Category: Taboo phone sex

Kidnap A Cunt For Fun !

Teen rape porn I grabbed my bitch neighbor Lauren back to my place and threw her on the ground. She looked so pretty with tape on her mouth while she tried to scream. They were were muffled of course and her hands were tied. My friend Ben was in the next room waiting for me to tell him when I was ready. Lauren was crying and nervous and did not know what to do. I squatted down on the floor with her and said “I promise this will go so well if you just shut the fuck up and do whatever I say”. She nervously shook her head and continued to cry like a pathetic bitch. I wiped her tears away and said “Okay, I will take the tape off your mouth if you promise to be a good girl”. She shook her head and than I added “Bitch, if you make one peep I will make sure my friend in there dry fucks your shit pipe until you are a bleeding mess on the ground; do you understand me?”

She shook her head and I took off the tape and she did not say a word. I called Ben in and he was already rock hard stroking his cock. He came over and said “Hey there Lauren, I am Ben and I am going to force fuck your holes today if that’s okay with you slut”.  She started to cry again and I slapped her across the face and spit on her. I said “Bitch I told you to shut the fuck up and do what I say”. She apologized and asked me why I was so mean to her. I replied with “Sweetheart, you have no idea what being mean is until you are a broken and sobbing mess on the floor and can’t even move”. I laughed and Ben took over and said “Macey is cock sleeve and her goal is to teach cunts like you how to be disposable pieces of garbage like you were made to be”.

Lauren was shaking and I was getting so wet. Ben said “I am going to use Macey’s mouth so you know how I want you to suck cock my cock and then you are going to do the same thing”. She just stared at him as he slammed his whole cock in my mouth and used my face until I was gagging up my spit all over. For good measure I spit my mess all over Lauren and said “There ya go, now you look much prettier cunt; I hope you are ready for an evening full of filthy fun”. Ben laughed and grabbed that whore by her hair and shoved his meat stick down her esophagus. I rubbed my clit and told him to fuck her face harder until she passes out or pukes. This is going to be the worst day of her life and I am so horny about it.

Accomplice Phone Sex Calls Because I’d Sell My Soul for Coke or Weed

accomplice phone sexAlthough I enjoy accomplice phone sex calls, I do not get them much. Most men I meet in my personal life and my phone sex life just want to abuse this red-head whore. So, any chance I get to help some guy abuse a little slut, I take it. Just means less time abusing me. Ralph offered me coke and weed to help him fuck this little twat that lives next door to him.

I told him Halloween might be the perfect time for us to kidnap a sweet little whore and he agreed. I lured her away while she trick or treated with her little schoolgirl pals. Even though I dressed like a witch, this little angel could tell I was a mature woman. She did not fear me. Honestly, I felt bad. As a mother I struggle with the accomplice role. But in the end, I would sell my soul to the devil for coke and weed.

I took the little angel to Ralph’s home. She never saw my face. I wore a mask and hid my red hair. And Ralph sported a Hannibal Lector mask so he could explore his rape phone sex fantasies with this little girl. Since she proved feistier than either of us expected, I gave her a shot of smack. Just a little. Not enough to kill her. Just enough to subdue her and cloud her memory. I gave her a get out of death card.

Mature Women Make the Best Accomplices

Ralph wanted to snuff the brat, but I explained that would bring more heat on us. Essentially with one shot, I fogged her memory making her an unreliable witness and I subdued her so her screams would not result in a noise nuisance call.

Ralph enjoyed fucking the little slut I brought him. And I enjoyed watching him fuck her. I am sure it felt like torture sex to her, but at least she got to live. I know a few men who would never let her live. However, I bet you are one of them. Sometimes, little sluts need snuff sex.

Vera takes Butt fucking and Taboo phone sex to the next level

Taboo phone sex

I had always fantasized about ass rape but to know I would be creating content for Taboo phone sex blew my mind. Whenever my ex husband had to work late I had a neighbor who knew I would be alone and wouldn’t hesitate to make his way over.

One night, my ex husband had to go out of town for business. Leroay with no one around to distract his desires, decided to come knocking on my door. He knew my ex and I didn’t have the best relationship and that I felt vulnerable with or without his presence.

Leroy was both excited and anxious as he began telling me of his anal fetish and how he just wanted to butt fuck any tight hole until it was gaping.

I couldn’t say yes, but I couldn’t say no. Leroy could see my hesitation and I was like a giselle caught. He took his cock out in front of me and started stroking. Reminding me of what a shit my ex was and how he could take my ass right there. I got up and make the mistake of turning my back on him. He must have seen my ass in my short shorts and the slight bit of ass clevage exposed. That was all it took before he had his way with my ass.

Snuff Porn Fantasies Need an Accomplice

snuff pornHe wanted a snuff porn for his spank bank. I showed him my special book. He did not know such a thing existed. Every accomplice like me owns a special little black book of delectable little ones to choose from. Some of these little angels, their parents or a parent are willing to trade for a fix or money. Some are trafficked girls living in the homes like my former master.

Yet, some girls, the ones that cost the most money, live in their homes and have no clue how their life could change at any moment. Those girls live locally. Perhaps, I stalk them. I do possess an eye for talent. I know what men like. And the key to being a successful accomplice is having a variety of victims for a client to choose from.

My client selected this girl who is not in the life. A girl who does not know that teen rape porn even exists. This girl I spotted at the mall last month. A teen cheerleader with long blonde hair and Bambi blue eyes. Perfect girl. Likely a good daughter from a Christian home. Upper middle-class teenagers cost a client big money. But you get a fresh girl. You get the kind of girl who has no clue yet about the depravity of mankind.

My client gave me a down payment to secure the merchandise. Now, it did take me a while to get her. I had to follow her for days to find the right chance to grab her undetected. Patience is an accomplice’s best friend. I got her and texted my client immediately. He met me at this seedy no-tell motel on the outskirts of town.

Some Packages are Worth More Than Others

Once the package saw my partner, she got scared. I think she believed I would not hurt her. Silly girl. It’s a survival of the fittest world. My client fulfilled his rape phone sex fantasies with this little blonde cheerleader. He got to her first. Broke in her tight virgin holes. He even broke her spirit. I find the power of a big cock amazing. Girls break easily when a big cock sodomizes them.

Although my client did not want to kill her, I did. But I resisted. She was worth more to me alive than dead. I sold her twice. Once to my client so he could explore his rape fantasies. And a second time to my former master who will traffic her until she ages out. Bye-bye high school friends and loving parents and cushy life. She will survive if she is scrappy like me. If not, just another missing girl no one will find.

Evil phone sex with Stephanie

evil phone sex

I’m an evil phone sex whore with tons of hands on experience slicing sluts, beating bitches and tormenting tricks. I’ve been helping my Daddy snuff out stupid bitches for years. Halloween is always a special night for Daddy and I. Imagine the buffet of cute, young whores running around in skimpy costumes, teasing evil men like my Daddy. Those little trick or treating whores coming right up to his door, innocently asking for candy, have no idea what kind of man they’re approaching. Daddy’s hard p-cock twitches and throbs harder with every knock at the door until he just can’t stand it anymore. Every year, I get the same phone call from him, breathlessly telling me that he’s done it again and needs my help getting rid of his victim’s bodies. This year Daddy had snatched up two sets of young cum holes. By the time I got over to his house, he had the oldest one in a bloody pile on the basement floor. The little sister was tied to his torture table, with her tiny legs wide apart and her little cunt splayed open. There was a gooey wave of jizz and blood pouring out of her gaped open ass and dripping off of the edge of the table. It looked like Daddy had already ripped her from hole to hole and pulled some of her intestines out. She was still alive so I bashed her head into the brick wall until all of her teeth crumbled and fell out. Then I helped Daddy shove his dick into the only fuck hole of hers that wasn’t ruined yet. I wrapped both of my hands around her throat and squeezed as hard as I could. I crushed her tiny windpipe and let Daddy keep fucking her mouth while she struggled to breathe and eventually turned blue and faded out. After I cleaned everything up and disposed of those stupid little whores, I went back home to Daddy. He bent me over and pounded out my little cunt while we watched the video of him torturing them before I showed up to finish the job.

Snuff Phone Sex for November, or As I Call it, Snuffember

snuff phone sexSnuff Phone Sex November arrived yesterday. And I am so happy. I love snuffember. But let me be honest here. I do not need an excuse to snuff someone. Every month has a theme of death and torture for me. Sorry. Not sorry. It is who I am. I love to create havoc and chaos.

And I love to kill. Last night I worked late, but my callers filled me with both rage and inspiration which is a perfect combination for a sadistic bitch like me. Some callers inspire me with their wickedly delicious minds for torture. And some annoy the fuck out of me because they expect me to fuck them or be their girlfriend. I am not GFE material.

Anyway, I felt the need to pull an all nighter. The freaks do come out at night. And I found one that deserved snuff sex. I watched this loser try to attack women in the park. He attempted to take advantage of drunk girls. That is not hard, but he kept fucking it up. So, I let him think I was a drunk girl cutting through the park to get home.

Every Month is Snuffember with Me

He proved to be much easier to subdue than expected. Sort of disappointed me because I like a challenge. One punch and I knocked him out. And I do punch like a girl too. I put him in my trunk and took him to my kill cabin. That was a long drive at 3 in the morning. But once I arrived at my kill shack the magic happened.

With just the glow of a candle, my kill shack looks spooky. And he felt fear. I could smell it. That smell is my aphrodisiac. I told him happy snuffember before I sunk my knife into his soft belly. I gave it a few twists before I pulled it out and let his entrails spill on my floor. Although it was a quick kill, it felt satisfying. Once less predator on the prowl.  Since I got sleepy, I just tossed his entire carcass out back for the animals. Usually, I cut the meat up for my furry accomplices, but not when I feel sleepy.

After a nap, I came back to my kill shack to clean up the mess, and I did not find even a bone. Not sure if it was a bear, coyotes or the hole damn forest that consumed my evidence, but I was happy. Nature is the ultimate accomplice phone sex partner.

Castration phone sex for sissies that wish they could be me

Castration phone sex Since you want to be a fucking girl so damn bad you sissy faggot fem boy, then how about I chop your fucking dick off during a steamy Castration phone sex session. A man who squeezes his shrimp dick into a pair of sissy panties doesn’t deserve to have a cock at all! I will be the one to help you with that cock and ball removal… No need for an elastrator. A butcher knife after wrapping your cock and balls with a pair of lacy panties will do the trick. I have a nice long black dick hear ready to slam in and out of your mangina… But, that of course is if you are on your best behavior.

You call me up hoping that I’ll enable that mental illness of yours.

You were born a man and a man is how I will address you. If you so badly want me to reference that shit hole of yours as a bonus hole that only real women have then I will just have to remove your cock and balls entirely! That pathetic nub of yours is useless anyway. When I am through Torture sex is what you’ll endure from that gracious black man who is willing to pull those bloody panties off to the side to fill your fuck hole.

Black cock will make you do anything, which is exactly why I made sure to have a nice stiff 13-inch chocolate man-eater on standby.

I know you like it rough, that’s why you like them big and strong. On all fours with your nub locked away in gauze is how you will be spending the rest of your evening. I will make sure to leave a little stump there as a friendly reminder that you in fact will never be a woman. Even if we did tuck that cock of yours and transform your member into a nice slick pussy.. You still wouldn’t be able to breed, and those bags in your chest to give the illusion you have knockers well they still look fake. They will never be real! you are a fucking hoax, a pathetic sorry excuse of a man.

The only star you will ever be is the one that stars in my homemade Snuff porn that tributes to the removal of your cock and balls.

Blasphemy sex is the fucking best for a good church boy

 Blasphemy sex

Blasphemy sex with a pagan whore is sure to push the limits of your faith! I hate your so-called Christian god and you should too. We all know the real Deity that should be worshiped is Lucifer. Religious trauma much? Why do you cast spells and celebrate our Holidays if you say they are so wrong?

Did you let your wee ones trick or treat? Do you think Halloween is evil? If so you’re a bitch and need a lesson on the real fucking GOD of darkness. This little forever young-looking slut just needs a Christian man to make them into the best Satan-worshiping deadly accomplices. Satan says all the darkness in you is okay. Without night there would be no day.

Blasphemy sex is the fucking best for a good church boy like you

Satan says it’s okay to watch and make Teen rape porn! Hmmm,  it makes your dick hard, yes? If it was so wrong you would not get aroused by it. The music of the blackest evil runs through my veins. I spin out demonic lyrics as you find yourself motivated to fuck a tiny twat. Fuck her so hard that she is begging the white-washed Jesus to save her.

Now I spit the truth of your religion. Let me tell her that Jesus was a mommy fucker and his mother was a common whore. Virgin birth my ass! The donkey probably knocked her up! Your faith lets you down time and time again. There is a reason all the priests are p-men. 

Blasphemy phone sex with me helps you understand why you are the way you are. No, do not stop practicing your faith, be a good church boy and get hard as the hymns are sung. But cum back to me for your real self and real cum loads. 

Snuff Porn Grows More Popular on Halloween

snuff pornSnuff porn on Halloween? Most men say yes please to that. And most women say no thank you and run for the hills. Not me. I am not most women. I am dumb. Not so much dumb as desperate. I guess I am desperate for companionship and attention. But mostly desperate for a fix. And I discovered early on in my drug fueled states that violent men, abusive men and sadist men know how to take advantage of desperate druggy women like me.

Take Michael for example. I met him at a bar on Saturday night. He wanted to party back at his place. I knew he wanted to fuck me. But I did not mind fucking him if he gave me coke or cash to get coke. I did a line of premium coke off his dick in the bar bathroom. So, I knew he had the good stuff. And he knew why I went back to his house with him.

Since we went to his home, I did not think he was a snuff sex kind of man. Usually, men who mean me harm do not take me to their place where I might leave a DNA trail. But Michael saw me only as a piece of meat. A bar skank no one would miss. And he told me about his urges. This guy resembled Patrick Bateman. Appeared normal on the outside, but harbors dark thoughts about people, especially women.

Most Men Harbor Rape Fantasies for Their Mother

When he told me I resembled his mother, I knew I was in trouble. Big trouble. I swear every fucked up abusive mother out there must be red headed like me. He pinned me against the wall and began to choke me. His strength amazed me. When he held me against the wall with only one hand on my throat, I tried to kick him away from me. But that only pissed him off.

He tossed me across his living room, and a lamp shattered on my head cutting me. As I whimpered and cried, he came over and began kicking me screaming things at me like I was his mother. Although I tried to crawl away from him, I could not. He was too strong and fast for me. When he turned me into his ass rape porn star, I thought he might let me go. But no. He had only just begun abusing me. He held me captive all night beating me, fucking me and calling me names.

When the sun came up, he let me go. Since my eyes swelled up and I could barely see, I could not drive home. He tossed me some coke and warned me about going to the cops. I sniffed some coke to dull the pain and called an Uber to get the fuck away from him.

A Romantic Dinner


Cannibalism phone sex Marley

Cannibalism phone sex is a extremely good time! I have done a lot of wild things for my Master, I will do anything for him, of corpse! I grabbed some fresh meat at a grocery store. Master wanted a real fresh one and I found her. Blonde, petite, big blue innocent eyes. She was perfect for him. I laid her out on the slab, arms and leggs chained. Once I had her ready for Master, I rang the dinner bell. He came down in his finest threads, he looked so perfect, I can tell Master was proud of me, I never saw him glow like that. The candles were lit and the meat had a crisp apple in her mouth. It was time to eat! I sliced a piece of thigh meat, my God, she wouldnt stop screaming. Master ate every bite. I loved watching him stuff his face, wild and free. The blood dripping down his mouth made my evil little pussy wet. I saw the buldge in his pants and got on my knees. I rammed his hard cock down my throat as he went for seconds, this time it was breast meat! I deep throated his cock until he shot a huge wad of cum down my throat. He instructed me to get on top of her face. I rode that little bitch’s tongue as Master fucked her wound. His cock got so messy covered in her blood. He pulled it out and rammed it down my throat again. I almost threw up all over his cock, the taste of metal was overwhelming. After dinner it was time for our dessert! Sex with dead bodies may be taboo for some but fucking that stiff with my Master was the best damn dessert I ever had!