Category: Suffocation phone sex

Girl’s Night Out

Ass rape porn

I normally love girl’s night out but when my best friend ditched me at the bar to go meet her boyfriend I was fucking pissed. I sat at the counter ordering shot after shot until I could barely see straight. That’s when you found me, just another drunk whore. It didn’t take much convincing to get me to go home with you when I couldn’t even remember my own name. As soon as you shut the door you dropped the nice guy act and slapped me hard across the face, knocking me to the ground. You dragged me to the bedroom by my hair while I kicked and screamed but it was a futile attempt. You threw me on the bed and ripped off my clothes. I was begging you to stop but you just hit me harder and pinned me down. Your rock hard cock finding my wet hole and thrusting in hard. You just cared about getting off. I guess my pussy wasn’t enough because you flipped me over and forced your thick dick into my tight little asshole. I screamed out in pain but you just pushed my face so hard into the bed I couldn’t breathe. I must’ve passed out because I woke up naked in the street with cum leaking out of my ass. You tossed me away like the worthless piece of trash I am.


all for the raise

snuff moviesI made a few snuff movies with my boss. I was desperate for a cash advance and wanted a raise so severely. I was willing to be his cum dump and get used fuck like the filthy cum slut I am. I was ready to do it all for the right amount. I was willing to be used long term. I was surely not treated like a princess. I was a piece of meat and was going to put in my place like so. I was going to be beaten and fucked so hard. I knew I was a slave after it all. It was so painful to be stretched out, and the first session ruined my tight holes. It wasn’t easy, but I made it alive in my first session with my boss. Now I have about a dozen more to go.

Snuff Sex Your Fucked Up Ex, As I Did Mine

I had it completely with the fucking twerp boyfriend of mine. This little faggot started flirting with danger when I caught him trying to hook up with tranny’s and take dick like a little bitch boi. I only kept him around for the fact that he had a nice car I got to drive, and the fact this little faggy bitch would take care of cleaning and cooking. But when I see the shit he was up to I was done and snuff sex was all that was on my mind! I confronted him only to have him try and squirm out of it. I was sure to get him to sign over that car to me and withdraw a grand from his account to give me for my troubles. When he least expected it I really took care of the problem. I arranged a big black guy to “hook up” with the bitch and fuck his world up while I showed up and videotaped him making an ass rape porn of his bitch ass getting what he deserved. His ass was destroyed and I jumped in and took hold of those balls and cut the damned things out. A bitch faggot like Dominique didn’t deserve a girlfriend as fine as me!

Snuff sex

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Snuffing Mommy

Killer phone sex

My Daddy always said that he hated naughty little sluts. Last Saturday, I came home from shopping with my friends at the mall to find daddy waiting for me as soon as I walked in. I was so shocked that he returned home from his business trip early, but he told me that he had to cut it short because he received a call from mall security. They told Daddy that I stole thongs and bras from the lingerie store with my friends. He grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the wall making my head bleed. Daddy asked why I am behaving so badly and why I am dressing like a whore like my friends. He pushed his fingers inside my stolen panties and rubbed my cunnie until it dripped wet. He asked if I deserved to be punished and I begged him not to. He said instead he would punish my mother for letting me dress like such a slut. He dragged mommy into the living room by her hair and made me sit on her face with my bare cunnie while he defiled her with his cock. Daddy made me watch while he had his rape fantasy with mommy. Mommy screamed and screamed into my wet cunnie but Daddy wrapped his hands around her neck and squeezed tightly until she couldn’t breathe. Daddy suffocated her while I rubbed my wet hard clitty all over her face until I squirted all over her blue face. Daddy told me that my punishment was to snuff my mommy with him and I did as I was told. Now if I want to continue to live, I had to bring Daddy all my little whorish friends to snuff one by one. It would serve as a lesson to me for being a slut like them, he said.

Cock After Cock After Cock

Roleplay phone sexI had an interesting torturous weekend. Master took me out of town for what he said was a slave vacation. Ha! I will tell you almost dying from different men’s dicks fucking my skull like I am a sex slave doll is not a vacation. It was exciting, but no vacation to me, or my throat. My master wanted to show some of the other masters how you really deep throat, and fuck a slaves throat. He also wanted to show them how a little slut slave is supposed to take any mans cock. If master says I am going to get my skull fucked until I blackout, then that is what is going to happen. My master had the men spread out around town, Master told me where I need to go and let me know these men will be kidnapping me. I have to do whatever these men want me to do. Master gave them orders not to go too far and actually kill me. I doubt these men would have gotten that far anyway. What they did do was stick their cock, balls deep down my throat. Each cock suffocated the life out of me. My master had to pick me up from the last man, I passed out from him ramming his big thick meat so hard into my throat. All I heard before it happened was him calling me a nigger slut slave and everything went black. I lost my voice, I am not sure if it will return anytime soon. Seeing those men take their aggression out on my slut slave mouth, did have me very excited. It was an exciting weekend. I am always willing to help out any Master, even if I have no choice anyway.

Deepthroat Victim

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My school teacher says my throat is only good for one thing. He says that my constant talking in class is going to get me into big trouble and he is sick of it. After class, he dragged me to his car and drove me to his house talking about how he was going to silence me once and for all. When we got there, he dragged me down to the basement and strapped me down to a table. He whipped me every time I dared open my mouth until my tiny tits and body were covered in gashes and bright red welts. He shoved his thick cock down my throat until I could barely scream or even breathe. He throat fucked my young throat and gripped his hands around it until my throat bones began to crack and crumbled all around his cock. He suffocated me with his cock and forced his cum deep down into my broken throat.

Orgasm Into Punishment

Ass rape pornYou are going to punish my chocolate slave pussy for not listening to you. You told me not to cum and I ended up squirting right here all over your cock. I know I was not allowed to have an orgasm. I was supposed to take everything you gave me and not let myself go too far. I do like to be punished though, it is something that will make my nigger slave cunt squirt even harder. Maybe that is something I shouldn’t let you know. The thought of you taking your strong hands and placing them around my neck calling me a stupid nigger. I can barely breathe and the only thing that is keeping me from passing out is the feeling of your rock hard cock thrusting hard and deep into my black slave asshole. I can feel the blood dripping from my ass every time your cock comes out for a second. You quickly thrust yourself back inside of me, pushing up the blood with it. I know you like to use my blood as your personal lube. The room is starting to spin and it is going dark. You do not care, the only thing you care about is if I am being a good little nigger sex slave. I am sure you would love if I died right now as you were fucking me. If I wasn’t such a good nigger slut to you, you probably would have killed me by now and fucked my lifeless body.


snuff sexI knew snuff sex was the way to his heart but to keep him from wandering I had to amp it up. When my master’s ex-girlfriend started resurfacing, I knew it meant trouble for me. Not only was she a freak she was a pyscho willing to do it all. For a while now I have been asked to stab my holes for his pleasure. I have been adamant about not doing so. However, things do change. As soon as I saw I was quickly replaceable, I decided to do what his heart desired and ruin myself to the limit. I knew seeing me bloody would make him commit to me even more. Blood and tears get his cock off instantly. I did what I had to do to keep the pyscho ex away.

Smile Through The Pain

Keeping a smile on my face while multiple men either one at a time or in a group abuse me and fuck me hard is something I now have to do. It is something master came up with while teaching one of his classes. They want to see me try as hard as I can to smile while the pain is being inflicted on me. This all started last week. On my first day, I thought I was going to die. The men went in on me hard, they wanted to see me fail and give me a punishment. I did not fail though, even when five men surrounded me, blasting their cocks in every one of my holes while tying a leash around my neck suffocating me, I still kept a smile on my face.Rape phone sex fantasies I was not going to let these men see me fail. In fact, I did so well when one of the men decided to take a knife and twist it in my asshole causing me to bleed out heavily I decided to moan a little. The amount of blood coming out of my ass was a lot, I was going in and out of consciousness, the men could tell and started to get bored. They knew if they punished me now for my smile starting to fade away from trying not to pass out, they would not have a lot of fun torturing me. The men left, one guy stayed with me to fuck me one last time while I was slumped on the wet grass, the blood made his cock go in real smooth. That is the last thing I remember before passing completely out.

Teen Rape Snuff Porn Fantasy

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I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was in the library picking out books when I heard the double doors slam shut and scuffling, followed by yelling. I hid behind the racks. Suddenly someone placed a bag over my head and dragged me away. I couldn’t see what was happening, but I heard the voices talking about taking hostages. I begged for my life but was choked and slapped around if I dared to speak. They tore apart my clothes and I heard gasps around the room. The men knocked me down to the ground and forced my legs open. My arms and legs were held down, I couldn’t fight back. They forced their thick huge cocks in all my holes, squeezing the bag tighter and tighter around my face to where I couldn’t breathe. With every gasping, dying breath, they just force fucked my holes harder and harder. Until I could no longer stay alive.