I was out for a walk earlier today and I saw a woman with her brats at the playground even tho that playground was closed. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, we’re all supposed to be social distancing and all that bullshit so what the fuck was this whore doing there germing up the place? Well I decided that I should punish her for breaking the rules. I followed the dumb cunt and her brood of brats home and waited until it was dark. Then I broke into her house and had a little fun. I herded them all into the living room and tied them up and asked her what the fuck she thought she was doing earlier, she told me that she didn’t believe in the pandemic and thought it was just a ploy by the government to get us all chipped. The stupidity really hurt my brain so I just shot the bitch in the face to shut her up. Then I moved on to her brats. I spent a lot of time cutting them up into little pieces while they were alive, it took them a very long time to die and it was just so satisfying.
Category: Torture phone sex
They should have followed the rules
Torture Phone Sex Gets Me Off
Men have all the time in the world for torture phone sex. Unfortunately, I am on the receiving end of their torture fantasies. I met a guy on Redditt not afraid to have a stranger visit him. I knew it was risky, but this confinement shit is driving me insane. A submissive whore needs men to dominate her. She does not need to sit at home and watch Facebook explode with conspiracy theories. A friend told me about Redditt. I thought it was just for hobbyists and crafters, but there are a ton of nasty freaks on Redditt. I found a bondage and BDSM room. From there, I chatted individually with a few guys and found one only 45 minutes away from me. I could go see him. I got out of the house and I did not cross state lines. My head told me it was dangerous. My pussy said go. My pussy always wins, but my head is always right. He greeted me in normal clothes. He was handsome. We had some drinks and conversation first, then we went to his dungeon. He had every piece of BDSM equipment possible. I was nervous and aroused. He donned an executioner’s mask and I think I came. I was so desperate for some rough sex. He tied me up, elevated me on a platform and hooked me up to electrodes. He was shocking my body so hard; I was pissing and convulsing like he was a priest exorcising the devil from my soul. He put one of his electrodes up my cunt and then I lost all control. It was foreplay for him. He wanted me wet before he rammed his dick in my fuck holes. I was strapped down as he fucked me. He didn’t want me having pleasure. Little did he know that I am such a torture sex slut and humiliation junkie that I got off hard anyway.
Snuffing Out The Junkies is Hot
During these times people have become desperate for money and that makes it a lot easier for me and daddy to have a little fun. We find druggies on the street and offer them a little cash or drugs to come back and make a little video. They never even ask what kind of video, they are desperate. We grabbed a couple of them the other night and after we got them all fucked up, we started. They were dirty and unkept which made it all the hotter. We tied them up and daddy had his way. He didn’t go easy on this group either. He beat them with belts and straps until their skin was broke and blood ran down their bodies. And of course, he let me cut off their tits because that is my thing. For added excitement he used a cattle prod to ram up their dirty nappy pussies, making them scream and shake. It was glorious. My pussy was wet just watching. After torturing them some more he took out his knife and slit their throats as they twitched and gagged on their own blood. Daddy is a sick man so he made sure to get that video camera right up to their faces so he could capture their very last breaths. It was so fucking hot I can’t wait to do it again.
I Love Accomplice Phone Sex
Sometimes Daddy lets me go out with my friends to have a little fun. Tonight, I went out with a girlfriend and we had plans to be really really naughty. We stopped at a local dive a few towns over and picked out our mark. He was an out of towner in for work so he was just perfect. We drank and partied all night and at closing time we took him back to my house for a little fun. We started out taking a few shots and doing a line or two and then we undressed him. We sat him on the bed and we both got between his legs sucking on his massively hard cock. He was moaning loudly and rocking his hips back and forth. We knew he was close so as she continued blowing him, I reached for a blade and just as he started to blow his load, I cut his dick completely off. Blood and cum were flying through the air as he screamed in the background. It was so fucking hot that I almost orgasmed just watching it. Not done with him yet we secured his hands and feet to the bed and gagged him. We then took our sweet time as we cut his balls off and then continued to dismember him piece by piece. Once we were done, we looked at our work and it was so bloody that I put on a strap on and fucked her sweet hole as he breathed his last breath.
I lured her in
Some new neighbors moved in across the street and they had a little girl that was just too precious for words. Tiny and delicate, she was perfect for several men I know but all of them were stuck quarantining with their stupid wives. So I took matters into my own hands and I lured her over to my place and made a little movie. I had all the cameras set up in my playroom and since it is soundproof no one would be able to hear her screams as I tortured her. I stripped her naked and tied her to the table spread eagle and made sure her little pussy was center focus. Then I cut little pieces of it off one by one, feeding each to her, forcing her to cannibalize herself. Once I ripped that little cunt to pieces I fucked her tender little fuck holes with my biggest strap on cock. I literally fucked that little whore to death and it was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Then I put that movie out to the highest bidder, we’ll see soon who gets it.
Torture Phone Sex For Frustrated Sadists
It’s really unfortunate, for me anyway, that guys love to have torture phone sex with a stuck up useless bimbo like me. I’m always representative of the bitch that shot you down. I’m the girl you tried approaching at the club that looked at you, accepted your free drink then laughed at you. The slut that slept around but rejected you. I’m the bimbo that thinks she is better than you and even dumped your drink on you to get her own jollies off with her girlfriends and jock boyfriends in tow. You know me, and you know all those pent up issues and needs you have. You just want to stalk me and corner me to take what you deserve from me. You force me to do things with you while you threaten my life and even take my life while taking me just how you wish to fuck me. Nothing more satisfying than the forced fucking while you beat me to death. You strangle me as you fuck the shit out of me and keep me from screaming by shoving my own panties in my mouth. Isn’t that what you desire? Maybe take me to a friends place and let a bunch of cracked out niggers have their way with me after your done and you collect a small bit of cash for the goods.
Torture phone sex whore
I have a very special friend that pays me and my brother, from time to time to help him with certain things. He has a very dark fantasy and often needs young whores to torture and snuff out for his pleasure. He knows how good I am at luring little sluts away. My brother is good at snatching them up. I was worried that he would have to resort to torture phone sex if we couldn’t find him a whore to play with. I knew that my city being on lock down was perfect because I could still find whores for him and no one would be around to catch us or to stop them from getting forced into my car. I went downtown to a truckstop that is notorious for being a hooker hangout. I saw a young slut in the parking lot, getting out of a truck. I went over to her and asked if she wanted to suck my brother’s cock for some dope. She looked like a little junkie bitch. She followed me back to my car where my brother was waiting to grab her and force her into the backseat with him. Once we had her in the car, she wouldn’t stop kicking and screaming so I had my brother punch her in the face and knock her out. While she was out, he couldn’t help himself. He pulled her skirt down and force fucked her nasty whore pussy right there in my backseat. I brought her to our friend who was so excited to have this cum filled lot lizard to torture and mutilate. We helped him put her on the table and restrain her. By the time she wakes up, she’ll be tied up and being tortured and I’ll be laughing while counting my fat stack of cash!
I was so bored
I was so bored yesterday so I just had to do it, there was no other choice really. It was kill someone else or kill myself out of boredom so I went looking for the perfect person to kill. I ended up finding a little family all together. They were standing next to a car that was broke down, they were on a back road in the middle of nowhere so of course I offered them a ride. I took them back to my place and that was where it got a little tricky. I had to get the dad tied up first so I had to get all old school and put a gun in their faces. I made the mom tie up the dad then I tied her up. Then I was free to fuck their brats in as many ways as I could think of. The parents were screaming and begging for me to spare them but I used those little brats all night long. I’ll be working on them some more tonight, it’s making all this time at home a lot more fun!
Ass Rape Porn and Torture
He said he wanted ass rape porn. She said the same thing. I met a couple online. They lured me to their place with the promise of a hot threesome. There was no threesome. There was just me getting anally tortured for a kinky couple’s pleasure. Gatherings are to be small, so I thought hanging out with two people was safe. It was likely safe from this damn killer virus; however, it was not safe from the depraved mind of that couple. The wife was the worst. She blindfolded me under the ruse that I was going to try to determine who was eating my pussy. She tied me up with the ruse that it was so they could give my pussy so much pleasure, I couldn’t take it. There was no oral pleasure. Not for me, at least. I was there to be their torture sex slave. I was blindfolded so I wouldn’t see what was instore for me. I was tied down because the sex machine went in my ass so fast and so hard, they didn’t want me escaping. The sex machine was lubed with some sort of Ben Gay. I could smell it. It scared me. That sort of stuff in your genitals is pure pain. Ben Gay is not good lube, but that is exactly what they used it for on me. It burned my ass. I was not sure what hurt more. The burning lube or the friction of the sex machine in my raw ass. The devious couple masturbated each other while they tortured me. I cried. I was in pain and I wanted to go home. They were just getting started. I had to worship the wife’s dirty ass and I was her husband’s toilet. They spent hours fucking my holes and humiliating me. Not how I wanted to spend my night, but I am a taboo phone sex slut. I guess I got what I deserved.
Kidnapping Phone Sex Fun in Quarantine
Society will always dangle their worthless for me to remove from this planet. Right now Earth is in a reset and the worthless cunts of the world unite in their lame narcissistic ways. It’s so easy to pluck some tasty treat up with kidnapping phone sex urges for those high paying clients. My guys pay me well and they get quite bored abiding by the rules of quarantine. I am a bit of the avoidance type already and go about my life mostly in the Nighttime when the majority of society sleeps. I creep and do the most outlandish things in the forests and graveyards. My boyfriend works graveyard shift as an mortician and our Midnight lunches are always fueled by the unthinkable fun with corpses. Well I got a text from a client he was dying to have a sweet piece of fuck meat to play with in his dungeon. I am always on the lookout for that little rebellious cunt strolling the streets when she shouldn’t be. Sometimes I even get a young teen couple sneaking out from their parents homes to meet up. They usually end up at the playground of the school across the road from me. I am always keeping watch for the strays. Strays are the best to lure with something cute, something alcoholic or something smokable. I found him a cute little couple last night and told them I had the perfect meeting place for them to fuck at. I delivered them right into their death sentence. I collected the cash and he invited me to stay and have some fun too. I really loved to fist their holes with my studded gloves as he beat and fucked them raw. We didn’t kill these two, not yet. He is enjoying the stress relief of having the two around. To beat and fuck while the other watches. He loves their horror and their holes.