Category: Strangulation phone sex

Snuff Porn Fantasy Explored with Mallrats

I was out for a stroll when this little snuff porn idea crossed my mind. The kidnapping phone sex scene where the young girls are abducted from the mall and taken to an abandoned house, is where this dream started. I fail to remember how I lured the girls with me, but it worked.

So, I return to the house with three barely conscious young sexpots that just look dreamy to my boyfriend. He is just salivating over the thought of that bald cunt and those tight little assholes and just how sweet they will taste. We strip them down and tie each one to a chair facing the air mattress in the center of the room. The girls will enjoy quite a show… well at least two of them will!

I will be helping as my BF starts to penetrate those fuck holes making good and sure he gets enough cock inside the young sluts. I want to watch as he penetrates and rips those cuny’s open and fucks those asses raw. I want to watch as he cums inside the young fuck holes. Furthermore, I want to snuff the shit out of these spoiled mallrats!

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Hitchhiking Leads To Kidnapping

kidnapping phone sexWhen my car broke down on the side of the road, I reached for me cell, only to realize I had no service. Realizing I had no choice but to hitchhike and hope for the best, I got out of the car. Car after car passed, without even slowing down. Finally a sedan slowed down. Inside was an older man who looked like a nice man. I told him where I was headed and he said he would be happy to give me a lift. He didn’t have a cell for me to call anyone either. I jumped in his car and we started down the road. When he missed my turn, I told him. He snapped at me to shut up. He said he was going to get paid for his kindness in picking a whore up off the side of the road. An evil glint was in his eye.

He pulled up at a run down store that looked like it had been closed for business for quite a while. He ushered me into the dirty bathroom. He pulled out lengths of rope, tying me up where I couldn’t move. He was sadistic in his pursuit of pleasure, beating me with a whip, biting my nipples and clit, and even strangling me with a rope before he finally fucked me hard in the pussy and ass, leaving a large load of cum inside my asshole. After he came, he abused me some more, using a rope to strangle me to the point of blacking out several times before releasing his grip on me. My body was black and blue from his beating and my throat burned from the ropes. He left me there, tied up in one of those abandoned stalls, my body screaming in pain. I wondered how long I would be there before being discovered. I needn’t have worried because soon another man appeared in the restroom. Finding my body already used and abused, he decided he would have his way with me as well.

sadistic phone sex

My Stalker

snuff phone sex (6)

I am being stalked…he calls me once a week so far. When I answer it goes something like this: “Kali, I am going to get you. I am going to get you Kali and I am going to hurt you. I am going to fuck you, I am going to break your ribs. I am going to make you cry and then I am going to kill you.”  I then am terrified asking this man, who are you?! “How do you know my name?!” But he never tells me anything. Only what he is going to do to me. One week the calls stopped…I thought I was safe and it had just been a prank, and not a funny one at that. I went grocery shopping, not knowing I was being watched the whole time. My short skirt, and button up shirt makes anyone taking a first glance think I am a good, innocent girl. But my stalker knows the truth. As I am putting things into my car I feel a hand over my mouth and a blade to my neck as he pushes me into my car threatening to kill me if I make a sound. Soon we are in the middle of the woods and I am begging for his mercy – knowing this is the end. He tells me “ I told you Kali, I told you I was coming for you.” I cry and cry but he isn’t having it, ripping my clothes off and exposing my body…what he really wants.  He starts cracking and snapping my ribs one by one and I am in so much pain all I can do is scream, no more begging. Soon… it will be over because he will kill me, suffocate me as he fucks my cunt…all used up.

Curiosity Killed The Cat

torture phone sex angie1It was a great costume party all though not the time of year for one. Drinks were flowing, drugs were being passed around and no one knew who any one was in their costumes. Standing in the corner watching as everyone mingled, my eyes caught a young man in a black Zorro type mask. the look in his eyes were so familiar. Not like I recognized who he was. but like I recognized the look of the hunt. He was watching a young girl in the corner like a car watching it’s prey while crouched in the grass before it pounces. I could feel the thrill rising in my crotch because I knew what he was doing. he stalked her for hours before going outside for what I assumed was a bit of fresh air. When he returned he approached her and I saw him pull something from his pant’s pocket. A bit of talk between them and she was following him out the door. I watched them walk towards a car that wasn’t parked far from mine. He opened the trunk, I saw him lift his arm and come down as she slumped to the ground. He hit her with something knocking her out. As he lifted her off the ground and into his trunk, I slipped behind the wheel of my car. I followed from a safe distance to a patch of woods off a highway. I watched him hand cuff her hands behind her back and kiss her limp body while caressing her legs and lifting her skirt. Finally it appeared that she was coming to. I saw the glint of the blade and thought he would kill her and I would get no further thrill. But instead he used the knife to cut her clothes off her body before he fucked her as she fought helplessly. I could see him fucking her faster and faster before he wrapped his hands around her neck. He knew just what he was doing, choking her slowly as he drew his orgasm out for as long as he could. He was slumped over her, exhausted from the ordeal and she was slumped lifeless under him when I felt the hot cum dripping down my legs.

Snuff phone sex Addiction with Makayla

Snuff phone sex

My daddy is a very twisted man, something deep down inside of him is rotten. His deep down rottenness is taken over his body. His Addictions are more than drinking and getting high. Now he can’t stop, I still remember the very first time I saw it. That was when I finally felt a connection with my daddy.  Daddy was on-top of this girl. She couldn’t have been much older than me but she looked just like me. I could see the light slip out of her blood shot eyes. Her face was blue and she was gone but daddy kept fucking her. He kept choking her, squeezing her neck harder and harder. Slamming his cock in and out of her bloody asshole. He forced his way inside of her holes. He got her high, tied her up and made her his very first victim. I had always questioned if he was even my father until that night. Watching him fucking her like that made my pussy so fucking wet. I knew I was just as evil and rotten as he was. Ever since then I have wanted to be fucked just like my look a like.

Snuff Porn Sunday

snuff pornIt’s snuff porn Sunday. Every caller I have had today wants to kill me. That is not unusual, however, most men want to do very bad things to me. I have a tendency to bring out the evil in men. I remember this one time a few years ago. I was on a date with a Wall Street banker type. I had always heard that the men in the most high powered jobs are the ones likely more docile, more submissive with women. It makes sense really. Doctors, lawyers, CEOS… they have so much riding on their decisions, their actions, that they want to give up power in the bedroom. I thought I was safe from a night of abuse going out with Reggie. I met him at a Starbucks. He seemed in awe of my beauty and not in a “I want to take it from you,” sort of way either.

I don’t remember much about the date until I woke up in an executioner’s mask and  Reggie was choking me.  He degraded me as he abused my body. He ridiculed me for thinking an educated wealthy man like himself would actually want anything to do with a trailer park whore like me. He carved WHORE into my stomach with a razor blade so I would never forget what I am. In fact he sliced my entire body with that blade. Nothing deep, but there was blood. At one point I looked like Carrie at the prom. My entire body was covered in blood. Not enough to kill me, but enough to make me freak out. Enough to leave my body covered in scabs. Enough to cause a lot of pain. Imagine your entire body was covered in paper cuts. That is what I felt like.  He mutilated my flesh for hours while humiliating me.  He never fucked me. Well not with his cock. He abused my fuck holes with a baseball bat and other innate objects because I was probably “a diseased whore.”

I learned that day that no man is safe. I make even the meekest looking man do very bad things to me.

I Can’t Breathe

strangulation phone sex

I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t move. I felt my hands and my feet tied tightly but something was also around my neck. I tried to scream but nothing came out. Then I felt it. SMACK. I wet towel smack across my cunt. I trembled and let out a stifled scream when I felt it again. SMACK. I felt my pussy swelling up from the abuse. I wanted to just die from the pain but I wouldn’t know what the desire to die was really like until flesh began to get sliced deep. He was mutilating my body and all I could do was lay there helpless. The warm blood was pooling around the surface I was laying on. I could feel the body fluid running up my legs, around my pussy, up my back, and in my hair. I started to grind my pelvis in the puddle to feel the warm blood splash on my clit. I needed to feel pleasure with this pain. I could hear him unzip his pants at the foot of the table and climb up. While we were in a pool of blood he forced his massive cock inside of me as he strangled me again. I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t move. But I could FEEL myself about to cum. I could also feel myself about to black out. Which one came first? I still don’t know.

Worthless Whores Get Gangbanged

Gangbang rape pornDaddy loves watching me get used. It turns him on seeing multiple men abuse my young body. Tonight he was feeling bored and didn’t have anyone scheduled to come over. He brings me a slutty outfit and tells me to get dressed. I comply of course, putting on the half bra, sheer top, and slip of fabric that was supposed to be a skirt, but did not completely cover my bubble ass. The stripper heels complete the outfit. No panties in site means I am to wear none. I go downstairs, seeking his approval on my appearance. He tells me I look just like a good little whore. He leads me to the car and we go for a ride. Soon we arrive at the local biker’s bar. Big, mean, nasty looking bikers are hanging around outside. My Daddy tells them he is bringing me there to take on all who wish to have a piece of me. He lifts my skirt to show them my shaved pussy. We enter the bar with several following from the outside, eager to get their cocks into me. Once inside he tells the bikers inside the same thing. Soon, I am bent over a table with cocks everywhere. Cocks invaded my pussy, ass, mouth. hands, and even my armpits. Mam after man took their turn on me. Daddy was encouraging them the entire time. He told them to fuck me harder and faster. Be rough with the little whore. She loves it, he said. I could tell his cock was rock hard as we watched my body get pounded with cock after cock. With Daddy’s constant encouragement, they began slapping me around. They called me a fuck whore, a disgusting pig, and a worthless slut. One biker shoved his cock down my throat so hard, I puked a little but this didn’t stop him. He rammed his cock down my throat and held it their, leaving me no breathing room. As I began to pass out, one of them threw cold water in my face, shocking me back awake. As the last of them came in my ass, I was left in a worthless heap in the middle of the bar. I had taken on probably 50 or more men tonight. My face was bruised and my nose bloody. I am covered in sticky cum from head to toe. Daddy gathered me up in his arms and took me home. He laid me in my bed and praised me for being such a good little whore. I had pleased him tonight. His cock was rigid and he took his turn in my poor abused ass, eventually adding one more load to all the others my body had taken tonight.

Ass Rape Porn Pro

ass rape pornThe first time I did ass rape porn I was so naive. I honestly just thought it was another term for rough anal. When I woke up the next day in the hospital I knew better. I had answered an ad in a fetish magazine for an anal rape porn. The pay was good, but I was 18 at the time and desperate for cash. I was living on the streets as my father had kicked me out. I aged out for him. I had outlived my usefulness.  Two hundred dollars seemed like a lot at the time. In hindsight it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t paid to make an ass porn. I was paid for snuff sex. This dude with a monster cock was hammering away at my ass. My daddy use to sodomize my butt when I was young, but his cock was half this size. At the time I remember thinking this must be what it felt like to get a couple black cocks up your ass at once. My ass was bleeding. It prolapsed which at the time I had no clue was reversible. I kept smiling through the pain, keeping my eye on the money. Then suddenly hands were around my throat choking me. My eyes were bugging out, I was struggling to breathe. I heard the director yell, “Finish the whore off.” I somehow knew he didn’t mean make me cum. I played dead. I acted like I passed out. It was a trick I learned when daddy would sneak into my room late at night for special play time. I slowed my breathing down so much, the director actually thought I was dead or damn near it. They dumped my body in an alley, naked in the dead of winter. If I had been unconscious, I never would have woken up. I would have froze to death. Some good Samaritan found me pretty close to dead. He saved my life. I have been getting closer to death every day since. One of these days one of you will finally snuff me out for real.

A Day In The Park

Bondage phone sexThis wasn’t because he owed anybody money. This was just because Daddy wanted to watch me get fucked and abused by a bunch of strangers. He put me in a cute nightie and took me out to a quiet area of the local park. He used heavy rope to bind me around my waist to a tree. He spread my legs and tied them as well, using tent stakes to secure them. He put a gag in my mouth so I could not make much noise. There was a path from the main area of the park leading to where I was. He had placed signs along the way advertising a whore for the using. He then waited behind another tree and watched. He watched as man after man approached me, fucking me mercilessly in whatever hole they chose. I was fucked hard in the throat, pussy, and ass. I lost count after the 20th man had used my body and cum in one hole or the other. My body was a literal cum dumpster overfilled at every opening. This was for Daddy’s pleasure, but I must admit, I came multiple times. The thrill of being used as a nameless, worthless whore overcame my fear and all other feelings. At that moment I lived for nothing but being filled by cock. Then another man approached. He exclaimed over what a mess I was and how I was repulsive to his sight. He then removed his belt and used it to spank my tits, pussy, lower legs, and any other body part the belt would touch. He found a large stick. It was almost large enough to be considered a limb and he placed it in me, fucking my poor pussy until it was bloody, raw, and full of splinters. He told me this was how worthless whores should be treated. Then he shoved his cock down my throat deep making me gag over and over until he unloaded his spunk down my sore raw throat.