the film after all. Yeah, they definitely got an authentic looking snuff movie. Not sure the torture was worth the couple hundred dollars they tossed me. Lesson learned.

Suffocation phone sex

Suffocation phone sex

Have you ever watched a bitch slowly turn blue?

Watch the life slowly slip from her eyes.

My pussy gets so fucking wet watching the light in someone’s eyes dim and go dull.

I love  Suffocation phone sex.

Suffocation is such an intimate way to end a person’s life.

You are right there, face to face.

Watching their skin change colors, watching their eyes break blood vessels.

Violent phone sex

The way they beg and gasp for air as I sit on top of them makes my cunt so fucking wet.

I can not help myself, I start rubbing my cunt against their body as they slowly slip away.

Have you ever fucked a lifeless body?

Have you fucked a body you took the life from.

I love these intimate ways of taking someone’s life, it makes me so fucking horny.

Being up close and personal, watching the life slip away makes me fucking squirt all over them.

Then I use them as my own personal fuck toy!

I am a sick bitch.

Fantasy Phone Sex Doll for Torture Sex Fun

fantasy phone sex cassandraI was told I was the perfect fantasy phone sex doll. Beautiful and submissive. As he told me he was going to hurt me badly, he did not give me a chance to speak . As he was discussing his very painful plan for him, he stitched my lips together so I would not try to scream. It is hard not to scream when being tortured, even for a subby fuck pig like me. After my mouth was sewn shut, he gave me a spiral fracture on both arms so I could not fight him. The pain was excruciating. I cried, but was helpless. At this point, I thought for sure he was going to snuff me out. I actually was praying for death. No such luck. Torture sex was this guy’s thing. He got off on my pain. I was laying on his bed like a broken rag doll, when I heard the scariest sound ever. A chainsaw. He came at me like Leather Face. I pissed the bed I was so scared. I thought he was going to saw me in half, but he just wanted to scare me. Mission accomplished. But after he removed my finger and toe nails with a pair of pliers, I wished he had sawed me in half. As if that torture was not bad enough, he soaked my exposed fingers and toes in bleach for more horrible pain. In debilitating pain and discomfort, he decided to sodomize my ass with a broken beer bottle. That was the best of the pain I guess. He kept me his captive for 72 hours. I was alive at the end, but barely. He called 911 as he left my place. Kissed my forward and said he would see me again soon. Would you be so kind as to make sure I got medical attention, or would have left me to slowly die?