There’s a murderer among us, but my daddy never suspected it was me. I have always had Murder phone sex Fantasies that made my little cunt so wet! All throughout my young years I was different form furry little creatures that used to turn up mutilated in the most disgusting of ways. Found disemboweled, with giant grins carved into their faces and their eyes gouged out with my own fingernails. I think mommy suspected it was me, especially after I threatened her and told her to stay the fuck away from Daddy. Well, she moved out and they got a divorce not long after. You see, daddy is mine. He’s my love, and his cock is for me. Mommy will never be found because I killed that whore after 16 days in the shed out behind old Finks place!
Mommy would howl and scream as I shoved sharp objects up her ass and cunt and only fed her cum! Men would pay five bucks to fuck that bloody almost dead cow of a whore! I delighted in every second, even putting some of her blood in daddies meat loaf I made him!
Even as a young one, I wasn’t about to let my fucking mommy stand in the way of me getting railed by Daddy’s thick dick every night. Every time I carved up one of the chickens, or committed a foul heinous crime on one of the bovines, I would picture Mommy’s face. But even after she left, I still did it from time to time when I got angry. Daddy loved my hot teen pussy, but he wasn’t as accepting of the idea at first. You know, men have morals. So I carved him up a very special bouquet. 15 pigs hearts oh, and I baked them all fresh with apples. Daddy appreciated the sweetmeats, but when he saw the way I had mutilated those pigs he knew I had to put my talents to better use. That’s how you ended up here in my van honey. Daddy brought you here, for his little princess to play with mutilate and torture before your imminent death!.