I went to the dirty bookstore looking for ass rape porn movies. I was not planning on making one. I was ordered by him to go to the dirtiest bookstore in town. The one where all the truckers hang out for some glory hole action. He knew what was waiting for me there because he planned it. He wanted me to be used by truckers. He takes pleasure in my pain and humiliation. When I walked into the store, I heard a man say, “There is the ginger whore.” I felt a pit in my stomach because I knew I walked into a trap. I walked slowly toward the anal sex videos. That is when a bunch of truckers grabbed me and pinned me to the table. They ripped my clothes off with a fervor. My hands were tied behind my back and my ankles bound. They looked a like a pack of hungry vultures waiting for their dinner to die. Rough, strong hands pulled my hair and yanked on my limbs until I was spread eagle. Fists went into my cunt and ass. One of those industrial sized massagers was on my clit sending me into such powerful orgasms that I was in pain. I knew better than to fight. He has no problem disposing of rebellious whores. I tried to picture a beach or some happy place while they ravaged my fuck holes like starving beasts. It was torture sex, but I never get pleasure sex. These truckers were some cruel fucks too. They not only used their fists and cocks on my ass, but they opened every huge sex toy in the place and tried it out on my ass like I was some sort of blow up doll. A blow up doll wouldn’t bleed or shit all over the place from the abuse, however. I barely crawled out of the store before I got to my car and passed out.
Category: Torture sex
Ass Rape Porn at the Dirty Bookstore
He knew I was gonna kill him
He knew that he was going to die, he just had no idea of all the pain he would be suffering before I killed him! I took him to a special room with an open roof and rooms all around us for spectators to watch his brutal death. It was freezing cold and snowing and I made the little bitch strip naked and doused him with cold water before I tied him to a metal pole in the center of the room. He was freezing cold and wet, his skin stuck to that pole and I’m sure that it was quite painful but he didn’t even whimper… until I started cutting off all the fingers on his right hand, then he whimpered plenty! Once he was down to a bloody stump of a hand I cut his arm off at the elbow and shoved that bloody fucking stump right up his ass! Oh boy did he ever scream when I did that! That little bitch fucking loved it tho, his dick stayed hard until I cut that motherfucker off and let him bleed to death!
Castration phone sex
I woke up next to my boyfriend tied up and unable to move. He was also tied up and laying on his back. The man who napped us came and started to pull my clothes off my body. He made my boyfriend watched as he forced his cock inside my pink pussy hole. He liked it more when I would cry and try and squirm out of his grip.
My boyfriend got a throbbing hard cock while he watched me get taken advantage of. The man hurting me made me look at my boyfriends cock popping out through his pants. He demanded that I hurt him for liking the fact that my pussy was tore open. He put my face by my boyfriends balls and forced me to rip his ball skin off of him with my teeth.
He made me bite each testicle off as his cock was inside my ass hole. He controlled how hard I bit down on his balls, by how hard he rammed his cock into my virgin ass hole.
Plastic Sex Doll
I don’t know how long I’ve been here at the gangsters trap house. I’m in a room on a dirty mattress that’s laying on the floor. The windows are covered with foil and I don’t know if it’s day or night. All of my holes are swollen and sore. And the only thing I’ve had to eat and drink is semen. It’s gotten to the point where I look forward to sucking cock, just to have something in my stomach. I’ve been fucked by so many thugs that I’ve lost count. Everytime the door opens I hope it’s my old man, but it’s never him. These thugs treat me like a plastic sex doll. I have crusty semen stains all over my body and I feel so dirty. Someone, please rescue me! The door is opening and I try to act like I’m sleeping. But the thug kicks the mattress and pulls my hair to wake me. I know the routine, I suck his cock until he cums.
Killer phone sex
I was with the man who snatched me from my bed the other night. We were outside when I woke up. My face was swollen and I could feel every bone in my body shattered. My cunt was so sore, like it had been ripped open a thousand times. I looked around me, and saw others like me. They were pale.
There was one with such a tiny little body. Her stomach was sunken in like the rest of her. They guy was on top of her, penetrating her pussy hole. I pictured her screaming and crying in my head. However, she was no where to being alive. She was lifelessly jerking up and down his cock. He finally filled up her tummy with his jizz and climbed off her motionless body.
So many girls that are dead around me. I need to escape before he beats my pussy in like the rest.
Torture Sex: Death by Roman Crucifixion
Torture sex was how I died. He was my executioner. I had been sentenced to die by a judge, but this was no ordinary prison. This was an experimental prison exploring new forms of torture and death for women like me. My executioner had been exploring death by Roman crucifixion. Do you know how painful that is? It is a gruesome and painful way to die. Before he nailed me to the cross, however, he whipped me over a hundred times. Both sides of my body were battered and bleeding from the lashes of his whip before he nailed me to the cross with outstretched arms and legs. I didn’t look peaceful nailed to the cross like Jesus. Did you know they don’t nail you by the hands and feet? He drove 6 inch nails into my wrists and my ankles. My entire body weight was being supported by my nailed limbs, which but a strain on my rib cage thus making it torture to just breathe. I couldn’t take in a full breath. I didn’t die of exposure or pain; I died of asphyxiation. I could feel my battered and bloodied body turning blue from lack of oxygen. I could feel myself getting weak. I thought I would be on that cross for days, but it was more like hours. My executioner stood watching me die, aroused. It was like he was looking at a work of art, not a dying woman. I deserved my death, but even as a pain slut, my executioner enjoyed my capital punishment more than me.
Teen rape porn
I remember that day that I went over to my friends house and her daddy was there with a bunch of his friends. They were getting drunk and snickering while they checked us out. I remember my little body was so new. We went to her room and we were soon trapped in there by all of the dads friends.
They took turns as they held us down and forced their way on top of us. We looked at one another as each of them thrusted their cocks inside of us, ripping us open. They were anything but gentle. No matter how much we tried to squirm out of their grip we were just forced harder to the ground. Their dicks stretched every hole of ours wide open.
Tinder date gone wrong
I met this guy on Tinder. Everything started it out fine. We met up at a coffee shop and he was such a great person to have a good conversation with. He wanted to Netflix and chill and I know that means a quick fuck for the night. I had just gotten out of a serious relationship and I thought fuck why not? Well had I known the drive from the coffee place to his house would have triggered something monstrous I would have ran like hell. In the car ride the topic of past relationships came up and he was mentioning how his ex left him because he was too controlling and I said in what ways? He said she would get angry cause I’d call her a couple time in a single hour. I thought he was joking and I said jokingly “shes right you are a nut case” if looks could kill would of died right then and their. He stayed quiet and I felt awkard and wanted to uber my ass out of his drive way, He asked me to come in and I didn’t want to be a complete bitch and went in. Things escalated quickly because he locked the door and told me it was time I learned a lesson. I was frozen and fear and pulled out his gun out of his case. I fear rushed over my body as he stripped me down and put on the sharpest needle clamps on my tits. He told me if I screamed I would die. He began to stangle me while I was bleeding all over fromt he needle clamps and he shoved his cock deep in me and he let out a wicked laugh. He was enjoying my pain and seeing me hopless got him off. after a couple hours of torture he past out and I ran like hell.
Snuff Sex Christmas
Snuff sex for Christmas? The holidays make me simply murderous, especially tomorrow. The day after Christmas is always crazy. Does your woman go shopping to stock up on Christmas shit for next year? If she does, and you are as sadistic as me, you should stay home and call me. I bet we can get into some trouble together. My ideal shopping the day after Christmas involves you and me hunting for a victim. I hate all people, so I am easy to please when it comes to hunting humans. We can kill your wife for being a shopping whore. We can hunt a super young slut. You know. One of those girls with no tits yet. Not even peach fuzz on her cunt yet. They are all off school until the new year anyway, which means they are easy to find. I bet, there are a ton at the mall shopping with their Christmas money and gift cards. Your wife could be shopping for bargains, while we shop for a little cock tease. Does the world really need anymore cock teasing whores that will grow up to be on the pole and getting government handouts because they can’t keep their legs shut? I say, let your wife shop. When she leaves, we hook up and find some tiny, young thing to kill. You can force fuck her tiny holes while I watch. Then we can kill her together. Just promise me we can prolong the torture sex. I love listening to young things cry and plead for mercy.
Taboo Phone Sex Christmas
Taboo phone sex Christmas is found here. This time of year, makes me simply murderous. I was a little girl once upon a time whose mother took her to a Walmart on Black Friday 20 some years ago. I saw two women get into a fist fight over something called a Furby. It was the newest fad toy that year. Blood was spilled over a stupid toy. That shaped my views of shopping and Christmas. Every holiday season, I go on a killing spree. I get rid of folks more concerned with commercialism than Christmas. I am sort of an American Psycho. Malls are ripe with such folks this time of year. I spotted this young teen girl. I would have put her in high school still. You likely know her type. Cock teasing little whore looking for sugar daddies to drain their wallets on her before she puts out, if she even puts out. I saw this teen whore Jasmine at the mall milking men of money with some sob story about being robbed at the mall. Idiot men were slobbering over her perky tits and long legs. She had future trophy wife written all over her. I spiked her fancy Starbucks drink and once the roofie kicked in, I put her in my trunk. She woke up stripped naked, tied up and in my kill shack in the woods. I carved her up good too. I love hearing a young teen girl scream and cry. Makes my cunt wet. Does it make your cock hard? It took some deep cuts before she started pleading for her life. At first, she was acting like an insulant little bitch. She was a good kill, but honestly, I could have used an accomplice with that one. She needed a stiff dick to shut her up. I watched her bleed out. Once she was dead, I washed my knife up and dragged her bloody lifeless body through the snow to be bear food. I rid the world of one more vacuous money hungry cock tease. No one will miss her. I am filled with killer phone sex fantasies. How about you?