Bondage phone sex gets extreme with a submissive druggy whore like me. I got a bit tied up last night. I am not exactly sure how it happened either. I was in a bar drinking with strangers. I know I was hitting guys up to party. I am a cougar whore. I love to party and fuck. I like coke too much and it gets me in some predicaments like last night. The last thing I clearly remember was doing lines of coke in the bathroom with this college dude. I had been playing pool, drinking, flirting and partying with some frat boys. When I woke up, I was tied up and suspended with some dude I had no memory of meeting. He was not one of the frat boys. I don’t think he was even at the bar. He had a pulsating vibrator attached to my clit that was giving me orgasm after orgasm. I know that doesn’t sound bad, but rapid cums in close succession like that over stimulates your pussy and hurts. I asked him who he was and how I got there. Apparently, the frat boys I was partying with sold me for $500 to this guy. WTF? They can’t sell a person. I demanded to be let go. He was not having any of my sass. He took a blow torch to my cunt and asshole. Torture sex is why he bought me. The pain made me pass out. He liked me awake, however. I could feel my flesh melting. I could smell my flesh burning. I puked. The way I was suspended, I only managed to puke all over myself. The torture went on for hours like some strange Pavlov’s dog experiment. It was like he was trying to get me to associate cumming with pain. I am a pain slut but burning the flesh from my skin was more than I could bear. Eventually, I passed out and couldn’t be revived. He dumped my body in an alley. I woke up when a bum was pissing on me.
Category: Torture sex
Extreme Bondage Phone Sex and Torture
Drinking My Victims Blood
I enjoy bringing my accomplices snuff phone sex that makes the hard as a rock. I have been afforded the luxury of seeing the light fade out of my victims’ eyes. I love hearing the last beat of blood pumping from these little sluts you bring me. The best glass of blood wine comes from the atrial drops of blood last precious pumps before the soul leaves our victims body. I am an evil bitch and I also enjoy a glass of blood straight from some castrated balls. I love to have that cock hard and balls filled as you enjoy a little tight pussy right before I stab her in the heart and her body goes limp. Stay in that tight dead twat as I slice your nuts off and feed them down her throat as you watch. I will cauterize your scrotum. You are now my nutless accomplice for the duration of our murder phone sex fantasies. My pleasures have switched to the young ones with creamy smooth skin and a fire in my heart makes me want to see them forced to do my evil and bodies gapped and ruined before I drink the sweet blood of my victims.
That bitch deserved what she got
I went out for a nice evening and some fucking drunk bitch spilled her drink all over my new fur! As far as I was concerned my fur was worth more than her life so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I convinced her to leave the bar and come outside with me, once we were alone it was a simple matter to knock her the fuck out and take her back to my place. She ruined my lovely new fur so I was going to make myself a nice new leather coat out of her fucking skin! It was slow painstaking work to skin her all in one piece but with persistence it was getting done… of course the whore was screaming and bitching the whole time but who gives a fuck? Certainly I didn’t! A coat for a coat, that’s fair right? I mean, she died of course in the end but it was worth it to me, now I will have a lovely leather jacket to replace my fur.
cum get me
There is nothing I love more than having my insides filled with cum from multiple random guys and treated like a shitty slutty bitch. Yes, oh yes please, drill and pound my ass hole until it unfolds its self out watch me contract, If you cum in me how I like I’ll even push your fluids out of my ass so that it drips down my pussy. But, don’t stop there. I want to be bound and gagged after you have had enough. I want you to call every friend you have and tell them you have a fuck toy that really needs some cock and cum to fill here up. My face, ass and pussy are stuffed completely tied up slap me with any cord or cable you have. Make me bleed and call me a bitch while doing it. If i cry I want you to continue this pain and pleasure. Fuck me until i cant breathe, lifeless almost . Dump me out on the streets still bound so others can have their turn. I really love it. Come get your turn with me! waiting just waiting for you.
Wanna Know My Hot Fantasy of My Demise?
Home invasion phone sex is possibly one of my hottest fantasies as the worthless victim that I am. You see this hot piece of groomed snatch gets so fucking wet when i daydream of my demise. I literally just get all creamy and crave dick, and not just dick to fuck me normally, fuck normal! I want a guy to fantasy rape my snatch as he takes out his aggressions beating me, slapping or cutting at my perfect fake tits, or even fantasy raping my cunt then once he came in it he takes a knife and starts to fantasy rape my perfect snatch with it. As the wounds are made his salty spunk oozes into them and causes this most terrible burning, stinging sensations.
I really am a worthless fuck whore, am I not?
Ass Rape Porn Gets Me Coke and Pain
I am an ass rape porn star. Not mainstream porn, however. My stuff is all on the dark net. It is for men who like seeing anal torture. For men who get off on prolapsed and bleeding assholes. Does that sound like you? I have a huge monkey on my back called cocaine. My need for blow leads to poor decision making. My husband cut off my allowance years ago. Most dealers won’t float me any more blow. I must make underground movies for sick directors to make money, so I can get high. Not all the directors are men. The last anal torture sex film I made was directed by a bull dyke. She hates women like me because we remind her of her whore mother. Apparently, mommy dearest pimped her daughter out for coke. If I had a baby girl, I would have done the same thing. This woman likes to pay old mommy whores like me for pain and torture films. At first, it didn’t seem that bad. At least not compared to what I have done in the past. I can handle a fuck machine ramming warp speed in and out of my ass. I didn’t want to act like it didn’t hurt, so I moaned and moved around like a wounded bird. When she stopped the machine to lube it up, I was no longer acting. She doused the dildo part in icy hot. My ass was on fire. If that was all she did, I would have been fine, but she added crushed glass to the icy hot. My anus was shredding and burning. The more my skin tore, the more it burned. She laughed the entire time. I cried. By the time she was done, my asshole looked like raw meat. I cried so hard. I still can’t piss, fuck or shit without grimacing in pain. At least I got a fix.
I’m Going To Feed You Your Own Cock
You are a completely useless piece of shit and that thing between your legs has you thinking with the wrong head. I believe castration phone sex is the only answer for you as I have had it with the countless times my little sister has been treated so fouly by you, and well, I held off as long as I could… per her request that I don’t do anything to you… and cannot let this go on. In fact I think I will assist any other females from enduring your loser ways.
I invite you over for a party and tell you how you cannot tell my little sister, after all you are too cool to not be invited… *god I nearly choked on those words!* You show up and I have a few biker friends over for good measure and ask you to the back bedroom because I need to talk to you. I get you back there and pretend to be all over you and get you undressed. I push you into a chair and before you realize what is happening I am duct taping your wrists and ankles to posts. I text my bros to crank up the tunes. I then grab a big game gutting knife and straddle your legs. With a swoop of the blade I have severed your penis and ball sac and leave you bleeding out. I go to the kitchen and sautee this delicate.. and small piece of meat up in a pan and return to feed you your own cock. Choke on this dick meat and die mother fucker.
Castration Phone Sex: I Will Revoke Your Balls
Castration phone sex is a wicked good time for me. Perhaps, not you so much. Guys seem particularly attached to their balls. Even, small worthless balls are hard to part with. What men don’t understand is that testicles are a privilege. Not every guy deserves them. Sure, you are born with nuts, but if you have proven time and time again, that you don’t know how to use them properly, they should be revoked. Just like if you get too many DUIs, your license is permanently revoked. I revoke balls. Too many men have balls that don’t know how to use them properly. I met Daniel at a Goth bar last week. He was sexually harassing the women there. He called a friend of mine a freak and lots of other far worse names. This fucking loser walked into a Goth bar and started insulting the patrons. That shit didn’t go over well. I don’t put up with trash talking. You don’t like Goths, get the fuck out of our bar. He was drunk and looking for trouble. I am trouble with a capital T. He just had no clue how much trouble he was in. The folks in that bar had my back. I spiked his drink to lessen his strength and two guys lifted him on top of the bar for me. I shoved someone’s panties in his mouth, stripped him naked from the waist down and showed him what happens to disrespectable pricks. The owner of the bar gave me a few things to select from, so I picked the rusty old chainsaw in the back. All my fellow Goths and sadistics were cheering me on. I sawed off his nuts with a rusty chainsaw. He was bleeding all over the bar. Girls got out their lighters and burned the wound shut. He would live, but he was not going to procreate, and he would likely never get laid again because I left a nasty scar. At least he learned a lesson. Don’t come on to my turf and insult me and my friends. I have lots of torture phone sex stories for you as a sick bitch.
Mascara massacre
There we were two pathetic stripper sluts feining for angel dust and doing everything we could to get our hands on it. We were druggy sluts that submitted ourselves to our king. We would be his ultimate puppets and whatever he said would go. After a late night of sucking random men’s cocks and working the stage we already used up a ton of our money on dope, We knew our supply wouldn’t last. Macey and I were willing to do everything and anything to get our hands on it. We were chasing a high, and we were going to submit to our master’s rules. Macey and I would make our master’s gangbang rape porn reality. Our master had a love for watching skanky sluts kneel and submit. He wanted our mascaras to run and our mouths to bleed. We couldn’t stop taking his cock till we were bloody. Feeling his cock thrust into our mouths for hours felt like razors probing us after hours of being used. Macey began to bleed first her make up smeared and her face all bloody gave our master more ammo to call up his buddies and tie us up. It was a huge fuck fest. Two druggy stripper whores are taking over twelve different cocks. Blood sweat and tears was an understatement.
Torture Sex
It was pure torture sex. He gets off on causing me pain. I am not sure what exactly happened, but I woke up in the basement with my ankles and wrists bound. I felt like I had been drugged. I am sure I had. He loves to abuse me. My last clear memory was doing a line of coke before bed. When I woke up, I was a hot mess, naked and restrained in the basement. What jolted me awake? An electric shock shook me awake. It felt like an electrical current pulsated through my entire body. I was wide awake now. He was calling me names. He shocked my pussy. The voltage was so strong, I pissed myself. He then put the cattle prod in my cunt. He had this devious smile on his face as he cranked up the voltage. The hair on my pussy was smoking from the current. I pissed myself again, even shit the floor. He just stood there laughing at my pain. My stepson hates me. He takes cruel pleasure in my pain. I was crying, which I knew was only a turn on to him. I couldn’t help it. The pain was intense, even for a pain slut. My discomfort is foreplay for him. The cattle prod went up my ass the next time. Like one of those extreme ass rape porn stars, he fucked me with the prod turned up to its highest voltage. I convulsed like a rabid animal. I frothed at the mouth. My entire body shook to the point it felt like I was levitating. I lost all control of my bodily functions. I woke up hours later in a pool of piss, shit and vomit. I could smell the frayed pussy hair. I reeked of humiliation. I laid there in my own filth because it was better than going upstairs and risking his wrath again.