Category: Torture sex

The Bath

Sadistic phone sexI thought my boyfriend was being sweet when he ran a bath for me. My body felt instantly relaxed as I soaked in the warm water. I felt loved and safe for the first time in months…
But the sweet romantic gesture was totally fake. He wanted me naked and vulnerable. He gripped my shoulders and shoved my head beneath the water. I thrashed and fought against his grip, trying to gasp for air. But he was stronger and pushed me back under. I didn’t know what I had did wrong, but I knew that I didn’t want to die. I fought hard to breathe but he was strong. He climbed on top of me fully clothed and punched me three times in my face.
When I woke up naked in bed, I cried myself back to sleep. My sadistic boyfriend won’t be happy until ends my life. And when I’m dead and in my grave he’ll have another young girl warming his bed.

Kidnapping phone sex

kidnapping phone sexI thought napping was a way of life and normal and not really a big deal until it happen to me. I guess you can already start to tell how much of a dumb fuck slut I am. I mean since I am slightly air headed I really do make the perfect victim. So I went to the grocery store late at night not thinking much of anything since it was a pretty lit up place. I had no problems walking into the store with my little short jean skirt and my skimpy little tight tank top. When I walked out of the store done with my shopping and back to my car I had no idea that I was someones prey. I put the stuff in my trunk and next thing I know, I was hit on the head and forced in my trunk also.

I guess he had a little time to tie me up when he got a hold of me. I allowed myself to drift out of my body for what felt like a brief second since he literally knocked the air out of me. He drove into some woods that looked like it had a walking trail attached to it. He pulled me out of my trunk by my hair and began to force my clothes off of me. He spit on me and laughed at my nakedness. He forced his cock inside my pussy and began to fuck some more of my brain cells out of my head. I feel like such a worthless dumb whore. He would not stop sliding me up and down his shaft, no matter how much he made me gush blood everywhere.

When he was done with me, he laughed it off, threw me my keys and left.

Tinder Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Gone Bad

rape phone sex fantasiesDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? I am the force fuck queen. Men love to get rough with me on and off the phone. I had a Tinder date last night. He didn’t know my history as a submissive whore to daddy and his friends. I thought I could have some hot sex, smoke some weed and get rid of him. Justin had other plans. He didn’t want rough sex. He wanted to hurt me. He wanted to sodomize me. He even wanted to break my arm. I didn’t know guys like him were on Tinder. When I realized he was a masochistic asshole, I told him to leave.  He charged me in my own home. I was pinned to the wall with his hand around my throat. I kneed him in the balls to get free. That was not the smartest thing I have ever done before. It was a knee jerk reaction. Sometimes I am prepared to be abused, but this was not one of them. I ran for my phone once I broke free. I was going to call 911. I didn’t know this guy. That is what Tinder is. It is random hookups. He presented himself as a horny man into blondes and anal sex. Before I got my phone, he grabbed my arm. He twisted it behind my back, sending me to my knees. Suddenly, I was in intense pain. He said it was a spiral fracture and that if I continued to fight, I would have a lot more pain. For the next several hours I was his ass rape porn star. He forced his cock in my ass with no lube until I was bleeding and crying. He shot bloody jizz in my face, spit on me and reminded me he knew where I lived if I was thinking of calling the police. I went to the ER and said I fell down the stairs going to do the laundry.

Roleplay phone sex

roleplay phone sex

I was with this really hot guy the other day. We were fucking all day and all night. He suggested that it may be fun to roleplay and have some really kinky sex. I was all in agreement. Well, so I thought. I acted as if I did not want him to have sex with me and he would force himself on me. I sat there denying him and next thing I knew he took at a sharp knife. He slid it against my neck and cut a shallow gash into my skin. I freaked out and was really begging for him to let me go.

He held me down and laughed in my face the more I begged and pleaded. Fuck I was even sobbing and shaking. He pulled my thighs apart and stabbed right into my pussy mound. It gushed blood and ran in between my pussy lips. He finally shoved his cock into my pussy and I begged him to please let me go. He thrusted his cock harder inside of me, ripping me open with his fat cock. I just wanted to break freak from his grip. It was just suppose to be fake.

With each thrust he took his knife out and made jabs all over my body. I was hoping I do not bleed out by the time he finishes. He takes his cock out and slides it into the cut inside my pussy mound. He starts ripping the skin in that area fucking my skin away from my pussy. I could feel his cock about to pump the stretched open skin with cum juice.

After he left, it was almost impossible to pick myself up off the ground. My blood was acting like glue. I guess I will just lay here.


2 Girl phone sex

Power cocaine and cash that’s one way to rule. I was stripping downtown at a top Westwood club and was having quite the busy day. One of the VIP regulars finally approached me. I was beyond thrilled up until this point I was trying to keep up with the blonde bombshell babe Macey. She was pretty snarky and knew she was the star of the show. Surprisingly she never got her hands on Andrew. Guess I caught his attention first. The other sluts weren’t too fond of me snatching him. He was handsome as can be and I couldn’t even quite understand what he was doing at a strip joint. He was dressed to the nines. I can spot a nice tom ford suit from a mile away. He smelled like money and mystery. 

torture sexThings got quite heated in the VIP room. I was ordered to do some lines right on his cock. I loved the instant high I got! It was instant gratification. I could tell he was high as a kite too. We started to talk a bit after a couple of cum shots to my face and mouth. There were a couple of similar interest we saw we had in common. One was obvious we both enjoyed good angel dust, the other was torture sex! We played a game that soon got too real. Andrew told me he chose me because he could tell  I would make the perfect accomplice and he loved that I had a deep hatred for Macey. Andrew could see my dislike for Macey would get us in some fun trouble. I let him in on a dark fucked up fantasies I have had, and He got an instant erection. I wanted so badly to kidnap Macey and strangle the slut while she’s getting fucked by a group of masked men. As she’s taking her last gasp for air, I want to see the desperation in her eyes. Think we both agreed the bitch had to die!  

sex with dead bodies

It wasn’t going to be fast we both like to take our time. Lure the victim trap the victim and make the victim weak as can be and then you can say we are in for a not so smooth ride. 😉


My Worst Fantasy Phone Sex Nightmare

fantasy phone sexWhen it’s fantasy phone sex, anything goes. That is what I love about this job. I like to get fucked up on coke, which always takes me to extreme places. I have dark fantasies. Very dark fantasies. What about you?  I tend to run my mouth when I am fucked up too. I told my stepson about a deep dark fantasy last week. I know better than to tell him anything. He hates me. He gets me high because he knows I run my mouth and I don’t fight him when he abuses me. The truth is that I like the abuse. I told him this sick fantasy I have about spiders. There is nothing that scares me more than spiders. We were talking about fears. I told the wrong person that I thought I might have a heart attack if spiders were crawling all over my body while fucking. I am a submissive MILF; the thought of a man exposing me to my worst fear turns me on but scares me too. Last night my sick fantasy became a reality. I didn’t have a heart attack, but I pissed myself and hyperventilated. My stepson dragged me out of bed and tossed me in the cellar. He was taunting me in the dark. His voice seethes with hate. He hooked me up to a fuck machine. What came next, I never could have imagined. He dumped a container of hairy, big spiders on me. I was restrained to the bed frame while getting fucked and these creepy spiders were all over my body. I was shaking. I have never been so scared. This was not fantasy, it was torture sex. I was shaking badly from fear. I couldn’t enjoy the fuck machine. My stepson laughed at me as he jacked off on my face.  I knew I should have never told him my worst fear.

Ass Rape Porn Ad

ass rape pornAss rape porn star wanted was all the ad said. I can take a good hardcore ass fucking, especially for money. The rent was due, and I was irresponsible with my money like always. I spent it on clothes and weed. My landlord is on too me. I can no longer fuck or suck my way out of an eviction. I answered the ad. The pay was more than I needed. I figured I would get sodomized for hours, earn the rent money and have extra for some premium weed. I thought it was an easy solution to my money situation. I was hired for anal torture sex. The money wasn’t worth it. First, I was fucked with a cattle prod. Electric shocks were sent up my ass at such a high velocity that I was convulsing. Bloody shit was coming out my ass. The person torturing my ass was a woman. She said I was her bought bitch for a few hours and I couldn’t do anything about it because I was a stupid bimbo in need of money. She was right. After the cattle prod came a baseball bat. A thick long Louisville slugger up my ass while she giggled. She was recording my ass torture. She said she had a loyal fan base that paid good money to jack off to bimbos getting anally tortured. This was going to be the hardest I ever worked for a thousand dollars. I am a pain slut, but this was more pain than I was built for, even high. I begged for drugs, but she informed me that her audience liked the look and sound of real pain. There would be no subduing the pain. The worst pain, she saved for last. I got a glass tube up my ass. This thing pierced through my ass like a sword. I swear it felt like it was gagging me from the inside. I left the site on all fours. Felt more life snuff porn than ass porn. She killed my asshole, but I won’t be homeless this month.

This whore deserved it all

snuff moviesOh this fucking whore deserved every fucking thing I gave her, I mean she was just a worthless slut what else was she good for? It was almost too easy to get her in my car, she was wasted and actually thought I was her friend, can you believe that shit? Whatever, she was too fucking dumb to live. I took her back to my place and let her pass out in the bed, by the time she woke up she was naked, spread eagle and tied to the bed with nothing else in there but a camera to record it all. Little bitch was just crying and begging to be let go but I had my perfect victim why would I ever release her? She screamed when she saw my giant dildo, it is 18 inches long, 5 inches thick and the whole thing is wrapped in broken glass, trust me, this motherfucker hurts when I fuck someone with it! I ripped her wide open when I shoved it in that pussy and kept on fucking her till I fucked her to death! I caught the whole thing on camera too so I can watch it again and again!

Cock sucking in church

cheap phone sexI liked sucking the soon to be priest cock so much that I decided to go back and corrupt some more motherfuckers. I just get so turned on thinking about all the bad shit I’m doing. I know I can get away with almost anything and that in itself drives my pussy wild. I never thought I would be frequenting the chapel to corrupt motherfuckers. I just like watching a family man with his tots and wife, I like targeting and making the one that catches my eye, my next victim. These assholes are falling into the pit quicker than I thought. All it takes is a couple of smiles and a short skirt and some body language to make them my little sinning souls. I like to suck their cocks right there in the confessional or when everyone is gathered for Sunday brunch. It is like a roleplay you wish you could live out in one of those cheap phone sex sites. I just like making fantasies reality. I like making these fuckers my sinning pigs. I love to bring out their true colors. I know all this uptights motherfuckers can’t resist me and my hot young pussy.

Torture phone sex

torture phone sex

 I was fucking this guy who I thought would be a good and quick hook up. He was balls deep inside of me and ramming himself harder and harder into my. He was really drilling that cock fast and deep inside of me. He started putting his hands and my mouth and face. I tried to tell him I could not breath and started to squirm, wanting him to get off of me. He seemed to really like that fact that I was whimpering and had that look of my panic in my eyes.

His mouth started to go around my nipple. His teeth started to dig into my nipple, biting it right off. I could not believe that he just tore through my flesh. I screamed while blood trickled down to my tummy. I thrashed back and forth trying to brake his grip on me. He put his mouth on the other nipple and bit down doing the same thing. He started chewing my nipples in his mouth like bubble gum. His cock was stilling going so hard and fast inside of me.

My pussy was getting raw and bruised from him fucking me so rough. He leaned down and licked the blood off my tummy and spit it right into my face calling me names. I throat was getting hot and purple from his grip. I felt myself loose consciousnesses and I would come back only to him fucking my limp body harder. I was like a little rag doll on his cock. He started digging his fingers into my tit fat, pulling the skin away from my chest.

My open titty wounds were gushing so much blood and my fatty flesh was coming out of the holes. I do not think I will be alive much longer.