My neighbors are the worst. They always steal the best parking and they litter, are nosy, loud and just plain crazy and annoying. I can’t stand those two whores! It’s a Mommy and her daughter and even though this girl dropped outta school she’s still living off of her Mommy. Her Mommy is a cunt of a woman too, a total whore that’s been through more guys than underwear…I’ve deemed both these whores unacceptable to live near me. I’m going to do something about it; I’m going to make them disappear forever! I’ll be waiting in their apartment when they get home, my house is just like theirs so I know how to get in the window above the sink… and they’ll be clueless as to what’s going to go down. I’ll have my big buffed out friend with me to help me restrain and fuck these bitches. The big ol’ R word is what they’ll get! Over and over I will force my strap on into the whores, fuck them over and over make them tell me what stupid whores and bitches they are. They’ll cry and beg for mercy, but I know their tears are as fake as they are so about that time I’ll be slitting their throats.
Category: Taboo phone sex
My neighbors are the worst!
Stupid sluts never learn
As usual this college town never ceases to amaze me. Stupid sluts wandering out at all times of the nights, drunk and stumbling around in their slutty outfits. They’re just asking to get killed! Among other violent and brutal things… I found this college whore passed out drunk next to my car, she was OUT! I almost thought she was already dead, but once I realized she was free game I stuffed her in my car and brought her home. I planned to kill this one slowly, make the pain and suffering last a while. When she woke up I already had her tied up, but not blindfolded. I wanted her to see me cutting her. I want to see her eye wide with fear, and listen to her beg for me to spare her. But she’s no different than any other drunk whore I’ve found before, and she’ll have the same fate of them too. Fucked, used up, tortured and killed…slowly.
Skinned Alive
How could I not want to mutilate that pretty little face? It’s been a long time since I have taken out my old rusty, blood covered surgical tools. It’s time to put them to good use. Her skin changed from alabaster white to a rosy pink when I put her in my big porcelain, claw foot tub filled with water so hot that it boarder scalding. We had spent the last hour making out and she thought I was giving her a romantic bath before a long night of pussy licking. In reality my tools were under the tub and I was about to skin her alive. I started with that face. She fought and screamed but it was no use. I watched the skin peel back from her chin enjoying the tingling in my cunt as I watched the skin peel off the lips I had just been kissing. I had to kiss those whimpering lips before continuing. We had a long way to go and I would come many more times before it was all over kissing the raw meat that was revealed after peeling back her flesh as I went.
Gangbang Rape Porn Tinder Encounter
I thought I had a hot date. I signed up for Tinder. Arranged to meet this handsome young stud at his place. I got ambushed. It was not a hook up but a gangbang rape porn. All the boys were half my age. There were cameras and S and M equipment everywhere. This was not going to go well for me. I tried to act like I was down for a gang bang. The more the merrier I told them. But they didn’t want a willing participant. They wanted a victim. I was told they would kill me in a heartbeat if I didn’t do everything they wanted. I am no novice to force fucking, but this had stranger danger written all over it. I had no idea who these guys were. I told no one where I was going. And Tinder is an app so all the details of my rendezvous were on my phone which was with me. They saw the panic in my eyes. “That’s more like it whore,” one of them said to me. Just as he said it, he strangled me with his bare hands till I passed out. I woke up with my hands and feet bound and a shock collar around my neck. I started to fight but was subdued like a unruly dog with a major electric shock through my body. I pissed myself, which prompted them to piss on me. One of them pissed right into my eyes. Felt like battery acid had been tossed in my face. They started forcing their cocks in my ass and cunt. Shocking me for shits and giggles as they sodomized me. I lost count of the number of times a cock came inside me, but after what felt like the 100th load, my ass got fisted. One guy was filming my degradation. He taunted me about how much money they would make off of a whore’s humiliation. When they were done with me, they tossed me naked, covered in cum and piss in an alley dumpster with the trash. No clothes, no cell. I was forced to climb out of the gutter and seek help in getting home. Now I can’t decided if I want to stay on Tinder.
Taboo Phone Sex a Murderous Maelstrom
A murderous maelstrom of taboo phone sex compulsions with an evil babysitter. I will engage you with my sultry voice as I work my enchantress magic in hijacking your mind. You will become mesmerized by all that I say and I will make you my accomplice in murderous rape phone sex fantasies. We will join together and perform sexually driven rituals on the sweet innocent victims.
The parents of these sweet young sacrificial offerings have no idea what they signed into when they employed me and signed my contract. A deal with the She-Devil if you will. My ability to give a shit is non-existent and that, my dear brain washed assistant, is what separates me from the rest. I have no conscience in what we do with these fuck dolls, and when I am done playing with them – or rather when your done fucking and penetrating their enticing fuck holes – they become disposable. I will decide on how we snuff the slut out if it hasn’t happened while you took out all your pent up rage on the cum receptacle.
Killer Phone Sex School is in Session
Killer phone sex fun is a given with me. I am a sick bitch with a creative mind. Double trouble is my nickname. My sick world began when I was a little girl. I was sort of the Wednesday Addams of the neighborhood, then grew into the female Ted Bundy. I have never been caught because I am not a crime of passion bitch. I’m OCD about planning my kills. Even as a goth teen babysitter, I was methodical. My babysitting days are behind me. Turns out there are very few brats I like. Most of them are annoying little twat waffles. Whiny, germy, self entitled brats that waste time and energy. One summer, I spent babysitting in the Hamptons. I know what you are thinking. And you are correct. I didn’t fit in and I hated them all. But, my mother was a nanny to a very wealthy family and I went along to help out one summer. The brat in our care was actually pretty cool as far as brats go. Of course she had me as an influence for years. She was friends with this blonde, blue eyed bad seed. Little twat I am sure from the day she was yanked out of her momma’s cunt. Well she made the mistake of stealing from my little brat, bullying her and spreading rumors. Her mother’s way to deal with the devil’s spawn was simply to sever ties. My way was to sever her head.
So, I taught my brat a few moves to render the little twat incapacitated. While playing dolls, my fed up little charge smashed the bad seed’s head against the wall. She got a little carried away, crushed her skull. Eyes popped out of her head, blood splattered everywhere. I had planned to just stuff her little unconscious body in a cooler and give her a burial at sea, which still happened, just had a lot of clean up to do first. I was impressed that my charge had so much strength and anger to bash her nemesis’s head in like she did. I was a proud babysitter that day. There was a lot of blood and sinew to clean up, but it was a teachable moment on crime scene clean up. When the little twat came up missing, no one suspected me or my angelic charge. Not with all the brat molesters in the area. Let’s just say I have kept tabs on my former charge and she has done most excellent work in ridding the Hamptons of its summer trash over the years. I take pride in my tutelage. I can help you become a seasoned killer too. From young to old, I know how to get away with murder.
Road Rage
He never should’ve cut me off in traffic. Nothing pisses me off more. I passed him, slammed on the brakes and felt him hit me from behind. I screamed in anger, not getting out of my car. This bastard was gonna pay. I took the tire tool from my back seat and when he came storming up to my window, I knocked him in the head and drug him inside.
He moaned as he awoke. His head had a large gash and his face was covered in blood. He was cussing, calling me foul names. I laughed as I plotted what to do with him. “You evil cunt. Untie me.” he screamed. “I’m gonna sue you for everything.”
Sorry but I don’t deal with threats, dude. I punched him in the mouth and laughed as he bled. Men like him shouldn’t be allowed to breed. Hmmm, interesting thought. I haven’t castrated anyone lately. I think I’d enjoy this one.
I cinched down on the ropes around his wrists and ankles. I knew he was going to fight hard when I brought out the knife. I needed shackles. I attached a chain to his cock and balls and clamped an iron device to them. Given a little time, his cock and balls would began to swell. Iron doesn’t give and the blood trapped within would began to expand, blowing his junk up to massive size. This would make things way more fun. The giant swollen blood filled fun bags would explode upon impact. Good thing I was wearing steel tipped cowboy boots. The thought of driving one into him made my pussy wet.
I wanted him to beg first as I explained his punishment and the reason he should be neutered. He squealed like a pig, begging for his nuts and his life.
With one forceful kick, I played football with his nutsac, taking out all of my aggression. They exploded with the first kick, spraying blood all over my face. Licking my lips, I aimed again. His giant engorged penis shattered like a bomb went off, pieces flying all over. I picked up a loose testicle, looked at him, and popped it in my mouth. He screamed again as I popped it like a grape.
I’d let this one live, drugging him and taking him back to his vehicle. He’d look like a crazed druggie and a serial killer when the cops finally stopped to check on him. They’d probably haul him off to the crazy-house when he blabbered about how I kidnapped him and ate his nuts!!! Things happen in the big city. I just happen to be one of those things.
Gang Bang and Strangulation Phone Sex
Daddy had loaned me out yet again to cover his debts. This time it was to 4 men. Daddy’s driver dropped me off in an upscale section of town and I was given an apartment number to report to. When I entered, I was surprised to see a nicely decorated apartment. There were no toys to be seen and no dungeon type atmosphere. I thought maybe it was being hidden in the bedroom. The men met me in the living room and advised that our activities would continue there. They laid me back on the couch and were sweet and gentle at first.
As the action got started it went from sweet kisses on the breasts to bites, from gentle fondling of my pussy to hard pounding and fisting. The pain was overwhelming. One man laid down on the couch and had me lay atop him on my back. He stuffed his cock up my unprepared ass in one swift movement. Another man got between my legs and stuffed his large cock into my pussy. I was over full. I was being stretched. Pain and pleasure mixed creating exquisite sensations. Of the two other men, one put his cock in my mouth forging it down my throat. The other settled temporarily for me jerking his cock with my hard.
I was stuffed air tight. If it wasn’t enough that the one on my mouth were staying deep in my throat, blocking my air, another placed his hand around my throat squeezing. Things began getting dark. One of the men slapped me hard across the face, cracking my lip in an attempt to keep me awake, but it was no use. I was seeing stars. He released my throat quickly. The rush of air into my lungs, compiled with the sensations in my ass, pussy, and tits, combined to cause me to have a huge orgasm. As my orgasm subsided, I began to black out yet again. This time there was no coming back. I went out hard. When I awoke, my body was covered in cum, my skin was broken, and I was bloody in many places. I was sore in places I didn’t know were there.
The men were sitting at the table playing cards like nothing has happened. They had returned to their original roles of friendliness and offered me a ride back home. Another one of Daddy’s debts was paid.
Taboo Phone Sex Taking Down Prey
I have a need to hunt tonight and decided to dress up and go out to the goth club night and prey on some pathetic wannabe emo couple. These little wannabes are so fucking easy to spot their off the rack Mallrat clothes and looking all pathetic and depressed. I hate fucking brats that go to a club looking all depressed! I just need to give them something to be depressed about!
I will lure the dumb fucks out and make the closet faggot watch as I make out with his cunt of a girlfriend. I will get her all hot and bothered as the drugs I slipped in their drinks start to kick in. I will then invite the little bitchboi over and act all into him making his willy jump and spurt in his vinyl pants.
As the slut GF starts trying to be bold and grope at my breasts I go ahead and let her at my nipples and her BF also. I get the two of them sucking on my breasts as I take the silk scarf I teasingly draped around her neck and gave it a tug. As she started sputtering for breath I laughed and slipped it away from her neck cooing at her. I take and bind the little faggots wrists behind his back and slide a hypodermic out and slid the needle in his neck. Injecting him with a cocktail that will render him into a stupor.
Fingering the little cunts snatch I pinch her nipples and whisper in her ear that she will take her last breath with me.
You wanna know how I snuffed these fucking fools out? Well I suggest you use your imagination, and oh I love fucking the dead guys dick as his GF watches in horror.
Snuff Phone Call Gets Me Wet
Your calls get me so fucking wet. I don’t know why I like it when you torture me but I can’t get enough of it. I didn’t want to hang up. I even came multiple times during our call. You warned me you liked to get violent, and you knew I wanted it badly. You knew that I would submit to you, my body, willingly. Your voice was stern has you told me all the things you would do to me. You talked about burning my tits over a slow roaster, having them get nice and brown just like a Thanksgiving Day roast. Then you started sawing off my limbs, one by one, making me beg you. You made me tell you how much I wanted it. I did want it. I wanted to be your limbless whore. I wanted to do anything to please you and once you filled me up with cum and snuffed me, I came so fucking hard.