Category: Teen rape porn

Bloody Fucking Christmas with a Knife Play Phone Sex Bitch

knife play phone sexMerry Fucking Christmas from your favorite knife play phone sex bitch. Tis the season to be bloody. Fa la la la la, la la la la. I know most folks were out shopping last night, but I was hunting. I’m like Bad Santa or Krampus. I look for some unruly brat not deserving of anything for Christmas, kidnap him or her for some fun for me and my group of dirty old men who love snuffing out the little ones. After they force fuck and torture them for hours first, of course. I hit the jackpot last night with twins who were throwing tantrums all over the mall. One of each for my P friends. I don’t judge. I am an equal opportunity hater. A girl who castrates men for fun and loves torturing folks, will never judge a man who loves them young.

My P men were so happy. Each brat got passed around like a joint. Every guy in my P circle hit a little cunt or a back door pussy with their hard cocks. I pacified the brats with a Benadryl cocktail so screaming would be at a minimum. Personally, I like the screams of agonizing pain. Makes my pussy drip. But this particular group of little lovers like their young ones more subdued. They are white collar guys and I think they just worried screams might draw attention.

snuff pornAfter every guy got to fuck the brat of his choosing, I broke out my knife collection and vintage torture devices. I kind of run a holiday hostel. Men pay a price to do depraved things to the brats I deem not worthy of living. The thrill for me is I get to watch, profit and help. I got to saw a little girl’s leg off; stitch her cunt lips shut; castrate a little boy and fuck him in the ass with a knife. Merry fucking Christmas to me. Sure I had one hell of a mess to dispose of, but that is part of what I offer. My men pay top dollar to arrive, play and make some snuff porn then leave quickly.

Would you like to join my club? Maybe bring your own brat to share and play?

I’m yours for the night

violent phone sex georgiaToday my friends wanted to go to the beach and over night camp. We were swimming in the water when I first saw you. You were gazing at me from a distance, trying not to make it obvious. But I saw you and I liked it. I spent all day trying to impress you. Every move I made I knew you were watching. I figured you’d come and talk to me, but you didn’t. We were off to bed after having a fire. I could see someone walking outside my tent but I didn’t say anything. I knew it was you, and I was ready for what you were going to give to me. I’m getting wet just thinking about it! I turn and lay on my side, you step inside my tent and zipper it so quietly, I barely hear you but I know you’re there. You come up from behind me and grab me by my face so fast. You think I’m going to scream but I don’t. I love the way you’re grabbing me! I want you to give me more, and oh you do. You grab me by my waste and pull me in. I can feel your huge cock against my ass. If I wasn’t wet enough already!! You rip my shorts off and shove your dick deep in my ass so fast. It almost hurt a little. But I like the pain. I like how you hold me squeezing my body until I can’t breathe. When you’re finally done you leave me barely breathing and bleeding every where… My secret admirer.

Ass rape porn

Ass rape porn

Makayla’s first time with Ass rape porn. After all this time he turned me into a mean whore. He tortured me, fucked me, forced me to be his dirty fuck toy for so long. Now it is my turn to help him find his next victim. He dressed me up and took me out. I got what he wanted. A whore in tight pants with a camel toe. He likes to slice that camel toe off with his sharp knifes. She was a drug whore just like me. She didn’t have a place to go and get high so I brought her with me. We started getting fucked up, drinking and getting out shit cooked. Once I had her needle loaded I tied off her arm, found a thick vein and shot her up. I knew it hit her fast, she started to pass out just the way I wanted her to. I loved the way she was screaming when she woke up with my arm half way into her asshole fucking her hard! 

Bad Medicine

I love medical fetishes. I think it started the first time I went to the gynecologist and he molested me. I was so young and there I was spread eagle in the stirrups. Not even one hair on my tiny pussy. My dad made me go because he thought I was a little slut. He told the doctor that, so I guess the doctor took that as a free ticket to touch me in ways he wasn’t supposed to. My obsession has grown over the years to any kind of doctor – or hospital. Any place they want me to remove my clothes.

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I always pretend to “forget” to put my gown on and when they come in the room I am naked and waiting. I am such a little whore I can always get them to fuck me. This was fun for awhile and then something even more exciting happened. The doctor was putting an IV in my arm – and you know how much I LOVE pain – and I watched in awe at the needle going in and the flash of blood as he finished. Then he took some vials and began filling them from the port in my arm. One after another of my fresh red blood. I swear I could feel it draining from my body.

I asked him if I could hold one and he looked confused but let me. I popped off the top and took a sip. His jaw about hit the ground, but he didn’t stop me. I poured the rest down over my naked breasts and giggled and said, “oops…” He was so flustered and didn’t know what to do so I asked him if he wanted a taste too. I saw his cock rise inside his scrubs and he slowly bent over and began licking my blood from my tits. I came so hard watching him taste the life that had been sucked out of me. He started licking and sucking harder – becoming addicted immediately to the taste of my blood. His face was covered and I ran my fingers through his hair as he finished cleaning me up with his tongue. He came in his scrubs – I could see it all down the front. I don’t like being sick – but I can certainly fake it to get myself back in to see him again!

What a stupid whore!

2 girl phone sexTsk tsk tsk, stupid whore Leslie. I’ve been watching you, watching you run around being the town slut, preying on guys with your tiny teen body, they can never guess your age. I think it’s time to die bitch, I am tired of seeing you whore yourself out every second of the day, you fucking disgust me. You know who is going to die today? Leslie, the slut must die, bye bye little skank. I am going to have no issue getting you to come back to my place, you’re such a skank that you have no friends and you’ll jump on the idea of an actual friendship with me. And you can bet you’ll come when I tell you there will be cocks to suck and fuck there. Ha! If she only knew. When we get there, she’s all mine to fuck up, I’ll beat the shit out of her, she’s no match for me. Tie her up real fucking tight, helpless little whore. And she’ll try to scream till I get a nice dildo for her to choke on, I am going to fuck the whore with a nice fat strap on just as I stuff this dildo down her cum guzzling throat and make her choke on it. Make her choke and cough, till the stupid whore is dead. And of course, I finish myself and leave her there with the dildo still in her mouth, the strap on still in her tiny slut pussy.

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Take it All

You swing open the closet door and there I sit on the hard floor in the dark. I can see your tall frame standing there and your cock start to rise at just the sight of me. My own panties are shoved in my mouth so I can’t scream and the sudden light hurts my eyes after being locked in the small closet all night. After snatching me out of my bed you brought me here at knifepoint and locked me up. I kept waiting for you to come and fulfill all your rape phone sex fantasies last night, but you just left me here terrified and alone.

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Now, just when I thought I was going to be left to die, here you stand looking ready to take me hard. You grab me by my hair and drag me out into the middle of the room and shove my face down into the hard floor. I taste fresh blood on my teeth and I know this is going to hurt. You’re mumbling something I can’t understand and you don’t seem to be in your right mind. I can smell alcohol and sweat and some sort of smoke, although it doesn’t seem like cigarettes. Your hands are all over me – groping my small tits and despite my disgust for you, making my nipples hard in response.
You roll me over on my back and slap me hard across the face. I see stars for what seems like forever, but when my vision begins to clear I see your fat sweaty body on top of me. My legs are untied and spread – wrapped up around your shoulders. You ram your huge cock inside of me and I try to spit out my panties to scream but its useless. Your cock feels like shards of glass as it rips my tight pussy wide open. If I survive this nightmare, and at this point I don’t know if I will, my once cute little cunny will be destroyed. You took the only thing I had left that made me worth anything… you may as well finish me off.

Bring the Pain

I knew what I was getting into – or at least I thought I did. I sought out this weekend as a way to satisfy my need for being abused and hurt. The pain is the only thing that brings me any lust. I need to feel worthless and used and the physical pain is even better. I traded myself in for some useless money – money doesn’t do anything for me. Now I am here and let myself be tied up. I think I might be in over my head as I hear all the voices coming from the other room. I know I have to survive 48 hours at the hands of you and all your “friends”.

I can hear clinking glasses and smell smoke that I know doesn’t come from cigarettes. I look around as the men start pouring in the room. You are nowhere to be seen. But next to me on the floor are blood stains. Some old and some new. And they are huge. What in the hell is going on? I didn’t plan on bleeding, Ijust wanted some nice rough fucking to get myself off and feel like the piece of shit slutbag I am. Some of the men start jerking off over my body and I begin to panic when they start speaking languages I don’t understand. Who are these men and how did they find you?

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Finally you come in the room and I look at you helplessly asking you who these people are and what is going to happen to me. You are simply counting a wad of money in your hands and smiling. You begin talking to the men in their own languages and not until you get to english do I understand what I sold myself to: these men get to kill me and no one will ever know. several of them grab me and I can feel their cocks digging deep inside my pussy and ass with no mercy. Hands around my neck and hands beating me and squeezing my tits. I am choked nearly unconscious but then allowed to breathe. They are beating me so hard my bones are fracturing, and all the while fucking me in every hole. I didn’t plan to die tonight, but what a way to go….

Bye bye Kali

2 girl phone sex I fucking hate Kali, and I know she hates me because she knows I am fucking her Daddy! So what you little bitch – go suck and fuck somewhere else! I mean the jealousy is fucking unreal. I keep sending her bitch ass videos of her Dad and I fucking but obviously that’s not enough…I mean her dad doesn’t even like her! He only uses her as his little rape fantasy victim. So she needs to get the fuck over it! Finally we came up with a plan; her Dad brought her out to the woods. She thought they were going on a father daughter trip but boy was she surprised when she saw me and 3 random guys waiting for her!  She tried to run but her dad grabbed her and threw her to us. I pulled her through the dirt to the men with their rock hard cocks. They were going to enjoy this one! I tied her hands to a tree so tight that I could see the rope already digging into her skin. Perfect. I looked back and all I could see was her dad smiling at me with his cock as hard as the rest of the guys. I took off my panties and shoved them into her mouth as a gag. I asked her how my pussy tasted and she started crying! What a whiny bitch! I gave her a good kick to her pussy and punched her in her face until I saw blood. I then let her know that since she was a dick hungry whore she was about to get all the dick she could want. The men ripped off her pants and began fucking all her holes. One of them went into her pussy dry and I smiled as I watched her tear up more. One fucked her ass and the other pulled and twisted and yanked her nipples till she was screaming through a cock. I walked over and peed on her face, as my final note before I pulled her dad over and fucked him right in front of her!

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Snuff phone sex with Natasha

snuff phone sexI’m in the mood for some blood. Some slice n dice fun. I’m thinking about stealing me some skanky young pussy today and making her pay for being such a slut. I hate them the worst. The flirty, giggly ones who think they’re all that with a cherry on top. I’d like to cut their throats and keep them from reproducing. I know you men have to feel the same about these blue-balls teases.
Let me lure one home for us. I’ll tell her I can make her a fucking model, but haha, in a snuff phone sex video. You’ll be waiting there, ready for the damage we’re gonna inflict. She won’t look so pretty with her face burned off. What man would fuck a woman who looks like a melted candle. Of course, we’ll inflict some damage on that foul gash, too. She won’t be needing it, so I say we sew it shut. We’ll stick a straw in her urethra so she can piss.
You know how I am when I get to feeling evil. I may say anything in my bi-polar craze. Anything from furry friends fucking to garden shears can be fun. Hot wax torture and orgasmic asphyxiation. I just have a need for blood and guts, and I know you do too.
Get off your ass and give me a hand, fucker. It’s time to play the devil and make others pray for mercy.

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It was Me or Her

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I stumbled and fell, but was ripped back up by my nipples. “Get the fuck up slut.” A guy from my Dad’s crew ordered me. He twisted my nipples hard then attached nipple clamps to each one. My nipples were rock hard and throbbing. “Mmm you like that don’t you, you fucking pain slut” he spit in my face as he attached a chain to my nipple clamps, dragging me along. I stumbled some more but he continued to tug me along by my nipples. We reached a place in the middle of the woods; a mattress was there on the ground, as was more guys than I could count. I recognized almost all of them, all were either my Dad’s workers or friends. They were going to torture me again. Fuck me raw until my holes were wide open, dripping with cum… blood and cum dried onto my face. He threw me onto the mattress face first, taking a fist to my ass already causing me to scream. As I opened my mouth another cock was there already fucking my face. I coughed and gag and moaned as my ass and mouth were violated. I am such a fucking slut. I deserve this, I love this. I feel my cunt sopping wet, and I am ashamed. Being their whore, their cum dumpster, their pain loving slut makes me so turned on. Suddenly my face is being brought up and I see another girl has arrived to the party. But I know she won’t make it out, I am the only one who lives to remember what happens at night with Daddy’s friends. They push her to the ground and begin to fulfill all their rape fantasies, and drag me over to fulfill their snuff phone sex fantasies too. She is laying there, sobbing, bloody and covered in piss and cum. They hand me an ax and tell me it’s me or her, and of course I obey them… I am a good submissive slut – I bid her goodbye with one good hack to the neck.