Category: Teen rape porn

The Last Ride

snuff phone sexI left the party early, so pissed at my boyfriend. It wasn’t the first time I’d caught him cheating, but it would be the last. I’d discovered him fucking a skinny redhead with no tits behind the barn at the cook-out. Listening to his moans as he fucked her from behind still rang in my ears as I took off down the road.
I ran for half a mile before I slowed down. My breath was coming in gasps and wheezes. I had left my damn inhaler in that jerk’s car along with my phone. There was no way I was accepting an apology tonight. I saw headlights coming and I prayed it was a kind soul who would take me home, and not some perv from the party sent to retrieve me.
The sexy Corvette pulled up beside me. I heard a sexy drawl say, “Hey sweetheart. You need a ride?’ I looked inside and there was this dark and handsome man. He was well dressed and seemed well off. Surely, it would be safe to ride with him. “Yes, please, sir.” I whispered, my asthma still making me breathless. I eased into the luxury car.
We had gone several miles when he spoke. “Have you learned your lesson, Chelsea?” I was shocked. How did he know my name? “What do you mean, sir?” I stuttered. “Poor girl.” he laughed. We drove some more and suddenly, POOF, I was standing on the shoulder again.
I walked for a while wishing I had my phone. It was dark and creepy and the moon was full. I saw headlights. A car pulled over and an old man offered me a ride. He looked harmless. I jumped in without a second thought. I wasn’t paying much attention to the grandfatherly driver as I pondered my evening.
Suddenly, he veered off the road unto a dark path. The canopy of trees made a perfect tunnel and even the moonlight was gone. He stopped and turned to me. “Take off your clothes, little girl.” I shook my head and his fist shot out, busting me in the mouth. He had his cock out already and it looked huge and menacing in the darkness. He came around to the passenger door and pulled me out into the damp night. I felt his claws grab my arm, twisting as he spun me around and threw me face down on the car hood. I fought back, kicking and biting, but he just pounded my head into the hood of the ancient car.
I felt him fumbling to penetrate me and I felt his giant cock sink home. I screamed as I was not wet and he tore my flesh. He pulled out and scooped some of the blood from my busted head onto his cock to lube it. Then he rammed back into me again, grunting, and ranting about pretty girls using men.
The more I struggled, the harder he fucked my little girl pussy. I could hear him growling and I knew he was ready to dump a load of nasty old man cum into my pussy. At that moment I saw movement in the woods. Dead people. There were fucking zombies in there. His zombies. His way to dispose of the evidence. They surrounded me as he cut off one of my tits and tossed it to them. They fell on it like rabid dogs. I was screaming as they surrounded me and began to tear me apart alive. “Eat my pussy” has never been so literal.
Right before my last breath, the Corvette man’s face came into view. “You didn’t learn your lesson, Chelsea. Never accept a ride from an old man with an innocent face. They are the evil ones. Don’t you watch the horror movies? Poor girl. Now, you’ll never get home.”
The world went back as his face faded from my vision.
Coming Soon…. Part II: I come back to seek revenge and haunt my cheating boyfriend. Can anyone say “dead fuck?” (evil laughs)

Taboo Phone Sex; Never Pick Up Hitchhikers!

Taboo Phone Sex

I need it. I need it now. I need to hear the sweet screams of an entire family dying in my ears. What better way to have the taboo phone sex satisfaction then to go on a little road trip. Now, I am not going to be the one doing the driving. That is going to be the sorry bastard that is going to pick me up in his car while I am hitchhiking. I am going to dress like a super slut too! Armed with my favorite glock I set out and wait for my prey to come to me. Sure enough there he is. Driving his four door sedan, I can see the tan line on his finger from where he just removed the ring. He goes on about me not being out the alone, “hasn’t your mother ever told you not to hitchhike?” he asks of me. About that time he turns around to my gun pointed in his face. “Take me to your family now,” I demand of him. He tries to act all noble but I quickly remind him that once I blow his brains all over the windshield I will go get them anyway. I know we are in the right place when we pull up to that perfect suburban home. He pulls in the garage and walks in the house, with me standing behind him. 

I scream for everyone to sit the fuck down. The picture perfect family of four takes their seats. They all cry and whine while I have daddy start tying them up and taping their mouths. I take the daughter down stairs, the dumb bitch looks familiar, I think she is from my school. I tear off her clothes and bash in her head a few times with the gun. With her arms chained up and blood rushing down over her white skin I snap a pic and message a client her price. Leaving her there passed out I head back upstairs. What to do, what to do? I ask dear old dad how come he tried to pick up a naked teen, and why he cheats on his wife. At first he does like every other idiot and denies the affairs. But after I take a meat cleaver from their knife block and chop of four fingers on his son’s hand he fesses up. He says that she never wants to have sex with him and he has urges. I asked him how come he did not just take it if he wanted to. 

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They all are whimpered and crying through the duct tape, and the son’s hand had blood everywhere. Quiet frankly I am getting annoyed. I pull his cock from his fly and get down on my knees. I take a knife and point it at his stupid sluts throat. I want her to watch me, watch how to please a cock. Once he is good and hard I take my knife and slice it right the fuck off. Everyone is squealing now, which does nothing but excited me further! “Your turn mommy!” I yell out extremely excited. I push the bitch back in her chair knocking her to the ground. Holding her husbands flaccid cock now removed from his body in the air I cut off her panties and shorts. I shove my hand into the cock and fuck that stupid bitch right in her cunt. She must not had been getting in from someone because her twat sucked my fist up inside her like it was a fat brat!

I laughed and looked back at the son! He was breathing heavy and his eyes kept darting around the room. First his hand, the his dads new sex change and then to the severed cock I held in my hand. I sat on the boys lap and asked him what he wanted? Did he want his moms stretched out puss, or dear old dad’s flaccid cock. When he groaned and nodded his head I knew exactly what it was he needed! I grabbed the back of his chair and my gun and drug him down the stairs. His sister was starting to come around. “You know there Junior, I think you might be onto something.” I untied his legs and let him off the chair. Pointing the gun at him I ordered his sister to suck his cock. She cried and began performing fellatio on her older sibling. After a few minuets she wiped her mouth and looked at me. “Now fuck her,” I demanded of his. The two kept sniffling and snorting and he turned and moved to her cunt. “No, tear that little bitches ass hole wide open!” She shrieked out no, but he went right at it. He fucked her till he filled up her cunt. Once I was done with the I bagged and redressed them. I am sure they thought they were going to live because they all walked outside with me quiet easy. Tying a noose around there neck I set up it up so as the branch broke they would all hang. I recorded the whole thing, even fucked my cunt to it later that night. Ahhhhh, family fun at its finest! 

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Taboo Phone Sex MILF Forced Accomplice in Japanese Snuff Porn Hostel

taboo phone sexI had been locked up in a dungeon for days. Sodomized repeatedly, denied food and water, even denied sleep. I was desperate for freedom. So desperate, I made a deal with my captor. A deal that still haunts me to this day. He had a fetish for Asian school girls. In my community, not many around. At least not the ones old enough to drive yet. “Bring me four young chinks Blair, and you go back to your suburban life,” he said. I was weak, so I made a deal with the devil. I tried to convince myself that he was just going to force fuck them. I knew better. Snuff porn Japanese was most likely their fate, but I shot up to escape the reality and kidnapped some young Asian girls to save my own skin.

The folks in my gated community don’t know my dirty secrets, but my captor did. I had to return with the girls or be exposed as the drug addicted incest mommy I am. It was easy to snatch them up too. These four angels are always together; they are sisters. I picked them up from school in the soccer mom van, lying to them that I was asked to bring them to home. I was shaking as I delivered them to hell. I am not a religious woman, but I prayed for my soul anyhow.

snuff porn japaneseI tried to escape quickly, but was forced into a front row seat for what I knew would be snuff porn. He made me an accomplice to keep me quiet. No one will miss Japanese school girl whores he said. He had this all planned. I was the key to making it happen. He played me. Knew how to break me. He had a studio all prepared. Little girl bedroom set like you see in those munchkin porn vids of brats who were on the back of milk cartons for months. My stomach was turning. He had drugged the girls but they looked scared. If they could see the torture devices on the other side of the wall, they would shit their cotton white panties.

Suddenly several other men appeared. This was more than just snuff. This was like Hostel. Dirty old men bid top dollar for the Japanese school girls I kidnapped. They could do whatever they wanted to the girl they bought and my captor would film it as a way of keeping them from getting a guilty conscious. The first girl on the chopping block was purchased for $300,000. Money can buy you anything. I watched scared, riddled with remorse as he force fucked her tiny teen holes. The more she cried, the harder he fucked her. She was a virgin from all the blood gushing out her holes. Her owner liked the blood so much he slit her femoral artery. Blood gushed out her leg, her skin grew paler, she collapsed

snuff pornHe didn’t want her dead, not yet at least. He took his belt and tied it around her wound to slow the bleeding. Then he fucked her some more. She was thrashing about, crying hysterically. He invited the other men to join in. They forced their dicks in her tiny holes for hours before they turned into a pack of rabid dogs tearing her limbs off; biting into her flesh. She laid there in a pool of blood, dismembered, still twitching as the camera rolled and the men shot cum over her eviscerated body. I was numb. I killed her to save my own skin. My captor shot a needle in my vein so I could get through the next three shows.

You would be surprised of the evil that lurks in the basements of nice houses owned by supposedly nice people in gated communities. Money buys you anything, even the torture and murder of young Japanese school girls.bloody phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Harper Makes A Snuff Porn Japanese Fans Will Be Dying To See

Sometimes I have to admit I am even impressed with what a taboo phone sex slut like me can come up with. When I was asked by one of my many fans to make a snuff porn Japanese fan’s like him could appreciate I was totally up to that challenge. I decided that with him funds and my brains this would be a well funded adventure that I could take fun advantage of. I sat down with him and sketched out a plan, then it was onto the happy hunting of my little Jap skanks. They were easy to catch too, slow, quiet voices and every last one light as can be. 

Taboo Phone Sex

I got 4 teen sluts to participate in our little venture. They were all crying and begging to go home their mommies. The two of us could not help but laugh. “We are going to play a little game my slant eye princess'” I started to announce to them. “Me and my friend Akio are going to go hunting, and you see, you are our prey.” The girls all started to whimper and back themselves into the corner of the room. They were jumpy as they bumped into each other. “Of course we will be fair, we are going to turn around and count over the loud speaker to 100, there are weapons on the table in the basement,” Akio went on to speak before I interrupted him “Now run little Jappy’s RUN!”

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The girls screamed, one of them went to take the lead shoving to of the others onto the ground. Once the girls cleared the room Akio started the count down by hitting a button on his computer system. The two of us started laughing. We could see the girls running around like mad trying to get away. We knew they would look for a way out first, to escape, not knowing we were stuck on Akio’s father’s island. That guy was as sick as he was. After the count we went down to track down the girlies. Too easy there were three of four little sluts all trying to get off the island. 

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Akio scared them shooting towards the ground. One of the little sluts tried to shoot at us, missed every single shot. Akio did nothing but laugh and release his entire clip into them. He killed two of them right away. The third was injured but still mustered to tell Akio he was a pathetic loser and would burn in Hell. Akio kicked into her, making her squeal. I liked that squeal. High pitched and yippy he went over to the one last live one. He yanked up her little blue skirt and shoved his cock into her tight virgin cunt. He licked the blood that was on the side of her face then put the mega phone to her mouth so the last girl could listen to this one scream for mercy as she was force fucked right in he Jap V-Hole!

Murder phone sex Fantasies

The last one was harder to catch. We came up on her and she was wearing a yellow track suit, just waiting for us. Akio went at her slashing the side of his face open with a sharp blade. She wiped her wound onto her finger and licked it off giving him a menacing look. I bit the edge of my lower lip. This one was hot, she was feisty and I liked that. Her and Akio went at it and the little slant eye slut wound up on top. She took her knife and sure enough, she stabbed Akio over and over again right in his dick! Good little girlie. Before she got to me I smirked at her, it was like we connected and I told her she won the game. Maybe a future companion? I hope to have fun with her in the future! 

I Am Waiting

mutilation-phone-sex-karmaIt has been some time since he has come to me for his special therapy. You see he has dark desires and fantasies that he feels are so wrong and yet they feel so right. I am his fallen angel, the one that soothes his savage beast, that leads him to his desire and whispers in his ear that it is all OK. I urge and encourage him to take her. To run his hands along the lean straight lines of her underdeveloped body. To inhale the sweet innocent sent of her flesh. To let all of his senses be consumed with the desire of his flesh. To shut out the sounds of the voices in his head that are keeping him from enjoying the one thing that satisfies every fiber of his being. I am his accomplice, his voice of reason and I give him permission to feel what he longs to feel, to take what he needs to have and to loose himself while satisfying the both of us….I miss him.

Babysitter phone sex

Babysitter phone sexI am suppose to watch my younger step sister tonight. It is a weekend so I know she is going to be annoying wanting to stay up. I don’t really know her too well, I actually didn’t know my mother had another daughter. Her father I have met a few times, but my mother and him decided to try and rekindle things recently. They warned me not to open the door for anyone. I thought that was strange because I am old enough to asses if  I would open the door or not. They are being dumb obviously. So anyways it is getting later and later and this brat is still up. The door bell rings and she goes to look at the door. She tells me it is her brother. I think nothing of it and go ahead and open it.

After all, I will never object to meeting my other “family”. He comes in and I immediately get a strange vibe. My step sister is very quiet, he tells her he misses her and asks her if is it time for her to go to bed? He immediately grabs me and ties me up. I start screaming and he quickly puts something in my mouth and tapes it closed. I look up at my step sister and she is just watching. He caresses her body, and I squirm trying to break free. He grabs me and takes me to the garage. He then introduces himself and begins making every inch of my body full of pain. I guess this is what my mothers boyfriend was  warning me about. I wonder if they will be home soon. He tells me how pretty I am and begins examining all of my holes while his sister watches.

Chelsea and Ariel: Incest snuff fun.

teen rape pornI love being my Master’s Accomplice. He is so pleased with me. I brought him my very own niece to play with. Her name is Ariel and she is one fine piece of teen meat. No one will miss her but my brother. He’s been fucking her since she was a little twat after her whore mama died. Like mother, like daughter. I have no sense of family values. I just don’t want to be tortured and beaten for not pleasing my owner. Ariel was such easy prey. Hey, it’s not like she was a virgin prize. Daddy has violated every single hole hundreds of times. She is nothing but an incest whore. What reason does she have to live? At least here with her loving auntie she gets to try new cock and new shared experiences.
We have so many plans for her sweet young body. Yesterday I taught her to properly suck Master’s cock without just fucking drooling all over the head. I grabbed her pretty head and forced it down on his 10 incher and made her swallow it. She screamed around it and choked, finally passing out as he blew a load into her head. Tomorrow we have a pack of sex starved animals from a local gang coming to pounce on her and have their way with every orifice on her body. If she fails to perform she will be snuffed and dumped like roadkill on the side of the highway. If she lives, she will be forever tormented and tortured like a caged animal. Awwww, no more Daddy cock for baby girl. No worries though. She will have plenty of new daddies eager for a piece of teen ass.
Yes, I’m a filthy incest snuff whore. Believe me, I am getting me some teen pussy too before master turns his wrath back on me. Join me and Ariel as her training commences and the pain begins. Ta-ta for now.

rape phone sex fantasies

Ass Rape Porn Makes Harper’s Cunt Thirsty For Cock

I love being a sadistic evil bitch. Something about always being the one that gets to help all of the boys with things like ass rape porn really makes my cunt twitch. The other day I went with not just one but a group of guys on a sexcapade of taboo phone sex adventures. We were going to hit all of the evil little sluts that had wronged me. I was okay with that, but as I informed them that was a rather long list. After selecting it down to two of the nastiest of the sloots we headed out on our night of terror. 

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The first little bitch seemed like she was ready and waiting for us. She was in the back woods of her house already doing what little whores do best, sucking off some miserable cock. We all gathered around the pair. Giggles and shrieks of joy came out of all of our mouths. The puke who was getting his cock sucked was socked in the face and left to lay on the ground passed out. She was turned into the human dick pin cushion however. Her little slut clothes were ripped from her body and she was pushed to the floor. Before she could let out a scream one of the guys covered her mouth keeping her from screaming. She was then force fucked straight in that ass hole of her. Blood drained from it like she was a stuck pig, I guess that was one hole she had not used yet. It was well used now. Every guy had his round and I got it all on tape!

taboo phone sex

They next bitch was going to be a little harder, or so I thought. Good little god girl. What a fucking pathetic waste of human flesh, always going on about how much she loves her lord and savior. Fuck you little jesus bitch I am about to show you how god treats his fucking flock. Mommy and Daddy were gone though, which made our home invasions so much easier. One of the guys whipped out his cell to record this one! I took the precious cross from above her doorway, and after tearing back her covers shoved it straight up that virgin Mary pussy. As all of the guys held her down we sang praises to Satan, before the guys fucked her cunt and ass over and over again, her screams muffled by their hands. I was so fucking hot, I needed my share of cock too! They had no problem giving it to me either. I straddled that dumb bitch holding her throat in my hand. I choked her out as i forced my tongue into her mouth to kiss the fear from her trembling lips. The guys took turn fucking my evil cunt till I came over and over again. Being bad is so fun!

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Snuff Porn Japanese School Girl Fun

snuff porn evil bitchSnuff porn many people think is urban legend, but I know better. I have seen it made; I have made it myself. Do you like Japanese school girl sluts? Young, tight, long legs, total cock teases. Those little outfits they wear are just to get your dick hard. Their high pitch giggles are just to annoy sadistic bitches like me. Too many Asians in the US, stealing our jobs, flooding our colleges, teasing our men. No one would miss a chink, especially a girl. I saw this young Jap school girl and thought snuff porn Japanese style!

snuff porn japaneseI pretended to be selling knock off purses out of the back of my van. Pushed the dumb whore in, locked the door and went for a ride in the country. Asian snuff brings in top dollar. When I brought her to my killer shack in the woods, she screamed in such a fucking shrill annoying voice, I took a baseball bat to her skull. Cracked it, but didn’t kill her. Couldn’t have a dead squinty eyed bitch before I had some camera fun time with her. She crawled on the floor, bleeding like a stuck pig. Whimpering and sobbing, and talking Japanese. Do I look like I speak that gook language? Stupid whore. I shoved the baseball bat up her ass.

She was leaving a blood trail across my wood floor, so I snuff moviespushed her outside. Watched her crawl through the dirt and grass bleeding and crying. Disoriented from the blow to the head. Some hikers saw me. Easy fix. Offer them some Jap pussy for free. They fucked her without hesitation. Everyone like a Japanese school girl whore, even a bloodied one! The force fucking added to my little torture sex film. They popped their rocks off in the whore and left me to my fun. As much as I love making a worthless cunt suffer, her voice was like finger nails on a chalk board, so I slit her throat. Figured she would crawl around for a few minutes, bleed out then die.

Bitch was taking forever to bleed out, so I got a gun, put it in her ass and shot her. Her ass exploded. Bullet came out her mouth, but it killed the whore. No way anyone seeing this little snuff movie would doubt its authenticity. Her insides spurted out both ends. As I stood over her lifeless, bloody body, I kicked her like one kicks road kill to see if really dead. Yep, another dead chink whore no one will miss.

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Snuff Porn Terry Is The Gothic Goddess Of Little Slut Deaths

I have no idea why I must be haunted by these little whores these days. I cannot even go to a shopping mall without having to deal with the miniature pukes and their overbearing sense of entitlement. I ran into a group of little mall rats when I was shopping with a friend of mine. They had the nerve to call me a Gothic Fatty. I may be on the goth side with my love of all things dark and satanic, but fat I am not. I quickly responded hissing at them and letting them know that I was the Gothic Goddess of Death sent up from the depths of hell to eat their little miserable souls. I gave my maniacal laugh that I always do and they skipped away giggling that I was a freak. 

Snuff porn

My friend and I were more then prepared to show them what kind of freaks we were. The little sloots stayed around the mall till close. My guess is they were going to have a slumber party, all pilling in a typical suburban house wife SUV. My friend and I stayed quietly watching them in the dark from the back of the parking lot in his hearse. His hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel as he began to grit his teeth with anticipation, “Patience,” I urged. As they drove off we followed them, keeping up with them as they pulled into their concrete driveway alongside their perfectly manicured lawn. Once the lights went off they were ours, and slipping into their home was way too easy. 

The parents slept upstairs. On the main floor was only the small Chihuahua that was easily persuaded to our friendship with some beef jerky.  We slipped down the stairs where we could see faint light coming from out from under the door. As we slipped down the stairs and closed it behind us we could here the giggling and worse, pop music. I stood in the doorway. They continued to gossip among themselves and did not even notice me. That was until my good friend tripped the breaker to the basement. Screams rang out among the girls and a cell phone light flashed into my face as I moved to sit by their sides. The squealed as they noticed me sitting next to them 

That was when the real fun began. He grabbed two of the little brats up by their hair and tossed them onto the bed. I started to tie them with the large supply of infinity scarves the idiot had in her room. The last one was the ring leader of the plastic bitch cult. I grabbed her holding her by her chin. She asked what I wanted. I told her “Simple,” then licked my tongue up the side of her face tasting her skin “I told you I was coming for your soul.” She whimpered and pleaded for us to let her go but it was to late. I popped the little twats eyeball from her face and tossed it to the ground. He began to shove his cock into the hole, skull fucking the little puke till her brain was mush. 

taboo phone sex

As you could imagine the other two were freaked the fuck out. Crying and shaking on the bed their face had streams of tears flowing down it. We dragged the up the stairs by their hair. The wrists and ankles still tied up and slipped out the door without working mommy or daddy. My friend reached into daddy’s beautiful diesel truck and locked the emergency break. He tied the chain around her told half and then another chain to his steel reinforced bumped. He pulled her in half. Blood and guts splashing everywhere. He tossed her bottom half into the driveway and we left, taking the last little brat home for more fun later!