Category: Torture phone sex

Torture Sex: Death by Roman Crucifixion

torture sexTorture sex was how I died. He was my executioner. I had been sentenced to die by a judge, but this was no ordinary prison. This was an experimental prison exploring new forms of torture and death for women like me. My executioner had been exploring death by Roman crucifixion. Do you know how painful that is? It is a gruesome and painful way to die. Before he nailed me to the cross, however, he whipped me over a hundred times. Both sides of my body were battered and bleeding from the lashes of his whip before he nailed me to the cross with outstretched arms and legs. I didn’t look peaceful nailed to the cross like Jesus. Did you know they don’t nail you by the hands and feet? He drove 6 inch nails into my wrists and my ankles. My entire body weight was being supported by my nailed limbs, which but a strain on my rib cage thus making it torture to just breathe. I couldn’t take in a full breath. I didn’t die of exposure or pain; I died of asphyxiation. I could feel my battered and bloodied body turning blue from lack of oxygen. I could feel myself getting weak. I thought I would be on that cross for days, but it was more like hours. My executioner stood watching me die, aroused. It was like he was looking at a work of art, not a dying woman. I deserved my death, but even as a pain slut, my executioner enjoyed my capital punishment more than me.

Snuff porn freak

snuff porn I decided to go out on this date with a guy from work. He seemed like a cool person and we had great conversation and a great time. I went to a cafe with him and it went to so well I went to his house to hang out. I have had a series of terrible dates lately I was excited to find someone who wasn’t too creepy. As soon as I let a sigh of relief I should have known things would turn around. He was getting some drinks for us and I noticed a room with a bright red and neon orange lights. Curiosity got the best of me because I followed. As soon as I got there, I saw a video camera and a ton of snuff porn, This guy was a real creep and I was getting ready to escape the poster of girls all cut up and their tits mutilated. As I ran for the door I felt him right above me I was in deep shit this time.

New Year’s Eve Ass Rape Porn Tradition

ass rape pornWhat are you doing for New Year’s Eve? I am making an ass rape porn movie. It is a New Year’s tradition in my family. My stepson, who hates me, has a party every year to ring in the New Year. I am always the hostess with the mostest. His friends and him got so fucked up last year that they showed me no mercy. I needed medical treatment the next day for a prolapsed ass. I have no doubt that this year will be no different. Do you want to know what they did to me while ringing in 2017? I wish it was just a simple gangbang rape porn. I can handle more cock in my fuck holes than you could guess. But I got far more up my ass than cock. They sodomized me with champagne bottles. They didn’t fuck me with the long neck part of the bottle either.  They used the fat end. Their idea of lube too was the Jalapeno spinach dip. One of my stepson’s friends lubed up the wide part of the bottle with hot pepper dip. Several of them crammed the bottle up my ass. I was tied up with a ball gag, so I wouldn’t scream too loudly nor attempt to get away. My ass was ruined.  I was gapped open; bleeding and I even shit everywhere. The Jalapeno dip burned my ass. I was crying, begging for some compassion, but I got nada. All I got was spit, shit, piss, blood and cum. And, a whole lot of pain and laughter at my discomfort. I am not looking forward to this New Year’s Eve. In preparation, however, I am going to do a fuck ton of blow and give myself an enema. I have no doubt they will be more sadistic this year.

Snuff Sex Brutality and Torturous Murder

I can’t deal with fucking morons and I can’t deal with them fucking around with my life. Idiots like this mechanic really deserve snuff sex in a brutal fucking way and I will get my way. You just don’t fuck with a persons motorcycle when you are a clueless fucking moron and I will teach this asshat a real good lesson… a lesson he won’t survive to learn.

Paying a visit to the mechanics shop right at closing time knowing he would be there alone was the perfect way to get my revenge on this twit. Flirtatiously I maneuver my way in and lock the door behind me as I flirt him back into the garage. Picking up a nice big wrench I pretend to just be looking at it as I flirtatiously ask him how he thinks what he has done to my bikes manifold was a good idea. As he stuttered I took this large wrench and bashed him in the head. His arms up, blood streaking from the wound as the useless pussy was pleading to let him make good I kicked him in him groin then as he bent over kneed him in the stomach knocking him to the floor. I yanked his ear and drug him to an engine hoist and hooked him up in it as I started to masturbate my cunt right over his face. I frigged my clit until I had a nice good stream of piss build up and showered him in it.

Snuff Sex

As he was really begging and nearly screaming I turned on some loud music and yanked his trousers open. With a nice big set of cable cutters I snipped that fucking cock right off of his body and thanked him for the sacrifice as he bled out in a oil pan.

I need a good snuffing, can you do it?

Snuff phone sexLately I have been the accomplice and don’t get me wrong I fucking love that but I think its about time for me to get a good snuffing. I have been a bad little fucking slut, do you think  you could punish me? I need to be tied up where I can only move when you direct me to, you need to have 100% control of me at all times. I want you to force your cock in every hole of mine at your pleasing. I need you to be fucking rough and throw me around like a good fucking rag doll. I want you to throat fuck me until I throw up all over your cock and I will make sure to clean you up.

Teen rape porn

teen rape porn

I remember that day that I went over to my friends house and her daddy was there with a bunch of his friends. They were getting drunk and snickering while they checked us out. I remember my little body was so new. We went to her room and we were soon trapped in there by all of the dads friends.

They took turns as they held us down and forced their way on top of us. We looked at one another as each of them thrusted their cocks inside of us, ripping us open. They were anything but gentle. No matter how much we tried to squirm out of their grip we were just forced harder to the ground. Their dicks stretched every hole of ours wide open.


Breaking And Enterning

Bloody phone sexI often times leave my door unlocked or a couple of window a jar. Making it easy for someone to break in. Slam a punch to my gut to wake me up gasping for air. Then a punch to face. Maybe a knife right at my throat cutting in as I wake up screaming. Then you can fuck me hard. Maybe even fuck me with the knife. Gutting me from the inside out. Cutting up uterus. You can fuck me so hard in the ass with your cock and continue to fuck me in the cunt with the knife. Make me bleeding bloody bruised mess. And after you done fucking and pounding the shit out of me. If you have the guts to do it, snuff my life right out from me. Choke me. Stab me. Or just plain old beat me to death.

Blood soaked panties for Christmas

Bloody phone sexI know the perfect gift to give this naughty holiday season, a fresh pair of my blood soaked panties. Dripping wet and drenched from my cunt juice, so fucking nasty and tasty. Master makes sure to beat the shit out of my pussy while I am on my period, that way my sexy panties can have double the blood gush. He uses a blunt broom stick, full of splinters and split wood and shoves it up inside of me, ramming me hard and deep. My cervix is fucking destroyed because he never holds back or has any mercy on me. Bloody phone sex means it’s going to be very, very disgusting, a huge mess! My inner body tissues exploding out of my slutty cunt, gathering into the fabric of my panties, it looks like a murder scene. My period flow is already super heavy but to have Master mutilate my insides only makes it worse! I wear my panties around for a few days, letting all of my juices drain out, it smells so awful, especially as the days go on. To be beaten, degraded and humiliated by Master in order to give a special Christmas gift to a horny, freaky pervert gives me such a sick joy! I love being used and abused in the name of making others happy, which is how it should always be!

Auctions For Whores

Evil phone sex I found this site where you can auction yourself off. With a description of what I need and crave. Like an Ebay for whores. So on my description I put down that I needed total degradation, total humiliation, and I wanted to be a total bloody mess when I leave from our session. Hopefully crawling out in agonizing pain. So far I am up over a $3000.00. And the auction just started I still have 6 days to go. Just seeing all these hot dominating men bid on me is making me horny as fuck. Every time I think of this damn auction my cunt drenches. And all these crazy thoughts of what these guys might do to me consumes my mind. I can not wait for this auction to be over. And I will be blogging about it.

She would never forget the way I fucked her

snuff phone sexThis bitch will never forget the way I fucked her, she’ll remember it always because I completely destroyed her pussy! I used my biggest strap on cock,it’s a full two feet long and six inches thick and the whole thing is wrapped with razor wire. She screamed when I showed it to her, she begged me not to fuck her with it but I just crammed it up in her pussy anyway! It split her pussy wide open, the blood was gushing between her legs and all I could do was laugh as I kept on pumping it in deeper. She was screaming and crying and begging me to stop but I was like a machine, I just kept on going until I was too  tired to fuck anymore. By that time she had only one huge gaping hole, her pussy and ass were just torn to shreds! I left her there to bleed out and die but apparently she lived thru it… she’ll never forget me tho!