Category: Torture phone sex

I Need The Pain

Taboo phone sexI love allowing someone to take complete control over me. It makes me feel complete, less worried. Takes off the burden of making the small decisions. Having no choice is a lot easier then being the one making a choice. Sex now feels empty without some kind of force in place. I need to feel pain in order to feel any pleasure. I’ve gotten so use to the abuse that without it, I feel almost nothing other then dissatisfaction. Is it so much to want every hole to be taken advantage of, to have my body destroyed in the name of pleasure. I submit to you, I’m completely under your control for whatever you desire. I love being your submissively little bitch.

Fantasy rape whores

torture sexWell, when you have to sluts ready to do just about anything for that A you have some fun bound to happen. My instructor wanted to fail my chemist partner and I. We had to do damage control. We needed to be on board with our grades to graduate on time. We went to him after class ended and he had only one thing in mind to grant us our wish to pass. We would have to be his fantasy rape victims. We would have to commit to intense torture sex for the whole summer. We hated the thought but had to do it. Our first session started right there. We were both his fisting sluts, and we both were being chocked out till we had a stream of tears. The sick fuck was enjoying it. I couldn’t believe we subjected ourselves to this for a measly pass, but we had to do it. We were going to be his whores the whole season.

You Can Love Me To Death

Violent phone sexMy new Daddy hurts me a lot. He can’t help it. He has to hurt me, he has to make me cry. It’s the only way he can give me his warm thick cummy. I only want him to feel good and give him exactly what he wants. Last night when he was beating on me I blacked out, and thought I wouldn’t wake up. Daddy was scared that I wouldn’t let him be rough with me any more, that I would try to run away. But I’m not going to run away, I’m not afraid of Daddy’s love. Not matter how much it hurts, I will stay until Daddy decides to throw my body away. Maybe I’m just to pathetic.

Monty’s Bloody Auction House- Two

Mutilation phone sexI watched myself on the monitor and stared at the views and comments they were making. At lot of people were saying “Yummy” and swapping out recipes. Others were insults and vulgar comments like “Can’t wait to see this stupid dumb whore hacked to bits, it’s going to make me explode”. All I could do was whimper and cry begging for them to stop, which only made things worse. Of course I was dumb and stupid, the perfect target. No one would miss me. According to the timer on the screen it was 2 hours before the man came back. This time he covered his face with a strange clown mask which only allowed for you to see his mouth. When he stepped in front of the camera the chatroom soon filled with “Hey Monty”, “Yay Monty’s here” from the eager audience ready for some bloodshed. He addressed them “Hello my loyal followers, as you can see I have secured quite the beauty for us to…enjoy”. He walked to his computer and launched another window to display on the screen label Bid: currently with a zero next to it. “As most of you know, but in case of newcomers. Highest bid wins, blood vials of course can be purchased as always in the store among other none bid worthy parts” he chuckled. He then grab a large bonesaw and walked towards me. “It’s your big debut sweetheart” he laughed and licked my face. “Let’s begin the Mutilation!” he cheered on in the camera. The chat blew up with cheers and encouragement. All ready to watch me be cut into bits for sale.

Snuffing Your Wife And Fucking Your Daughter

home invaison phone sexIt is time for some home invasion phone sex tales from your angel of death.  You wanted your snooty wife who never puts out taken out. You told me you had drugged her drink and was out like a light.

What you didn’t tell me is that I would run into your brat trying to wash period blood out of her panties and shorts at 2 am in the morning. Something about her spoke to me and she saw me with my blade and wasn’t scared. I grabbed her by the hand and whispered where was her room? You sweet teen brat led me into her room and I threw her on the bed and kissed her and started playing with her pussy as I bit her neck and drew blood. I fucked her as I feasted on her. My hand covered with blood that I gave her to clean up.  After she came as I ate her bloody cunt she asked who I was there to kill. I said her mother and she asked if she could do it. My little evil bitch took the blade and we entered the master suite.   She stabbed her mother 52 times blood splattered everywhere.  I undressed and we fucked in the bloody aftermath. Right beside your dead wife.  We took her minced heart out of her chest and washed and set the house ablaze. What a good little fucking evil whore your daughter is watching the house burn o the ground with her mother’s heart in a baggy.  I brought her back to my dungeon for some hot torture sex.

Going to a dark place

Bloody phone sex


I love you so much that I will do anything for you I will go out of my way to please you because of the way you make my pussy feel. I get engulfed in you because you take total control over my everything. You tell me that no one will ever love me like you and I believe you with each beating that you give me. You always cry when your pouunding my ass you pierce your swollen cock into my gaping asshole all while digging blood from my back. When I scream from the paralyzing pain you slap me in the back of me head and demand that I scream even louder. You laugh like Satan when your brutalizing my body and soul and I need it as much as you.When you make me drink my blood I lose myself and I’m lost.


Pain is the game

Torture sex  I have been waiting to get my clit to be pierced. I finally got it and I love it I surprised Derek hes my emo sick perverted little fuck toy. Hes such a bitch this time I am surprised him with my new knife I usually don’t have enough balls to play with him like that but this time is different. I want him to bleed and give him an actual reason to be a fucking little bitch. I fucked his ass hole with my dildo then shoved the handle of my spatula in so hard I love fucking and getting fucked with objects that can hurt. I took my knife and jabbed him in the ass made a little blood. He freaked out and I told him that he was going to enjoy it and I started to strangle him while I was forcing my fist in his gaping ass hole. After, I got done hurting his ass cheeks and made his little ass hole burn I told him it was my turn.. He did not go easy on me . I guess I am making him an actual man. He begged for more that whole night.

From Ass Rape Porn to Dinner

ass rape pornAss rape porn is like a daily thing for me. No one fucks me gently. I don’t know what sweet love making means. No one gives me sweet anything. Men treat me like a whore. Women treat me like I am a worthless bimbo. When I was invited to a swank dinner party, I was so happy. I thought perhaps things were changing for me. It started off nice. All the other guests were giving me attention I was not accustomed to receiving.  I started feeling woozy. Next thing I knew I woke up tied up and strapped to the dining room table. The guest who had been chatting me up earlier were know standing around me in a circle with evil grins on their faces. Looking hungry. They were talking about my thick thighs and scrumptious ass. One lady started rubbing melted butter all over my skin, while a man rammed a stick up my ass. When the apple went in my mouth, I realized I was the main course of the dinner party. They were fighting over who got to eat what part of me. I tried screaming but I was weak from the drugs and I was gagged with an apple. They carried me out to an open fire and started roasting me like a pig at a luau. Fire made my skin crackle. I was being burned alive like a witch and it was painful. I was afraid; it showed in my eyes, but they just sprinkled me with seasoning and continued to cook me alive over an open frame. I was worthless in life, perhaps I would be worth something in death. I could at least provide some folks with a satisfying meal. Do you have cannibalism phone sex fantasies?  I sure do. I want to be your satisfying meal.

Monty’s Bloody Auction House- One

Evil phone sexI woke up and the room felt very cold, my head still was a little fuzzy. I attempted to get up but felt held down. I attempted to stare down to faintly be able to make out straps holding me down across my body. I wiggled around and noticed I was on a metal slab and felt very naked. I heard footsteps coming closer and then a light turned on burning my eyes. I looked around more once my eyes adjusted and saw a room dirty and blood stained. A workstation with tons of sharp blades was against the wall and in front of me was a man and a tripod. He turned and set up a monitor which was currently black with a bright red word showing on the screen as OFFLINE. The man turned to me and smiled. “I got you for a good deal, a crack head sold you to me for a mere $200. And I’m going to make a fortune off of you bit by bit” he chuckled. I squirmed trying to push against the restraints. He frowned and slapped me hard across the face “Escape attempts are not good for business” he yelled. “If you are lucky I’m slip you things for the pain, but you must put on a good show and smile for the camera. Let your fans know how willing you are for them to…own you even just small parts” he gleamed. Turning around he started the camera and headed toward the door.

The Church of Blasphemy Sex

I really hate Church folk and the Holier than thou attitudes and all the ignorant crap that surrounds this shit. So I decided to take it onto myself to make some blasphemy phone sex fun on this fine Sunday and really get some satisfaction. I paid a visit to a local Church before services to seduce a sinner of a Priest and dominate the shit out of his pious filled fucked up world of young males. As I expected I caught him with his dick out jerking off to the forbidden fruit these fuckers seem to get all worked up over.

I slipped in and as he was busy with his pud pulling adventures I got behind him, duct taped his mouth, yanked his arms back and bound them with duct tape, and lastly bent him over his desk. I took my special crucifix cock with thorns and started slamming it in his rectum. I slammed him with it as I held up a Bible and preached him a sermon of how he is the Unforgiven. He was turning blue from the inability to breath, oops I covered his nose when I taped his mouth. He was in shock from the thorns of Christ ripping at his rectum and bleeding him much how Christ bled out. I continued to preach as I doused him in “Holy Water” or Vodka and as I was leaving his quarters that I had already surrounded with gasoline, I lit a joint and tossed the lit match. In a Blaze of glory I pronounce thee Cleansed by fire.

Blasphemy Sex