Torture phone sex at the drill team’s pool party was all my idea. I had tried out for the drill team and all I got in return was whores making fun of me for my bean pool frame and not-so-great dance moves. The popular blonde pictures of the big tits harass me about still having a flat chest in high school. When I tell you the amount of rage that built up in my 90 lb body…
I hated high school and all I wanted to do was drop out but there were so many sexy teachers and coaches that loved my baby girl pussy. I basically only went to high school for sex. But I soon found out that torture was going to be my career. The captain of the drill team Was putting her makeup on and in the bathroom when I walked in one day. I remember walking over smashing her face into the mirror and laughing the whole time. I got my cunt off for weeks in my torture sex fantasies.
Her poor face was so cut up but after I hit her head on the wall, that concussion made it so she didn’t even know what had happened. It’s a delight for me to be able to smash and pass a teen girl’s face. I only regret that she doesn’t remember it was me. The next little bitch found herself trapped in the bleachers as they closed during a prep rally. She won’t walk again! So that summer I threw a wonderful pool party among the rumors that someone was stalking the popular girls.
Torture phone sex for the drill team
When I get tired of whores making fun of me Mutilation phone sex happens. And I waited until everyone has a few fizzy drinks tainted with roofies before I filled the pool with cow’s blood. Among the screams And everyone trying to get out of the pool a couple of big tall accomplices with big dicks surrounded us. And you know and all girls pool party and they were tipsy and scared out of their minds They were easy prey. Easy prey that I loved carving satanic symbols all over their perfect perky young chest. Easy pray to have a big daddy fucked them so hard that blood was on their cocks. I spent the night carving faces and bodies and ravaging pussies and ass. It was the best revenge ever.