Category: Torture phone sex

Trap House Slut

Gangbang rape pornMy boyfriend dropped me off at the gang’s trap house. He owned them a lot of money and I was his only form of currency. The thugs tore my clothes off and forced me down to my knees. I sucked so much cock that my lips swelled. They fucked me in all of my holes. I fucked so many guys that I lost count. Dry cum covered my body. They treated me like a plastic sex doll and passed me around like a blunt. As soon as I finished sucking off one guy, another cock was shoved into my mouth. I was there for days and the only thing I was allowed to eat or drink was semen. When they took a leash collar from a pit bull and put it around my neck I felt so degraded. I was their plaything for them to abuse and molest. Someone, please rescue me.

Bloody cunt for daddy.

Snuff phone sex

Does daddy wanna fuck my tight little cunt? But there might be a problem daddy, my little cunt is dripping blood and its soo much. Daddy said he didn’t care so he took his tongue and stuck it in my cunt and scooped out my bloody out of my bloody fucking pussy. Mhm, does daddy love my fucking bloody cunt? Why don’t you bend me over and fuck his bloody pussy, mhm when he starts pounding me harder and harder the bloody starts squirting all over his big cock and balls. I want to get on my knees and lick it all off, oh master I love tasting my cum and blood mixed together. Then master daddy will explode all over my face and in my mouth.

Blondes have more fun

Killer phone sexI like being a redhead, but sometimes I want to change it up. I love looking like a whore and wearing some scandalous things. When I found out this guy I dated was cheating on me with a bimbo blonde, I decided it was time to change it up to blonde and give him what he likes. He thought he was going to get lucky on valentines. Idiot boy had no idea I had other plans. I invited him over and as you can imagine he was all about the blonde. I liked it too, but it infuriated me a bit because I felt like he was trying to live out his fetish on me. If you know me at all you know I’m the fetish master the one you can have crazy killer phone sex with and live out some Insidious scenarios. I had just the thing in mind. I let him enjoy his steak and potatoes which were the remains of the blonde bitch he was fucking behind my back. Yep, you guessed it I cut that little slut up after I made a group of guys cum and live out their fantasy rape on her. I loved seeing the desperate look on the bimbo. I cut her to pieces and saved some for my cheating boyfriend. Watching him eat her got me so excited. Sadly for him, I made sure to poison the fuck out of his last meal.


Happy valentines day cheating scum fuck 🙂

I fucked him but not the way he expected

snuff sexAn arrogant little prick came to see me today and he thought that he was going to be able to force me to fuck him, can you just imagine? I am a hardcore Domme, a fucking Goddess! I am the one causing the pain I am never a victim! All I could do was laugh in his face and tell him that he could try to force me if he liked but that it would end very badly for him if he did. That little fuck caved immediately and begged me to fuck him up the ass with a butcher knife… now that is a request I was happy to grant! I shoved that beautiful blade right between his cheeks and shoved it all the way up inside him and he didn’t even scream, he just squirted out the last orgasm he would ever have. I knew it would be his last because as soon as he was done squirting I pulled the knife out of his ass and cut off his fucking balls!

My Gal Pal

Snuff porn My gal pal Kerri and went to a local BDSM club. We were looking for sadists who really wanted to beat the bloody mess out of us. Just like me blood turns right the fuck on. The smell, the look, and the pain that comes with extracting it out of my body We found one who said he wanted to have us both and he promised our flesh would be torn up from head to toe. And that we would be to weak from the loss of blood to walk out. We would have to be carried out. We called his bluff and followed him back to part of the club that had all sorts of whips, chains, Knives, and other torture devices I did not even recognize. I could feel my cunt creaming in my pants and I could see the look on Kerri’s face. I knew she was just as sloppy wet as I was.

Let me treat you like a whore that you are.

Snuff phone sexAre you a dirty boy? Do you need someone to show you that all you are is a fucking nasty slut? Well that is what you are is a fucking slut and I want to put you on the streets in little slutty clothes and let big fucking guys pick you up and fucking pound that asshole and your mouth. I bet you would like that wouldn’t you? Well I am going to have to let them guys gang bang you one by one taking turns on your slutty little asshole. I wanna put bright red lipstick on you and make you suck a 100 cocks and get all that red lipstick on there cocks like a good little whore. So pick that fucking up and call me you dirty little slut.

The Biter 2

Sadistic phone sexMy boyfriend was being unusually nice to me and it was making me nervous. He said he wanted to go for a drive and butterflies started going crazy in my stomach. Halfway into the long drive, I recognized the route, he was taking me to The Biter. Panic took over my brain and I tried to jump out of the moving car, but he pulled me back in by my hair. I begged for him to turn the car around but he kept driving forward. He had to drag me into the old man’s house by my hair. I started screaming but we were so deep in the boondocks no one could hear me. My boyfriend even helped The Biter chain me to the wall before he left with an envelope full of money. The Biter didn’t waste any time before he tore my clothes off and bit my nipples. The pain was unbearable and my screams turned him on. He bit my flesh over and over again until my body was covered in bloody bite marks. I passed out when he bit my clit and come up with a mouth full of blood which he then spit into my face. No one would ever believe this man who looked like a gentle grandfather was a sadistic animal.

Brutal Porn

I took this extreme brutal porn job that I saw on one of sex websites. I knew I could handle this task since I love getting beat the fuck up. I went to the address that was provided for me. The door was unlocked. Walking in there was a little bit of light coming from a lamp on the other end of the room. I walked towards the light and from behind I was grabbed. A hand came over my mouth and one on my throat. Both hand tightly pressed against me I was being dragged backwards and I was thrown on a dirty mattress laying on the floor in the dark corner of the room. I could not see anything and when I studdard out the words who is that I felt a hard as fuck kick to my twat. I screamed and bundled up into the fetal position. The pain was intense and went shivering up my body. I could hear a voice say “stupid bitch.” I thought this was going to be a porn shoot. I quickly realized that was not the case. There were no cameras no one else but the man in the shadows and me.Snuff sex

He had to go

snuff phone sexI hate a rude ass mansplaining man, seriously, who the fuck did he think he was? How dare he try to tell me how to kill a whore like he was some kind of expert! He had never actually killed anyone ever! Just because he was a man, he suddenly knew more than me? Pssshht fuck that, I decided he needed a little lesson on how it is really done! I took him back to my place, he was sure that he had me enthralled by all his knowledge, he thought he would be getting some of this pussy… but he was very wrong. I drugged his drink and when he woke up, he was naked and securely tied down. He started crying right away, begging for me to release him, he knew what was coming and he didn’t like it one little bit. Too bad for him tho, I cut him into little pieces nice and slow, I made the torture last for hours before I finally killed him. In the end he realized that I knew more about killing than he ever would!

Slut Or Tease

Snuff sexMay I ask you a question? Would rather have me being a full blown slut for your torturous pleasure. Or act like a complete twat of a prude. Which one of these do you prefer. I personally like being a slut. I thrive on it. Big time! But I can see the appeal of forcing me to take your pain. Me begging for mercy from your pain instead of begging for more of your pain. Instead of my tears of pleasure, They are my tears of pain, and helplessness. The next time I decide to go out to get fucked up in every aspect. I will go to a bar miles away from my house and act like a prude teasing fucking bitch.