Category: Torture sex

Sex with Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies entertains me. I enjoy killing a bitch, so you may fuck her warm dead cunt. Jason and I make great partners. He picks out a bitch and I stalk her. He spotted this teen princess at his local coffee shop. She is a spoiled mean girl who comes into his Starbucks daily after school with her posse. We planned everything. I lured her to my car with the promise of a role in a movie I was casting. Jason chloroformed her. We drove her to my kill shack. He had some fun with her alive pussy first. He wanted to compare the difference.  I had some fun with her too. Torture sex always makes me wet. I cut her entire body up. I made a pentagram on her stomach. Carved whore on her forehead. Then, I sliced off her nipples and her clit. She kept passing out from the pain until I slapped her a wake. Jason fucked her as I held the knife to her throat. I planned on slicing her pretty throat the moment he came inside her. He could say he fucked a girl, then fucked her as she was dying and fucked her dead pussy without needing to remove his dick from her pussy. He did get blood spatter all over his face as I slit her throat. Me bad. He didn’t seem to mind, however. In fact, he fucked her harder, using some of the blood as lube. She was making some sexy gasping / gurgling sounds as she struggled for air. She was dead a few minutes later. Jason kept fucking her dead body. He said he pussy was just as tight and warm as it was when she was alive. He came all over her dead corpse. We fucked in the pool of blood before disposing of her body. Don’t knock it before you try it.

Torture Sex Nightmare

torture sexI had a torture sex nightmare last night. I woke up in a ball of sweat, scared for my life. You were not very nice too me. In fact, you could have killed me. I think you wanted too but I woke up. I remember we met at a bar. You bought me a lot of drinks. Perhaps, you spiked my last drink, or it was just one too many because I don’t remember leaving the bar. My memory was foggy, still is. I was at a bar with a cute guy then I was chained to a wall in a basement. The first face I saw was yours. You were whipping my voluptuous body and calling me a whore. I was scared but trapped. I acted like a pain slut but that made you whipped me harder. I know I am not the only girl you did this too because I saw the collection of purses in the corner. You have been at this awhile. Somehow, I got away. I may be the only one who got away. Honestly, I thought I just had an awful nightmare, but I woke up this morning and I couldn’t find my purse. Then, when I went into the bathroom, I saw the welts all over my body. It wasn’t just a bad dream. It is just I can’t remember who your were or how I got out.

The slaughter of Pigomi

snuff sextorture phone sex

Naomi is a girl from high school who is far from sweet. I have had plenty of snuff sex sessions where I have thought about ruining her. See looks maybe deceiving but I know her motives and know she ruined my life once before.  Pigomi planted her weed in my locker. I got in trouble for it and held on to that grudge for a while. A few years passed and my path crossed with Naomi once again. I had her application on file and had to put my personal feelings aside and give her a proper interview. I invited the pig whore over for a shot.

I brought her right inside and introduced her to my partner from work. I decided to go get some drinks at his request. I could hear My work partner drill her figuratively and literally. Pigomi was on her knees sucking him off in clear daylight. A pig doesn’t change over night. It was time for ultimate revenge I was going to smoke this ham. This little piggy messed with the wrong bitch. We were going to make her squeal and beg to let free. We hog tied her up and put the most painful electric shock nipple clamps ever. Silly pigomi has no idea we love much more than plain torture phone sex. We love the real deal. My co worker and I have a mutual love for hunting whores like pigomi and honoring our vengeance vows. The soon to be pork was begging for her pathetic life to be set free. What a joke. Oh piggy you will be used even well after you have an apple in your mouth. One thing we love is fucking dead carcass. I was on a full on high seeing him fuck her lifeless body. It was the fair shot the oinker deserved.

Heather Harper gets legally fucked

sex with dead bodiesI had to take this thing out of me  even if it meant endless torture sex.I was so sick and tired of being a mini baby whale. I was losing my looks and feeling stressed out. Everyone was talking about how unfuckable I was. I am already a prime example of a cunt. Now with this offspring growing inside me I was satan in heels. I tried to cover up my condition but people talk. I heard one of my co workers could make this problem go away. I needed to know how and more importantly when. I was willing to do anything to make this disappear. I knew Steve wanted to fuck me since forever. I went up and boldly offered him up my holes.

I could hear his laughter grow. “Oh heather I don’t want to fuck you right now” You are huge as a cow. I was desperate and blurted out he could have my young niece. His eyes widened. I knew I peaked his interest. “Now we are talking”. ” I am going to need that in a legal binding document” I was so anxious and was willing to do so. My bitchiness wasn’t short of rearing its ugly head. I was peeved beyond words. I couldn’t believe he wouldn’t hurry up and help me make my problems vanish. I sat thru a tedious amount of paper work but it was done. My sweet angel face niece was going to be pimped out by me.

I didn’t feel one bit of remorse. I was stoked to be able to make my problems go away. One more thing was going to happen not only was Steve going to pop my virginal ass and my nieces cherry holes, Steve was going to have sex with dead bodies as well. My offspring was going to be fucked and ruined to death. I was going to get his cock till I had to push out the new spawn out of me. steve was going to have my new tots holes, New pussy! 

X__H.H   I heather Harper agree to all these conditions.



torture sex

Unwilling Accomplice

Torture sex

Sometimes my daddy forces me to be his accomplice. I hate it, but at least then I’m not the one who is being brutalized and tortured, so I go along with it. We got into his big van and drove around looking for the perfect victim. He likes them young and unspoiled so he can take their innocence. We drove past a playground and found the perfect girl. She was a little brunette cutie with green eyes and freckles. He had to have her when he saw her. I got out of the car and walked over to her and began to talk to her. I told her I was lost and asked if she would walk with me because I was scared. Poor thing had no idea what was coming. When we got near the van, he grabbed her and pulled her inside. He hit her hard and stuffed a gag into her mouth and began to tie her up. She was so perfect and cute that he wanted her right now. We tore off her clothes and exposed her tiny perfect little body. Her pale skin was smooth and unblemished, for now. He forced his big cock into her pussy as I held her legs apart and kept her from struggling. She was a virgin and bled like a pig as he fucked her. This only made him harder. Then he slammed her onto her back and fucked her tiny little ass. Her little asshole was bleeding and dripping with his cum when he was finally finished. It wasn’t long before he was hard again though. He forced me to pry open her mouth so she couldn’t bite so that he could fuck her face. He slammed his big dick into her mouth and jammed it all the way down her throat before emptying it in her stomach. When he was done, her small body was covered in scratches and bruises and cruel bite marks where he had bitten her in his moment of pleasure. We drove to a secluded area before dumping her limp body in a patch of woods where no one would find her.

Daddy’s Snuff Slut

taboo phone sex

Daddy says I’m his muse. Nothing fuels his sadism more than the sight of me and my tight little piggy whore body, he says. I’ve been conditioned for so much of my life to serve as my daddy’s perfect torture fuck doll. Daddy loves recording all the various ways of torture fucking he puts me through. Sometimes, he’ll sew my lips shut so I can’t scream while he slowly cuts away at my flesh and abuses my cunt. Daddy has sewed my cunnie wide open so that I am always accessible to him.

He had me hold my legs up and wide open so he could get a good look at my young cunt. I was told that if I shed a single tear or if my smile faltered, he would sew my cunt up instead. So, I smiled and giggled as Daddy pulled my cunnie lips back and began suturing and sewing me wide open. His cock quivered as the needle went in and out of my flesh and when he was does, he fucked his little snuff whore over and over again.

New year resolutions

snuff sex

This new year I will be putting a lot more focus on snuff sex. I have no desire to be into any vanilla scenarios. I inflicting pain and being whipped at the same time. It is a crazy combo that I have decided not to question. I have made plenty men be my castrating dummies. The hotter it is the better I get off each time. I can slice your dick off easily but it takes a special man who can slice his own dick off with a blade or knife. I will hand you the cutting board but its up to you to finish the deed.

Prove you are a submissive piece of shit and I will be happy. I can’t wait to bring in the new year fucking up sluts and making them my whores. I want a house full of whores willing to do anything for a buck. I want them giving away their holes and making me top dollar. Another goal I have for this new year is simply starting them young. I wan’t plenty of youngins ready for training. I want to be able to make tot sluts out of these innocent girls. I will expose them to rough sex and torture sex because I can and I will. Happy New year and watch Nasty Natasha become an even more deviant devilish domme.

torture sex

Star of the show

snuff sexOut of all the slaves my master has I am the star of the show. I get right to it and waste no time. I ruin my holes in front of him and show him that my pain is his pleasure. I like to take things in my own hands and get your cock ready to explode. Let me be your sadistic slave and fuck these sluts till they are in a puddle of blood. I know how you like it and how you want it, so let me make you proud and gauge their eyeballs out and fill their eye sockets with cum. perfect cum filled slaves. I want to be the star of the show and unleash all the nasty snuff sex you love. I will be brutal with them and make you proud. I can’t wait to kill a slut so you can fuck her lifeless body. I know thats an all time favorite of yours. I will fulfill all your dark wicked fantasies.

Winter wonderland

snuff sexMy master loves a nasty whore and he loves to have snuff sex with the sluttiest one I can find. Christmas eve was a winter wonderland. It gave both of us an idea we both thought would be perfect. We could take a trashy whore and make her our toy for the night. It was going to be a blast torturing her and making her our entertainment. There is nothing like a helpless slut drenched in blood. I had an extra special idea. I was going to make her a Popsicle in the backyard deep freezer. It felt appropriate in this cold winter to make the slut an ice cub. It was the perfect sadistic fun winter in my eyes. Poor slut didn’t see what was coming to her. She had plenty coke lines to numb the pain.

Snuff Phone Sex in My Home

snuff phone sexHe was the kind of guy who called me for snuff phone sex. In fact, he may have been one of my callers. He was some one who knew me at least because he told me things no stranger would know. He broke into my house. Some how got in without tripping the alarm. I had taken an Ambien, so I was out cold. That was until a cold blade and heavy breathing startled me awake. He told me if I made a sound, he would kill me immediately. I thought I would likely die anyway, but if I listened to him for now, maybe I could escape. I let this fat sweaty man who seemed to know a lot about me fuck me. I tried to think of anything else but this fat slovenly fuck on top of me with a knife to my throat. He thrust in and out of me until he came. He smelled awful. He felt worse inside me. I thought, this was over. He got what he came for, now he would leave. That was his form of foreplay. His knife moved off my neck and down between my legs. I gasped as he slid the knife inside my pussy. I cried as he sliced up my insides. I could feel the warm blood of my gutted womb spilling out on to my bed. He left me to bleed out in my own home on my own bed. He whispered in my ear, “Now there will be one less worthless whore in the world,” and he left me for dead.