Category: Taboo phone sex

Home Invasion Phone Sex with Blaze and Cassandra

home invasion phone sex blonde subDoes home invasion phone sex get your cock hard? Well, I have a story for you.  I was selling my elliptical machine on Craig’s List because I joined a gym and just don’t work out at home anymore. This older lady was the first to say she wanted it. So I arranged a time for her to come over.  I heard the knock on the door and answered it; but it was a younger girl. She pushed her way right in and announced her name was Blaze and that she was here to make me her bitch. She pulled a huge ass knife on me too. I was scared, but at the same time wondered if one of my Master’s was punking me. Blaze was a little waif of a girl. How in the fell could she dominate me?

With that big ass knife that she threaten to slit my worthless whore throat with, that’s how. She threw me up against the wall, put the knife to my throat and told me to beg for my life. Blaze was a tad crazy if you ask me. I asked her if I knew her, if I had offended her in some way. Even asked if she worked with one of my masters. She informed me I was a worthless stupid cunt who posted an add on Craig List’s inviting mayhem into my life, into my home. She slapped me hard, then started cutting my clothes off with her knife until I was naked. She cut my breasts making blood  trickle down my breasts. Blaze said only a whore would have such huge fake titties. I tried to fight her, but she was stronger and more deviant than she looked.

There were repercussions for my resistance. She took that knife and shoved it up my cunt. I fell over in pain, bleeding all over the place. I passed out. I woke up in a dungeon, her dungeon. I was strapped to a bondage device. I was bleeding out on the floor and Blaze had affixed some  makeshift medical device to my wounded pussy to clot my blood so I would not bleed out. My breath was shallow and my skin turning purple. Blaze was smiling and giggling like we were playing some school girl game. I asked her for mercy and she started pounding my breasts with her fists.  They were her punching bags. She decided to beat my stomach too. I could feel myself fading again. I was in so much pain. I begged Blaze to let me go. No such luck. I pleaded again for an answer for her cruelty. She cut my leg and whispered in my ear, “Because you invited a stranger into your home.”

I was strapped to the wall, bleeding, battered and bruised, when Blaze suddenly cut me down. She looked at me slumped on the floor, kicked me in the gut and said, “Next time don’t be such a stupid cunt.” Then she left. Before she went upstairs, she opened a cellar door so I could leave. I was naked and in bad shape, but I got myself out of Blaze’s  dungeon of terror. I promised myself I would never again mess with Craig’s List.

Do you have home invasion phone sex fantasies? Perhaps, you are just into extreme bondage or torture? Whatever it is, I am your perfect victim and Blaze is your perfect accomplice.

home invasion phone sex bondage torture

Taboo Phone Sex With Angie & Stephanie

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Or maybe it was the lights and the situation and my ravaged mind. But when I met Angie for the first time, in the dungeon, she seemed like a goddess. This must be the one, the one my Master always tells me about. I thought he had been lying. I thought he made her up as part of his sick fantasy. Maybe just someone he passe dhis days with having taboo phone sex. But here she was, real as could be, unharmed, wearing makeup, and I could tell she wasn’t broken the way I was.  Her skin had no bruises or scars, and her hair was perfect too.

taboo phone sex angie

How could he have a woman like this? All of us other girls had been tortured and abused beyond recognition for the most part. Kept in the dark, in this dirt dungeon under his house. Thus far, He had been realtively less cruel to me, he had told me I had a pretty face.  Angie spoke to me softly, and even her voice purred like a gorgeous cat. She said her name was Angie, and wanted to know if I was Stephanie. I could barely speak, it had been weeks since my last drink of water, but I squeaked out a “yes”. She sat down on the cold ground beside me, her nude body making me so jealous. Then she reached out and kicked me in the stomach with her stiletto.

I recoiled away from her, not daring to say a word. She told me, “So you’re the pretty little bitch he keeps talking about when he is asleep?”. I had no idea what she was talking about, but she was obviously angry at me and I was terrified. She said that she was going to make sure He didn’t think of me anymore. I tried to tell her I didn’t do anything, and that I hated him, but she wasn’t listening. My arms and legs were already bound to the posts that hold me in the dungeon, so she took off her heels, one in each hand, and began to beat me with them.

She swung the stilettos with all her might, hitting my face with the heels, piercing my eye sockets and cheeks. She swung one and connected with my breasts, and then pulled down until my nipple scraped right off. I was screaming as much as I could to get her to stop. I was apologizing for something I couldn’t even control. Angie just kept saying that He belonged to her, and that was the way it was going to stay. She told me I was a slutty little whore cum dumpster and that she was going to make sure I never looked beautiful again. She said I wouldn’t even be able to do taboo phone sex once she was done with my pretty mouth.

Angie continued beating me with her stilettos – she had so much anger and strength, until my eyes were bleeding, my ears were popped, and my cheeks cut to shreds. My lips were hanging and I couldn’t scream any longer. Before she left, she said there was one last thing she had to “fix”. She spread my legs, and shoved her entire shoe inside me, until it disappeared. Blood poured from my cunt and it was also now ruined. She stood up, looked at me like I was so pathetic, and she was right. Then she laughed and walked away, and I never saw her again. Angie had control of Him, and she made it clear that no one was going to change that. I had her shoe inside me now, so that I would never forget.

Bondage Phone Sex with Blair: BDSM Gear

bondage phone sex mommy tortureI have a master into BDSM. In fact he has a dungeon just for our master and servant games. Before the games were to begin, however, I had to purchase our equipment.  He gave me a very specific list of BDSM gear to purchase for this session. The list included: a bondage harness, breast binder, a hobble skirt, a spreader bar, a ring gag, suspension cuffs, a spreader, a pony harness, and a bondage belt. Master had all the rest in his BDSM dungeon.

I am a good servant. I laid the gear at Master’s feet and asked what was in store for us. He slapped me for asking. A good servant should never ask what sort of BDSM games are to be played. Master was in the mood for heavy games. That is never good for me. One of his favorite things to do is suspend me upside down. He suspends me, puts a  ring gag in my mouth and canes my ass for hours. By the time he is done, my ass is raw and bruised. But one BDSM game is never enough for Master. We next move on to suspension bondage where he binds my arms and legs with rope and a hobble skirt so I cannot move and replaces the ring gag with a ball gag. But not before he uses a breast binder on my tits.  I am hanging in the air just feet off the ground tied like an animal with my ass and pussy exposed for Master’s pleasure. My ass still in pain from the canning, he takes a fucking machine and fucks my holes to the point of over stimulation. I am convulsing, in discomfort. Master enjoys our BDSM games, but we have no safe word. I have no control over what he does to me; no say in our games.  I never know how far he will go.

He did not stop with the fucking machine. He continued with his cock. Violating my ass and my cunt. Filling me up with his cum. I was waiting for him to release me, but he did not. He left me suspended, tied up with a ball gag in m mouth over night. I was forced to urinate on the floor and myself. I was starving and cold. But Master did not care. I am his property. When he released me, he dragged me by the hair to his St. Andrew’s cross and pinned me by my wrists and ankles spread eagle so he could whip me. Which he did for hours.  I so wanted a safe word. I had been in his dungeon for almost 24 hours with no food or water, not even a potty break. I had to piss on the floor like an animal. Suddenly, Master was done with me. He released me. My body covered in bruises and restraint marks, not to mention blood and piss. I had to walk home, more like hobble home as Master would not give me a ride.  But, I am a slave, and in BDSM games, you never know what to expect with a capricious Master.

What are your favorite BDSM games? What BDSM gear would you use on me?

Fuckpig Slaughter

I know why you hang us upside down. I know it makes the blood pressure greater in our upper bodies so the blood gushes out faster when you puncture our throats. I wish I was one of the other girls. One of the ones who believe you’re only going to fuck us. Only going to torture us. But I have seen too much. I know you are going to slaughter us. You take each one of us and make us your fuck pig. You mind fuck us until we believe its real. Until we believe we are just a collection, and we will be released once you’ve had your fun. You make these girls do things they’ve never even experienced in their worst nightmares. All for the promise of freedom. You make your own BDSM gear, and you tell them they are just test dummies. And they believe you.

But you’re a fucking liar. Why did you let me see? Why did you let me watch the last slaughter? Why didn’t you puncture my jugular and let me bleed out like the rest? I was the one you chose to fuck in the mouth as the others bled out all over the dirt floor. Now, as we all hang here, fucked and beaten and helpless, our tongues cut out so there is no noise, you size us up. Their eyes are terrified, but still have hope. They are remembering what you told them – freedom – and they think you’ve been satiated and they will get to go home soon.

You walk along the line of hanging bodies. Touch their bleeding and broken faces with your hands as if you feel something. But you don’t. I have seen your mind games before. Its all about keeping their hope alive. You take out your cock and go back down the line. Some of them cringe, remembering the horrors they experienced last time they saw your cock in their faces. But you just walk slowly, sizing them up, waiting for the blood to be right where it should be. I am the last in the row of hanging girls. Upside down, wrapped tight in my straight jacket you made, too weak to even swing back and forth.

You take a large tool off the table, the same one I saw you use last time. I watched you make it with the fire and a hammer.  It still has blood on it from last week. I know its coming again. The slaughter of the fuckpigs. You start with the first girl, she tries to recoil away but she can’t. You jam the sharp tool right into her throat and the blood gushes out as her eyes go blank. Then onto the next. As you go down the line, they are screaming inside their heads, hope being dashed once and for all. You tell them to “die, fuckpig, die” as you stick each one and twist your death tool.

Finally you get too me. I can see the rest of them hanging, bleeding out. I close my eyes and wait for the stick of the tool. Instead, once again, you pull my mouth open by my hair and shove your hard cock inside. I suck on it, with no tongue to even taste your evil, and when I open my eyes I see you’re watching your slaughter of fuckpigs twitch as they die. You cum deep in my throat as the last ones stop moving, all life and hope gone.  You reach up and cut the rope that im hanging by. I crash to the ground.  I have survived another round of fuckpig slaughter. But why? I don’t want another week of torture. I don’t want to witness your next set of kills. You unbuckle my jacket and free my arms. Now its my job to collect all your jackets off their dead bodies. To clean them and pile them up for your next set of fuckpigs. I get to work as I hear you leave, no doubt in search of the next.

Taboo Phone Sex with Mommy Blair: Anal Torture

taboo phone sex mommy snuffMy son loves rough anal with me. Using my ass for his deviant desires gives him so much pleasure. He even enjoys pimping my ass out. He forces me to insert all sorts of things in my ass to prime myself for anal torture. Big dildos, butt plugs, wine bottles, beer cans, squash, guns, the heels of shoes, fists, aerosol cans, remotes, flashlights, curling iron,  multiple cocks, speculums….. He doesn’t care if my  sphincter is torn. In fact he prefers that my ass tear and bleed. He equates it with brushing my teeth. He claims our mouths bleed and get tiny tears every time we brush so I shouldn’t bitch.

Today he rented my ass out  to his friend. First, I had to give a show on top of the bar. My job was to fuck anything and everything I could find until my ass was gaping open. I started with a really huge suction cup dildo and worked my way up to a bottle of Maker’s Mark. It has a big square end and that is what went in first. I was screaming in pain, bleeding too. I am not allowed to use any lubrication. It has to hurt because my pain is a man’s pleasure.

My son’s friend was so turned on he did bourbon shots from my ass. He didn’t care that I was bleeding and in pain. I had to keep that bottle inside my ass until my son and  him drank all the bourbon. Then they yanked it out and made me lick my ass off that bottle. I had to clean it good. So humiliating. But I am a worthless wore. My asshole was inside out, gaping and my son’s friend rammed his cock deep inside me. Said he was being a good Samaritan and putting my ass back together for me. He fucked my tattered sphincter back together.  After he came inside me, he poured a bottle of booze in my gaping hole. He said it was a makeshift enema to clean up my dirty ass. It burned like hell and got me oddly drunk. Really drunk. So drunk I puked and passed out. I guess the tears in my ass let the alcohol get absorbed in my skin.

I woke up on the bar, empty bottles covered in blood everywhere. Good thing I passed out. My ass will never be the same.

taboo phone sex anal mommy

Babysitter Phone Sex Circumcision

Ughh. Have I ever told you how much I hate little ones? I hope to god I never have any, but I got stuck babysitting some last night. I was so pissed off. Like I don’t have better things to do than watch someone else’s little brats. Luckily it was only one little boy, and once his parents left he didn’t seem like a bad little boy. He just kinda sat there looking at me. I noticed he was wearing a diaper. Fucking great, thats all I need is to worry about – this little piece of shit making a mess on my watch.

I decided to teach his parents a lesson and take his diaper off for the night. That way if he pissed or shit it would be all over their floor. I could just tell them it was an accident and that he took it off himself. At least I wouldn;t have to clean it up then. I grabbed the little boy and took his clothes off and then his diaper. Out popped his tiny little cock. To my surprise my stomach did a little flip at the sight of it. A cock is a cock I suppose. But there was something about this one that drew my attention – he was not circumcised. Well, well, well, it looks like I got to have some fun after all!

taboo phone sex taylor2.jpg

I had seen a circumcision on the internet before and it was such a turn on! I decided I was going to take this little turtle headed dick and make it a beautiful mushroom head. I took him with me to the kitchen and put him up on the butcher block counter. I played with his little cock until it got hard so I could see what I was working with. Not too bad, a few inches long, and I was about to do this little guy a favor. I grabbed a knife from the counter made sure it was sharp with my fingers. I kept stroking his little penis so that he stayed nice and hard for his surgery. He was fucking loving it, his little hips moving with every stroke.

I felt my pussy start to throb as I stuck the tip of the knife up under the foreskin. He didn’t seem to notice, he just kept fucking the air like the little dumbass he was. I got the knife all the way under the foreskin, twisted it so it was blade side up and pulled. It slit through the skin like butter and blood began to pour out before the pain even hit him. I came all down my legs as I saw the pain register on the little brat. I wasn’t done yet though – I had to get the ugly skin off his tiny cock, so I held him down with my elbows as he screamed his fucking head off, and finished my work.

There was blood everywhere and his wails of pain were so real and blood curdling my ears were ringing. I almost felt bad, but was consumed by the river of fresh young blood pouring out of his cock. I  had never seen anything so innocent hurting so badly. I decided to put his diaper back on, to help sop up the blood, and sat him on the floor in the kitchen. He soaked two diapers full of blood as I sat and watched, rubbing my pussy as I watched the blood soak through. He stopped crying eventually, and I decided to leave before his parents got home. I guess that will teach them to make me babysit…

Fucking Monsters

Taboo phone sex makayla (3)

At some point in your life you were afraid of monsters, or still are.. 

I have a new fear..

He is a monster.

With the new viruses going around master made me get sick. 

He works in the morgue at the hospital in town, which means he has access to all the viruses that normally kill people. 

What ever he gave me made me sick, very sick. 

The combination of viruses has turned my body into a living corps.

I can’t stop him from moving me, I can not squirm away from his touch.

I can’t move but  I can feel every ounce of pain…

He can bend and mold my body to anything he wants as he fucks me.

Tonight he had his spiked cock sleeve on and he slammed it into my ass

I could feel each spike digging into my asshole and ripping it apart as he pushed back and forth into my body..

Taboo phone sex Makayla

I can’t scream..

I can’t even cry..

What has he done to me…

What is he doing to me?

Finally he pulled his bloody cock out and come around to my face and sticks his bloody cock that has pieces of my skin hanging off of it into my mouth. 

I suddenly get this urge for more..

More blood.

More flesh. 

I start to bite down, but I can’t feel my jaw close.. 

What ever is happening to my body I have turned into a monster just like him… but I have a thirst for blood now… 

Domination Phone Sex with Cassandra: Controlled with Poison

domination phone sex big tits submissiveOne of my Masters invited me to dinner. It seemed quite benevolent of him, so I had my suspicions. As soon as I arrived, he ordered me naked. I was the appetizer. He forced me on the dinner table and started to fuck my holes. Master is never gentle with my holes. To describe how he fucks me as rough sex is an understatement. He always fucks my ass and my cunt to the point they are swollen and gaping open. After he came in my holes, he tied me to one of the chairs and said he prepared a very special dinner for me that I should feel honored to eat.

I was scared. What in the hell was he gonna shove down my throat. He claimed it was a delicacy in Asian countries. I thought to myself, oh great, I am going to have to eat something gross like guinea pig or octopus, or maybe even man’s best friend? Wrong, wrong and wrong. He brought out some blowfish looking thing. I thought fish, I could handle that. Then he told me it was a puffer fish. Pufferfish are generally believed to be the second-most poisonous animal  in the world, after the golden poison frog. Certain internal organs, such as liver, and sometimes the skin, contain tetrodotoxin and are highly toxic to most animals and humans when eaten; nevertheless, the meat is considered a delicacy when eaten properly. Eaten not properly, it can be deadly.

Master told me I had to eat it and he warned me to eat carefully. He was gonna take sick pleasure watching me try to eat a highly lethal piece of meat. I had never eaten Pufferfish. I was clueless about how to eat it to prevent death or extreme illness. I decided to go slow very slow small bites to see if I could feel a reaction. This was working for awhile until I suddenly felt drugged. I was light headed, dizzy and going numb. Master grabbed my head and shoved my face into the plate, forcing more in my mouth. Then my whole body felt paralyzed. I started vomiting and feeling my heart race. My tongue was numb, my lips swelled and I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to die. Master was going to let me die. It would look like I died on my own accord from eating poisonous fish. Technically Master had not laid a finger on me.

Then, Master stabbed me with a needle. Within minutes I could breathe and within hours all the feeling came back in my body. Master grabbed me by the hair and made it clear that he could take my life when ever her felt like it so I better be a good fucking cunt all the time. His message was clear. He owned me and my every breath was under his control.

What will you do to control me? Show me that you have the power and I will always be powerless.

Elixir of Poison

Master invited me to a special gathering of pagan friends since I am a solitary witch. I usually avoid such gatherings but Master wants me to come along. These gatherings are known for their high sexual content and are generally Crowley followers/ members of the OTO. This following is based from Eastern Mysticism, Freemasonry, and a couple other Western belief systems. Essentially Paganistic.

Taboo phone Sex Geneva Ritual

  This was more or less an social gathering not so much any ritualistic type planned gathering, thus others were invited to attend the temple. I agreed to attend and dressed to suit the occasion since they are very sexual and I know master well enough to know he has ulterior motives.

Upon arriving I was introduced to many of the members and was taken to a room and given an “elixir” to purify me and prepare me for the ceremonies of the night. I glanced at Master and he just nodded indicating that I should just go with it and give myself to these individuals.

Drinking the elixir I started to feel a warmth course through my body. The elderberry liquor was prepared with Belladonna a poisonous toxic plant when ingested in the wrong amount. When prepared properly it is the ideal elixir to promote relaxation, and the correct state for which opening the individual to delights of the body. Orgies are fueled with this poison in a strength just below the toxic level. When to much is ingested one will go into cardiac arrest. \

Taboo phone sex Geneva Deadly

Don’t go to bed angry..

rape phone sex fantasies monetta.jpg



I think last night I should not have went to bed angry. I was so upset with my master that when i went to bed I had a ‘bad’ dream. It was bad but felt so good. Master had my anger up at an all time high. When I went to sleep I had nothing but thoughts of snuffing him out!


I vividly remember him coming home and me hitting him over the head. Knocked him out cold. Took me a while to get him to the bed but I managed. i triple tied him up, because my master is super strong. I started smacking him every where trying to get him to wake up. I slapped him in the face.. in his chest.. I even resorted to slapping his big dick and balls. That got his attention and he woke up.



As soon as he realized what I was going on he was fussing and yelling and I just but his bitch ass in place. I slapped him and told him to shut the fuck up! He was mine to play with and I’d do with him what I please. I cut all his clothes off and started sucking his cock. He likes when I suck his cock so I wanted him to think i was going to be pleasing him.


Once I got him hard and his fuckrod was sticking straight up.I sat on his face and made me lick my cunt. I climbed up on his dick and started riding him. Hard! Fast! Deep in side of me! Just when I knew he was getting close to cumming I got off and acted like I was going to suck him off, instead… I started biting on his balls. Shoving a qtip deep in his piss hole.

I used a lot of the toys he uses on me when I’m bad, on him. Ironic isn’t it! Oh how I loved torturing my master.