Category: Torture sex

My Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Fetish

rape phone sex fantasies (24)

As I felt both cocks work in tandem, pushing themselves deeper and deeper inside my holes, I only wished I had another forcing its way into my mouth. The thought of being a 3 hole fuckdoll for my Master and his friends made me feel like an utter slut, and that was something I craved so bad. I was desperate to have multiple cocks stretch and tear all of my holes, treating me in the manner of a ragdoll with no say in what happens to her. And as I felt a load of cum fill my cunt, and then my ass, I did what any good whore would do and sucked both men clean, before licking up all the mess I’d made. This is my addiction. Gangbang Rape Porn. It’s the only thing that gets me going! Daddy walked in on me watching my biggest fetish and was happy to make it happen – and we all I know I wanted it.

Drugs and aliens make for evil sex.

fantasy phone sexI wasn’t sure if it was the drugs or if I was really abducted by aliens last night. I remember picking up a john and going for a ride in his car. It was supposed to be a simple blowjob in exchange for a little coke. But the next thing I knew we were driving into some woods. He pulled me out of the car and punched me in the face. “Filthy druggie whore. Your ruined my life. My wife left me because of a whore like you.” He kicked me hard in the ribs, breaking them, driving a shard of bone right into my lungs.  I began to gurgle as the blood replaced air. He pulled me up by my hair and smashed a handful of coke into my face. forcing me to inhale it. He pulled out his cock and rammed it into my mouth, which was filled with drugs and blood. He came within seconds, aroused by beating me. “Die of an overdose with cum in your mouth, you tramp.” he screamed. Darkness took me.

I woke as I felt a searing pain. My scream was cut short by a blow from an alien creature. He yanked me to my knees and I felt his probing beastly cock move over my body. He found my pussy and burrowed deep into it. It felt like a million razor blades and I screamed as my pussy became wetter than ever before. The creature grunted and moaned, filling me with cum that was like battery acid.  My drug induced euphoria made me scream with my own orgasm.

I opened my eyes. I was lying in leaves and dirt. I slowly pulled myself upright. Had I really been fucked by an alien? Or was it just the drug overdose and the blows to my head? I reached down to touch my sore pussy and looked at my hand. It was covered with a slimy green ooze.

snuff sex

I made you want it!

taboo phone sexIt all started out as a typical domination session didn’t it? I had you there on the bed all tied up and helpless… just the way I like you. You seemed so nervous when I put a blindfold on you, like I was going to slit your throat or something, all I could do was laugh… it’s not like you could stop me! I bet you thought you won the fucking lottery when you felt a mouth on your dick didn’t you? Hahaha yeah you were super excited until I whipped that blindfold off and you realized who was actually sucking that cock! I bet you didn’t expect to see your own daughter down there did you? Awwwhhhh poor guy, you were so upset but that dick stayed rock fucking hard and I knew that deep down you have always wanted this. Shit, when I told you that we were going to have to kill her to keep her quiet you didn’t even hesitate! You just begged me to cut the ropes so you could help me! I have to say, I was a little surprised by your violence but I liked it! I wonder who we should kill next…

Worthless FuckToy

teen rape porn (3)

My face was swollen, and I tried to remember what had happened the night before. Where was I? Why was I naked in this room, only a mattress laying on the floor?! I looked down and I felt the dried cum on me, felt gooey jizz coming outta my cunt and ass. I knew then, a little bit about what had happened – but I still felt so foggy. Was I drugged? I couldn’t be sure, and I couldn’t even see a window or a way out. A big door that was locked and solid as can be…I started to panic and yell for help, but help is not what came. So many men came, and they were angry. They surrounded me and it all came back to me. Last night? There was even more. They had all fucked me like they were trying to kill me with their cocks…and I felt like they almost did. They smacked me around, pushed me and then started a circle for sucking their cocks. I was helplessly sucking dick and not even crying anymore. This is my life, and this is all I am worth.

Teen Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape porn (3)

“You’re not going ANYWHERE till you beg for all our cocks, and all our cum.” I looked up at him, he had a fistful of hair and was jerking me around. I was surrounded by who knows how many dicks, and cocks. All big and throbbing and waiting for me. They were going to use me as their fuck toy and I had no choice. I opened my mouth and started begging, whining actually. He laughed in my face and proceeded to skullfuck my mouth. I was struggling but there were too many of them, and it was useless to fight them – it probably turned them on more. He kept saying “Come on bitch beg for it before we degrade you even more” And so I begged, and whimpered and stayed on my hands and knees, fucking sucking dick and getting rammed in both holes. My tight holes ached and I felt slippery with all their cum as they took turns using me as they pleased…

Cyber Texting Sex Is Another Way

domination phone sexI don’t usually blog about my callers or my masters, but I have one that deserves to be in a blog. He is a regular and he has been my sadistic master for quite a while now. Rather than call though, he takes advantage of the cyber text sessions we offer. Before my first text session, I did not know what to expect. I thought it would be a bit boring to type instead of talk, but there is something about the anonymity of the text that is extremely sexy. From the very first touch of his whip as he traces the lines of my ass to the front of my pussy, I am dripping wet. I sit at my keyboard eager to see his next words appear, waiting to find out what sick and twisted thing he is going to do to my body. My master never disappoints. Each and every texting session, he brings up something new and painful that he will do to my worthless body. The last time we talked he had me bring in another sub to play with. He instructed us on ways he wanted us to abuse each others bodies while he stood back and enjoyed seeing both whores jump at each of his commands. The sub I chose was not able to live up to his demands and pled for mercy. Since she was not able to please him, I will be getting punished. Of that I am sure. I am just waiting until the next time, I see his chat pop up on my screen, to see just how bad the punishment will be for my poor choice of playmates.

I am going to hurt you so good!

mutilation phone sexOh I had so much fun this morning! This arrogant little prick came to see me, he seemed to think that I was some kind of subby whore that he could do whatever he wanted to… well he found out real fucking quick that he was very wrong! He pulled out this tiny cock and ordered me to get on my knees and suck it… well I almost did end up on my knees but only because I was laughing so hard that I almost passed out! As if a bitch like me would get on her knees to suck a tiny dick, he was fucking crazy to think that, he learned that real quick when I hit him so hard upside his head that he fell over! I knocked his pathetic ass right out and tied him up while he was out. He was so confused when he came to and all I could do was laugh at him. I told him that he was going to have to be punished for his cockiness in a way that he would remember for the rest of his life so I pierced his cock and balls with as many rings as I could fit. He screamed like a little bitch the whole time too, it was fucking hysterical! Pretty sure he learned his lesson though, he knows now not to ever disrespect a girl like me!

Taboo Phone Sex Happy Father’s Day

Taboo phone sex fun for a twisted fucking Father’s Day celebration with your vixen of sin Dusty! 

Taboo phone Sex

The deadbeat asshole of a “father” decided he wanted to fucking meet me for the first time since he became the sperm donor to my whore mother. My first reaction was to tell him to fuck off by sending a few of my guys over to “take care of him”. After a moment of consideration I had a better thought!

Inviting “daddy” over I dressed up like some fucking sweet housewife and prepared a couple side dishes to play it up. I prepared a roasting pan with stock, carrots, potatoes, and garlic cloves to add the main ingredient in nice and fresh. Fucktard sperm donor showed up with flowers and his little whore wife. I served them drinks and had a bit of small talk waiting for my man to show up. Once Anthony showed up things could get interesting, and they did.

Inviting daddy up to my bedroom to show him some pictures and shit I left Anthony to entertain the whore wife. He had his way with her as I seduced my father into fucking me. I got him to the point of nearing orgasm when I whipped my switchblade knife out and whacked his dick off. I quickly straightened my clothes as I watched him bleed out on my bed and then returned to the kitchen with the main course.

He Hurt Me So Good

torture phone sex

I learned a lot about my body the other night. I had a guy torture me in ways that I’ve never experienced in my life! I pushed the end of a brush in soft spots behind my knee and elbow that made me scream in agony and my pussy cream at the same time. The pain was excruciating as I begged to stop but my torturer knew I wanted more. I brushed bristles across my clamped nipple and made it raw and sore. By the end of it my tits were sore and I still wanted more. My favorite part was when he demanded me to inflict more pain on myself. I took a stiletto as shoved it so far up my ass that I bled down my leg. My legs were shaking and I had tears fucking up all of my makeup. I didn’t care simply because his voice was intoxicating to me and he had me wrapped around his finger. I enjoy being his hot nigger slave and I can’t wait to hurt myself the way he made me!

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies: How Should I Die for You?

killer phone sexI have been told I give killer phone sex in more ways than one. I fantasize about being killed. Not accidentally either. I want to die in a very graphic and violent way. That is fitting for a trailer park whore like me, don’t you agree?  I deserve the worst treatment imaginable. What can you think up? I love hearing how creative guys get with their snuff fantasies. One of my regular callers loves to torture me with all sorts of medieval devices that inflict horrible pain and kill me in the most violent ways. Another caller finds it hot to beat me to death. His dick gets hard looking at my purple, bloody, swollen body and hearing me plead for my life though gargled sounds as I choke on my blood. Another loves to pimp me out to his sick friends for snuff porn so they can gang bang me into pieces.  I had a hot call last night where I was hunted like prey in the wilderness. Hunted like a deer. I was running around in the dark trying to avoid death, but I was not smart enough to escape the dark labyrinth of the woods behind his barn. He shot me in the shoulder to disable me, then like a dead animal, he tied me to a branch and carried me into his cabin in the woods. I was his dinner. The idea of being killed through cannibalism turns me on so much. It is so taboo. He stripped my body of all chemicals, shaved my bleach blonde hair, basted me with a herb butter sauce and put me in an industrial oven to slowly cook to death. He told me I would make a delectable meal. I was plump in all the right places. As my skin crackled and popped, I felt the life being cooked out of me. Perhaps in death, I can serve a man better than I ever did in life. In this case, I was served quite literally.