Category: Strangulation phone sex

Ass Rape Porn with the Snowman

I had the craziest nightmare. I guess its all the xmas decorations everywhere and the cold weather combined, and it all got inside my twisted mind. I drove home late last night and had seen a snowman in a neighbors yard. I am sure some neighbors had made it earlier that day, but something about it creeped me out. Instead of having a carrot for a nose, the neighbors had stuck the carrot where his cock would be – I am sure trying to be funny. I figured I was just tired and needed to get inside away from all this xmas crap.

I must have fallen asleep on the couch and next thing I knew it seemed as if I had woke up and it was freezing cold. As cold as it would be outside in the snow. But I was inside. In some house I didn’t recognize. It was dark, but I could see, and I was naked. My nipples were hard from the cold, and I could see something lurking in the corner of the room. It was huge, and it didn’t quite look like a man. It stepped into the light where I could see, and it was the fucking snowman from the neighbor’s yard!

This thing was alive and coming towards me. My heart was racing and everything was going in slow motion like it does in dreams. It grabbed my naked body and its grip sliced into my arms. I tried to pull away, but it pressed its frozen body against mine and it was so cold that it felt like it was burning my naked tits. Then I felt something sharp and cold poking me between my legs, and I remembered the carrot! I tried to pull away again, knowing this thing was going to try to fuck me. It was so strong, and caught me as I spun around.

It gripped me tight from behind and shoved its carrot cock right in my ass. It was sharp and cold and dry and tore my asshole as it stabbed its way in. I felt like I was in the weirdest ass rape porn video ever made. I was screaming for this snow beast to let me go, and just when i felt its arms begin to wrap around my neck and tighten, I woke up. My heart was pounding, and as I gathered my thoughts I realized that I had cum all over the couch. I stood up`to go get a towel, and realized that somehow I was naked, just like in the dream. When I put my feet on the floor I stepped in a huge puddle of ice cold water – it looked like something had melted all over the floor.

I made my way to the window and peeked out to see if the snowman was still there. Sure enough, it was, but it was looking towards my window with that carrot cock pointing straight at me, the tip of it dripping with blood.

Snuff Porn with Blair

snuff porn mommy murderDo you like snuff porn? One of my Master’s does. In fact, he forced me to help him kidnap a young college girl. I actually knew her, which made it worse. Of course she willingly got in the van with me. I had her believing I had a job opportunity for her starring in an independent film. Said I had a friend who needed a young girl to act like she was being stalked in the woods. It was going to be a thriller movie and she had to be convincing as a scared girl.  I took her to where she would meet her death. She was so innocent, so unsuspecting. Master put me in charge of holding the camera. He was going for the realism and hand held camera affect of the Blair Witch Project.

Once I introduced them, he let her run free in the woods. He acted like he was hunting her, but he was not acting. When he struck the first blow to her head, she screamed out my name. But I knew my place. I had to ignore her pleas for help, and let master torture her, force himself on her, and eventually kill her. She put up a fight. He beat her with a bat, strangled her with his hands, violated her holes with his cock and the bloody bat he bashed her head with. He eventually strung her up with a rope abd tied her to a tree branch until she died from strangulation. I filmed it all. The screams, the pleading, the gasping for air, the blood, the forced sex, the twitching in the air… every sick perverse moment I capture on film for Master to sell for profit. Snuff porn is a big money maker these days, and according to master the more real it looks the more money it brings. Nothing more real than dead.

Master saw my guilt as we buried her in a shallow grave. He was not happy that I showed remorse. This made him doubt my loyalty. He always tells me, no one ever misses a worthless cunt. Then he reminds me I am a worthless cunt. As we were walking back to the car, he whacked me hard over the head with the shovel we buried her with.  I felt blood trickle down my face before I passed out. I woke up tied up in the back of the van. I heard him say I was gonna star in his next snuff porn.

snuff porn killer torture

Please no more!

Please mister, Please I promise I wont tell anyone where I was. PLEASE LET ME GO! .

Taboo phone sex Makayla sps 3

No matter how many times I begged him he wouldn’t stop hitting me.  He wouldn’t stop. I begged and pleaded. I offered him money. He never said a word. He grunted, and moaned but never said one word to me. He never asked me my name, where I was from. He just hit me. He spanked my ass until it bleed. He fucked my mouth until I vomited all over him.

I tried to bite him when ever he touched my mouth, or my face.Taboo phone sex Makayla sps

I would scream and cry.

He got tired of hearing me talk.

He put this thing in my mouth that held it open.

I drooled all over myself.

If I cried he smack me. 

He hit me so hard I could hear my teeth cracking against the metal in my mouth. 

There was a hole in this thing big enough for his cock to fit in. I couldn’t bite down on him any more. I could close my mouth against him. He just fucked it. After a while I just went numb. I stopped crying. I stopped fighting. That is when he tied me up. 

Taboo phone sex Makayla sps 2 He put a bar between my ankles so my legs stayed apart. 

Then he pulled my arms up and behind me if I tried to bed my knees it felt like I was going to break my shoulders. 

That is when he got his thin stick. 

He beat me until I started to cry again. 

I had that fucking thing in my mouth, my hands tied behind my back and my legs forced open. 

I was drooling, and crying so hard that I had snot bubbles coming  out of my nose and going into my mouth. 

I screamed and cried. 

He kept hitting me, harder and harder. 

I could no longer take this abuse and pain. I tried to fall to my knees. 

I was such and idiot. I dislocated both of my shoulders and passed out from the pain. I had no idea where I was when I woke up. I was scared and unable to talk, unable to move. 

That is when my mother walked into the room, I realized then and only then I was finally free from that man.. 

Or so I had hoped I was. 

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies ~ Addicted to Pain ~

It was so fast, everything was a whirlwind and then BAM! I turn around and at the very second I was punched right in my face. I must have fallen and knocked my head on the chair rail at the bar. My hair was matted, I was black and blue and awoke to a cock in every hole.

The drugged coma lifted a few hours after I last recall consciousness. My clothes were ripped off and my breasts, face and thighs were sticky with cum. I tried moving only to find I was bound  to an old military bed with a pillow under my backside. Seems I have been receiving cock since they dragged me to the warehouse behind the bar.

As I showed signs of waking up they had a big glass of water for me they forced me to drink. As I spatted out the bad taste in my mouth they forced the glass to empty in my mouth and down my throat making me choke. I was gasping and spitting trying to recover. Before I was able to take a clear breath I had a huge black cock shoved down my throat. I started puking on this cock but another guy yanked my head back forcing all the water back down my throat.

rape phone sex fantasies Geneva 001

My face is being fucked hard as I am choking on water, cum and stomach acid and forced to swallow it all. Further impacting my breathing there was rope pulling against my trachea. This enormous  black cock started spurting thick streams of cum in my mouth and head still held back. I felt all breathing cut off, was gasping and struggling. Near dead I came to in the back of a speeding ambulance. I kept hearing how lucky I was… And that was exactly what was going through my mind as I reached to feel my drenched panties.

There Is An Art To Strangulation Phone Sex

strangulation phone sex angieBeing a visual person when it comes to torturing and snuffing my victims, I have never been one to enjoy the art of strangulation…..until recently that is. I don’t receive the same pleasure that I do when I can see, touch and taste blood, however I have discovered a fine art to strangulation that I find very satisfying. I am finding that the ways to administer this particular brand of torture are infinite. There are ways to tie my victim up so that each time he/she struggles or moves they cause their own strangulation. Very satisfying to watch the fear build and to watch them try to not move despite the pain that I am administering. I also have figured out how to use my rack to slowly increase the pressure of a rope around the neck over a drawn out period while the torture continues and the airway is closed slowly and meticulously. I am finding the most delight however in wrapping a strap around the neck and looking into the eyes of my victim as I tighten it, cutting off the airway. The way the face turns red and the eyes begin to bulge out of the skull is particularly satisfying to me. the best part is I can release that pressure at just the right moment before they loose consciousness and let them gasp for life giving air, continuing to torture until I feel the need to administer the pressure again, draining the life from them and relishing in the discoloration of their face and the way it contorts, Over and over again, for hours I can enjoy this method of snuffing a bitch. Hell I can even keep her for days like this. Yes strangulation phone sex has become very satisfying and the more I experiment and play with it, the more I like it.strangulation phone sex


victim phone sex laylaLayla is one of the few black dancers who are very popular with the clients at “Club Lexus”. She is one of the favorites with the clients mostly because of the roles that she plays on stage, Dominatrix, young school girl, trashy lady looks along with her gymnastic pole dancing routines are very daring she almost looks like the opening act at the club with her gracefulness.

But lately Layla has been racking up a huge bill with the club because of her being stingy with the money and does not want to pay the tip out fees and that is a no no. As much money she has been making she has been passing by to continue to still work and pay the debt back very soon but the business people don’t take well with that act long either without a threat of termination of bodily harm.

After she changes after her last shift of the night and attempts to head home the club bouncers approach her and they told her that management told them to garnish tonight’s earnings from her by force, she ordered them away and said, “I will fucking pay you later.”

“No!” the bouncers said “We are not going anywhere until you give us the money you owe us!” They slap her hard throw her on the floor and rip off her clothes and get something else that would be worthwhile. Five of them are very eager to hold her down for the others to get to her and teach her a important lesson by not fucking with club owners money or their establishments or you will regret it.

They all line up and take turns ripping her young tight pussy and ass ripped open at the same time a fat white cock is forced in her mouth and she is gagged continuously which is brutally one after the other.

She surprisingly gets a belt wrapped around her neck that one of the thugs took from around his pants and used it as a choke collar for this bitch so he can obey and to be easily controlled by dragging her around while she is abused by cocks 3 at a time in all 3 fuck holes.

Next time the house girls will think twice about not paying their tip outs on time, I know that Bitch Layla did.

Married to My Master

Master had a kinky idea, and luckily had the resources to pull this off. I got a white wedding dress and the silkiest lingerie for this kinky run. I had no idea how realistic he was doing this but I guess as he is a porn producer I should’ve known. A limo awaiting me even!!! I’m so excited to tell you the good news!!!

Well, we got Married, in a frigging CHURCH and me in a WHITE wedding dress, who’d ever thought… It was beautiful, and twisted. I got into the limo all dressed to walk down the aisle and hair up… Ten guys were in the limo awaiting me with their dicks out. Yup on the way to the chapel I was to blow all ten.. and swallow.

At the church I was led in by the ten in tuxedos with their dicks still out. The tuxedo had the front panel cut out. As I walked into the Chapel there were another 20 guys standing about the aisle dressed as the ten in the limo were open crotch cocks out and erect.

Taboo phone sex geneva wa

As I entered one man in a red tuxedo but also open front, ushered me off to the side as the ten guys continued down the aisle to their position on either side of the podium. I saw Master approach the front and stood in a white tuxedo normal and he looked so handsome! I’m led down the aisle while a organist played a little march diddy.

A priest approached the podium, dressed in his robes and all the adornments proceed as if all was normal. We were presented as Master and Slave and the music immediately changed and the priest threw off his robes and mask and had the biggest hardest black dick, my escort down the aisle pulled my dress up as my Master took his knife and cut my panties off and everyone let out whoops as Master tossed my panties to the gathering of men.

Taboo Phone Sex Church-0

I was carried out and all of us loaded into three limos and ended up at Masters mansion. I have never been here and am excited. We had glasses of champagne on  the way and I was nice and toasty. In the mansion we were led to a Large Master Bedroom 35 men total filed into the room and stood around the room surrounding us.

Now let me present you with a sweet start to some hot Accomplice phone Sex how is the new slave (me) initiated by Master and all his men? Is it the beginning of my demise? 

Taboo  Phone Sex Geneva church

Suffocation Phone Sex for My Life

You knew everything about me before you stole me from my room. You watched me for years, since I was a tiny girl. You watched my naked body through the windows of my parents house as my daddy molested me. It made you furious that he got to touch me and promised yourself that one day I would be yours. Three years ago, today, you made that fucking desire a reality. You caught me on the way home from school, and dragged me kicking and screaming back to your dungeon, which is where I remain. You tell me that makes today our “anniversary”.

I shudder at the thought of celebrating with you. Your an evil and cruel monster, and you revel in my pain. The only thing that gets you off is scaring us slave sluts. After years with you, I am much more difficult to scare, and you know it. You’ve cut my nipples off, made me eat other girls while they are still alive, and even stitched my cunt together with needle and thread. My mind races as I dream that maybe tonight you will finally go too far and kill me. My body is wasted away, I am not the little pretty slut you first started watching years ago. You have younger girls now.

You drag me out of my cell and upstairs to your kitchen. I kneel on the floor and  you take a thick plastic bag out of your pocket and shake it out for me to see. Its the perfect size for my head, and I know that is exactly where you plan to put it. My heart leaps as I think you will finally snuff me. But to my surprise, you pick up the telephone and start dialing. As you do, you take your cock out of your pants, and tell me that you are going to call a phone whore for some suffocation phone sex. You are going to place the bag on my head, and if she can get your cock off before I die, you will remove the bag.

My life depends on some sex whore over the telephone? Before I could say anything, you jam the bag down over my head and secure it with tape around my neck. I can barely see through the bag as it fogs with my breath and I start to panic. I hear you talking to some whore on the phone and I can vaguely see you stroking your cock. I try to control my breaths, but I am immediately without enough oxygen. I couldn’t scream to try to warn the whore that I was there, as I was fighting the bag and becoming more dizzy by the second.

My lungs were on fire, and my senses started to fade, I felt myself shit all over the floor, and I could hear you slapping away at your cock while you degraded the bitch on the phone. I started to go limp, and tried to inhale, but there was nothing left. My vision fogged and I could no longer inhale. My consciousness left me and my head hit the floor. Suddenly you remove the bag and my lungs automatically gasp in as much air as possible, waking me up. My mouth wide open, and gasping, you shoot your hot load of cum right inside my throat. As Ilay there gasping and choking on your cum, you hang up the phone and simply say to me, “Happy Anniversary, slut”.

Night Visits

torture phonesex georgiaHe’s started watching me more closely, making sure that I know who I belong to. He watches me when I’m with my boyfriend probably planning on how to get him out of the picture. I wake up three nights a week to his hands around my throat and his engorged cock inside me. He takes my dirty panties and jams them into my mouth so no one can hear me scream during his late night visits. The way I suffer and squirm only makes his dick harder, he has little regraud for my comfort. Yet sometimes he holds me close after these visits whispering in my ear what a good little slut I’ll be for him.
Part of me never wants this to end, but the other part of me is so very afraid. What will happen to me if he goes too far? Will he end up killing me by mistake or would it be on purpose?! What about my boyfriend, would he really kill him? Maybe this is all some twisted and exciting game. None of my friends have told anyone about him peeping in on us at our sleep over, so it must not be serious. I just don’t know.
I like that he has this power over me, I just don’t understand it. I hope he can help me understand or even make me understand if he has to. I just want to know what he wants from me also why the fear he sparks inside me turns me on more than I ever thought possible before.

Asphyxiation; Strangulation Phone Sex

strangulation Phone Sex Geneva 01

All I could think about was how fucking hot this new bartender at the club is. I’ve had more than my usual share of drinks just to flirt with Anthony. My Master has been a little distant and busy with his professional career, so I decided to come out with my girl friends and enjoy some drinks and clubbing. I got caught up at the bar and Anthony offered me a ride home. I jumped on that but maybe a little to easily.

While I was conversing with my friends I noticed him talking rather engrossed with a small group of guys with glances towards me and smiles with an exchange of information and were they paying him for something? The club was closed and just a handful of us still around. Well my girls went on their way and wished me luck!

strangulation phone sex geneva 02

Anthony and I went out to his car and he asked if i would mind stopping off at a party for a few. Well, I was completely blitzed and game for anything. We pulled into a parking lot with a large warehouse unit of lofts. The very guys that were at the club greeted us at the entrance. I appeared to be the only female there and about 10 guys were there total. Next thing I know I am being led into a dark room and I felt my wrists being bound and guided to a massage type table with an opening for the the face in a head rest and was helped onto my stomach.

Next thing I know I’m stripped and I feel guys taking turns penetrating my ass and my pussy. I feel numb and restrained, it appears I have been drugged and am being used as a fuck doll. One guy came around front while another was pounding me from behind and took my silk scarf and used it to choke me. I was gasping as my mouth was being fucked. I started passing out and that’s all I remember.

Barely making it I awoke to an empty warehouse and bruising all over my body. My neck and throat really hurt when I realized I had survived an attempted strangulation. The guy had left me for dead, or so they figured. I could barely breath or talk my larynx had been fractured during the strangulation attempts.

 Strangulation Phone Sex Geneva 00