Category: Torture phone sex

I’m Always in a Sadistic Phone Sex Mood

sadistic phone sexI am always in a sadistic phone sex mood. I laugh when guys ask me if I have any limits. I have only one limit and that is I am never a sub or a victim. I can’t even pretend to be a victim. It is not how I was born. I am a bitch in charge, or I am your accomplice. No in between. I got a call last night from a guy who wanted to hunt and kill me. He wanted me to act scared. I could only act sarcastic. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He spammed my phone for an hour, which is never the way to get me to do a call with you. I was pissed to start when I agreed to do his call. He didn’t exactly get the call he wanted because the hunter became the hunted. I warned him. Some small-minded idiots think that they call the shots because they are paying. Maybe with a site other than a snuff sex site lol. I ended up killing my caller, castrating him for my amusement too, but he came so hard. I think he was just testing me. To see if I am a greedy whore pretending to be a sadistic for money or if I am really an evil bitch. I really am an evil bitch with no moral compass. This is your one and warning.

Gangbang rape porn

gangbang rape porn

I went to a part of town I’m not familiar with, looking for a cafe I wanted to try out. When I finally found the place, it was closed for renovations. The cafe was in an old and run down part of town so I wanted to hurry and leave.I was getting into my car when something struck me in the back of the head. I fell to the ground unconcious. When I came around everything was fuzzy at first and suddenly, I could feel the stinging burn of my pussy and ass being stretched and torn. I quickly realized that I was being gang-banged by a group of construction workers. They ripped and stretched me as they fucked me in every possible hole. I couldn’t even scream with the massive cock I had rammed in my throat. It only muffled the sounds and I cried and swallowed the hot load he was pumping into me. By the end of it I was a bloody, disgusting pile of cum and shame. One of the men attempted to strangle me with my panties but didn’t pull them tight enough around my neck. I faded away and they ran when they thought he had killed me. They used every hole and ripped me front to back. Then left me for dead like a gutter slut.

I couldn’t let him live

taboo phone sexI was redecorating my apartment when I noticed a little red blinking light in the corner behind a bookcase I just moved. Upon further inspection I found several other little blinking lights in several rooms so I was pissed. I acted natural tho, like I hadn’t seen a thing, it was obvious that the old pervert that owns this building was filming me and probably several others what a massive invasion of my privacy! I do a lot of sick shit here I don’t need some pervert filming it what if he went to the police? I had to lure him in so I dressed up all sexy and called him to come and fix my sink. It was obvious that he had been checking the cameras before he came over, he looked like a mix of excited and nervous like he loved my outfit but was scared that I was on to him. I poured him a drink, drugged of course, and when he passed out I tied him to my bed and went off to his apartment to find all his tapes. Little bastard had everything right out in the open too it was easy to destroy everything and make sure that no one would ever be able to see into my house again. Then I went back to my place and killed that stupid little fuck slowly, dragged him back to his place and lit it all on fire. I knew the fire wouldn’t spread beyond his apartment it was a tidy little clean up of a very big problem.

Your Balls are Mine!

castration phone sex

I want to tie you down and seductively cut your balls right off. My naked body oiled up and sliding up and down your body as I tell you how much better off you will be without those testes swinging between your legs. I offer you one last chance to release your sperm into a fertile young female. Sweet young pussy just ripe for the implantation of your seed. I felt that dick get hard against my bare ass cheeks as I cut your chest with my fingernails. I leaned down to suck the blood off and to tell you that my victim was ready for your seed. I motioned to the shadows and a frail slutkin came into view. She was scared but hopeful of carrying your seed. She had already been informed that the only way she would live would be to be a breeding whore for me. I popped her down on your cock and you gave the loudest grunt as you released all of that baby batter inside her. While she still rode you I sniped your man hood off and burnt your now sterile self closed. Your eyes as I fed your balls to my unwilling victim is something I will never forget!

She should have been smarter

taboo phone sexI found some stupid whore all passed out in this bar I like to go to. She was there alone and wasted as fuck how stupid is that shit? I just dragged her ass out the bar and took her home and she was too drunk to even know who I was or where we were going so it’s her own fault that she ended up tied up and naked in a stranger’s house don’t you think? She was cute tho so I called some of my friends and set up a little gangbang. They paid me and they got to do whatever they wanted to little miss drunky. At first she was too fucked up to resist but as she sobered up she actually tried to fight them off. She was tied up so that was kind of pointless but it was funny to see her try. They fucked her till she was just a sobbing mess covered head to toe in cum. I left her there for the day I’ll hose her off later and the paty will begin again, I wonder how long she will last?

Evil phone sex

Evil phone sex“Please, please I’ll do anything!” I was pleading, desperate and pathetic. He smirked at me as he pressed the branding iron onto my skin, burning the word whore into my tender tits. I was screaming like an animal, I didn’t even recognize my screams and I felt so far away. The pain continued and I felt my vision start to get black around the edge. I was passing out quickly. I wasn’t out for long, he woke me up by shoving his cock all the way down my throat. He was shoving whatever he could into my pussy and my ass, as I squirmed and gagged on his dick. I wanted to die, I just wanted it all to end but I wasn’t going to get that. He grabbed a rope and wrapped it around my neck as he continued to violently fuck my throat, I was gagging, drooling and even puking a little. He pulled the rope tight screaming at me “you wanna die you stupid Cunt!?” I was trying to get it off of my neck but he was choking me too hard. “That’s right bitch die you fucking whore choke on this cock, die doing what you’re made for slut.” He pulled it tighter and I felt myself losing conscious foaming at the mouth.

Landlord needs his money

torture sexI have fucked my landlord for a while now. I know he is having fun with the new college girls that moved in and I am becoming old news quickly. I spend my rent money shopping it quite the habit and I hate doing it, but I love it so much. I know by the end of the month I will have to blow the landlord. Now that my landlord has fresh meat, it is hard to stay afloat. Now I have to resort to being his torture whore. Torture sex with him keeps the bills paid and keeps the roof over my head. I am nothing but his little fleshlight and his whipping slut. He loves leaving me bloody and bruised.

Evil Phone Sex Games I Love To Play

I love evil phone sex games so much that it’s awesome fun to do after dark. I love most the dark forest roads nearby my place. Last night we had our fun putting out a tire puncturing prank for these limp dick tourists that always come around this time of year. I love to cause an issue to these young lovers looking for the park and make out fuck spot and put them on edge. Best is how to tell who needs to be picked off the planet anyway with such games. If he comes in these woods unprepared and can’t change a tire then he is just useless fuck meat. My place is in a National Forest on a swerving road, and most places are used for hunting and shit. I live here year round and get the best in victims to use. I am not far to the suburbs where I get my babysitter gigs and such victims that my inner circle love, young and innocent becomes tortured and dead. But for now it’s the sorry mother fucker that has no cell reception and can’t change his own tire, or doesn’t have a spare… I love destroying these mother fuckers. I lure them in and once in the threshold I make my move. I will lure him to my bed. I show off my sweet naked body and get him so excited. I strip him, especially sweet when its against his will. I lure him to lay back and straddle him as I work his hands up to cuff them and cuff his ankles. He is now really calling me names and that pisses me off. I punch his lights out and if his dick is worthy I will take my pleasure riding his cock as I strangle his dumb ass. I can’t help it, I love getting stranger dick my way.

Evil Phone Sex

Murder and mayhem excite me

taboo phone sexMurder and mayhem turn me on, seeing the bloody bodies and all that carnage just gets me wet as fuck. So when I had the opportunity to grab a gun and go shoot a bunch of people I was very excited! I went to this resort where they made any fantasy come true for you so they gathered up a room full of people and let me go in there and shoot them till I had killed them all. We’re talking hundreds of people all in one room just like shooting fish in a barrel, they had no chance to escape at all! It was almost too easy but still really fun. After they were all dead or dying I found a sexy stud to come fuck me in there where we would get all covered in blood. We fucked all over the victims, we even fucked some of the almost dead people too it was so fucking hot! Best day ever as far as I’m concerned.

I Am A Nightmare


Sadistic phone sex

I want to slap your fucking stupid face, and that’s just the beginning. I know that you had nightmares about me for a long time because I’m a villain and I’m okay with that because you are a fucking victim. You love to be victimized you love to play like you’re so innocent like you don’t do anything wrong, but that to me is disgusting you are disgusting. I see how you like to play games the men that you fuck with are so gullible they fall for your tricks all the time sister but me I’ve got a plan for you. I am going to teach you how to be less of a victim and more of a villain because you need to grow up dumb bitch. I know that you think our Wicked mother-in-law is the worst and I know you’re upset that I’ve taken such a liking to her. You are useless, but after you get gangbanged by these 15 guys that are going to be fulfilling all of their Torrid rape fantasies on you I’m sure you’ll be jaded and in my opinion, fixed. You’re broken sister you’re no good to the world while you’re like this you need to be handled by a brutal crew. I’ve got just the team to fix your broken ass, and when they get through with you, you’re going to be the best fucking cum slut bitch on Earth. I think that you have been meeting this and yes I am that nightmare and it’s about to come true.