This spoiled little bitch was annoying the fuck out of me. It all started when she parked her car right next to mine, she was way too close so when she opened her door she slammed it into mine and left a dent behind. Then she had the nerve to get mad at me about it! It was clearly all her fault but I didn’t want to make a scene in the parking lot so I just took her info and promised to bring her some money to pay for her repairs later on that day, even tho she didn’t have any damages and it was all her fault anyway! I just wanted the bitch to shut up and give me her address. She was too dumb to live I swear! I showed up to her house a few hours later, she was there alone so I knocked her out, stripped her and tied her to her bed. Then I invited several friends over and we all took turns violating her little fuck holes all night long. She’s still tied up there now, I left her alive to slowly starve to death, it seemed like a fitting punishment for being a bitch.
Category: Torture phone sex
Spoiled brat had to go
Strangle Me In My Home
My master is gone for a month. I have no one to have fun with. My black slave pussy needs some intense sexual torture. I want you to break into my home and strangle me to death. The way my nigger cunt is throbbing I will want to keep it going. When you corner me I will put up a fight. I will not give up the fight until you overpower me. Once you finally got me into a corner with no way out, I want you to snuff me good. Make sure I cannot breathe. When you no longer feel a pulse or hear me breathing, by all means, do what you want with me. My lifeless body is here for your pleasure. Rape my lifeless ass, or cut me open watching my lifeless body bleed out. As long as you are violent my slave cunt and I will be happy. Show me no mercy. Let all your stress, aggression and rage out on this nigger slave. If you want you can even kidnap me before you end it, knock my ass out and let me wake up to your torture.
Snuff Porn Punishment
My punishment was snuff porn. I didn’t have to make it. I had to be the star of one. I cheated on him. He put a tracker on my car and busted me with my trainer. I was in trouble. He had always told me that if I cheated on him, I would wish I was dead. He was right, too. He dragged me by the hair from my lover’s bed. I was half clothed, but he didn’t care that he was making a spectacle. And no one cared about a half-naked blonde bimbo. When we got back to his place, he tossed me in his basement. It was dark and musky. I was terrified. I don’t like the dark. I felt things crawling on me. Spiders and those creepy house centipedes were swarming my body. I felt sick. I screamed for hours. I tried to flick them off me. He knew my fears and used it against me. He asked me if I was sorry yet. I told him I would do anything to make it up to him. Anything. I would rather be dead than in that basement full of creepy crawlers. He released me, but it was not a better fate. Just one less heart pounding for me. I am a pain slut; I could handle the whipping better. He strung me upside down from a banister and whipped me for so long, my flesh tore from my body. It was like being a black slave in the late 1800s. He left huge gashes in my flesh. No way I won’t be scarred for life from that. He left me hanging upside down bleeding overnight. The next morning, he cut me down and made me breakfast like nothing had happened. This taboo phone sex slut is dating a sociopath. I will never escape him.
Slave Torture Training
Yesterday I was an accomplice to my master. I got to see first hand how bad this Slave slut was to the master I spent two weeks with. I do not know how he didn’t just slice the cunt slave to pieces and use her cut up flesh as dog food. I know I secretly love this life and getting tortured, raped, cut and beaten is something my cunt aches for but she doesn’t deserve to be a slave. This whore deserves to die a painful death. While watching my master beat her to a pulp, ripping half her hair out of her damn head I was confused why she would not obey. She put up such a fight. At a certain point, each slave needs to realize they are a slave and it does not matter if they like it or not. You must obey your master. You have no choice in what your master does to you but the one thing a sex slave must do is obey. Maybe she wanted to die, once I got that thought in my head I wanted to put her to the test. After all, if my master and I did have to kill her, I would find another sex slave and train her to be perfect, obeying working girl for my temporary master. My master could see the disgust in my eyes. He pulled me to the side and asked me did I want to give it a try. That is when I told him I think we should pretend to kill her. He liked that idea so much it looked like he wanted me to turn back into his slave and stretch my ass and cunt out one quick time. So without a word, he went back to the worthless slut and punched her one good time in the stomach. This bitch would not give up, that is when I yelled out, “Kill Her”. She looked at me, not able to believe I just said that. I walked over to her, looked at my master and said, this pathetic cunt does not deserve to be a slave, she does not deserve to live. She is a pathetic piece of shit that needs to be thrown away, once and for all. That straightened this little bitch up. I smacked her as hard as I could across the face and told the pathetic whore if she does not start acting the way a sex slave should act, then I will personally cut her limb by limb and make sure she has a slow and painful death and while I am doing this my master will be fucking her pathetic cunt and ass until her flesh is cut into tiny pieces.
Missing His Black Pussy Sex Slave
He isn’t going to tell me but I know my master missed me. The way he talked about that other slave I could tell he now knows this chocolate pussy sex slave is everything he could have ever asked for. He called me down from my room and told me he wanted to talk to me. He told me he now understands he has it good with me. That I am above average when it comes to being the perfect sex slave. Now, not only does he want me to be his sex slave, he wants me to be his accomplice. My master told me every other week we will train other sex slaves, the ones that are not making their masters happy. We will take them for a week and turn them into the best sex slaves they can be. I mean, these girls have no choice. They are slaves to their masters. I do not understand how someone could be bad at it. I know some girls have died from being horrible sex slaves to their masters. I guess some masters would rather not kill off their slaves. My master told me while I am an accomplice to his training operation I will not be a slave. He said the moment we are done, I better go back to being his black fuck slave or there will be punishments. Oh, if master only knew how much this black slave cunt throbbed every time I felt him abusing me for his pleasure. Calling me a nigger whore, telling me I do not deserve such a fine thick white cock, all while he is punishing my aching cunt and asshole. Master said we will get our first sex slave tomorrow. I am excited, yes I love being abused and tortured by my master but their is something about being able to do the same to a slave whore that has my clit pulsing with extasy. I will know for sure tomorrow.
Good Girls Get Punished
Daddy had big plans for me. Big sadistic plans. He has been grooming me to be his perfect evil accomplice whore. Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t be the perfect whore for Daddy. I was squeamish around blood, unable to mutilate, slash or play in Daddy’s sadistic teen rape fantasies. Daddy says I was too much of a little good girl, and good girls like me get punished. Daddy says that I will be in a world of pain for my insolence. He stripped me naked and pushed me to my knees. I had to gag on daddy’s fat cock while he punched my head until it bled. Then daddy forced me to bow before him and beg for forgiveness while he punished my ass and cunt with harsh cracks of his whip. My poor cunnie swelled and burned with pain and daddy split my skin open. Good girls like me deserve to be beaten, daddy says. My little body collapsed from his blows. Next time I will learn to play with daddy’s little snuff sluts like the sadistic whore he wants me to be.
Torture This Sex Slave
I want the masters who know how to torture and degrade a nigger cunt slave like me. Make me your punching bag or better yet your torture toy. I want to see how far you will take it. Hand me that sharp knife you have and make me cut myself, watching the blood drip from my chocolate skin is sure to get you going. Did I do something wrong, master? Punish me, every slave needs a good punishing. Make sure you tell me how much of a nigger bitch I really am and how lucky I am to have you as my master. These big black nipples are here for you to torture also. Maybe you have some clamps you have been dying to use on a slave like me. Listen to me moan in pain while you’re watching my nipples stretch and twist in different directions. Stretch this fucking slave asshole out so wide I won’t be able to take a shit the next day. The possibilities are endless with me. I will die to please, my master. My motto is, whatever the master wants, the master gets.
He Wanted To Destroy Her
And why the fuck shouldn’t he have the chance to destroy the little fucking teasing teen whore next door? He was a client of mine for the herb I sell. This fucking little brat has been taunting and teasing him and being a genuine pain in the ass, especially since she is so young, flashes her shit around undressing in front of the window and so forth. He is sick of her teasing then runs off when confronted and always makes a scene. She comes around when he is smoking a joint and expects him to share. Well, we were taking care of this fucking brat I hung out with him and smoked out and when she came around she was surprised, especially when I grabbed her and duct taped her wrists and mouth shut. Grabbed her by ankles and pulled her into a back bedroom. We took turns fucking her and gagging her with cock (my various sized strap-ons and his huge black cock). We really destroyed her young holes that they were bleeding, ripped and tore up. I finished her off with a sledgehammer to the skull and a huge taxidermied beast phallus shoved in her ripped prolapsed cunt.
No Slut Slave Can Compare
I guess no fucking slave whore can compare to me. I overheard my temporary master and my master on the phone. My master was talking pretty loud saying he feels sorry for my temp master. The slave whore he has, can’t come close to putting up with half of the things I can. I was surprised to hear this, my temp master was very forceful and strong. My master does do some pretty fucking crazy things. He probably had the poor slut chained up, with spikes digging into her neck, ramming cocks down her throat all night. Every time one of those hard rock cocks dug deeper, the spikes pierced right through her poor aching neck. I bet there was blood everywhere. I am sure master wiped all that blood up, using his cock as the sponge. He loves to use blood as his personal lube. I am sure that was too much for her. Hmmm just thinking about that, made my slutty slave pussy melt with pleasure. I guess I do miss my master after all. Good thing I am packing up tonight. I will be leaving in the morning, I am sure master is going to have some wild and crazy shit planned for me. I know deep down he misses this fucking nigger whore. Maybe now he will see, it doesn’t get any better than me.
I took his manhood and laughed
I had so much fun last night, I met up with this total douchebag and I ended up taking his manhood! I know what you’re thinking, you think that I just emasculated him by fucking another man or pointing out how small his dick was right? Well, you would be wrong! I didn’t just humiliate that asshole, I cut his fucking dick right off! It was way too easy to do too, he was so fucking conceited that he thought his tired pick up lines were actually working on me, can you believe that shit? I let him think he had me, I even suggested going back to my place. And when we got there, I made him think he was going to get laid and I convinced him to let me tie him up. Then he was all mine. He was all tied up and instead of some good pussy on that pitiful cock he got a rubber band wound tightly around it. Then I cut tha mother fucker off and left him to bleed to death! It was so satisfying for me to watch him die…