I was a very naughty little slut and went behind my Master’s back and fucked another man without his permission. Stupid me, I thought I would be able to be slick enough to do it without him finding out but he went through my cell phone and found the evidence of our text messages and dirty pictures before I could erase them out of existence. I am so fucked! I knew that I had a really brutal punishment coming my way whether I liked it or not. My anxiety was out the roof anticipating what harm he had in store for me. After a torturous beating with a crowbar, he threw me into a bathtub as I was half conscious and he began to fill it up with acid. My skin immediately started to burn and melt off as I screamed bloody murder in such anguished pain. Master stood over me and laughed like the evil mother fucker that he is as he watched me flop around like a dying fish. He gets off on such torturous pleasure when it comes to giving me my horrific consequences. I could hear my body sizzling as I succumbed to my injuries. Yes, I was taught a harsh lesson but I deserved every bit of it and i’m glad that Master decided to stop at the acid bath, he loves me too much! I’ll have to keep this in mind the next time I think about stepping out on my sadistic, psychotic Master!
Category: Torture sex
Punished With An Acid Bath
Medical Fetish Fun
Opening myself up with a speculum in front of my mirror has become a daily routine. I love being able to see all the way back inside me and check out all of my parts. Taking out my handy dandy flash light to get a better look. I can see my cervix and all the fun we’ve been having scraping and cutting at it during our knife play fantasy sessions. It’s becoming more and more intense and I love it. I crank the speculum open wider and wider so I can check out our work further. The color of the discharge, the blood and it’s overwhelming how intense the pleasure to pain ratio really has become over the past several days. We’re not exactly playing doctor but we’re just taking our time figuring out exactly what direction to take this medical fetish in and I can’t wait to hear your next batch of ideas. 😉 Talk to you tomorrow, yes?
The next big score
I have a crazy ass ex who would always make me commit these robberies with him. We would break into houses and steal all of the things that would get some money to get our next fix. My ex really loved it when the houses were still occupied when we got in there. He loved to have me tie up the woman so he could carry out his rape fantasies. He would have me tie the husbands up and make them watch if him fuck the shit out of the woman in the house if the men were home.
He would have me hold down the lil ones of the house and he would do horrible things to the, He would carry out rape and fuck fantasies to his pleasure, while I had to watch, participate and help. At first it would bother me, but as time went on I learned to like it and eventually I started to get wet at the thought of our next big score.
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Are My Pleasure
I’m a perverted murderess and murder phone sex fantasies are totally my pleasure! You’re nothing more than prey for me and I love to play with my prey before I brutally attack you with a machete, axe, or whatever implements I deem necessary, or whatever is more fun for me at the moment.
My favorite things to do are drug your drink at a club I bartend at, and as you start losing consciousness I get my guys to assist you to the back room. My dungeon is there and all my nice shiny implements of torture. When I get a guy that is well hung I will certainly ride that fucking cock as I start to get ready to cum I slide off that rod, sit my cunt on your face and start making an incision in your nutsack. Squirting in your mouth as you try to scream I start pissing making you choke and drowned as the excruciating pain throws you into shock.
Don’t worry, you’ll bleed to death if you don’t asphyxiate first!
Doctors Office
Welcome to the Doctors office mother fucker. Drop your fucking clothes the Doctor will be right in. I’m the nurse and this is Dr. Big Dick the one that will be penetrating your pussy with his long john. While I cover your cute little fucking red mouth up with my strap on. Just when I make you pass out for a little bit I’m going to start cutting around the nipples hitting you with the doctors tools that just turns Dr. Big Dick on makes his big dick veins pop out purple with desire. Then that mushroom head gets so swollen it makes me feel like it wont even fit in my tight little cute pussy. This last patient Dr. Big Dick said we should keep her around as our little bitch and train her well. Teach her how we check the prostate with our big fat strap-on and let Dr. watch.
Execution by Torture Sex and Humiliation
Torture sex death and humiliation is what I was sentenced to for my crime of disobedience. The judge ordered my death immediate and public. My executioner was into extreme pain and degradation. Before we even left the courtroom, he had me stripped naked and in shackles. I was escorted to a room. The room where I would soon die. There was a variety of people watching in awe as I was spanked repeatedly. My body was exposed and prodded. Nipple clamps were attached to my tits. My cunt was whipped. My legs were spread wide and I was tortured with a menacing vibrator. When I got wet, I was mocked for being a pain slut. I was tied to a post and whipped and tortured while strangers gawked and cheered for my death. I tried to beg for forgiveness for my insolence, but my fate was already sealed. My executioner was having too much fun torturing my female parts. I liked the pain, but I was afraid to die. I didn’t want to die. I denied that I liked the pain, but my wet cunt told a different tale. My executioner informed me that I would die a painful death when I orgasmed. I tried not to cum. But the pain was too intense. I am a pain slut after all. I died cumming, naked, exposed, being tortured in my ass and my pussy while strangers masturbated and cheered my death. If only I had met my executioner under different circumstances….
Do you have murder phone sex fantasies like me?
Murder phone sex fantasies are so intriguing don’t you think? For me, it’s always a little tiny bitch that I want to kill. I want her small and weak and delicate and I want to take all of her beauty and innocence from her slowly and painfully. She’ll be my little doll that I can dress up… and cut up into little pieces. I’ll start by tying her up so she can’t squirm around then I want to start slicing pieces off of her. Maybe cut her little face, break her little nose or pop her fucking eyes out. All those little things that hurt so bad but won’t kill her, I want her to last as long as possible. I’ll break her bones one by one until she is just a broken bloody little doll, that’s when I will finally fuck her with one of my wicked strap on cocks and fuck her to death!
Snuff porn
I thought it was kind of weird that my neighbor would invite me over for dinner, especially since he is married. I arrived at his place with a simple cake that I purchased at a local grocery store and just stood there at the door until someone arrived at the door. Once the door opened I was greeted by not only him but his wife as well. I followed them to the kitchen while I engaged in small talk. Once I arrived at the table I was given some tea. It tasted kind of funny , with in moments I began to feel light headed. I felt my body go numb then I suddenly feel on the ground. My neighbors began dragging me into the bathroom. All I could do was watch as they lifted me into a bathtub full of ice . My thoughts were racing wondering what was going to happen to me. The two left me in the bath tub for what felt like an eternity. Once my neighbors returned they arrived in scrubs, surgical gloves and a tool box. I tried to lift my body up but this drug I was on only left me paralyzed. I could do nothing but watch as they began cutting open my chest . The ice began to turn red as my blood began to gush out. The smell of metal and blood began to food the bathroom. I saw my neighbors slicing away at me cutting into my body with scaples. I heard them yelling at one another, they kept saying things like ” we don’t have to do this Jack, we can wait to see if the treatment works, this is someone we know, we cant hurt her like this”. Then he replied “we have no choice its either I die and you never see me again or we kill this bitch take her organs with us and I survive another twenty years, together……” I couldn’t believe that I was set up the way I was. I watched as they began pulling out my intestines, they carefully began cutting out my kidneys and liver. I slowly began to fade in and out until I bled out in the bath tub never to be seen again. My body was drained of all its blood frozen then tossed into a barrel of hydrochloric acid. My remains became nothing but mush.
Fifty Bucks
My man told me he found a new client for me. He said that this man paid a lot of money to do anything he wanted to me. On the drive over to this man’s house, my man warned me to make this new client very happy. I was dropped off at the new client’s home like a UPS package. I knocked on the door and a sweet-faced, elderly man answered. He invited me inside and once the door closed an evil grin filled his face.
“Take your clothes off you filthy nigger bitch!”, he yelled,
I obeyed and he removed a black leather belt from his pants. I braced myself for the pain. He hit me over and over again while racially degrading me. He called me “Nigger bitch” with each swing of his belt. I yelled out for him to please stop, but my pleas only turned him on more. He didn’t stop until he was out of breath. But after a few minutes, he would start swinging his belt all over again. Later I found out the old man gave my man only $50 to beat me for hours.
Snuff porn – Lake Nightmare
I did not remember much up until recently of my weekend at the lake. I went there with my summer fling and I was hoping we were going to have an amazing time. The first night was amazing, the cabin was quiet, the lake was still and pretty. The moons image cast over the lake at night was so romantic. I could not believe how happy and lucky I was to be spending time with what I thought to be the man of my dreams. I was so very wrong. Everything seemed to take a turn for the worst the morning after our wonderful night of fucking on the bank of the lake for hours. We fell asleep in each others arms and awoke to the morning sun. But for some reason, my lover was highly agitated this morning. I was unsure what to think and he would not talk to me, make eye contact or really anything.
At this point I was wondering what was going on. I went about my day. I went into town, got some needed items and decided I would try to make him feel better by cooking a candle it dinner and showing my guy how much I cared. I came home and started to put away all of the groceries for dinner later. Thats when it happened, I felt this huge jolt and I fell over, someone had hit me in the head with something hard. Everything started to go black and faded in and out, but I do remember my guy getting on top of me and choking the air out of me. I remember him ripping my shirt and my panties off and fucking me in my ass. I remember he leaned over and told me what a whore I was. I finally blacked out at some point and awoke to a letter next to me saying had a great time, can’t wait to see you again.
I was so very confused. I called the police and explained the situation. The cop who took my statement said he knew my guy. He said he comes around during the spring and summer, woos girls, then assaults them. He explained that the guy has schizophrenia and that he is a sadist. he told me I was very lucky because apparently he has a thing for Snuff porn and has already killed 3 girls. I was the fourth. guess I was the one that got away.. for now!