We made snuff movies last night and I loved it! I had this pathetic little bitch boy named Francis as the star of my movie, he was so terrified! This man came there thinking he would be the star of my movie in a different way, he thought that he would be helping me kill someone else, can you believe that shit? As if I’d let a man named Francis kill anyone! That is such a girl name don’t you think? I mean clearly his mother set him up for a life of ridicule when she named him that. Anyway, he was dressed in jeans and a button up white shirt looking like a bitch already when he walked in so I just grabbed him and forced him over to a pole where I tied him with his hands above his head. He was crying at that point, begging me to know why he was there but all I could do was laugh. I pointed to the audience and told him that they were all there to see me kill a little bitch named Francis, that he didn’t deserve to live with a wimpy name like that. And then I beat him to death while he cried, it was so fun!!
Category: Torture sex
We made snuff movies
Beat Me The Fuck Up
I need torture I woke up craving a good fucking beating. All the works including punches and kicks. I love the smell of my blood and the feel of it making its way down my flesh. and let us not forget the fucking great feeling of welts forming on my body. And I know exactly where to go to get such great attention. For a few years now I have a friend that I met over the internet and he loves to beat the shit out of women. When we realized we were only living streets away from each other we hooked up right away and still hook up to this day. Yeah, we fuck but that is an afterthought. I usually get a good hour to an hour and half of a good brutal beating.
Snuff Sex Sentence
I was sentenced to snuff sex as my punishment. I faced a trial and a jury and was sentenced to a painful death, a public painful death. My crime? I was a judge who took bribes and sentenced women to prison and death for things they did not do. According to my executioner B, my death was a long time coming. In a public forum, I was on a platform in my judicial robe. That soon came off me. I was stripped of any shred of decency and power I thought I possessed. I was smug at first, but my executioner smacked the smugness off my face. Once I was stripped naked in front of a large audience cheering my death, I felt the shame my victims must have felt. My executioner made it clear that I was going to die in pain. My death would speedy, but it hinged on one thing, my orgasm. I was injected with microscopic robots that would trigger a massive heart attack the moment I came. When I heard that, I fought some more, but soon I was tied down and spread eagle. The microscopic killers had already invaded my bloodstream. My executioner just had to ensure my orgasm. In front of thousands of people, I was naked, spread eagle and getting fucked by a large fuck machine. Despite my fear and humiliation, it was a biological clock ticking to my death. Under my judicial robe, was a kinky pain slut who no matter how hard she tried, she could not hold back an orgasm, not even under such grave circumstances. I let out a huge moan as I came my final time. My body stiffened up and my heart felt like it was being squeezed so hard it could pop. That was it, I was dead. Just like that, executioner B gave me my comeuppance. What is your dark fantasy phone sex death sentence for me?
Castration Phone Sex: He Had it Coming
Castration phone sex inspired me. I had a call last week from a useless ass loser. He had a 2-inch dick and huge balls. Sadly, I saw pics. Some things you can never unsee. His balls obscured his shrimp dick. I was happy to take his nuts. At least it made his dick look bigger lol. Two nights ago, I was at a Goth bar when this little nerd came in. He bee lined straight towards me and flashed his tiny wiener. The geek had a death wish. To show me his cock he wanted killed or castrated, or both. I have a reputation. He said his girlfriend dared him, but I had a hard time believing he had a girlfriend. He looked truly scared when I pulled out my huge knife. My guess was a woman fucked with him and knew my reputation and wanted his balls gone. He reminded me of my caller because he had huge ass balls and a teeny tiny weenie. I took him into the bathroom to castrate him. I had no supplies, just my knife. This was a freebie. He wasn’t paying me, so no need to treat him well. He was some looser with a sort fuck stick exposing himself in public. I didn’t give a fuck if he got gangrene and died. Seriously, he was a loser with a death wish. I know a few. I had some Jack Daniels, my lighter and my trusty old knife. I made him put his cock under the dirty toilet seat to separate his nuts from his dick. The loser was so fucked up he was going along with it. I poured whiskey on his balls as a curtesy he wasn’t owed and chopped them off. It was medieval torture sex. Very bloody. He puked. What a wuss. I used my lighter to cauterize his wound and then I used some more whiskey to dull his pain. He acted like I took his fucking dick too. Ungrateful loser. I could have killed him, I should have killed him. I made his worthless dick look bigger and not even a thank you.
never vanilla
I think deep under all the slave training I have gotten, and everything I have experienced there is still a part of me that wishes I can have some sensual fucking. I have wanted to fuck and not bare any pain. I told my master this, and he said he could do that for me. I thought everything was good and I was going to enjoy a fuck session finally. Well, it turned into a scene in one of those snuff movies my master idolizes so much. He was so gentle and sweet than when I started to climax, he stopped. He used a handkerchief and began to choke me out till I was blue in the face. I passed out and woke up in a puddle of blood. He used my stiff body with his buddies the whole night.
Bloody Phone Sex Fun
Bloody phone sex stories make my cunt wet. I love blood. The feel of it. The taste of it. The look of it. I was more deranged than usual Sunday. I took Sunday Funday to a new level. I snatched a young girl from a church parking lot. I wanted to carve her up and play in her blood. That is exactly what I did too. This blonde angel in her Sunday best was covered in blood after one cut. Her skin was like a porcelain doll. Soft and tender. I made cuts all over her body and masturbated as she screamed in pain for her mommy. I watched her blood spurt and run out of the holes I made. It made me hot seeing her tender flesh bleed like an ocean. I gave her one last cut to her throat to shut her the fuck up. Watching it cascade out was wicked hot. It sprayed on my body. I rubbed my pussy as her warm blood coated my face. She died quickly. It was a shame to let her go too soon. I could have doused her in lye to get rid of her remains, but I decided she would make a tasty meal. I boiled her in water with some spices and veggies. She was small, so she wouldn’t feed an army, but she did feed me well. Hopefully, she understood she would be better off dead in my belly than alive. I know I should have invited some friends to feast on her tender flesh. I mean it was like eating veal. I was just wicked hungry for human flesh. I was greedy and wanted to consume her all. I did just that. I ate her cooked body and gave her bones to my dogs. No one will ever know what happened to little Harper but me and you.
Daddy is a sick perv
My new stepdad is one sick fucker. I knew I was being recorded. My panties were missing and I seemed to have the grand suspect down almost immediately. One thing I like more than Accomplice phone sex is being one sneaky slut. I decided to play his games and I was guilty of wearing short daisy dukes. I wore little to nothing around him and I would give him blue balls so many times. One day I felt him come into my room. I had the perfect plan. Once he got close to my twat I let him enjoy his fantasies of licking my perfect teen twat. His cock was growing harder and I could feel him panting. Loser thought I was going to let him fuck me and blow his load inside me. I had something else in my mind. I told him ” Daddy we should play a game.” His eyes lit up and I could see all the desire and curiosity in them. I went ahead and blindfolded him I kept things sexy and mysterious. I handcuffed him and within minutes I had a Chasity device on him. I was going to make his cock hurt so bad. I like inflicting pain on others especially perverts like my new daddy. His cock was bruising and already black and blue. The more I teased him and played with my twat in front of him the more it was hurting. I can’t help but smile and wink at your pathetic existence. Pervy daddy you really think you can fuck me? A perfect sadistic deviant princess? Dream on loser!!
The choking game
I have gotten into the choking game recently. I like having my guy fuck me hard and choke me and make me pass out. It gives me a high. This past Friday he took it to a different level. I thought I was going to completely give out and he was going to end up fucking my cold dead body. I know deep down inside he has had fantasies of fucking my lifeless body and when he was choking me I could of sworn thats what was going to happen. I really believed I was going give out and then he was going to fuck me till he had his fun. I woke up from a euphoric state. I came so hard and passed out at the same time I was out for what felt like an eternity. It was such an intense feeling and It made me feel like fuck slut. I wanted to keep going and never stop. I know I am playing with fire but I love getting burned.
Torture Sex Death Sentence
Torture sex death was my punishment. I committed treason and was sentenced to a new age prison where they were experimenting with new death row techniques. I thought I had more time when the warden showed up. He stripped me off my rank and clothes. I was humiliated standing before him naked and pleading for my life. I wanted a second chance, but he dragged me to the courtyard where others were waiting to watch my demise. He injected me with nanomittes designed to kill me when I had an orgasm. They are these microscopic robots that can be programmed to do just about anything, including killing a woman the moment she cums by stopping her heart in a very painful way. Honestly, when he injected me, I thought it was bullshit. Some scare tactic to humiliate and instill fear. My life was over quickly soon thereafter. I am a pain slut. No matter what they did to hurt me, I got wet. Lashes with a whip, electric shocks up my ass…just made me wetter, which caused pain in my chest. I cum easily with pain, so no matter how hard I tried to fight, I knew my snuff porn nightmare would be over soon. When the warden went straight to my pussy with this huge ass industrial looking vibrator, I knew I was dead. I struggled, tried to think of something else, but in the end, I am a dirty nasty whore. Even facing my death, I was cumming. What the fuck is wrong with me? I deserved to die.
It is Monday and it is fucking late like 4 am or some bullshit but I need to get laid. And not only do I need to get laid but I need a good beat down too. I know a few guys I can call but the one I am calling loves knife play. I am in the mood to smell and taste my own blood. My little dirty secret is I love blood especially my blood. I love the feeling of it trickling down my flesh. My cunt gets so fucking wet. Even now writing this blog I am dragging my cunt against my bed. I am going to give him a call right now I am teasing myself too much I need to fucking cum!