It was me or my little sister. That’s what it came down to and I could let my sweet sister end up in the hands of a gross old fuck with a p-cock or I could let him have torture sex with my holes.I had to save my sister and let my landlord use my asshole till he made it bleed. I was late on rent again and I had been letting my landlord use my mouth. The same old song was getting old he wanted something new and virginal. He had always wanted to pop my ass cherry but I had always put up a fight. This time he wanted either my sister who was visiting me or my asshole. I wasn’t going to let him put a finger on her so I was screwed getting my ass pounded the pain was excruciating. I felt like helpless slave as I should.
Category: Torture phone sex
Making Snuff Porn
I like to make violent sex videos for money. Gang bangs, BDSM scenes, orgies, nothing is too extreme for me. I answered an ad looking for a girl who would be willing to perform in a very particular type of porn. “Must have no limits or taboo and not be averse to pain” the ad said. I applied right away. I went to the director’s house after he responded to my email. He liked my pictures and said I would be perfect! I arrived at his house where it would be shot and came inside. He wanted to start right away. I was naked in a room with a table full of torturous devices. Knives, razors, needles, whips, and floggers. I was afraid and aroused at the same time. He turned the camera on and began to film. I was bent over a barbed wire covered saw horse as he whipped my ass with a flogger until my skin split and bled. He directed me to climb onto the saw horse covered in barbed wire and grind my pussy and ass onto it. I did as he said and the pain nearly made me faint. Blood dripped down my legs and pooled on the floor, but he was only getting started. He tied me to a rack and pushed a needle through each of my nipples and began to twist them. He took the flogger and whipped my pierced tits until they were as bloody and raw as my ass. My cunt was on fire now. I begged him to stop, but I wanted more at the same time. He climbed between my legs and began to fuck my bloodied and torn pussy. An orgasm pulsed through me as he fucked me. With a length of barbed wire gripped between his hands, he wrapped the wire around my neck and began to choke me as he continued fucking me. I tried to resist, but my hands and feet were still bound tight. The sharp barbs pierced my neck and began to bleed. I couldn’t breathe, he was choking the life out of me when he focused the camera on my face and said, “Say goodbye to Tess, people!”
The perfect trap
Silly loser you thought I was going to give you my holes and indulge in blasphemy sex with a whimp? I roll with the big boys. I can’t stand a short cock and much less an idiot with a napoleon complex. I let you think you were going to get my goodies. You thought you were going to get lucky? Thats a joke sweetheart you are far from lucky you are stuck in my perfect trap with your clit dick. I blindfolded you and tied you up and I will give you the night you will forever remember. I love slicing that little dick but what I love much more is slicing your balls off and putting them in a blender and serving a ball smoothing while i walk all over you castrated little nub on the floor.
Double Ass Rape Porn
My sons had some friends over for a slumber party last night. They are out of school for a few weeks for the holiday break, so I agreed to let them invite some school friends over. I didn’t know the boys. I just assumed any friends of my sons must be okay boys. I was wrong. After my sons were asleep, two lads who are brothers, pulled me out of bed. They shoved my panties in my mouth and tied my hands behind my back with a pair of my pantyhose. Teen boys made me their double ass rape porn whore. They fucked my ass in tandem while my sons slept in the next room. Young boys sodomizing my ass? I was not sure if I was scared or turned on by them. They didn’t care that my ass was bleeding. They said I was a cock tease. They claimed that I had this coming to them for months of making their little dicks hard and never offering release. Seriously, their dicks didn’t feel so little ravaging my asshole. One of them held a knife to my throat. He told me he would slit my throat if I made a sound. Violent little boys were force fucking me in my house and I invited them inside. When they left, I laid in bed, trembling and bleeding. I wasn’t sure if I was scared shitless or aroused by these young fucks.
Castration Phone Sex With Ivy
Castration phone sex brings out the sadistically wicked side of me…I was in the mood for some sadistic fun. I knew exactly where to find it. As I was smearing the red hot lipstick on my full lips, I could almost taste your blood. I put on a little short dress and headed to the local night club. I knew I would have no problem finding my next victim. You men always think that a little petite girl that looks so innocent like me will be so easy to handle. What you are too stupid to realize is that I plan on drugging your ass.
I no more walk up to the bar to order a drink than you pinch my ass. Oh, could it really be this easy I am thinking to myself. I turned and looked at you. You grabbed your balls and ask me if I wanted a piece of them. I told you as a matter of fact I do and why don’t we go to my house. But first let me have a sip of your beer. You never realized I slipped a mickey into your beer and then encouraged you to chug it all down. By the time we reached my house you said you felt a little funny. You were already starting to walk a little funny when we reached my bedroom.
I helped you out of your clothes being super sexual and frisky with your drugged ass. You didn’t know what was happening when I hand cuffed you the posts of my bed. Shortly after I had you naked and all tied up you started coming back around. You wanted me to untie you but that was not going to happen.
I licked all over your big balls. I even sucked on your cock a little. I wanted to get you nice and hard. I placed your big balls in my mouth and rolled them around like a bag of marbles. I was stroking the shaft of your cock at the same time and just when you were so close to blowing your load. I bite down on your balls. I used my teeth to tear and rip your balls from your body. Tasting your bloody balls in my mouth made my pussy soaking wet. The more I chewed and the louder you screamed the hotter my pussy became. I started finger fucking my hot wet pussy while I chewed your balls and watched you bleed out. After all you did offer me a piece of them.
Requested Castration
He requested that this castration whore cut his dick off. Sleepingbeauty2365 requested we meet in a dark parking lot to discuss cutting that dick off in person. He said that many had said they would help him but none had followed through. I wanted to see his fuck rod he was willing to dispose of. When he showed me it was fucking the most perfect dick I had ever seen. 8 inches fat and pleasing to my eyes. My only request was to be paid up front to get a mold of that beautiful dick! Oh, and I wanted to be fucked as I cut it off. I brought him back to my deep dark dungeon and had him on my slab as I got on top to ride that pleasure stick. I had him hard inside of me as I jumped down to cast my mold. I gagged him and marked a huge J on his chest with my hunting knife. I rode that dick again using my hunting knife as I reached under me to cut and cut just as he came in me! a shame I couldn’t feast on it as it was to be sent to his whore wife in a box. I watched him bleed out and prepared my meat pit. Join me won’t you?
Torture My Tits
Sal enjoys brutalizing my fake titties. He has a huge fetish and I love to be the whore he plays on. He has these alligator clips that just clamp down on my nipples cause insane pain shooting thru my body followed by a falling asleep numbness. But he just does not stop there. He adds on weights two pounds at a time into he gets up to thirty pounds of weights hanging off my nipples pulling them down. I feel the burn as my boobs stretch to the ground. He continues brutalizing my tits by slapping them making the weights sway about. I cringed and I let out a huge moan. My cunt gushed down my thigh. He was making my tits bright red before he brought out the cold steel knives. I saw the knives and I was drooling my body thrust forward begging for it.
Scat with my Master
Shit on me my distorted lover, I want to feel your luscious, fantastic slimy, smelly feces on my body. I love the way your shit feels all over my sexy body I crave the nastiness of your brown bombers. You can crap on my cunt face and let me feel all of the heat from your hot dump, I’m in love with you. You’ve always been the best guy the one to make me feel smutty good. I want you to tear my mind apart as you should, you are my fucking gross master fuck daddy. I want you to beat my whore face in a make me your submissive slut tramp. I am happy that you love my cum guzzling pussy and pissing on me. All I can think about is how you make me feel when you do what you do to me. I’ve got you a gift, I kidnapped this funky bastard ass no good shit worthy prostitute. I told this bitch I’ve got a lot of money to spend and I really want her to make it. This cum-filled cunt slut hopped into the car without even thinking about it, her loss as she will see soon. I brought her back to you master, and now I want you to torture this fucking bitch. I’m so lucky that you’re my master you rule everything I do, there are no fucking stops I just want to go and keep going with you. So now this little fucking cockslut lot lizard needs to be cut into pieces. I’m going to take a straight razor and start cutting into her skin so that you can piss all over her bloody cuts. I’m going to love to see you fuck her and make your cock go down her fucking throat until her tonsils start bleeding. I’m going to shove a broken bottle into her pussy and cut this sleazy tramps pussy up into a mangled mess. When we get finished with this fucking cunt bitch she’s not going to be recognizable we’re going to cut her up like the fucking Dahlia. I’m so proud of your kinky nasty excellence I think you’re a fucking genius and I look up to you I hope to be just like you master. We can beat her head in with a hammer and make her eyes bulge out then you can soak your cock with her bloody pussy. We can get a cleaver and start chopping her lean cock slut body up. I want her ass to get cut up into several portions. After we get done, we should send her body parts to Parliament. I love our sadistic minds we are amazingly creative I’m so proud of you master. I hope that you’re proud of me I enjoy you and I’ll do anything for you.
Bloody Muse
I know this bitch named Casey she thinks she’s my friend, but I’ve got something in mind for her. Casey gets on my fucking nerves I’m going to show her I’ve been wanting to, but I guess I was waiting to give myself a beautifully twisted wrapped Christmas present. Fucking bitch Casey you’re not worth anything friendly, and I’m not able to be any kind of sweet. I tricked that dirty fucking cunt bitch into coming to my house so that I could torture her and mutilate her body. I really didn’t even have a reason except for I was jealous and jealousy motivates works of art in me. I’m sure you’re aware of the expression “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” oh, well I am going to put a little blood in Casey’s heart. I got Casey to my house I gave her some pills in a drink, that knocked her out cold then I started my work. First I took my straight razor and cut little blocks of skin out of that whore. I placed those blocks of skin that I cut out of her scandalously beautiful body onto my sewing table, and that’s my skin sewing table. Did you know that skin dry’s like leather and sews so nicely? I then began the work of cutting her skin deeper I wanted more tissue so that I could fry it and feed it to her when she woke up. I cut those little toes off one at a time, and they were pretty little toes but she doesn’t need them after I get done with her walking won’t be a priority. I decided that I was going to feed those toes to my special Bubble Guppies. When I got done with those toes, I started cutting those fingers off one by one because fingers only get in the way of my artwork. I feel like when I get done with Casey, she’s going to be a fucking Masterpiece bloody art. Next time going to cut off that pretty little fat Pearl tongue. Finally, after everything was cut up, I started to cook each piece of her body. I garnished my lovely little slut cunt’s parts with rice and green beans. My sweet Casey woke up horrified, screaming in pain, so I stuffed a well-seasoned toe in her mouth and made her crunch down. Casey begged and pleaded for me to stop, but nothing could help her nothing at all. Would you like to know what else I did to my bloody Muse? Are you hungry for a sexy slut treat?
Liquid Diet
Ronald has a fetish out of this world but I am an out-of-this-world kind of girl. My hot tasty Ronald likes to shower me with golden sprinkles all over my body. My pussy gets soaking wet just thinking about every time that we’re together how he puts me down on my knees and hovers over me unzipping his pants taking his huge cabbage head 8-inch cock out. Ronald grabs my face tells me to open my mouth just before pouring is warm liquid down my throat but not only down my throat Ronald wets my entire body up. Ronald is a very athletic guy every day he drinks at least a gallon of water so he has plenty a golden liquid to share with me. I love the taste of his piss on my tongue, and I love the feeling of his warm fluid flowing all over my body. My nipples get Rock Solid hard when his wet warm fabulous piss sprinkles on them. I love my Ronald I’ll do anything for him I was made to be blessed by his golden showers. I love to be naked around Ronald so that he can hit me with his pee showers anytime he wants I especially like that morning wiz on my face that he gives so freely. My skin Love’s his liquids there’s so purifying on my body he keeps me soft and glistening. Ronald likes to joke that he gives me pee therapy and for free. My pussy always yearns for the drip drops of his piss. I love golden showers I love my hair dripping wet that dreamy light yellow liquid I can’t get enough of it I guess you would say it’s my fantasy and my fetish also. I like when Ronald softly slaps my face with his big fat cock and shoves his dick into my mouth. Ronald Fox my mouth like no other I feel so wanted with him I feel so weak and free at the same time. I have never felt so intense with another man every time I’m with him I don’t want it to stop I can’t stand when it ends I yearn for more. I beg Ronald 2 shower me I plead with him to pee on me and he gives me my every wish every time. Ronald, I love you and that’s all I need you to know it is the most important thing for you to know about me.