This fat ugly whore down the street was a real nosy bitch always poking her nose in where it didn’t belong and the last time she got all nosy, she almost got me arrested.I had just disposed of a corpse in the woods and came home all filthy. She was riding her fat bitch scooter leading her ugly little rat dog on a leash and when she saw how dirty I was and all the dirt on my car she was full of awkward questions. I have never had any kind of patience for that kind of shit so I just told her to fuck off and went in my house. Well that bitch looked in my car and saw blood on the seat so she called the fucking cops! They luckily believed me when I said it was just a period accident but that could have gone very badly for me so I had to get revenge. This bitch doesn’t have any brats of her own because who the fuck would ever want to knock a bitch like that up? Bust she does have a niece that she was very close to. I kidnapped her niece, made sure that my friends and I killed her gruesomely and recorded the whole thing. Then I ground up her body and made it into a casserole and brought it to that nosy whore’s house. I apologized to her for being snippy and asked if we could share a meal to make up for it. Well that fat bitch wasn’t turning down free food that’s for sure! She ate every bite and when she was done I told her what was really in the food and showed her the recording of how it was made. Then I slit her fat fucking throat and sent her to hell where she belonged.
Category: Torture phone sex
I made her pay
He Craved My Torturous Ways
He was a creep. The creepy neighbor that lived in an overgrown yard that cloaked the shabby shack of his dwelling place. He kind of stirred my interest as a serial killer type. But one day he was the prey that ventured into my den. He needed to use the phone, and I had no fear of him, he was my neighbor and the better type to be neighborly with. I hate normal boring fucks. So I was intrigued and he has entered my Snuff sex den of no return. I let him in and asked him what his story was. He was shy and only grunted a little about needing to check in with his parole officer. I blocked him from the phone and asked him again. What is your story? You live like a bum and have a dirty demeanor about you. Do you torture live things? He got hard. I laughed at him as I took my boot knife out and ran the blade from his neck down the front of his filthy white t-shirt. So it’s torture sex then. I asked what his parole was for. Are you a p type? Are you a fucking perverted violator of little cunts and assholes? He got nervous and I saw a spot in the front of his trousers. Oh, look at you. Mr. Creeper is going to jizz in his pants. I moved the knife to the spot and poked at it with the point. I like torturing imbeciles and you are the perfect kind. No one will miss you! As I slit his trousers open and drew blood from his erect cock. I slid the knife down below his balls and told him I was going to fuck the sin out of him with my sadistic phone sex. I mounted his filthy warm corpse and rode that dick. I thrive off of blood and semen in my vagina and I was getting just what I needed as started stabbing him in the heart.
Torture Phone Sex With Faith
Are you up for some torture phone sex, lover? Of course, I am… I’m always ready to be degraded and dominated. I can’t decide which kind of torture I love more – psychological or physical. I guess I am a bit of a masochist because I love both so much. You can do a number on me with psychological torture. Just tell me what a loser I am and how no man in his right mind would ever want anything to do with me. Or tell me how, if you were my man, you would be cheating on me left and right because I just wouldn’t be good enough to please you. Make my mind wonder all the time, even when you aren’t around.
And if I know anything, it’s that there are lots of men out there who love torturing a woman like me physically. How are you going to do it? I can’t wait to hear about how you’ll decide to inflict pain upon me. I hope that our torture session is really long and drawn out. I deserve it and I know you’ll tell me all of the reasons why when you call me. I’ll be waiting for you.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies are Much Different in Reality
Having rape phone sex fantasies is one thing. Being force fucked in the back of a dive bar like you are Jodie Foster in The Accused is something different. Most women have rape fantasies. It plays out much differently in the real world than it does in your mind. When I think of being taken, it is always a tall handsome stranger with a lot of money who cannot resist me. He is so turned on by me, he must take me. I only protest initially before succumbing to my desires. It is sensual, not violent. What happened last night was nothing like I imagined. There was a handsome stranger, but he had 6 not so handsome friends. They were not attracted to me. They thought I was a dirty whore good for only one thing, so they showed me just what I was worth. Nothing. In the back of a seedy local bar, these brute men stripped me naked and tied me up. They skull fucked me so hard I gagged and puked up my liquor. They slapped my ass and face. They punched my tits. They rammed beer bottles and fingers up my ass like they watch too much ass rape porn. I was crying. Sobbing and pleading for mercy. This was nothing like my wet dreams. It was violent and rough. It was degrading and it was painful. My ass prolapsed. It bled too. My throat started to bleed because they skull fucked me so hard, they tore my esophagus. Even when they came, they continued to assault my holes. They used whatever they could find. Beer bottles, a pool stick, darts, keys… Everything in that bar became an assault rife in my ass. As I laid curled up in a ball crying on the floor, they pissed on me and told the bar owner to take out the trash.
Accomplice Revenge
I had my sister tied down to the table, she was squirming and naked. Her body was all oiled up, and I had stuffed her filthy fucking panties in her mouth to keep her quiet. My sister decided to humiliate me in public the other day, locking me out of the house after school the other day. I had rushed home desperate to piss, but my stupid fucking sister locked me out and I ended up pissing myself all over the front porch!
After that little accident, I was going to teach her a lesson. So here she was, strapped to the pool table in our rec room as I allowed our classmates to come in and view her tied naked body. What she didn’t know is that I had given her a couple water pills that morning, she had thought they were Tylenol. She have been extra thirsty and drinking all day, and this bitch was ready to bust. I had over fifty people crammed in my rec room, everyone filming and going live on the internet, while my sister laid there, humiliated and naked struggling not to piss herself.
I let them pay me, $2 a pop because that’s all she was worth, to touch and use her body, and $10 to cut into her sweet flesh. Boys started fucking her, turning her into a true cum dumpster as she struggled not to have an accident in front of the entire school. I smirked, rubbing my pussy through my pants in the corner. That’s what you get when you fuck with me bitch, humiliation and degradation well I masturbate to your fucking pathetic show.
We Took His Money
Most times all it takes is a pretty face to throw these fools off their game. A little smile, some skin showing, and my tight firm body will get them following me anywhere with no questions asked. So, I was out looking for a play toy with a wedding ring and deep pockets and stumbled across this guy who was all about me. With a promise of a good time he left, and we went back to my house. He was a little shy, so I hyped him up with a laced drink. Most people think only females get roofied but if you are a naughty girl like me, they work wonders. He started feeling the effects and daddy brought in the camera crew. Big bucks can be made for films like these. He was totally aroused but it wasn’t me that he was going to have some fun with. Instead it was a group of little tikes we had stowed away in the other room. They came out and did exactly as we had trained them to do. They sucked his cock, sat on his face and basically worked him up. He was too into it to stop now and his cock was raging. The littlest climbed up on him and road his cock as another young boy stuck his cock into his mouth. We got it all on film and just smiled. We took him back to his car and left a copy along with a cashapp code requesting a large sum of money to keep this film under wraps. Those lovies did lots of things to him and you will be so fucking hard when you hear. Give me a call and let me give you all the dirty details.
Evil phone sex with an twisted slut
Once again, I’ve been contacted for one of my darker services that I offer. I get emails daily, looking for an evil phone sex slut to help with various jobs. These guys know that I’m in it for the money. It’s hard to find a heartless whore like me, who will do anything for some quick, easy cash. I’m really quick to snatch up a little slut for you. Pick your whore and I’ll get her in the car. It’s pathetic how these little whores will trust anyone. Once we have her drugged up and gagged, with her arms and legs bound, the real fun begins! I’ll pull out my knife and carve her tongue out of her mouth. Together, we will make this slut cum, scream and cry for help. I’ll slice and rip the skin from her thighs as you force fuck her with broken beer bottles. Cut and rip her pussy wide open. I’ll help you torture and mutilate her little body before we snuff her out and ditch her in some back alley. Let this evil slut help you ruin a little whore this Halloween.
Streaming Live Snuff Phone Sex
Snuff phone sex is what I was born to do. I spent years running from my violent fucked up family life. I thought I deserved to be treated better. I thought the problem was with the mother who abandoned me and the daddy who fucked me. Turns out I am the problem because I am a worthless whore. I do not deserve to live but I am too weak to do anything about it for myself. That is why I put an ad on this snuff site to be killed. I had a genius idea. It would kill me and make who ever was man enough for the task a lot of money. Stream my death live. Lots of folks would pay good money to see a live execution. Think of all the ways you could violently kill me. Think of all the viewers who would want to see a blonde bimbo like me snuffed out. I can be beaten. Choked. Sodomized and fucked. I can be dismembered or decapitated. All sorts of ways to kill me. Make it bloody. Make it painful. Make my death epic and profitable for you. In times like these, I think men could use a creative outlet for their frustrations like a live snuff porn show. I am your willing victim.
Taboo phone sex whore
I am a taboo phone sex whore. I guess you can say I am a switch. I love to be dominated but I like to dominate too, especially young girls. Master often tells me to procure him something young and pretty. I found her at the mall. I know master’s type. Blonde, blue eyed and tiny. He likes those tender age pussies. That is how he got me. He kidnapped me when I was a little girl. I no longer remember my family. He treats me well as long as I am obedient. I do not like pain. Not his kind of pain at least, so if he wants me to bring him a treat, I do as I am told. Heather was just what he wanted. I did feel a bit guilty. I mean I pretty much just ended this girl’s life. But master is happy and that means he will go easy on me for a while. Survival of the fittest, right? I held her down as he violently fucked her tiny holes. Her asshole prolapsed and her pussy gaped so wide I think my head would have fit up her cunt. Both holes were bleeding and full of cum. The little girl died. Ooops. Master does not know his own strength.
Can’t stand a time waster
If there is one thing I can’t stand, it;s a man that wastes my fucking time. I sell a very specific set of skills, I like to torture and murder people and getting paid for that is just a bonus as far as I am concerned. With that said, I’m happy to rent my services out but I am not going to take care of your bitch ex wife for free no matter how much I enjoy killing. Well here comes this guy that calls and calls and calls but he never actually hires me to kill anyone! He says oh I got your number from a colleague and then spends as much time as possible just asking annoying questions that he already knows the answer to. I was so annoyed by this asshole that I snapped. I reverse looked up the number he called from and went to his house. I broke in and strapped him to the bed before he woke up and then tortured that annoying fuck to death. I made sure to tell him exactly why I was killing him too, nobody likes a fucking time waster!