Category: Torture phone sex

Bloody Lacy Sick and Twisted

Sadistic phone sex


He wants to make me bleed I guess you can call me a fucking smut loving slut. I like it every way but him he likes it a certain way, Mr. Price is what we will call my crazy friend. Mr. Price loves getting into mutilation sex. Last night Mr. Price had a taste for two scrumptious bloody cunts, and I did get him what he wanted. I called over a sexy brunette friend of mine her blue eyes are masterful. My friend Lacey will do anything for money she’s just that kind of low-life dirty skank bitch, and I love it. Lacey is a beautiful piece of cunt meat, and she’s so obedient to the cause of torture. My girl loves bloodletting she cuts herself while I videotape. She likes to be called the dirty fucking bitch she loves to be berated that’s just the kind of classic greedy sex monster that I need. Last night was spectacular I got to do things to Lacey that have only been done to me it was perfect. I handcuffed Lacey to a sex poll it had her bent over legs open wide and strapped hands to feet. I got to shove my entire fist in that dirty bitches ass hole. If you can believe it Lacey beg for more I was paying her by the hour, so she never wanted to quit. Granny fucking Desi Lacey you’re going to get it tonight bitch every fucking painful part of it. Mr. Price wanted me to be the lead mistress meaning I had to Institute the torture I had to make the pussy bleed. This cum guzzling bitch is a dream come true she needs it the agony, the pain it is a pleasure to her. Beat me slice me stab me get your blood all over me and get my blood all over your cock. We were both bloody messes because while slicing her Mr. Price was slicing me and while I was beating her Mr. Price was eating my pussy with a hot iron rod. Fuck me Mr. Price with the fucking hot iron rod swell my pussy up. I did the same to Lacey I jabbed a hot iron Rod inside of her asshole in and out over and over again steaming hot spicy cunt. She screamed I screamed we all screamed for more. I love the torture give me your worst

never vanilla

snuff moviesI think deep under all the slave training I have gotten, and everything I have experienced there is still a part of me that wishes I can have some sensual fucking. I have wanted to fuck and not bare any pain. I told my master this, and he said he could do that for me. I thought everything was good and I was going to enjoy a fuck session finally. Well, it turned into a scene in one of those snuff movies my master idolizes so much. He was so gentle and sweet than when I started to climax, he stopped. He used a handkerchief and began to choke me out till I was blue in the face. I passed out and woke up in a puddle of blood. He used my stiff body with his buddies the whole night. 

Bath Time Killer phone sex

Killer phone sex

Babysitting is not my thing.  Killer phone sex is.  However, if you combine the two, one could have a real fucking great time.  When I was younger I would; on occasion; babysit the brats two streets over.  I hated them.  Their big eyes, their tiny bodies, their dimples, their high pitched little voices.  All of that shit.  I remember the female had these fluffy pink footie pajamas that I used to have to put on her after she took her bath.  The male  had fluffy blue ones.  Why? Why do this? Stop dressing your vaginal discharges as fluffy things, fluffy things get eaten. 

Once, their parents went out of town for three days.  I had to be in that house with them.  Sure the money was good, but having to deal with them and their happy selves was almost more than what I could bare. One night while I was giving Ginny her bath she slipped, banged her head on the faucet pretty hard, then slipped into the water.  I had to grab her.  She started to cry and bleed.  Just a little cut on her forehead.  Nothing major, but any cuts to the head area will bleed like a son of a bitch.  I was mesmerized.

One tiny drop went into the water.  It swirled around, grew tendrils, floated downward, then dissipated into the water. I still remember that.  All of a sudden I had the urge to reach up, grab her Dad’s razor, slice her throat, lay her down in the tub and watch the dance of the blood mixing with the water.  It made me feel calm.  It made me feel horny.  I imagined these huge billows of red blooming from the wound, turning the clear water into a red heaven.  All the while she would be floating in it, her eyes wide open, her hair splayed out above her like a halo.  Her soft, warm body turning paler, her lips becoming a perfect shade of bluish purple while her gaping neck wound continued to release the precious liquid that had kept her alive up until now. 

Then I thought how nice it would be to grab her Brother only to do the same thing to him.  Both of them, forever perfect, floating, their bodies bobbing in synchronization.  Me getting into the tub with them after there was the barest sliver of life left, humming them a lullaby as they drifted off into the warm long sleep. I would sit and caress them, bathe myself in their bloody bath water, relishing every second of it.  I would take my time, use their bodies to pleasure myself while they still twitched, barely alive, until they just stopped bleeding. 

I didn’t do that of course, I mean I would of been caught pretty damn quickly.  This is one of the defining moments that helped create my love of death, the love of hurting little things, and the love of killing.

Punish the Nosey Neighbor

Sadistic phone sex


Tie me up, strap me down and give me some of your pain treatment. All I’ve been thinking about is gore I want to be treated like the fucking cum-filled slave whore. I just can’t stand it, how much I want you I need you, and I’m going to get you. Don’t you know I don’t care about your stupid fucking wife she’s nothing to me. She’s just getting in between all of the fun that you could be having right now. You can treat me like you want to treat her because she’s so fucking vanilla I know she gets on your nerves when she screams at you after you’ve worked all damn day. Punish me like you want to punish her but you can’t because well you know why. Let me be the object of your torture tonight. I like to be stuffed with a cum-guzzling amount of cock I want you desperately to be horrible to me. I’m caught up in the way that you look at her when you’re screaming. I’m the nosiest neighbor you’re going to ever meet, but I promise I’ll be discreet when I get you. You can hurt me I’m begging for you to do it I need it more than anything. I want you to stuff your fist up my ass and bang me hard. That’s right love I like it extreme super hardcore I even like the thought of stitches. Why don’t you go into my mind and tell me just how you want to victimize me don’t worry I like it all every bit of it. I have fantasies of being captured in these sweet seductive salacious rape fantasies I get taken. All of my body is bloody for you beat me like you want to beat her. She’s always screaming at you and causing trouble I know because I look out my window and I can hear everything. I feel so sorry for you because I know you want to slap her fucking face, but you always digress. Aren’t you mad at me for being so nosey? Don’t you want to teach me a lesson? I know how she makes you feel less than a man because she’s such a fucking cunt. Do you want to know something else, I know you love a woman who isn’t faithful at all while you’re at work the mailman the Water Guy, the gas man they all get cookies. I want you mad at me because I never told you this before your wife is a secret slut. Now I just want to know one thing are you angry at me for spying on your cunt of a wife and not ever telling you that she was fucking every guy that knocks on that door when you’re gone? Forgive me for laughing, but I dare you to do something to me about it.

Snuff Movies Starring Your Wife

Snuff movies

My boyfriend and I just made one of what I hope to be many snuff movies. Let me tell you how it all began. I started seeing this married man. Oh, don’t judge me I am not the one that is married, and happy men don’t cheat. He knew about my dark side but I don’t think he realized to what depth. We were laying in bed after I had just given him the deepthroat blowjob of his dreams. When he ask me if I had ever thought about killing someone. Oh now you are talking the language that makes my pussy purr. With a wicked little laugh I responded with of course.

Then I ask you who you wanted to kill cause you know me I don’t just want to kill someone. I want to torture, fuck, and then snuff the life out of them. You told me your wife. I put a for sale by owner sign in the yard. You brought her to my house under the premonition that you might be buying her this house. You led her down into my dark basement. I grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with some chloroform. We ripped her clothes off and handcuff her hands behind her back. I started biting her nipple and I could taste her blood in my mouth when she awoke screaming.

Poor little pretty princess is going to be tortured to death and with the help of her own husband. I grab the back of her hair and pull her head back. I tell her to open her mouth. I have you shove your big hard cock into her wet mouth. I start pulling her head back and forth by her hair. I tell her if she had of been a good wife and given her husband the blowjobs that he deserved her ass wouldn’t be in this position. I start slapping her pussy with my riding crop telling her to suck your cock harder. You reach up and wrap your hands around her throat. You choke the life out of her worthless body as you cum in her mouth feeling fully satisfied. It is the first time in over 7 years that the bitch finally gave you a blowjob.

Accomplice phone sex

Slash For Cash

Taboo phone sex

You find’em and I’ll grind’em. Ha!  Do you know there are a lot of Step Parents out there who absolutely hate their new Partner’s offspring? I shit you not my friends.  Some of those feelings go well beyond hate.  They detest them, the mere sight of them makes them want to throw up.  I would imagine Rage Step-Parenting wouldn’t be a great thing for the newly married couple.  Might dampen some of that marital bliss I would think. Luckily for those Steps the Goddess has seen fit to put someone like me onto this shit hole of a planet.

You see, I can make those little pests just go away.  Because of the nature of disposal there is always a fee involved.  I don’t care what age, what they look like, what they sound like, or anything like that.  As long as I get paid I do not care. Picking them up at their own home isn’t a problem, I’m like a Death Uber or some shit.  The Step-Parent brings them right out and puts those little fuckers right into my car.  How convenient is that? 

All I do is drive away to a nice secluded place.  Of course the little shits are always confused as fuck but that’s okay, they won’t be confused for very long.  They won’t be much of anything for very long.  Sometimes I like to play with them for awhile.  Cut them, burn them, brand them, stab at them, anything to make them scream.  Other times I have shit to do so I just slit their throats then toss them some place to rot.  

The best part of all this is when I see the news reports with the parents begging for the person who took their brat to bring them home.  The tears, the sobbing, the utter fucking lie.  Motherfuckers are god damned Sociopathic.  It makes me laugh.  All that fucking acting.  In the end though, it will just become a memory and once a year there will be some sort of vigil or some shit for the poor lost one.  I go to those damn things.  It always gives me a little thrill for the Step-Parent to see me again.  I think it makes them nervous, which it so fucking should, because I am privy to the biggest secret of their lives. 

Torture Sex Death Sentence

torture sexTorture sex death was my punishment. I committed treason and was sentenced to a new age prison where they were experimenting with new death row techniques. I thought I had more time when the warden showed up. He stripped me off my rank and clothes. I was humiliated standing before him naked and pleading for my life. I wanted a second chance, but he dragged me to the courtyard where others were waiting to watch my demise. He injected me with nanomittes designed to kill me when I had an orgasm. They are these microscopic robots that can be programmed to do just about anything, including killing a woman the moment she cums by stopping her heart in a very painful way. Honestly, when he injected me, I thought it was bullshit. Some scare tactic to humiliate and instill fear. My life was over quickly soon thereafter. I am a pain slut. No matter what they did to hurt me, I got wet. Lashes with a whip, electric shocks up my ass…just made me wetter, which caused pain in my chest. I cum easily with pain, so no matter how hard I tried to fight, I knew my snuff porn nightmare would be over soon. When the warden went straight to my pussy with this huge ass industrial looking vibrator, I knew I was dead. I struggled, tried to think of something else, but in the end, I am a dirty nasty whore. Even facing my death, I was cumming. What the fuck is wrong with me? I deserved to die.

A Mother’s Damage

Taboo phone sex

Where does it all being? With your Mother of course.  Sigmund Freud was right about a lot of things.  A Mother’s love can be a wonderful thing, but sometimes a Mother’s love can fuck you in the head so badly you turn into one of the most deviant fucks of all time.  Aren’t Mother’s great?!?! I don’t have any cuntlings of my own.  I don’t want any either, can you imagine a little me running around? Fuck no.  I mean, I guess I could teach them how to be like me, which might be fun, but all that other bullshit that goes along with it? That’s a huge Nope.

I have a friend who we all call “Sausage”.  Is it because he has a big dick? Nope. It is the opposite in fact.  He is messed up and seriously crazy. Dude has been in mental institutions for crimes before.  He can be pretty fun to hang out with once in a while.  I met Sausage at a party, he was in the corner all alone, drinking straight from a vodka bottle.  I sat down next to him, and when he turned to look at me I could tell he was way off.  He was motherfucking creepy.  I even told him that to which he replied, “You have no idea.” Then he handed me the bottle.  I got to know him and he would tell me the many fucked up things his Mother would do to him from when he was young.  He hated her.

Once in a while he would ask me if I would show him my tits.  I would, didn’t bother me in the least.  He would sometimes suck on them, but he never did anything else.  He didn’t try to dry hump me, or rub on his tiny dick, he would just suck on them and close his eyes.  Then after a few minutes we would go back to drinking and talking.

Then the day came when he went into great detail about his Mother’s death.  Turns out Sausage killed his Mother.  It wasn’t just a quick shot to the head type of deal either.  The man took his time.  She used to bite his cock and balls when he was tiny, so the first thing he did to her was to pull out her teeth.  Had her tied up and pulled out her fucking teeth, one at a time.  Do you realize how long that would take to do that, and the strength that would involve? Then he moved to her tongue, used some sort of garden snips or something like that.  He said he shoved her own tongue up her ass. He mutilated that bitch. This went on and on, until finally he couldn’t keep her alive anymore so he tossed her at the dump.  

He told me that when he was sent to the mental hospital for killing her he was happy.  For the first time in his life he was truly happy.  The only thing he didn’t touch on her body were her tits.  He said because they were too perfect to harm.  That is why he wants to see my tits some times, because mine remind him of his Mother’s.  I don’t care of course, as long as he doesn’t end up shoving my own tongue up my own ass, everything is good.

He Made It Happen

 He was just another useless grunt at the bike shop and would not stop yapping about his need for pussy and for how much pussy he had or pussy this tits that and I was over his dumb ass. I decided to pull him into the office for the ride of his life… or is it death? Nevermind all that, just know that I gave him some fucking torture sex pussy that he would never forget. I am a sadist and as I rode that cock I beat the living hell out of him. I scratched him til he bled I fucking slapped and punched him and followed that up with some near death strangulation. I didn’t want him to live and he totally had this coming. I left this fucker to die with blood everywhere as I stabbed him as I rode his cock and made sure to really have him bleed out. It was exhilarating.

Torture Sex

Bitch had it coming

snuff sexThis bitch Langley really had it coming, bitch wanna act like she’s some holier than thou pure virgin type but we all know she’s a straight up whore. I caught her myself! She was rubbing her pussy, giving all these guys a show while they jerked off around her and I didn’t really give a fuck about that until I saw my fucking boyfriend there watching her with his cock in his hand! Well no fucking way I was gonna let that shit slide so I just shoved my way to the center of the circle and asked my boyfriend what the fuck he thought he was doing. He was all surprised but he definitely didn’t want to lose me so he said he’d do anything to make it up to me. So I told him to kill the fucking slut. I really don’t know why he was surprised by my request, I am a sick bitch after all and he knows that but he had this reluctant look on his face like he didn’t want to do it. I just stared at him until he got the point and that’s when shit got real fun. Langley was begging for her life of course but we all ignored her. My boyfriend gave a signal and all the men jumped on her like animals. They were fucking every hole and beating her mercilessly and it was hot as fuck to watch! When she finally died I was thrilled… but I left that cheating asshole anyway. I don’t put up with any fuckbois that’s for sure!

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