Category: Suffocation phone sex

Suffocation Phone Sex Fantasies Arouse Me

suffocation phone sexI enjoy suffocation phone sex. However, I need to be careful who I tell my fantasies to in real life. Some men make it their mission to make them cum true for me. Let me tell you about Daniel. We party together sometimes. Although he is not a dealer, he always has blow on hand and never minds sharing with me. But you must work for any and every bump you ask for. When we hooked up last night, to get my first bump, I had to share a dark fantasy. Since I am full of dark fantasies, I was not sure where to begin.

I shared with him the fantasy about a man or a woman face sitting on me so intensely that I lose consciousness. He gave me a bump. And I assumed we were good. Like it never dawned on me that he might try to suffocate me. I mean he is no snuff porn director. He is a middle-aged suburban pharmaceutical rep with a wife and three sons. He has the white picket fence and everything. Snuffing out bitches is not his thing. Or so I thought.

Never Tell Your Dark Fantasies to Men You Party With

He sat on my face while snorting lines. I could not breathe. All I could smell was his musky hairy ass. And I wanted to puke. Gross. The more I struggled, the more he sank himself into my face. And that made it harder and harder to breathe. I got lightheaded, and I think I passed out at one point. But he revived me. Used smelling salts to jolt me awake. However, he just jolted me awake to smother my face again. His balls blocked my nose. And his ass blocked my mouth.

Not sure why he wanted to do this. He may fuck me hard, but he has never abused me like this. Something got into my mild-mannered pharmaceutical rep. And he used me as his taboo phone sex whore. I passed out over 6 times. Each time revived, but what if he had not revived me? I guess everyone around me is capable of extreme violence. Even snuff.

Sadistic phone sex, give me your worst, make me suffer!

Sadistic phone sex

Let me give you a glimpse into the sordid and depraved world that I inhabit with Sadistic phone sex. Every day is a new nightmare, a new level of pain and humiliation that I never thought was possible. All for his twisted pleasure and entertainment. But at least he has the decency to give me his special powder to make things go a little easier. I guess I should be grateful for that small mercy, huh?

I was destined for a life of slavery and debasement. My Master saw to it that I was trained with only one purpose, to serve as a plaything for his sick and twisted desires. I was trained from a young age to submit to any and all demands, no matter how vile or degrading. My Master loves to inflict pain on me, the kind that makes me  wish for it all to end. 

He takes his sweet time doing it too, stretching out the torture for hours on end. He loves to  hook me up to a car battery, teasing me with little shocks and then he turns it on full blast. The shocks jolting down my body makes every muscle spasm in agony. And I can suffer for you just as much, you can give me all of your Rape phone sex fantasies!

He makes me tell him all of the worst punishments he has given me in the past. He knows how much I hate reliving the things he does to me and it gets him so hard. He only enters me when I’m drenched in sweat, my body a slippery mess of shame and self-loathing. He gets off on that look in my eyes, the one that says ‘just end it already’. But he doesn’t, He just keeps going. Always taking what he wants from me without a second thought.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve begged him to stop, to let me go. But it falls on deaf ears. I’m just a plaything to him, a slave to do with as he pleases. And I hate it. I hate every second of it. But what can I do? I’m trapped, both physically and mentally.

So I endure. I grit my teeth and take it, hoping that one day, somehow, I’ll be free from this life of pain and humiliation. But until then, I’m Marley, the victim slave whore, living at the mercy of my twisted Master. Let me fulfill your Snuff sex slave, make me suffer!


Sex with dead bodies is all he wants

Since my unc loves Sex with dead bodies, he would purposely knock me out and use my holes. “Come here little slut” he says to me as he pulls some rope out. “Close your eyes” he would instruct me to do. With fear in my body, I did as he asked. Once my eyes are closed my uncle rips my clothes off and starts to tie me up. “What a dumb little slut you are” he laughs as he puts me in the position he wants.

Sex with dead bodies

With my ass in the air and my face to the pillow I knew he was going to torture me. As he slams a dildo in my ass I try to scream but I can’t, my mouth is taped, and my uncle pushes my head down to the pillow. “There’s no point in fighting but if you do it makes it so much more fun for me” me unc says laughing. After some hard fucking of my ass, I could feel and smell blood dripping down my legs. Then I feel my uncle wrap his hands around my neck after he pulls the dildo out my ass.

After that he pushes his hard man cock in my butthole using the blood as lube. “You will see what bitches like you were made for” he says as he pounds my asshole. Then I feel my uncle start to suffocate me and squeeze on my neck. The pain from him thrusting his cock in my ass made me not notice how hard he was squeezing my neck.

Until I felt I could no longer breathe. I started to see stars and my body got weak. But my uncle’s pounding got harder too. As I passed out my uncle said, “that’s right bitch just stop breathing”. When I woke up, I was sore and dripping with his sperm. He just loves fucking a small limp body.

Suffocation phone sex up close and personal, fantasy rape?

            Suffocation phone sex up close and personal, fantasy rape? Tell me no. Then it will be hardcore. This girl wants to press her forearm into your jugular. Riding you until the end. It won’t be the first time or even the last time. After all I may have been sold to a gang but all they did was teach me how to really be nasty. Don’t want no short dick man. Not going to put up with vanilla crème sex with missionary. Shit that word is a curse word. One of the worst.

            Another key point is I am a killer. A killing machine that gets off on ending someone. Suffocation is very personal. Having the fantasy rape of you at the same time simply makes the thrill even better. Like knowing I don’t need to worry about protection. Never knew it was me in the first place. A little acid will eat through the dick. In fact, you can rest assured that as I prefer to watch you change colors as my forearm presses into your jugular. Your fingers get weak.

Suffocation phone sex up close and personal, fantasy rape?  Suffocation phone sex

           The air leaves your body slowly. Slippery tight wet pussy gripping your cock. Riding you. Making you want to gasp and keep going. The body is immobilizing. Feel the pop in the throat. Crushing the larynx. Tossing my head back. Now to ride you until you have suffocated yourself.

            That is the biggest kicker of them all now isn’t it. Crushing the larynx to make you suffocate yourself. How much eviler can a body be. Hidden depths and it does this pussy just aching to cum. Pulsating. You can even feel it. The harder I ride, the faster you die.

            Turning me into the Killer phone sex whore who decided a little fantasy rape to finish you off. Knowing that you are suffocating slowly and painfully.  As soon as I cum and you are gone going to quickly douse you in acid. Leaving no trace of me ever being there.

Ass Rape Porn on Mother’s Day Says I Love You Mom

ass rape pornFor Mother’s Day, I made an ass rape porn with my son. He brought me premium coke, to ease the pain while he beat me beautiful for our fans. Honestly, I still have not healed from our last encounter. So, now, I am sporting a mix and match look. Old bruises with fresh ones. And my body and face look like a mixture of black, blue, and purple bruises, which only arouses my boy more.

Seems like the older I get, the more abuse I can take. My asshole has so many miles, I need a butt blog or a thong to help keep it on the inside of my ass, not the outside. But of course, as soon as I arrived for my mommy makeover, my son forced me to remove my teeth and my butt plug. My asshole is his cock sleeve. A pretty pink cock sleeve. As soon as my asshole popped out, I heard the chimes. My boy buried my face in his cocaine. Then immediately went into the torture sex. Lots of men at home with mommy issues on Mother’s Day.

Boys Need a Mommy for Their Rape Fantasies

Immediately, I became his punching bag. Thank goodness the coke helped dull the pain because he wanted to put bruises on top of bruises. In between punches, he pissed in my mouth and nose, forcing me to drink his urine. When I saw the zip ties, I panicked a bit, and snorted more coke. First, he zip tied my tits. Then he put one around my neck like a choke collar. And I struggled to breathe. When he put the one on my prolapsed butt, I heard the barrage of chimes. His viewing audience knew what would come next.

With my asshole unable to retreat, my boy shoved his fist up his momma’s prolapse. My asshole engulfed his fist and the tips poured in. What happened next is a bit of a blur. Perhaps the coke or the concussion or both muddied my recall of the night. But I know he started punching my face and kicking me in the ribs while he pinned my arms and legs to the floor. He would take turns smacking me with his cock and his hands. Luckily, he let me snort some coke from the huge bowl.

Use My Prolapsed Asshole Like Your Cock Sleeve

He beat me retarded. In the full nelson pose, with my prolapse out, he rammed my head into the sheetrock wall. I saw stars. My boy used his mom like a battering ram, a toilet and a cock sleeve. I felt dizzy and disoriented after a few thrusts into the sheetrock wall. My boy concussed his mother. And his viewing audience egged him on. At one point I was suspended in the air by the sheetrock. My son rammed me so hard into the wall, I went through it. Blood trickled down my face and I saw stars.

My zip tied boobs hung down over the hole my body put in the wall. While my prolapsed ass hung on the other side. Even though I saw stars and heard chimes, my son did not care. I am his cash cow, his fuck meat, his toilet. But he loves me. Why else keep me coked up so I do not feel the pain. He placed a plastic bag over my head and battered up with the steel bat to treat my prolapsed ass like a pinata.

Two days later, I feel the pain of my boy’s rape phone sex fantasies. My shit pipe dangles on the outside even more than before. I have new bruises on top of old bruises. Perhaps, I have a concussion too. But I got my coke and on Mother’s Day. My boy loves me.

Ass Rape Porn Star Mommy Enjoys He Son Abusing Her During a Live Stream

ass rape pornIn exchange for my skinny powder, my oldest boy makes me his ass rape porn star. I’ve been his cash cow for years now. And my body has begun to show the wear and tear from our encounters. I live on cocaine. My body appears rail thin except for my big fake tits. My son bought me the tits and because of the abuse, he had to get them redone a few times. I am the only woman I know with an outie asshole too.

My son needed cash, so he wanted to live stream our session. As he turned the camera on, I heard the dings. But I remembered to take my false teeth out this time. He spit on my face, then tea bagged me which almost suffocated me with his big balls. As I struggled to breathe, my face began turning purple. But my son just laughed. Tears streamed down my face turning me into a raccoon as my makeup smeared. Suddenly, he pushed me off him. I sailed across the room. However, I landed near the big bowl of coke.

For what seemed like eternity, he pulled me like a rag doll mop across the floor by my prolapsed asshole. Some macabre torture sex game. I would get close enough to the bowl of coke but before I could sniff any, he pulled me back. His coke seemed always just out of reach for this battered old whore.

My Son Teases Me with Cocaine

As the chimes came in from his viewers, he would punch my prolapsed ass. He even stepped on my head. And he forced me to ask the viewers if I could get some coke. So, I pleaded with his at home viewers to let me snort some powder. With coke I can withstand much more abuse, I explained. And finally, he let me bury my face in the bowl of coke.

The only clothes I wore were some frilly schoolgirl white ankle socks. My body started turning various shades of blue and purple. After I got some coke in me, he started punching my soccer ball boobs. Perhaps, they are the only thing remotely perky on my old body.

When he wrapped the chain around my waist, I knew trouble was around the corner. He slipped on some brass knuckles and punched my fun bags until I thought they might explode. Would not be the first time he busted a boob. We played this sick game where he would lasso me with a metal chain and punch my boobs with the brass knuckles as he pulled me closer to him. Some morbid mommy son dance.

As he beat my ass and my prolapsed asshole, the chimes poured in. He but a suction pump on my outie asshole and swelled it up some more. That turned my prolapsed butthole into the perfect cock sleeve for my boy. He appeared to just be warming up. He tied me to the gangbang rape porn bench, and I knew I was in trouble. However, luckily for me, no other guests arrived to abuse my boy’s favorite fuck toy.

My Son Enjoys Teasing Mommy and Hurting Her Fun Bags

He tied my huge tits together under neath the bench. And my legs and arms, he fastened to the legs. I looked like an upside-down V.  But he did push the bowl of coke under my sniffer. I watched in horror as he picked up a steel bat. Batter up he said as he hit my shit pipe and tits like he was Babe Ruth. And in between home runs, he dipped his cock in my mouth to skull fuck me with so much force, I thought my neck might break in that bound position.

Once again, the chimes of tips poured in. But he wanted to fuck his cock sleeve, so he pushed his erect cock into my outie asshole.  However, in the middle of fucking my prolapsed asshole, my boy ripped me off the bench, tossed me across the room, and put a plastic bag over my head. But he tore a small hole in the side, which I thought was to let me breath a little.

But he put his dick through the hole and pissed into the bag. He did not want suffocation phone sex. He wanted to drown me in his piss. Once his pissed came above my nose I only had one choice. Swallow his piss or drown. So, I gulped his piss down to breathe again. But the chimes multiplied. Next thing I know, my son’s cock is in my piss hole pumping in and out.

A Battered and Bruised Mommy Just Took His Abuse

My boy pumped away at my urethra while shoving his fist up my asshole. My bladder and asshole took a beating. And the plastic bag did not let me breath much. He took turns hitting me in the face and punching my tits. And my eyes started to swell shut, and I think I passed out for a minute. And miss the fun? My son would not allow that. So, he punched me awake. Then he turned me into his sock puppet. With his fist all the way in my cunt, I looked like some lifeless skeleton fuck puppet thrashing about on his hand.

Thankfully, I knew it was almost over. As he took turns punching my head, tits and stomach, his dick dripped precum. Suddenly, he bounced me off the floor giving me a likely concussion. I thought he had finished. The sudden movement felt like he was done with me for the time being. But no. He grabbed my throat, pulled me up off the floor and came down my throat with such force, it felt like a shotgun went off.

Another visit from my son left me battered, swollen and bruised. Every session he gets more and more violent. Perhaps, one day he will visit me, and I will not bounce back.

Cannibalism phone sex is not too extreme for me!

Cannibalism phone sex Cannibalism phone sex is not too extreme for me! I crave the taste of human flesh, the succulent texture of fresh meat, and the thrill of the hunt. I’m a cannibal, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. In fact, I revel in it. The taste, the texture, the aroma – it’s all so intoxicating. 

My Master is the one who turned me into this insatiable, flesh-eating whore. He saw something in me that no one else did, and he knew I was destined for a life of debauchery and depravity. He took me under his wing, and I’ve been his loyal whore ever since.

I love to eat the flesh of a freshly killed whore while my Master’s cock is in my ass. The feeling of his thick, throbbing member pounding away at my tight asshole is indescribable. It’s like a drug, and I can’t get enough of it. As he fucks me, I feed like a wild animal, tearing into the flesh of my fellow whores. The taste of their blood and the texture of their flesh send me into a frenzy of pleasure and ecstasy.

Our Snuff sex is  so hot! When I feed him his favorite parts of a whore’s body, I bite that sweet little pussy off and spit it into his mouth. He loves it when I do that, and it only makes him fuck me harder. I can feel his cock swelling inside me, and I know he’s close to cumming. My Master knows how much I love to eat brains, and he always saves the best for me. He’ll fuck me hard and deep, and the skull fuck the whore until he explodes. The best part is when he pulls out and let me feast on his cum and the brains of the whore he just fucked

 I love being a horny little zombie. It’s like I’m consuming their very essence, their thoughts, their desires, and their fears. I can feel their life force coursing through me, and it only makes me more ravenous for more. I can feel the warmth of her blood on my tongue, and I savor every last bite. It’s a life of depravity, and it’s what I deserve. So, if you’re ever in the mood for a hot, evil cannibal whore, look no further than me, Marley. I’ll give you the ride of your life, and I’ll make sure you never forget it. Just remember, I’m not your typical whore. Call for yummy Taboo phone sex, lets eat, daddy!



Accomplice Phone Sex Fantasy Calls Allow Us to Go Down the Rabbit Hole

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex can be our dirty secret. I love to help men explore their depravity. Perhaps, even take them on a journey down the rabbit hole. And I love my party guys. Whatever your drug of choice is, I bet it fills your mind with taboo thoughts, right? And I party some too. A lot of weed. And sometimes some old-fashioned noise candy mixed in for fun.

Mike and I went down the rabbit hole of young girls last night. So, I acted like that devil on his shoulder, encouraging him to do bad things to the little cock tease next door. Get this. She is a hot teen slut and a cheerleader too. She jumps on her trampoline with no spanks on under her cheerleader skirt so her handsome older neighbor can see her bald pussy.

But she wants him. Why else show her bald cunt to him? Although she may not understand the world of trouble she brought upon herself. And that is okay. Lessons girls need to learn early on. Mike’s rape phone sex fantasies for this teen whore turned more violent with me as his accomplice. We did a fantasy roleplay where he asked her to come in the house. From there, I helped bind and gag her so she could not escape.

If You Force Fuck a Young Bitch, I Will Encourage You to Snuff Her Too

But once he began fucking her, he began to worry about her telling some one what he did to her. Easy fix for that I told him. Kill her. Dead bitches tell no lies. So, we began fantasizing how to kill the little whore. He shared his violent fantasies with me. However, I think I inspired him to go darker when I suggested a few ways to kill her.

One of the first things I suggested resembled a suffocation phone sex call. I wanted to sit on her face while he fucked her. Smother her with my pussy. Maybe even let him fuck her after my pussy dimmed her light. The great thing with me as your accomplice is that nothing is off limits. We can go down any rabbit hole you want!

Kidnapping phone sex of young sluts for taboo fun!

Kidnapping phone sexKidnapping Phone sex of young sluts gets me off, what can I say? One sunny morning, I received a mysterious text message from my P perv boyfriend, Jonah. He told me he’d found our victim. I quickly pulled on my favorite all-black outfit—a tight, sleeveless crop top, low-rise jeans, and knee-high boots—and met him at the spot: the public park behind the mall.

Kidnapping Phone sex of young sluts

Jonah had already set up the tripod and camera, ready to record our heinous act. MMM, I could feel the wetness between my thighs just thinking about the poor bitch we were going to humiliate and fuck. We waited until we saw a group of girls walking towards the park. I watched them, my heart racing with snuff sex excitement as I identified the girl we’d been stalking at school, Chelsea. She was tall, with long blonde hair and a slender body. It was always so mean of her to make fun of my slim body and lack of tits!

Snuff sex accomplice teen

We followed them to the park. Chelsea was with two other popular girls, Emma and Morgan, both of whom had big chests that I envied. We waited until they were alone before pouncing on them. I tackled Emma from behind, pinning her to the ground while Jonah held a rag soaked in chloroform over her mouth. She struggled for a moment, but then her body went limp as she sank into unconsciousness. Morgan tried to run, but I grabbed her from behind and dragged her back!

Torture sex for teens who deserve????????

Chelsea was the last one standing, and I took her by surprise, hitting her from behind and knocking her to the ground. She tried to fight back, but I was too quick for her. I straddled her, my knees pinning her arms to the ground, while My pussy suffocated her! 

We took them to the nearby woods, and tied them up, gagging their screams with duct tape. Jonah started recording as I undressed them, one by one, admiring their perfect bodies as I stripped them bare. I felt the tingles in my cunny once again, excitement building up inside me. I turned to Jonah,”Let’s get started,” I whispered.

Jonah nodded, and we began our sickening Torture sex ritual. We took turns torturing and humiliating our victims, using various instruments of pleasure and pain. We whipped them, sucked on their toes, and even shoved objects in their tight asses. I felt my cunny begging for release. That night, as I lay in bed, my hand between my legs, I couldn’t help but think about the three girls tied up! I knew they’d suffer for months, their bodies bruised and bleeding! And in my twisted mind, that thought sent me over the edge, my cunny throbbing with pleasure as I came.

Torture sex: Join the society of abject depraved sex slaves!

Torture sexYou are going to fall into a disastrous non-consensual love affair, with me. Nobody will ever believe that a petite Hot teen slut like myself was able to overpower you. Cum join the society of abject depraved sex slaves used as nothing more than a tool for my pleasure. Brutal Torture sex and guidance are what you’ll endure as you self-inflict your wounds. Complete Cock control is what I am going to have over you. After you have been advised to claw stroke your cock while I twitter dirty details into your perverted ears you will be given one chance to cum.

If you dare whimper, you will suffer severe consequences!

I have lured you into my realm, which is a living hell. I am going to seduce and ruin your life… You should have thought with the head on your shoulders rather than the one that throbs between your thighs. Now, look who has lost all control. You belong to me now, who would have thought that a phone call to wank would have led you down a dark alley of Castration phone sex… I am sure you didn’t think you’d be ending a call where your balls are left black and blue and within days you would no longer have a pair… But, that is the fate of a pig like you who is always out seeking pleasure.

You just met your match, I am a Homewrecker…

You just made the ultimate sacrifice, there is no saying how far I will go or what mood I will be in. Play at your own risk! If you ever disobey or even think to deceive me I will hit you where it hurts, most. Your wifey may be murdered and dismembered and tortured beyond her wildest dreams. Redeem yourself for the catastrophe that comes with playing with the grim reaper, I am a Goth teen phone sex slut with no limits to what pain and suffering a pervert like yourself will endure.