One of my friends came to me with a special request. He hated his wife more than anything but the bitch was rich as fuck and he sure did love that money. So he wanted her killed in a way that would make it seem as if he was a victim too. So I broke into their house late at night when they were sleeping and hit him over the head with a tire iron and hogtied him. Then I stretched that bitch across the bed and tied her up spread eagle and fucked all her fuck holes wide open. I beat her to death with the tire iron and then used it to beat my friend brutally enough that he definitely looked like a victim but not enough to kill him. I left them there like that and made an anonymous call to the police so that they would be found quickly. It worked out perfectly he got all the money and no more wife, he was a little upset that I hurt him so bad but all in all it was the perfect crime. And now I have a nice fat piece of that bitch’s money too.
Category: Torture phone sex
A special request
Taboo Phone Sex Bitch
I may be a taboo phone sex slut, but I am no victim. I am not your subby bitch. This little prick called me to snuff me out. Boy did he have the wrong number. If you are so stupid that you don’t read my bio or pay attention to my blogs, then I kill you or at the very least castrate you. I am no different off the phone either. I went out with this dude Christmas Eve who thought he could force fuck me. He was not happy with the word no. He was less happy with my insistence that I wouldn’t fuck him if he was the last man on earth. It was an awful date. I left him at the restaurant, but the little prick followed me to my car. He pushed me in the back seat and tried to fuck me. I keep a knife under both the driver and passenger side seats. Easy access for such situations. No one fucks me without my permission. No one who wants to live and keep his dick that is lol. As he pulled out his worthless cock to fuck me, I reached for the knife and sliced the fucker off. Luckily it was not inside me. That would have been awful, but if it had happened, I would have put a tooth pick in it and pulled it out since it was no bigger than a cocktail weenie He was bleeding all over my car, so I pushed him out with my feet. My seats are scotch guarded, but I didn’t want any more of his blood in my vehicle. I got in the front seat and backed over him. If he didn’t bleed out from the loss of blood, pretty sure my 4-wheel drive did the trick.
Knife play phone sex
Can you see it now? It’s Christmas Morning and you go downstairs, there’s a giant box next to the tree, big enough to fit a person in it. You dismiss it, going forth to get your morning coffee. You start to hear sounds, they sound almost like whimpering. You start to think about what could be in that box, and the idea of someone sneaking a puppy into your home has you instantly seeing red. You don’t want a stupid fucking mutt for Christmas, you want a slut! You walk over to the box and open it slowly, it all falls open to expose a cage, and inside that cage is a girl. That girl is me and I am your present. I am tied up and bound tightly in red rope there’s even a bow in my hair. I am naked and helpless as he looks down at me stroking his cock more and more as he looks at me. “Ah so you are my little slut, not my little mutt aren’t you now” I whimper as he kicks the cage. “Nonetheless, you will have to be trained just like all my other sex slaves. And just because it’s Christmas doesn’t mean I am going to take it easy on you whore.” He goes on to say “You’re my gift, not the other way around and I sure do love a nice red Christmas!” He says this while he takes out a sharp knife and starts cutting me through the bars of my cage, my blood pouring out, the red Christmas he was just talking about.
Snuff Sex Blonde
He said I looked like his next snuff sex victim. I though he was joking. I didn’t even know him. He couldn’t loathe me yet. I was mistaken. I represented every woman who ever rejected him. Blondes don’t like him. I could see why the ladies didn’t like him, but I know my place, so I didn’t say a word. He had me bound and gagged too, so I couldn’t really say anything. I was in his trunk like groceries. It seemed liked forever I was in there, but I could hear him talking to me. He was calling me names and telling me what he was going to do to me. I pissed in his trunk. I was scared. I felt the car pull over and the road got bumpy. We were on a gravel road I thought. When he opened the trunk, I saw that we were in the woods somewhere. He yanked me out of the trunk and stripped me naked. He then put a collar around my neck. I was naked outside, and it was cold. He saw that I was cold. For a moment, I thought he was going to give me his jacket. He just pulled his cock out of his pants instead and pissed on me. Once my tits were dripping with his golden nectar, he punched me. It was a sucker punch. I fell over and puked. He pushed my face into the gravel like I was a pup that peed on the carpet. He quickly yanked me up and chained me to the fence. He was making a snuff porn and I was the star. He joked about me dying from exposure. He cut me several times before leaving me for the wild animals to eat. All because I was blonde.
This Little Kidnapped Bitch Likes It
Daddy and I headed to the mall to look for a teen to play with. We walked around scoping out the prey and set our sites on this cute little blonde sitting alone in the food court. It was close to closing so Daddy went and sat in the van to wait. As soon as she gathered her things and was heading out, I texted Daddy. I struck up a conversation with her about how much I liked her shoes and walked out the doors with her. We were still talking when we came to her car. Daddy pulled up and opened the side door to the van and I pushed her in. She was too caught off guard to fight so that was a bummer but at least we had her. We took her up in the woods to Daddy’s old cabin. We blind folded her and removed all her clothing. She had nice perky tits, a sweet little butt, a nicely groomed pussy and some dick sucking lips. Not wanting to listen to her scream or talk, we quickly put a ball gag in her mouth. Daddy raised her arms and tied them to a hook in the ceiling. He fastened her feet to the clamps on the floor. He then told me I had 15 minutes to play before he would join. Not wanting to waste any time, I pulled out a butt plug. I lubed that plug up and rammed it in her tiny little asshole. Surprisingly it went in with ease. This little hoe must have been ass fucked before. I turned it on and watched her start to squirm. I put my finger on her pussy and it was getting wet. Damn, she is enjoying this. I normally want them to be scared but something about this was making it even hotter and my pussy was getting damp. I grabbed a strap on double sided dildo and rammed it up her pussy and started fucking her hard. This little bitch started moaning. Her moaning, my fucking and my tits rubbing against her tits brought myself to an orgasm. I looked at Daddy in shock. He just laughed and shook his head, grabbed the paddle and headed towards us. ….. to be continued
Ending the Year and My Life with Snuff Sex
I was Christmas shopping at the mall. Snuff sex was not on my mind. But it was on his mind. As I walked to my car, I felt eyes on me. I am a hot woman. It happens. When I popped my trunk to store my bags, I felt a sharp prick in my neck. Some one drugged me with a needle. I went limp as everything went dark. I woke up tied to a bed with a gag in my mouth. Some guy I didn’t know was talking to me in a language I didn’t understand either. I struggled, testing how tightly I was bound. He saw me, said something, then burned my left nipple with his cigar. I felt a tear run down my face from the pain. He pulled his cock out and pissed on my tit where he burned me. He had this sinister look on his face. He liked inflicting pain. I saw him grab a knife and I pissed the bed I was tied to. He chopped off my tit. I screamed as loud as I could, but it was muffled. When he cut off my other boob, I passed out. He slapped me back awake. Looking at my defiled breasts made me sick. I puked but ended up swallowing it all back down. I wanted to die. I knew snuff porn was how I was going to end the year. I saw him pick up a bat inspired by The Walking Dead Lucille bat that Negan used to kill Glenn and Abraham. I saw him hold it over my head. I prayed for a quick death, but that didn’t happen. I laid there with my own brain matter sprayed over my face twitching while my killer stroked his cock. It seemed like an eternity until everything went dark.
They had to die
I picked out a family and stalked them to learn their schedules and habits and when the timing was just right I broke in and killed them all. I drugged the parents and securely tied them up before I brought their little brats into the room. I tortured them one by one all while the parents watched. I love seeing the terror in their eyes when they are watching their brats suffer like that. The little ones always beg their parents to help them but they can’t move, they are completely helpless and I love it. Once the brats are dead I move on to the husband, I humiliate him and force fuck him, completely emasculating him in front of his woman before I finally kill him too. Then the bitch is all alone. It can go one of two ways at that point, sometimes the bitch will fight me because she still hold on to hope that she may live thru it. Other times she has given up all hope and has no will to live left after watching her family die like that. If she’s fighting to live I will kill her but if she wants to die, well, I make her live and wait to see how many days will pass before she kills herself. Either way it is fun for me!
Snuff Porn and Castration
While most folks are watching Christmas movies, I am watching snuff porn. I am more murderous this time of year because I lack any holiday spirit and I hate people. Bah humbug. I could only watch so much before I had to kill. But who? Who had been the naughtiest? I wanted to kill my neighbor but that would break my rule of killing close to home. I have a few rules I adhere to and they keep me safe from the law. I went to the mall and picked up a guy who resembled my loser neighbor. The issue with my neighbor is that he thinks he is a Lothario. He has a revolving door of women but makes them all think she is the only one. He thinks he is George Clooney or something, but he looks more like one of the Three Stooges. He is not handsome and because he is an exhibitionist, I can see he is not hung either. No clue what women see in him. He is not rich. He is not handsome, and he is not hung. Triple loser. My guess is he lies. Tells women he is some rich guy, but he is a poser. Since I couldn’t kill him, I could kill a man like him, or at least castrate him. I found this goober who thought he had what I wanted. If I wanted a fat poor pathetic loser, then sure, he had what I needed. But I would never need that. I let him think we were going to my cabin in the woods to fuck. I castrated him. Just like I do on castration phone sex calls. I chopped his balls off. They were just little nuggets anyway. He started crying in pain and bleeding like a stuck pig. I just laughed as he cried for his worthless nuts. I went out to kill, but I wanted him to live without his balls. I wanted him to have a constant reminder that he is not all that. Now, I need to figure out what to do with my loser neighbor and you. I bet you are just as pathetic.
Dripping blood creates a wetter pussy
Something about the sight of blood that makes my wet cunt even slimier. The thrill of me seeing my victim in a state of shock just makes me want to squirt my pussy juice across the room. My most recent victim was a blonde dingy whore. I found her on a cruise ship. I had an accomplice of course and we posed as swingers. We got her to the upper deck late at night when nobody was around. We raped the bitch and I made her eat my cunt while my accomplice fucked her in the ass. Once I came in the whore’s mouth and he came in the whore’s ass we sliced her throat and threw her in the ocean and left the sharks to devour her worthless body whole. Blood was everywhere. The more blood I saw the wetter my pussy became. What can I say? I’m just a sick sadistic bitch!
Teen rape porn
I had two little bitches talking shit about my little sister in my neighborhood. Usually I would just ignore them but I found out how much money I could make snatching up little whores and selling them. I don’t mean pimping the little bitches out, I mean selling them to these guys I kinow that make teen rape porn videos. Why would I pass that up? They will get what they deserve and I will get a fat wad of cash to go blow with my sister as we laugh at those stupid skanks. Getting them to meet me was easy. I told them both that I would pay them to help me with something at my house. As soon as they were in my house, the guys came from the back room and grabbed them, holding them from running anywhere. The cameras were already rolling as these guys ripped the clothes from the girls and forced them to get on their knees and beg. I watched as one got fucked hard in her mouth. He dragged her around by her hair with some of it ripping out as he snatched her around. She gagged as she took his cock in her throat. Tears streamed down her face as she tried not to throw up on his cock as she was being mouth fucked. The other one was screaming and begging to be let go. I told the guys to fuck her until she shuts up. They destroyed her pussy. Ramming their cocks in her over and over and leaving her cum filled cunt a gaping mess. I let my sister into the room to laugh in her face as she cried and begged the guys to stop. Watching these bitches get force fucked and treated like whores had me so turned on.