Snuff porn never gets old. Some folks around my neighborhood release tension with fireworks, I release it with killing people. I have never seen so many stupid rednecks in the world as I have just in the past few months. Social distancing has brought out the stupidity in mankind. Seriously, so many Americans are dumber than a box of rocks. I live near the future Darwin Award winners, but I have a policy I adhere to, so I never get caught. I do not kill where I shit. That meant my dumb fuck neighbors were off limits. Since dumb fucks are not isolated to my neighborhood, I got in my car and traveled. I just followed the sound of fireworks. I found a trailer in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of Deliverance looking mother fuckers drinking moonshine and lighting off illegal fireworks. It was like the Satan led me right to these dumb assholes. I got of the car and asked to join the fun. I do not look like the kind of woman who enjoys redneck fun, but they were too stupid to realize that. I spiked their moonshine and when they passed out, I enjoyed a light show of my own. I stripped the Bubbas naked and I bound their wrists and ankles. I lit off firecrackers near their bodies to wake them up. I wanted them to know that this sadistic phone sex bitch was going to have some fun with their redneck asses. I took the biggest fireworks they had and put one in each of their assholes. They were crying like little bitches and I had not even started the fun. I lit the fuses, backed away and waited for the booms. I exploded each redneck. Killed them dead. Exploded them better than I imagined, LOL. I drove off leaving body parts and innards all over the place like a bomb went off. Happy Fourth of July, Fucktards.
Category: Torture phone sex
Snuff Porn with Fireworks
A Smooth Young Slit For Daddy To Play With
Daddy was in the mood to play so he sent me out looking for some virgin snatch to play with. He was craving some young but not too young. You know the age where they are starting to develop but those little slits are still nice and bare and tight. The mall is always my go to so I headed out posing as a molly dealer. Those sweet things are so gullible, and I found one that was quite the loner, hanging behind the dumpster smoking a cig. I struck up a conversation with her and then told her I had some new strand of molly back at my place if she would like to join. The promise of that god-awful White Claw sealed the deal and she followed. We went in and I brought out a joint and some Claw, which I had put some of that ghb in just for fun. As she started fading, I undressed her to her panties and bra and laid her on the tarp daddy had left me. I grabbed all of his tools and then went to get him. He was so pleased with her that he kissed my head and told me he would let me have the final cut. Daddy was so bad that night. Even more so than usual. You are going to love it. What would you do with a sweet piece of ass like that?
He did it for me
I am usually the one doing all the killing and don’t get me wrong, I do love it, but sometimes a girl wants to be romanced a little yanno? I wanted a man to sweep me off my feet and impress me by brutally killing someone for me while I watched and honestly I didn’t think that was too much to ask for. I thought that I would never find my dark prince but then he appeared just as I was sure he never would. We met at a party and after a few drinks he told me how much he would love to just violently kill the loud drunk bitch by the keg. You know the type, always loud and annoying and way too drunk and annoying to live. I asked him is he was serious and he said he was so I set it in motion. I led the bitch outside when no one was looking and we took her back to my place. He showed off by beating her senseless and force fucking all her holes in front of me. Then he killed her and we fucked on her corpse. It was hot as fuck!
Fantasy Phone Sex Barbie For Torture
I know my reality is skewered and that my worthless cunt isn’t all that. I’m your fantasy phone sex barbie doll that you can do all the things you crave to do, to. The other night some guys took to doing just that. I was accosted and took into a slave sex ring over the Border. The assailants thought they had the perfect piece of ass and pussy to destroy when they saw me with my Posh look and fake titties. They thought they had a stuck up little cunt that has barely been fucked. These guys were greatly disappointed to see that I wasn’t so tight and that I had been obviously used over and over again, and again. They just got themselves another worthless bimbo slut. They beat the fuck out of me. Tied me up forced my legs apart and shoved large objects in my holes while pissing and crapping on my whore body. I was beat to a bloody shitty and pissed covered pulp that the rest of the gang continued to jerk off over. They were going to decapitate me but decided that I wasn’t even worth that and left me in an alley way for the vermin to pick at.
I Smiled As I Pulled Out My Straight Edge
So, daddy dropped me off at the bar to pick up a new play toy for myself. Just a hot young stud to bring home to fuck and then when I was done to hand him over to daddy to finish or perhaps, I just might finish him myself. I found a real jacked up douche that looked like he needed to be torn down by a cute petite little blonde, so I set my sights on him. I flirted with him and stroked that tiny brained ego he had, insisting on him buying all my drinks and lots of shots. Even let him “show” me how to play pool. Lol At closing time I whispered how I would like him to take me home to have some fun. His arrogant ass was like a puppy leading me to his car and driving me home. When we got there, I fixed us both a drink with a little something extra in his. We headed back to my room and he immediately started telling me how he liked things and all of the wonderful things about him. I just smiled as I undressed myself and then him. I reached up to put my hair up and he said, “I know what that means when girls put their hair up”. I just smiled as I pushed him back and started tying him to the bed. He resisted a little, but I am pretty persuasive. Once I had him all nice and tight, I leaned down towards his dick and as I put the head in my mouth, and he moaned I pulled out a straight razor from under the bad. It was an awesome bloody night and I cannot wait to tell you all about it.
Bondage Phone Sex and Torture
Bondage phone sex gets me wet. I love being tied up. I am not sure how I got into it. I think it started with handcuffs in the bedroom. Pretty vanilla compared to what bondage means to me now. I hooked up with John the other night. He promised me some coke if I would let him tie me up and take some photos. I always need coke because my husband no longer gives me access to the family money. He knows I have no control. I will do an entire mound of coke. I will spend my last dime too. My family’s last dime. I am a coke fiend. Many men know this, and they make me deals. I know I am exchanging my soul sometimes, but I can endure almost anything to get a fix. John got me high first. Smart move because I will agree to anything when I am high. I have a much higher threshold for pain too. John tied me to a table. It looked like a conveyor belt of some sort. I assumed he made some sort of make-shift bondage table. It was something more akin to a medieval torture sex device. It was a rack. He tied me up at first and took some pictures. His cock was out, and he was stroking it. He was hard as a rock watching me tied up. I got nervous when he hit a switch of some sort. I felt my body pulling. OMG. I thought he might tear me in two. He came on my face as I screamed in pain. My arm pulled out of its socket. The pain was intense even on coke. John did not mean to go that far, but when he heard the noise my arm made as it popped out of the socket, he came. It was not what I was thinking would happen. John liked it so much, he asked me how much to make a snuff porn next. I got to think on that one. At this rate, he will kill me.
He was in for a surprise
I met this guy that to be perfectly honest, I was not attracted to at all but I let him think that I was so I could torture him. I made him fall in love after a few hours, he invited me back to his place and I was happy to go. I got him all hot and bothered, he was so excited he would do anything I asked so naturally, I asked him to let me tie him up. He was excited at first, he went along with all the ropes but once he was restrained and I started getting rough he tried to tap out. He was telling me to untie him but I refused and instead I tied up his balls real tight and put some weights on them to pull them down painfully. He was begging at that point but I didn’t let that stop me. I pulled out my strap on and told him that I was gonna make him my bitch. By that point he was crying and he begged me not to fuck his tight ass but I did it anyway. Then I pulled out another rope and wrapped it around his neck. I pulled it tight and choked him to death while I fucked that ass open. I came as he died and I left him there all tied up with a dildo hanging out of his ass.
Snuff Phone Sex Call From A Stalker
I was never aware of the fact I was being Stalked. Not completely. Since I take calls as a Snuff Phone Sex victim, I just thought it was the usual wanking fucks that try creeping us out. He would call me and whisper to me the things he planned on doing to me. I was clueless that the strange flickering I’d see sometimes was actually him taking my picture. He shined his flashlight in my windows and I figured it was just the usual juvenile fucks playing around. I live in a townhouse and you know neighbors with horny teen boys and all. Sometimes I know the dads and husbands kinda watch me, and they are always trying to be discrete. But this was different. This guys was stalking me and calling me. He even slipped notes in my mail slot. Lewd comments always about how he was watching me. He would say shit like maybe you should use a bigger dildo because when I get my hands on you those holes best be ready for my big fat dick. I’ll rip those holes while you beg me like the worthless cunt you are. So the night he came to my door and shoved himself inside as he overpowered me took me by surprise. He did everything he promised. He ended up cracking my neck and snuffing me out while ripping my ass with the most violent phone sex yet.
They all had to go
I like my privacy, I enjoy the solitude and silence of having no neighbors but unfortunately someone bought the parcel of land that borders mine. These assholes decided to build their house very close to the edge of our property line and they were far too close for my liking. I tried to be nice, I tried to suggest that we would both be happier living further apart but they were insistent that the only place they wanted their house was that spot. Well, I can’t exactly have all the fun I have with these motherfuckers all close to me so I had to get a little drastic. The whole family came out to see the foundation poured so I snuck over there quietly before the concrete men came. I managed to get them alone one by one, the little girl was first. All I had to do was let a little bunny loose nearby, it ran in front of her and she chased it over by me. I hit her over the head and knocked her out and then tied her up and gagged her. I repeated the process until I had the whole family knocked out and tied up then I dragged them over to where the foundation would be poured. I covered them with a layer of dirt and just waited. The concrete men buried them alive without ever knowing they were there and since they were gone, the house was never built and the property was foreclosed on. Guess who just bought it… I’ll be keeping my privacy forever now.
So I Got A Babysitting Job…..
So, daddy has been dying to get his hands on some sweet young innocent things to play with and I as always was his perfect accomplice. I answered an ad for a babysitting gig for some parents who traveled for work quite extensively. They would be gone for weeks at a time. I of course got the job and daddy was so thrilled. So, on the first night I packed and headed to their house, the lovies were perfect ages just like daddy likes. The parents left and daddy arrived the next morning to start with our fun. First thing we did was mix a little fun medicine in their orange juice for breakfast. Once that started working, we removed all of their clothing and got down to work. Daddy of course enjoyed the sweet little girl best as he bounced her up and down on his hard cock, her little cheeks bouncing with every thrust. I of course prefer the little boys, those soft little penises fit so perfectly in my mouth. Sometimes if I stretch my mouth wide enough, I can even fit that little nut sack in there too. It is too little to fill up my juicy wet pussy, but I do like to use that little cock to rub against my clit and bring me to orgasm. Me and daddy had so much fun abusing those cuties today. Give me a call and let me tell you all the nasty evil things we did to them.