One fetish I don’t get to explore as often as I’d like to is making snuff movies. Obviously, there’s a higher risk of being caught if I show myself on tape doing all the sick and twisted things I love to do so much but I just couldn’t resist the temptation! I decided that as long as I was masked it should be ok, after all I am not heavily tattooed or anything, no distinguishing marks on me so no one would ever know that it was me doing all the killing. I got my sweet tender little victims ready and we started rolling. I tortured them slowly, breaking their little bones and burning their flesh… just toying with them to start. Then I fucked them to death my my favorite dildo, the one with the razor wire embedded into it! They bled so much, their screams were so piercing, honestly I was in heaven! And now I can relive that moment whenever I want to!
Category: Torture phone sex
Lets make snuff movies!
Perfect Victim
She was always by herself. I assumed she was a run away. I was right too. She came up to me and was asking me for change to get something to eat. I asked all the right questions at this point. My master would be pleased. No one will miss her. Her family is dead and she is a product of the system. With a little cleaning up she would be perfect. She was a chocolate girl, dark smooth skin. Her eyes was almond shape. She had a nice plump ass like Serena very nice tits to match. I asked her where she was staying she told me at the bus lot. Then I asked did she have any friends or knew any family before I made my next move. Her answer was no which is great for me. I took her to my place and got her all cleaned up. I dressed her in something real sexy. I know what he likes and she was perfect. red lace on her chocolate skin had my pussy dripping wet. She was beautiful like a black china doll. We sat at the table and I told her the man of the house will be joining us for dinner. She was so naive to what was happening. I gave her a drink laced with sleeping pills enough to keep her dazed but also have her functioning. He came in and noticed the treat I had waiting for him at the table. We gave her more wine and a little X too. This was going great. She was perfect in every way. We watched her as the drugs started to kick in. She began to masturbate at the table this always turned him on. I knew what was next. I laid her back on the table and spread her legs open and began to devour her sweet cunt. She was in absolute bliss at this point and not fully aware of what was going on. He rubbed her face and told her how great she looked. He slide his cock in her mouth and forced it down her throat. One of his fantasies was to suffocate a victim within inches of their life before slitting their throats. She began to gag and try to pull away. Due to the drugs I fed her, she had no fight in her. It really didn’t help her that I was only giving her oral pleasure to keep her from fighting. She passed out lifeless she laid on the table. Then he began to fuck her until she started to wake up. As he stroked inside of her violently thrusting into her she tried to fight. Bad move that only made him more excited about what will happen next. Her will to live turned me on because on paper she had nothing to live for. Before he came to his peak of climax I knew it would be over for her. She began to fight for her life and in a swift moment it was over. I watched him slice her throat. She laid on the table blood dripping and oozing from her mouth. He grabbed and smiled then unloaded his cum shot all over my mouth and tits.
Dirty Grandpa
The rain was pouring down and my feet hurt from walking up and down the boulevard. I still had five more miles before I was home. I was soaking wet with mascara running down my face. A car pulled up beside me and an older gentleman rolled down the window.
“Do you need a ride?” , he asked.
He looked so gentle, like someone’s grandpa. I got in his car, but as soon as I sat back in my seat I heard the doors lock and I knew I was in trouble. He had the door rigged so that I couldn’t unlock it from the inside. Fear consumed my body and I begged him not to hurt me. He punched me so hard the back of my head slammed against the window.
“Shut up, you dirty little bitch!” , he yelled.
I knew to not say another word and sat in silence while he drove towards the outskirts of the city. We drove for another 45 minutes before he pulled down a rocky country road. He turned the engine off and gripped me by my hair to force his dick into my mouth.
“Suck me, bitch!” , he screamed.
I sucked his cock hoping and praying in my head that he wouldn’t kill me. Then suddenly he pushed me away and reached over me to put my seat back. He climbed on top of me and shoved his hard dick inside of me. He pumped my pussy hard and fast before cumming and collapsing on top of me. When he got his strength back he unlocked my door and pushed me out of his car. He left me on that dark country road and I dropped to my knees thanking God I was still alive.
Evil Phone Sex Accomplice Cheerleader Slut
This evil phone sex accomplice is a total fucking mischievous little cheerleader slut that gets off on torturing offspring. Babysitting jobs passed to me are special ones and I usually work on getting my access to those young fuckwits. I get in there and those little fucks have no god damned chance of escaping without some form of gaping wound hole from finding a place to fuck them. Sometimes we just have to pop the damned eyes from the sockets because the damned fuck holes are too small and we need more than one or two!
I love getting my stainless steel spiked cock in a sweet young asshole and make mother fucking tat-tar out of that bitch! Just hand me some chopped scallions, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil and toss that sweet meat up for some fine dining of a delicacy similar to veal.
Snuff Porn Accomplice
Snuff porn is hot to watch. The sad thing is that most of what you find on line is fake. I have made many a real snuff film; I know when I am watching a fake one. Watching even the fake ones, stirs up the mad murdering goddess in me, however. They make me crave for another kill. Like a vampire smelling blood, I need to feed when I watch a snuff film. I need to kill someone, anyone. I gathered up my knife collection, got in my car and cruised for a victim. It was a lovely night; lots of folks out late strolling the streets looking for love or drugs. One person, was looking for death. He just didn’t realize it yet. He was handsome, older man who was clearly trolling the jailbait runaways. I told him I had a sweet young virgin slut back at my place. He bought it. I offered him a spiked drink at my place. He was soon passed out. I didn’t lie. I have a sweet young thing at home named Amy. She is my young accomplice. I am teaching her the joy of killing. When our victim woke up, he was tied naked on my bed. A plastic sheet underneath him to catch the blood. The fear in his eyes turned us both on. Amy was hovering over his cock and balls with my favorite serrated blade. I was holding a razor blade near his neck. He pissed himself he was so scared. Shouldn’t troll for jailbait pussy if you can’t handle the risk. Amy hurled some harsh words at him as she sliced his balls off. “My pussy is off limits to old perverts,” she screamed as she slashed his dick off too. Blood poured out like a volcano eruption. Amy’s face was covered in blood. He was still alive but in shock. I shoved his cock in his mouth and slit his throat. He bled out. Amy was giddy in delight. So was I. We are a killing team. Whose next?
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: Are You Man Enough to Take What’s Yours?
Rape phone sex fantasies? Every guy harbors a few, especially for a particular women: an ex girlfriend or wife, daughter, sister, a girl who rejected him, the boss, even a former teacher. Face it, women are cock teasing bitches. We love strutting around in revealing clothes and calling you a pig when you eyeball us. We enjoy getting hot and heavy with you then right as you are ready for penetration, we change our mind. I got what was coming to me the other day according to Paul. He is this guy I met at the gym. We got hot and heavy once at my place one day a few months ago. I saw how small his package was and said I changed my mind. He was a big burly guy who takes steroids and it shrunk his junk. That was my guess. I thought he was cool with the blue balls, or as cool as you can be. Apparently, he was not cool with what I did by a longshot. He waited and plotted for months to get his revenge. I was coming out of the gym late one night and there he was waiting for me. He seemed cool. Offered to walk me to my car because there was a serial attacker on the loose. Little did I know that serial attacker was him. When we got to my car, he hit me over the head with something. I woke up bound to some contraption in an unnatural position. My ass and pussy were exposed wide and he was fucking and fisting me. “No one denies me, whore,” he yelled as he forced fucked me. He sodomized me mostly. I wanted to laugh at his tiny cock. He wasn’t really hurting me, but he was clearly in some steroid induced rage. I was afraid he would kill me. I acted like I loved his small dick and how he should have done this to me months ago. He spared my life, but now I am his sex slave. Would you have spared my life if I cock teased you? Are you man enough to take what is yours like Paul?
Anal Gangbang Rape Porn on a Friday Night
Anal gangbang rape porn? I love hardcore anal, but what happened to me last night was so much more than a good hardcore ass fucking. The guys I was partying with were extreme. They didn’t just want to fuck my ass they wanted to destroy it. They completely prolapsed my asshole. It is still hanging out. My ass got sodomized with beer bottles and fists. They had no desire to fuck me. It was all about hurting me, humiliating me, even ruining me. These were frat boys. I had no idea they had such a mean streak in them. “We have tight coeds to fuck whore. We don’t need your used up old snatch,” one guy laughed as he rammed his fist up my butthole. They laughed because I was bleeding and crying from the pain. According to the fraternity president, a stupid druggy whore like me should be used to massive things in her holes. One of the pledges got his pledge paddle to use on me. It was a big piece of wood. Not the good kind of wood either. It took 4 brothers to hold me down while he rammed it in me without lubricant. Not only could I feel it tearing my asshole, I could feel the splinters in places no woman should ever have splinters. That was the final fuck that pulled my rectum out. They took turns sucking on my asshole that was dangling out of my butt. I felt so humiliated. Some of the brothers even tried to piss on my asshole like it was a bullseye. The abuse went on all night. By the time sunrise hit, my asshole looked like bloodied cauliflower hanging out and inflamed. I begged someone to take me home because I couldn’t sit, but they told me I was a stupid cunt, not a date and to call Uber if I wanted home so badly.
Sushi, sex and death
I had a special party with a very special centerpiece and it was quite a hit! It took forever to set up, I had to find the perfect girl so I put out an ad for a sushi girl, I wanted her to be comfortable being totally nude and have all the sushi eaten off her naked body. Well this one slut was eager to show me how good she looked naked and seemed turned on by the idea of them eating sushi off her so I hired her on the spot. An whore that eager to show herself off deserves what she got! See, what she didn’t know was that once she laid down, she would never be getting back up! I had the whole table covered in glue… a very powerful glue that melded to her skin almost instantly. She got a little scared then but I reassured her that we only put it there so she would be really still and that once dinner was over we would wash it all off. That was a lie tho, we all ate the sushi off her, fucked all her tight little fuck holes and then made our own sushi out of her flesh! Can’t get any fresher than eating her alive right? You would be amazed how long she lived even with giant chunks of meat gone… she was delicious for sure, I will definitely have to do this again soon!
Hands Around My Neck
I made so much money tonight walking the streets selling pussy, I was excited to go home and hand the cash over to my man. But no amount of money is ever enough to satisfy him, he’ll always find a way to be angry.
“Bitch, what are you smiling about, this ain’t shit!” he said while counting the cash.
“It’s never enough for you!” I screamed.
And that was my biggest mistake, talking back to my man was a big no no. He threw the money at my face and flew towards me and wrapped his hands around my neck. He squeezed my neck harder and harder. I clawed at his fingers, trying to escape his grip. I finally just stopped fighting and accepted my fate…I was about to die. I faded into darkness.
When I opened my eyes, my man was fucking me. His dick was pumping my pussy hard and fast. His sweat dripped onto my face mixing up with my tears. If I don’t get out of this abusive relationship I was going to die.
The thrill of the kill
I love when he thinks he has full control of me. He wants me as his slave. Not tonight I have a master who sent me out to be a savage beast. My prey for us will be the one that thinks everything is going his way with me. I let him hit me and smack me around with his cock. Let him know I was just the nigger slut bitch that was going to get what was coming to her. He threw me over a chair and violated my asshole. He wasn’t happy until he had seen blood dripping. It was time yet for me to go in for the kill. Like a true predator I played with this one for a while. It made my master happy and horny. Watching this weakling ruff me up and fuck me. He really thought he was in full control. He had slapped me to the ground for the last time. My master had said it was time to take over. As he placed his cock in my mouth what he didn’t notice was the razor blade under my tongue. With a little swivel of my lips I was able to flick out my small tool. He’s grabbing my head forcing his cock down my throat. Then with a devilish grin I started slicing his cock. He attempted to slap me with force behind it. When a voice said to him ” Not a good idea to slap the one with your cock in her mouth. He froze and I bit down taking a healthy chunk of his cock. Blood was everywhere and my master smiled like it was Christmas. He wasn’t going to let me have all the fun. He told this piece of shit that you not suppose to tamper with another man’s property. He poured bleach in alcohol into his fresh wounds. we was going to have a long night of pleasure and torture with this one. I grabbed a broom stick and on command I shoved it up his ass the same way he ripped mine. We tied him upside down and let his blood drip on us as my master began to take over me. I was his prize purchase and he proud that I could be a savage. As my reward I did the final kill by snapping our little friend’s neck ass he bled out while master tasted this juicy cunt.