Category: Torture sex

Torture sex

torture sex

The last thing I remember was being at the club and drinking some fact drink a handsome man bought me. I am now on the floor with shackles on my wrist and I am completely naked and sore. I feel like a bus hit me a thousand times. My thighs are bruised and there is dry blood settling between my thighs and on my tummy. I take the time to look around and see a pretty girl. Much smaller and skinnier then I am. Her little body is mounted to an x alter. She has her hands mounted to the sides about her head and her legs are mounted to the bottom. She whispers to me and tells me that she is his toilet. She is covered in shit and soaked in piss. I look on the other side of me and there is another pretty girl. All her teeth are removed, she has a leash around her neck and she tells me that she is his cock sucking dummy. I hear the door open and here his footsteps walking to where we are. He greats me with a smile, a hard cock, and a knife. He gouges the words “my cunt” into my bald cunt. He lets me know that forever how long I live. I will be his, for eternity. His big cock slaps right onto my bloody mound and then he shoves himself right into my already sore gaped open pussy. 

Castration Phone Sex is My Fav

castration phone sexWhen guys ask me what my favorite kind of call is, I never hesitate when I say castration phone sex. It might surprise you how many calls a week I get for this. I’m prepared too. My grandpa ran a prison. When it was shut down and merged with a new modern prison, I inherited some memorabilia. My favorite is the old death row chair. If this chair could talk! It would tell a tale about lots of men needing their nuts removed so they wouldn’t get their lives erased. If you made P men eunuchs, perhaps their urges for little ones would be harder to act on. If you lobbed off the balls of murderers perhaps they wouldn’t feel the need to kill so often. Testosterone makes men crazy. If you castrated men who attack women because they know they can’t get fucked without force, perhaps they wouldn’t be about to get it up to do the deed. If men with naughty desires came to me first, I could solve the problem of overcrowded prisons. Of course, there are just tiny dick losers and pain sluts who can benefit from junk removal too. This former death row chair is now a castration chair. Straps used to stop a prisoner from convulsing, keep you from seizing from the pain. The little cup underneath designed to collect the piss and shit a prisoner leaves when exiting this world, collect your testicles now. The plank for bracing limbs when a prisoner’s body goes into shock from electrocution, separates your cock from your balls for me. This chair has the souls of dead criminals in it. Now it has the blood and tears of losers who don’t deserve their balls.  I have the sharp knife, castration bands, booze, mouth bit and soldering pen. You just bring your worthless balls. I’m ready for taboo phone sex. Are you?

Live Autopsy On A Youngster

Kidnapping phone sexMy Master and I had some wicked fun with a youngster that we kidnapped, and we created a bloody mess all over the dungeon! We went to the weed club together to re-up on a bunch of herb to celebrate 420 today. While Master was inside of the club making the purchase, I noticed that a Mom left her little girl in the car while she went into the grocery store next to the club. The car was unlocked and the window was down, so I went over to the car while Master was still inside and I lured the little girl to come with me so that I could show her some cool little toys that were inside my car. The dumb little bitch did what I said and as soon as we got into the car, I knocked her over the head with a crow bar and I tied her up in the backseat. Master came back out to the car soon after and he was so pleased with my evil antics while he was away! I know Master has been craving a torturous time with a youngin and it worked out perfectly that I was able to abduct this pretty little cunt. Once we got back to the dungeon, she was coming back to consciousness as we strapped her on to the medical bed to have some fun with her. Master sliced open her stomach with a scalpel and asked me to be his sexy nurse accomplice as he did a live autopsy on her petite body. She was moaning and groaning as Master mutilated and tortured her. He cut out each one of her organs one by one and very slowly so that he could inflict as much torturous pain as possible. Her life slipped away right before our eyes and it was so fucking hott to witness! I was fingering my pussy with her blood, it made for the perfect slip and slide lubricant! I had a bucket next to the medical bed where I was placing all of her organs, blood and guts. The bucket was overflowing and she was left as just skin and bones. We threw her in the oven and cremated her remains to get rid of all evidence. Master put all of her organs in the freezer to preserve them so that we can eat them in the future. Young little girls always taste so delicious!

Mutilation Phone Sex Gets HOT!

Mutilation phone sexHe wanted to put me on a spit and roast me!! What really had my juices flowing was that he wanted me to WANT to be put on a spit and roasted. So, he tortured me. He tied me up and pried each nail off of my fingers and toes. Then, he took a lash to my backside, cutting gashes and gouges into my lower back, ass, and thighs. He pulled whole chunks out of my hair by hand, and cut my tits all up. By the time he was finished torturing me, I was begging to die. I still wasn’t ready to beg to be burned by slow-roasting over a fire, though. That was when he brought out this enormous garden stake. It was about 3 inches thick and at least a foot and a half long, and it had a very pointy edge. The entire thing was wood, and it was definitely not the smoothest stick I’d ever seen. He bent me forward, and he spread my tender, painful ass cheeks. He started to push that spike up into my ass. I don’t know how far he got it, but with the splinters jabbing into my ass and the spike pressing in all the wrong places, it wasn’t long before I was begging for him to just put me on the spit and have done with it. By the time he shoved that spit up my ass, and through my guts til it came out of my mouth, I was just done. I was ready for the darkness to swallow me. Now, he’s carrying me, with his friend, over to the fire, and I can feel the heat the closer we get. I can’t help the tears that are falling, but I am ready to be done…

Burning Love

Torture Phone Sex

Knives and sharp, metal objects hurt quite a bit, but being burned can be so much worse. I was tied up and gagged with my panties stuffed in my mouth, completely naked. He picked up a lit candle and started pouring wax on my nipples and stomach. I cringed at the heat scorching such sensitive areas. Had he left it at that, I would have been fine, but then placed the candle under the table I was strapped to. There was a small hole under my back, which was right above where he placed the candle. The heat rose and started to singe my skin, but I could not move away. He left this there throughout the rest of the torture, which blistered and bubbled my skin. Taking a cigarette lighter from a car, he branded my upper thigh. I screamed through the cloth gag of my panties. Tears streaming down from my eyes, he then took the cigarette lighter and pressed it hard onto my clit. My body went into a cold sweat from the pain as I cried and struggled. Pulling out a blow torch, he began drawing lines down my stomach with the fire. Never had I felt a pain so intense! I passed out shortly after. The worst part about burns? Well I don’t know about you, but for me, they get so much worse before they get better. He left me with months of peeling, blistered skin.

Easter Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornAss rape porn Sunday? That is how I have been spending my day since the stroke of midnight. Desperate times. All my dealers have cut me off until I pay. My pussy is no longer tight, so the one dealer I found that would trade coke for sex, has been abusing my ass like a wild animal in heat. At one point, he put a pony tail in my ass and a bit in my mouth so he could ride me around his place like Sea Biscuit. Only he was not the only one riding me, nor was that pony dildo the only thing in my ass.  I felt like an anal gangbang rape porn star. Cock after cock rammed in my ass with no lube. Cum flowing out of my ass like hot lava. When the guys were drained of cum and too fucked up to get hard again, they took to sodomizing me with baseball bats, candles, beer bottles and fists.  When they prolapsed my ass, they made fun of me, but they also put coke on my torn rectum and sucked it off like my prolapsed ass was some sort of pacifier. They are passed out now. They dumped me full of seed and speed so I can’t rest. I’m sitting on an ice pack resting up my asshole for round four. It’s going to be a long day of anal torture for this druggy whore.

Final day of Gluttony, a fat burger for the fat ass

Snuff sex


Last time we talked, I had just told you about our first week of the 7 deadly sins. We started with gluttony and a giant fat woman. My current man has a fetish for mutilation and snuff sex.

I don’t think she knew she was eating her own fat, or that he had even cut it off of her. The fat bitch even started to enjoy it. My new guy made a burger covered with all kinds of stuff and covered it with her blood. She was so out of it she ate it like any other burger.

He started to cut her up the middle and laid out each piece still attached to her back. Once he was done nothing was left of her front, the fat was all splayed out around her. You could see her ribs, her abdomen, even her pussy with all the fat removed. She wasn’t responding to him slapping her due to blood loss so he gave her a shot of adrenaline and she came to. He set up and mirror to show her how her fat was removed and she started to scream again but she could barely get any sound out, she was starting to die. He looked her in the eyes and said I’m going to fuck your slimmed down pussy while you die you bitch and tears started rolling down her face. He laughed and took his pants down and said “Fat ass, your crying only got me nice and hard.” And a maniacal laugh followed. He fucked her for several hours even after she died. When I didn’t think he could fuck anymore, he cut off a piece of the fat and sat down next to me. He handed me the piece of fat and said hold this around my cock, and he came again and again. We left with her dead and fat starting to rot all around her. Rigor had set in and it was funny to see her huge fat legs spread out all on their own from him fucking her.

Guess we are onto a new sin next week, this one is done dead. Let’s see what will be next….

Torture sex

Wet Flesh and A Leather Belt

Sadistic phone sexMy man was pissed last night, I didn’t make enough money hooking to satisfy his crack addiction. I walked around the city in pouring rain, men don’t really like to open their car doors and windows when it’s raining. I came home fearfully with $40. At first he didn’t say much when I handed him the cash, he told me to get out of my wet clothes and take a hot shower. Relief flooded my body and I relaxed as I went up the stairs. I was in the shower enjoying the hot water warming my cold body. But I should have known better…
Suddenly my man pulled the shower curtain back and hit may naked, wet body with his leather belt. I cowered down in the tub, covering my flesh with my arms and hands as he hit me over and over again. I knew then way he wanted me to take a shower, wet flesh and his leather belt cause more pain. He hit me over and over again until his arm got tired.
“Get up bitch and make me something to eat”, he coldly demanded.

Snuff sex is sick twisted fun!

snuff sexSnuff sex is sick, twisted fun and I can’t get enough of it! Yesterday though, I kind of outdid myself. My neighbor’s daughter was having a sleepover, all those teen girls were over there by themselves and there was no way I could pass an opportunity like that up! I called a few friends up and we broke in over there together, we were completely silent because they were all still awake. They were all in the girl’s bedroom so it was easy to take all their cell phones and restrain them so we could take turns fucking them all. They were all “good girls” they had no idea what to even do with a cock… hell, most of them had probably never even seen a dick before! That didn’t stop us from fucking all their tight holes and using them until they were all broken and bleeding. The were begging for their lives but I couldn’t leave any witnesses, I lived next door for christ’s sake! We shot them all and left… I even did the neighborly thing and called the police to report the gunshots…

Cannibalism phone sex

cannibalism phone sex

Me and my master have discovered the perfect girls that we have taken while they were sleeping tucked away in their beds. They were having a sleep over and we decided to take them for our game. My master was very hungry and needed to fulfill his appetite. When we got home I chained the girls up and prepped out area.

I got a big pan ready, and stick big enough for a hog, and a huge bowl. I cut up potatoes and tossed them into the boil to boil. I made a glaze from my masters jizz mixed with cranberries and some other secret ingredients. I went over to the little blond one and spread her thighs open asking my master to rupture her cherry so that her juices would flow out of her.

He stuck his cock into her and even pumped her full of his cum. I continued to stuff her with fruits and veggies. I tossed her on the pan and shoved her into our custom made oven that was huge. We watched her turn crispy brown. The other girl that had pretty brown hair was a lot more plump. Perfect to get fucked up the ass with.

ass rape porn

I jousted the pole right into her splitting her open and put her over a fire to roast. I continued to jerk masters cock all over her coating her in his sticky glaze. I basted her body with butter. The other blond one was so scared she couldn’t stop crying that she was already seasoning her body with her salty tears. I let me master fuck her in all her holes.

He tore them open making blood gush down her legs. I threw her into the pot to hear her body crack and scream as we build and cooked each girl alive.