Category: Taboo phone sex

Dick Eaters

Blasphemy phone sex

Castration phone sex is something I am interested in. Something about taking a mans power away from him turns me on and makes me wetter than the ocean. Every time I get my goodies delivered my dope boy still reminds me of the time I bit his dick. I’m surprised he still brings me my dope. He always rubs up on me and thinks he could force his dick in my pussy. Since I have a dirty secret that I love to hurt people and he wants to dive into my cunt  with his big black cock. I wonder what his big bloody cock would taste like next to mashed potatoes. Id like to grill up his cock in-front of him and have him eat a piece of it. Oh Id love to watch him eat his cock the same way he would try to slam his cock in my mouth. Id love to tease him and make him think he is gonna get off. That he would get to fuck this pussy. Nope, he would eat his own cock.  

Fantasy phone sex

Torture phone sex with Layla is Evil!

torture phone sex  “You fucking nigger bitch if I don’t kill you when I find you!” I was trying to play it cool and hide behind some boxes in the warehouse. The blood was seeping from my open wound and I wasn’t sure that I was going to be able to make it very far.  My guts were ripping apart at the sound of the knife that hit me there and the blood from my cunt was also dripping onto the edge of the knife. He wanted to play and I was so ready to do whatever it took to get out of this situation. But I know there is no escape for nigga slut that was trying to get away. I don’t know how many of them had taken me here I just knew that if I wanted to survive this game I had better keep quiet and not let them find me again. I had hit one of them with an icepick that unaware they had left shoved in my hole, and I was fighting with every last breath!

     One of them had lit the match and singed my hair while I was sucking his stick. I really was on fire! After putting it out, the piss and shit throwing started and I tried to fight them off while they spread my legs apart and squeezed themselves in my holes. I screamed, I bit, I tore flesh but they were doing more than fighting. They punched me in my face and razor cut me so many times I had lost count and the canines in the background were barking at the screams because they wanted blood. The only chance I had was to play dead and hope for them to go away. When one of them turned their back I guess to get more acid I tired and staggered to get up and disappeared in this shed. But I had to be leaving a bloody trail because soon the canines were after me and I heard the footsteps. Then I saw the flash of light and me being pulled to the middle of the floor. I was floating but they weren’t finished my legs were being forced apart and glass was inside of my pussy and acid was burning my flesh. But I felt nothing was I dead I don’t know all I know is I heard the dial tone and thud and a kick and maybe a snap but who can tell when you are dead?

hooked on rape fantasies

violent phone sex maceyIt has been a while since I  have had my raped fantasy fulfilled, being forced into submission.
I would be a liar if I said it didn’t get me hot! When you pulled up and forced me into your car, I knew I was going to get what I deserved. I pretended to put up a fight, kicking and sobbing as you yanked my hair and slamming me against the car.
I knew I had to act like I didn’t like it, like the abuse didn’t make cunt ache and twitch with anticipation. But I did not realize how far you were going to go!
I tried to hide my smile as you strapped me down with my ass propped up, ready for you to shove your huge cock deep inside that tight hole. I had no idea that you had other plans.
I felt you slide that cold steel hook deep into my ass. I knew if I moved at all, it would tear my fuck hole wide open!
It hurt like hell and I loved every second of it! I could tell you were growing angry with me! You were going to wipe the smile right off my face!. As you ripped into my mouth, with every thrust, you forced my entire body back, driving that steel hook in and out. I cried in pain as you demanded I tell you what a filthy whore I am, I tried, I wanted to do what you asked, but I couldn’t talk with your huge rod filling my mouth. When all I could do is choke out a few screams, you stopped and slapped the cum out of my mouth. The sting of your hand on my tear soaked cheek was a welcome relief.
I tried to catch my breath as I cried, I am a filthy whore! Please! I love being your cum slut!
My face was beaten and my eyes were almost swollen closed. I heard you walk away and close the door behind you.
You left me strapped in with the hook still deep inside my bleeding ass. I knew you weren’t finished. I knew you would be back.
All I could do is lay there and wait for what came next.

A Bloody Mary Before Dinner

cannibalism phone sex torture bloodyAs I was suspended from a rafter, I heard blood curdling screams beneath me. It was dark. I could see nothing. Added to the mix was the sound of a chainsaw. I was shaking uncontrollably from fear. What carnage was going on beneath me. Was I next? The screams were deafening. I wanted to help but I was restrained and gagged. Suddenly I felt something warm and sticky spray my body. The screams stopped. I tried to be quiet, not to whimper. My heart was racing. Whatever had happened beneath my feet did not end well for the screaming girl.

I could feel myself being lowered down to the floor. I stepped in something warm, but wet. It was seeping between my toes. I was paralyzed with fear. Instinctively I knew I was in the middle of a blood bath. What I was feeling surrounding my feet was blood. Copious amounts of blood. Without warning bright lights came on. The lights were blinding, but I could see the dead girl in the bathtub. Her limbs severed and dangling in a macabre fashion. She looked like a slain China doll. Her blood had filled up the shallow tub she was contained in and overflowed onto the floor, engulfing me.

bloody phone sex tortureTwo men were gutting her like a pig. They appeared to be harvesting her organs. They pulled her eyes out from their sockets, put them on ice. They separated the vital organs like the heart, liver and kidneys from the intestines and the brain. I puked at the smell.  Surely this was a nightmare and I would wake up and be back at the club dancing. I watched a man in black rubber boots and a rubber apron, chop up the body parts they could not sell. The non worthy flesh was put in a industrial size blender. Puréed brain, intestines and sinew was poured into a cup.

I watched him chug it like it was a beer. I thought I would vomit. Then he poured a second glass, walked over to where I was hanging, pulled my head back and forced me to consume the bloody remains of the dead girl before my eyes. I was told if I spit it back up, I would be in the tub next. I tried to think of it  as just a Bloody Mary. I couldn’t understand what was going on. Was I a victim or an accomplice? He replied, “Neither. You are dinner. It’s customary to a have a drink before a meal.”

Torture Phone Sex Maneuvers Layla

Torture phone sex

     Fuck that nigger bitch up! One of them taunted as they hit me with the shovel. I was trying to crawl to do anything to get away but it just was one of those things. I was not going to be able to get away there was no mercy for a sinner in hell! I was just trying to hold on as best as I could as they hit me with the shovel repeating the words of payback bitch! That no account good for nothing son of a bitch was here watching as they were kicking the life out of me. Using the blunt end of the shovel I felt my legs spread apart and the shovel pulled so dark and deep inside. One of them was shitting and I knew instantly they were going to make me eat it. One had thrown up before and I was ordered to eat and lick all of it off of the floor. At first I was going to gag but then I soon got accustomed to it and it was the norm now. It was in my belly as well as the numerous amounts of cum that I had sucked in the weeks here.


     I was the nigga bitch that was going to be fucked and gang banged and the debt was never going to be repaid. I knew that now and it was just a matter of time before this life was going to end! Being pulled on my back I felt one punch in my tits and stomach and my breath go out of me. Slapping me to the ground and  then raising me and slapping me again they counted off the money that little bitch owed! That mother fucker owed so much and I was the one paying for his debt. I felt the hardness and bulge as an oversized ball was placed between my legs. I was half out of it that I didn’t realize it was a rat! I felt the knawing of my skin as it ate at my flesh and tore my little clit to pieces. It was only the beginning this torture phone sex game was just getting started and the thing of it is. When they called people whatever they said to do to me is what this gang would do and keep doing to me. They were in fact in complete control of my fate!




Master has a new Sadistic game for us PT 2

Domination phone sex MonettaThe look on his face as he entered through the doorway sent shivers down my spine. He was so cocky, so sure that he was going to taste Master’s property. I flashed a seductive look to him, and quickly changed my glance to the menacing figure that stood behind him. His tall and built body moved with such grace that it made the hairs on my arms stand at attention as to get closer to him. By the time the poor little sissy boy realized someone stood next to him, this mysterious figure already inside, it was too late. And with one whack across the useless dick dribble’s head he was down for the count. I squealed for joy as I helped Master drag him the rest of the way in, and closed the door behind us. I jumped on my tiptoes and clapped my hands together in excitement quickly thrusting my arms out to embrace Master in a hug.
My face was met with the cold familiar sting of Master’s fist into my cheek bones. I sat on the floor startled by the reaction I just received from him. Rubbing the sore spot I whimpered and averted all eye contact. I had upset him it was clear, and for that I would surely be sorry alongside the passed-out piss ant that lay on out living room floor. I sat against the wall whimpering like a sad little puppy my knees pulled too my chest. I could feel his anger radiating from his body, it made me cold. I felt the sting as he suddenly reached between my legs and grabbed my bare clit hard pinching tightly between his fingers. I let out a loud yelp and jerked swiftly my back hitting the wall I was already against.
“Little fucking slut”
His hoarse voice spoke with such fierceness. I was startled I had not seen this side of my Master in so long. I knew I had been bad, real bad and now I was going to pay for it. I was going to pay in ways that I had never imagined. I thought it was bad before, I prayed for help. I have a feeling I will only be praying for the sweet release of death now.
“How dare you skate you fucking skanky cunt, MY CUNT around bare for this chump to see.”
I was confused I thought that was point of the game. I thought that was my job was to wrangle in a piece of man meat for Master to abuse. I thought that is what he wanted me to do, I thought I was doing a good job.
“But…I thought…”I whimpered.
He smacked me across the face and than took his hands into my hair and jerked my neck up to meet his face. He was so angry, and that terrified me. Was I going to go back to the days when I wished for death to visit me in any form.
“That is your first problem you fucking whore, nobody asked you to think. You have a useless mind why the fuck would anybody need it messing everything up trying to think. You piss me off so much.”
He punched me hard and I blacked out.
When I woke up it was to a familiar place that I had feared. I was chained up in the basement, a place I thought I would never have to see again. It smelled of dried blood and mildew. It was always cold down here, the cold air made my lungs ache. I had no clothes on and my arms and legs were spread far apart. I was not ready for this again, and tears swelled into the corners of my eyes. I was in the torture chamber. Not too far away from me was the puke I picked up from the park. I felt kind of bad now that he was going to have to go through this. We would together. I was so scared my heart raced so fast. I passed back out. I hoped I never woke back up.Rape phone sex fantasies

Give Me More

After cuddling for 5 minutes, you get the tennis ball.  You push it into my widening vagina.  It feels like a lump of food being caught in my throat, only much bigger, and in my cunt instead.  You push it in more, and when it can’t go in more by pushing, You hit it with the bat.  Sometimes you miss and hit me.  You hit it until it disappears inside me.  But now you have lost the ball and have to get it back.

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You push on my lower abdomen, and tell me to push under threat of cuddling.  Eventually, after much labor and screaming, the ball pops out, bouncing off of the opposite wall. I begin to breathe easier until  you  remind me about the softball, which is much bigger.  My eyes widen as you begin pushing it into me, knowing that it probably would not fit in.  It doesn’t matter.  What matters is the audacity of the attempt, and the pain.  Eventually you give up.  My pussy is bruised and bleeding.

This makes your cock rock hard and even with my pussy on fire, I want your cock. I want you to pound me – not cuddle me- so I pretend I don’t want you. I pull against the ropes and try to scream. The predator inside you attacks and sticks your hard cock into my swollen and bleeding cunt. I continue to scream even as I cum because I don’t want you to stop. You will never know that I had that orgasm, because this naughty little pain whore will never tell….

Exsanguinating the Worthless for Charity

bloody phone sex killer sexWhen you are a butcher girl like me, with a love for all things bloody, March is your favorite month. Why? Because it is American Red Cross Month. I have always considered myself a philanthropic psycho, so  in this month of donating blood, I can give back to my community. Now, since the only flesh I ever consume is human flesh, I am anemic, so the Red Cross won’t take my blood. At first I was bummed about this, but then I discovered blood by proxy. I can donate other people’s blood. How fun is that? So during the month of March, if you have scorned or annoyed me, even hired me, be on high alert that I’m extra blood thirsty this month, as I am killing for charity.

killer phone sex bloody funFirst to donate blood for my personal blood drive this month were two of the devil’s spawn. The twin daughters of my former boss. In fact, he paid me to snuff out his two little brats. According to him, all they do is drain him of his money and patience. Fitting then that I would drain them of their blood. Some white trash whore duped him into knocking her up for his money. These sister cunts will do more good dead, than they ever would alive. You’d be surprised how many parents lack the paternal instinct, which is fine by me. Too many spoiled, germy, annoying, needy little humans running around anyway. As soon as I off a few rugrats, some trailer park whore just pushes out a few more nuggets she can’t support who will end up draining hard working Americans of their tax dollars. It’s a vicious cycle so, kill the products of trash, stop the cycle, donate their blood to good use: reduce, reuse, recycle.

Getting the brats to my place was simple. Told them I was daddy’s secretary and they saw dollar signs as they hopped into the back seat of my car. I convinced them I was asnuff porn killer sex babysitter of sorts and daddy gave us lots of play money. Well, gave me lots of play money.  Slipped them a special cocktail in their Kool-Aid, waited for them to wake up in my bath tub, sliced open some arteries, and watched the blood drain from their little annoying bodies. I like to tie weights to their ankles so they can’t run. Then I sit on the toilet seat, and watch the blood drain from their bodies slowly. Makes me feel good that I am recycling blood. Giving it to folks who deserve it. Life is a privilege not an entitlement, so just because you were born into this word, does not mean you deserve to stay in it. You got to earn that right. And many people need their privileges revoked, which I am happy to assist with. Once I snuffed the little bitches out by exsanguination, I texted photos to my former boss. Sometimes a picture or a text is better than a call. Harder to trace, even harder to prove who sent what to whom, and a picture is worth a thousand words.

bloody phone sex murder fantasiesI’ve been slaughtering trash all month. Some for money, some for revenge, some just for fun,  but every death attributed to my handiwork benefits not only the American Red Cross, but society as a whole.  This world has too many worthless fucks in it. What they couldn’t do for their community in life, they can in death. So who do you know that should give a sizable donation to the American Red Cross?

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Girl on Girl Rape Porn: The Soccer Mom and the Sadistic Cheerleaders From Hell

Gangbang rape porn girl on girlA few weeks ago, my son sold me to these evil bitches who violated all my holes for some gangbang rape porn. Well, today the bitches showed up at my house, forced their way inside, and made me make some girl on girl rape porn with them this time. I told the head cunt I wanted nothing to do with her or her sadistic companions. “My son’s debt is settled, so get the fuck out of my house,” I screamed. No surprise that didn’t go over well. They throttled me, tore my clothes off, and started violating my holes with anything they could find. They held me down on my dining room floor and fucked me with my son’s baseball bat I use for protection. The very thing used to protect me from intruders in the past was now destroying my ass.

As they fucked my holes with objects not meant for insertion, I was forced to lick their dirty asses and pussies. One of them called me a human toilet and pissed in my mouth. Then she shit out cum from her ass all over my face. She told me it was my son’s cum. I tried to fight them, but they punched me, smacked me, spit on me… They broke  out a gym bag of huge dildos crammed them down my throat and up my cunt while the baseball bat remained in my ass like some macabre trophy. They were getting sick pleasure from fucking up a soccer mom. One girl kicked the baseball bat so far up inside me,  I felt like I was being gutted.

girl on girl rape porn druggie whoreI’ve been used as a punching bag, fucked savagely, anally tortured, even buried alive, but these girls were among the most brutal bitches I’ve ever encountered. My ass was gaping open so wide when they pulled the bloody baseball bat out that they could spit from across the room and have it land inside my asshole. I heard a tea kettle go off and thought to myself, “They are fucking going to have tea and crumpets after gangbanging my ass and cunt?” I wish. The evil head sadistic poured boiling water down my gaped out asshole. That was a first. She scalded my ass. I screamed louder than I ever have. To shut me up, one of them sat on my face and shit down my throat.

They left me brutalized even worse than they did the first time. “Tell anyone whore, and we make a snuff film with you next time. This baseball bat will go up a dead ass as well as a live one,” head bitch quipped at me as I laid in a pool of my own blood and bile. My ass was dead. Pretty sure if there is a third time with these bitches, I will kill myself first.

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I wake up to find myself tied to your bed, legs spread, and my cunt exposed and unprotected.  Next to the bed is a table with various items:  A miniature baseball bat, and tennis ball, a soft ball, and a small chest cooler.  I look down and see a large knife laying between my thighs, the tip pointed at my pussy.  I don’t know if it is a promise or a threat, but it is there.  You approach the bed,  with your cock fully erect.  You grope my soft parts with one hand, and stroke yourself with the other.  

Your hands go everywhere, and penetrate my pussy, gentle at first, and then forceful and merciless afterward.  The ferocity of the penetration makes me scream at first, but it feels good, and I relax into a moan. You push in more, and my body arcs with ecstasy, and my juices flow.   You’re not giving me a chance to be afraid before I am aroused.  That way I cannot resist.  You work me up to the point of climax, before you pull out.  I’m not allowed to cum yet.  Instead you take the bat and hit my breasts with it.  They jiggle like punching bags, with red welts appearing.  You also hit my thighs, tummy, and finally back down to my pussy.    

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After hitting my pussy, you slide the bat inside, and fuck me with it.  It rubs raw against me on the inside, especially when it hits my cervix.   You work me up to a climax, and again deny me the pleasure.  I beg for you to let me, but you must punish me for asking.  Since pain excites me, you lay next to me on the bed, put your arms around me and hold me. FUCK, I hate cuddling.