Category: Suffocation phone sex

Suffocation Phone Sex Cunt

suffocation phone sex

When guys call me for snuff fantasies it’s usually about me being strangled with his bare hands or stabbed and cut up. But the other day, I got a suffocation phone sex call and let me tell you, that REALLY made my pussy wet. It actually started out as a normal call and he told me he wanted to get on top of me and fuck me. I was thinking that it was just going to be a boring call, but then he said he was reaching for the pillow that was next to my head. I thought he was going to put it under my hips, but that’s not what he did at all.

He took the pillow and put it over my face. I thought he was joking but then he pressed down harder as I struggled back and forth. The more I struggled, the harder he fucked me. It hurt so much at first, but then things started to feel peaceful. I think he emptied his cum inside me just about the time I took my last breath. Do you have a suffocation fantasy or maybe you just want to hear more about my call? Call me so we can play!

Kill Your Cunt Of A Mother

Murder Phone Sex FantasiesMy pets know exactly how to keep my killer cunt dripping. I adopted a new boy, and he is as sadistic as he is sweet. He wants me to help him kill his rich bitch Mommy, and no request has ever sounded sweeter to my sadistic slut ears. Listen now, beloved. Goddess is going to be very fucking clear; if you fuck this up, I’ll flay you myself and leave you for the crows, do you understand? Grow a backbone, baby. Your first kill is always the hardest.
Your mother, she’s immobile and unresponsive. Her in-home nurses take such good care of Mommy dearest, but those little nurse whores cost a pretty penny, don’t they? My boy wants his inheritance, and he wants it now; so listen up and don’t fuck up.
Wait until her naughty nurses go, and then give mommy a sip of water. She’ll thank you, with her eyes since her bitch body has betrayed her. This is easy prey, baby boy. Do what Goddess says. Slide into bed with Mommy like you do, and ram a short stem funnel in her stupid cunt mouth, and pinch her ugly fucking nose closed. Pour water, and give her a real drink. Oh yeah, we’re dry drowning this bitch.
Pour, and pour, and pour for that whore. Her medulla oblongata will make her swallow, but eventually it will make her breathe too! She can only drink for so long, isn’t that right?
When she is forced to breathe in, she’ll get a lung full of water. Pull that funnel out, and clamp a strong hand over the mouth that humiliated you so much as a brat. Don’t let her choke it out. Make her drown. And when you watch her monitor, her blood pressure will shoot up, her heart beat will skyrocket. Watch her oxygen levels dwindle, and her heart flat line.
Call the nurses and cry. Turn that fear into the best acting moment of your life. No one will question her poor baby boy. Smile inside, sweetness. You took your first victim, and filled your pockets at the same time. Remember to Worship Goddess. I know exactly what you’ll buy me as thanks.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

Addicted To Snuff Porn

snuff porn

I’ve found myself looking up snuff porn lately and I’ve been so excited by all the things I’ve found. I used to think that I was only turned on by strangulation snuff, but my eyes have been opened to a whole new world of sinister things. I didn’t know I could be turned on by the thought of someone being eviscerated. Who knew?! Just the thought of someone being completely ripped open, blood gushing everywhere…that’s pretty fucking sexy and I wish I’d found out that I love it sooner than I did. But now that I know I love it, I want you to call me and turn ME into the victim.

Imagine this: You have me all tied up to your bed, with a ball gag in my mouth. I keep trying to scream but you tell me that my attempts are futile and that this only has one ending for me. You climb up between my legs, knife in hand. You push your giant cock into my cunt and start fucking me. While you’re thrusting, you run the edge of the knife over my stomach and slice me a little. As you get closer and closer to orgasm, the cuts become deeper. Do you want to hear the rest? 

I Love Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phone sexI love accomplice phone sex calls. For one, it is a break from the violent attention on me. I know that sounds bad, but some of you are extreme on me. I like the chance to be extreme on some one else occasionally. I know what my man likes. I have aged out for him which is why he uses me like a fucking whore. My princess days are over. He sometimes gets a hankering for something super young. I used to feel bad about leading a little innocent girl to a brutal demise, but I have come to believe it is all about survival of the fittest. If he is sodomizing and killing some little brat, at least he is not sodomizing and killing me. Callous, I know, but I am still alive despite the violence I have endured. So, when I knew master wanted something young, I got him just what he wanted. I held her down while he forced his big cock up her tiny cunt. He ripped her pussy in two. She had a gaped hole that was bleeding. She was crying from the pain. She was begging for mercy.  Mercy would have been for me to dope her up with smack or suffocate her, but if I put her out of her misery, master would have put me out of mine. I just did as he told me. I filmed him violating her tiny holes. That kind of snuff porn goes for serious money. I knew I would not see a dime, but if I helped, I would live. So, I did my part. I held the tiny girl down as master used her fuck holes. When he was done cumming in her tiny holes, I suffocated her and buried in the woods. I do as I am told. That is how I survive.

He Was Sick Of That Bitch

He called me up and wanted to talk about ways to kill the bitch wife of his. We settled on suffocation phone sex with some plastic bag fun. It’s easy and contains the mess perfectly. I told him to just get a contractors bag as they are my favorite heavy duty bags to use for all my clean up. I use them as tarps and as ways to haul remains out. Contractor trash bags that are heavy fucking duty are my sidekick man! I always keep a couple around with a roll of duct tape, scissors, and some kind of twine or rope. I always have a knife at hand and it goes without saying I always have either vodka or some Everclear on hand also. I wouldn’t be a good sadist without any of those things. And lets not forget a few kinds or things for fire! Ya know I started out as a little bit of an arsonist. I remember setting a church on fire once as a wee thing. But that is another story. So anyway, back to the bitch wife. I directed him to drug her drink, get her passed out really good. Take the trash bag and duct tape. Put the bag on her head and fasten the tape around the bag at her head. Then he needed to violate the fuck out of her whore cunt and ass and use anything he had once he was done hate fucking her. But be sure that he gets satisfaction while she suffocates to her death and the shock that he causes those holes as he tears them up. If he needed I would be by after dark to finish her off. He followed orders quite well and we hauled the dead whores body away to a swamp full of crocs.

Suffocation phone sex

Snuff Sex Is My Favorite

snuff sex

Have you ever found yourself thinking about the ultimate taboo subject? You know what I’m talking about – snuff sex. I know a lot of people might think that’s weird, but I don’t. I’m a submissive girl and I love the thought of someone literally fucking me to death. It’s the most amazing way of surrendering to your lover. I sometimes masturbate while I think about someone fucking me from behind and wrapping his hands right around my throat. As he starts to fuck me harder, he starts to squeeze harder. I can’t breathe very well, but I don’t care because his dick is making me feel so good.
In my fantasy, he squeezes until I pass out but I’m still alive. When I wake up, he fucks me again and again. Every time, a different position. But every time, he squeezes until I lose consciousness. Every time I wake up, I’m surprised that I’m still alive and finally I tell my lover to put his hands around my throat and squeeze until I completely stop breathing. I want to give him the ultimate gift of my life. If reading that made your dick hard, pick up the phone and call me.

Snuff Porn at Church

snuff pornI was in the mood to make snuff porn. Perhaps it is all the horror films I have been watching on Shudder or maybe its just my nature. All I knew was that I had to get out of the house and kill something. Kill something young and tender. I got in my car and drove around. My town was a ghost town. No one out. Hunting is challenging because nothing is open. My usual hunting grounds are empty like malls and public parks. I can’t leave the state without my license plate being recorded. I could, however, leave the county. I drove three hours to this city with a crazy pastor saying God will protect him and his congregation Stupid fucks like that are breeders. I knew there would be brats there. I am a blasphemy sex bitch anyway. I have no problem killing on so called holy ground. The world needs one less Bible thumper in the world anyway, don’t you agree? I mean the God fanatics are out in droves and their little crotch fruit will grow up to be just like them. I grabbed a little angel who was in the hallway by herself. She wondered off, I guess. I suffocated her just enough so she would pass out. I put her in my trunk and took her to the woods behind the church. I made it look like a satanic sacrifice. Hail Satan. I mean these are some end of times. I put her in the middle of a pentagon and cut her open. Sliced her tender flesh. Fucked her tiny holes and dismembered her. It was a bloody hell of a scene, but I worked out some aggression and maybe taught those bible thumpers a lesson about having church in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.

Faith Loves Blasphemy Sex

blasphemy sex

Easter Sunday is my favorite time of year because that’s the day I love to get lost in blasphemy sex. It’s the day that I visit my old pastor from when I was a young girl. I’m laughing because that man still doesn’t know how to resist the forbidden fruit of my loins. He desperately tries to and I always see that look of terror on his face whenever I enter the church in my slutty little Easter dress, with no panties on underneath and take my usual seat at the front row. I love watching him sweat bullets up at the podium while he tries to focus on preaching about Jesus coming back from the dead and blah blah blah. I know what’s really rushing through his mind and body and that’s me. He knows that I’ll be the last one to leave the building and he knows that he won’t have the strength to say no to my young little cunt yet again. I sit there teasing him as he recites versus from the good book like a damn robot. I spread my legs a little and slip my hand up underneath my bible and begin to play. This is when he starts to peak whenever he gets a chance. I know he’s trying to control that raging hard-on happening behind that preachers stand, but I know him well enough to know that he’s just oozing pre-cum while he reads from the book of Matthew. I can’t wait to tell you how the rest of that Sunday played out for my poor old preacher.

Asphyxiation Whore

strangulation phone sex

How do you like your bitches to be when you call for asphyxiation fetishes? Do you want a struggle? Does it make your cock throb and drip when you hear me squeal and beg for my life? I won’t be able to beg for long because your hands are more than ready to grip my throat, right? I see you rubbing them together covered in black gloves. The sadistic glint in your eye makes my heart beat against my rib cage like a frightened bird.I can’t believe this is happening to me. You said I have no safe word.
I lay on my back beneath you and plead with bloodshot eyes. Your dick responds and you laugh at my suffering. You release me just enough to let me get some air. Then you dive directly back into strangulation phone sex and then you pierce me with your raging hard cock. Your thumb presses bruises into my neck but it doesn’t matter, no one will see them. The makeup will cover them, if you even allow my body to be recovered. I understand that you might keep me for personal reasons. Can you think of any uses for me after?

Sadistic Lovin’

evil phone sex

A lot of us girls are super attracted to bad guys. It’s something hardwired into our DNA and we can’t help it. Mine goes a little bit further. I’m a monster fucker, in my fantasies anyway. I dream of being used and fucked by the most sadistic and cruel men on the planet. My wicked masochistic cunt craves evil phone sex. Can you deliver that to me? Can you perform your dark rituals using my body and my blood? I’m your sacrifice for the dark lord. My wet pussy trembles at the thought of your absolute evil. Are you ready?
I hope that the dark lord will welcome your sacrifice and be pleased by it. As I imagine laying on the altar under the moon and stars I get so aroused. Will you give me purpose by offering me to further your magic and your service to Satan? What a deviously beautiful end to my life to have you lay me open on the altar for him. How will you do it? Will you plunge the ceremonial knife into my heart? Will you kiss the blood away that drips from my quivering lips as I go cold? I am ready.