Category: Strangulation phone sex

Strangulation Phone sex Fantasies

strangulation phone sexStrangulation phone sex something that gets your dick hard? Apparently my step son has strangulation fantasies I knew nothing about. I was sound asleep last night when I was awaken by cold hands on my throat. I thought it was a joke, but I guess the joke was on me. I looked up and saw my step son’s face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He had been drinking heavily. He is a very mean drunk. He wanted to fuck me, but I was not high. Plus his dad was in the house. I fought him, but he just kept tightening his grip around my throat. I was choking. I could feel pressure building up in my head and my eyes. I was kicking until I passed out. When I woke up his cock was shoved down my throat and his fist in my ass. As soon as I came too I started struggling again. His fist left my ass and went back on my throat. I clawed at his hands, but he was strong. He has always resented me for marrying his father because I was the mistress. I could feel the rage in his grip. I kept passing out and waking back up with his cock or fist in a fuck hole. I felt helpless. He was getting off on torturing me. I managed to elbow him in the balls and get away. It was momentarily because when I saw my face in the mirror I was horrified. I was blue. Purple veins were popped out in my head. My eyes were blood red. I looked like the Bride of Frankenstein. In my pause, he regained control and was angrier than ever. He bounced me off the wall dizzying me. I slumped to the ground where he violated me repeatedly for hours. He scares me. One of these days he is going to kill me right under his father’s nose.

Snuff Porn with Friends

snuff pornSnuff porn get your dick wet? It gets my pussy wet. I was hanging out with some guys friends of mine Friday night. We were playing XBOX games, which can get gory. Some video games are as bad as snuff films.  We took a break to surf the Internet. You are always a keystroke away from porn. One of my friends was searching for info on the new Warcraft edition out soon, but when he clicked on a link it took him to an Asian snuff site. It was like watching that video in the Asian horror film The Ring. My friends suddenly had murder in their eyes. I got scared. The images on the film were horrifically bloody. They lunged at me. I fell back off the couch, hitting my head on the table. Blood trickled down my face. The site of blood made them more violent. Chad grabbed a butcher knife off the table and plunged it into my gut. Troy put his hands around my throat with such strength my left eye popped out of the socket. I was in excruciating pain, pleading for my life. They just kept stabbing and strangling me as if possessed. Their eyes were black as coal. Dead, just like I was about to be. As Chad stabbed me in the stomach repeatedly, Troy let lose his vice grip on my throat so he could reach his hands inside my stomach and pull out my entrails. I was going cold. I knew I didn’t have much time left. Whatever was on that link turned my best friends into crazed snuff sex addicts. I tried to plead one more time, but my fate was already sealed. At that point, I wished for death to come quickly. As I watched two lifelong pals eat my intestines, I died painfully.

What are your violent phone sex fantasies?

Are You Hardcore?

Don’t you think I need to be punished? Well I got punished good this week, it is when I was at school walking to my next class and it was really late. I thought I heard someone following me and when I looked back I didn’t see anyone. As soon as I turned around I got snatched up by someone. Big, Tall, and smelt like metal. That smell caught my attention as he was toting me some where. It smelt like metal, which I think was blood. At that moment I started to shiver, and he punched me in the stomach and yelled shut up. He tossed me in his car and then after I knew it we where somewhere. I was strapped to a table and he didn’t wast any time. He has a fucking chainsaw right above my stomach and he just started to get all into my guts. There was blood shooting everywhere, and he took my womb and but it in my mouth and made me eat it. Just fucking kill me.

Snuff phone sex

Blood and Cum

snuff porn

I went to a BDSM party the other day and met a mysterious guy that was smoking hot and I wanted to play with. Little did I know that he would take full advantage of me and try to kill me that night. I was ok with him tying me down, spanking, slapping and hardcore throat fucking came next. I enjoyed it. I like being used and abused, but when he took out his knife and began cutting me, I have to admit that I was afraid. Seeing my blood trickle out and down my skin was strangely erotic, though, and as I watched him spread it all over my naked body I began to shake with orgasm. I liked this new blood/knife play. After he was done with me, he left me there on the table covered in blood and cum. Little did he know that was just perfect for me, and I couldn’t wait until the next time.

Check out some of my friends at another phone sex site

Fuck Doll

Cheap phone sexI love being abused, I don’t know what it is about an older man treating me like some useless piece of trash that gets me wet but I love it. I love being treated like I am gonna be dead by the end of everything and they will leave my body laying in some ditch. I love knowing that I mean to little that they glad choke the life out of me while fucking my dead body. I always seem to come back before the end but I don’t care, my body would probably cum while I am dead at the fact of it. I want to be peoples fuck doll. I f you need a fuck doll just let me know and I am ready to go.

Taboo Phone Sex Girl Makes a Snuff Porn Video

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies are what I deliver. I’m not your girl next door or your GFE. I am certainly not your victim. If you call me, you better have dark desires. I had a hot caller last week with an ex issue. Easy solution.  I suggested we make a snuff porn video with her as the star. My caller was dating this woman essentially to have access to her sweet young girl. When his girlfriend was a coked up stripper, it didn’t matter what he did to her baby girl. Then suddenly she found Jesus, got a real job, cleaned up her act and thought she could be a good mother all of a sudden. She threaten to report my caller for molestation, so I suggested we kill the bitch so he could have permanent custody of the daughter. After all, he has pretty much raised her. He has been with this woman for ten years.  I don’t think the daughter was too keen on her mom suddenly trying to impose limits on her either. Snuffing mom out was the perfect solution for this P man. The question became how to get rid of her.

snuff porn videoShe had a long history of drug abuse, so an overdose would be no  surprise. I thought hanging would be fun. Make it look like a suicide. Even make her write a note leaving her daughter in her boyfriend’s care. There never was a daddy in the picture. She had no family. My caller arranged a meeting with his ex, but I was there. I gave her a shot of very concentrated heroin to make her compliant. Got the note, then I watched as he strung her up on a beam in her own basement. Her daughter fast asleep upstairs. She struggled, but didn’t take long to die. She peed herself. Her eyes got blood red. I could see purple veins  popping on her face which turned an ugly bluish purple. It was an erotic sight for a sick bitch like me. A junkie mom dead and a P man reunited with the real love of his life, a barely teen girl. Now that is justice. What are your killer phone sex fantasies? I am a great accomplice.

Snuff Sex Fantasy Phone Sex Revenge

snuff sexDo you have snuff sex fantasies? I sure do. In fact, I don’t have romantic dreams. Well, I guess being strangled and force fucked for days is romantic to me. I live life on the edge, so I often experience the darker things in life that men like to explore like rape fantasies and snuff. Chuck told me I reminded him of his ex girlfriend who he loathed. He always wanted to get revenge on the cheating whore who left him for another man. A man with a bigger dick. I suggested he use me as his fantasy revenge doll. He loved the idea. I should have agreed to a code word before we started our revenge fantasy fuck. I had no idea how far he would take things. He had a lot of pent up anger and hostility towards his ex. As soon as we started our fantasy fuck, a switch went off inside him. I saw it. His eyes got blank and dark. He was in the revenge zone. He even called me Tammy as he put his hands around my throat and squeezed so tight I passed out for a moment. He spit in my face as he slapped me back awake. His thick hard cock ravaged my asshole.  He sodomized me while strangling me so hard I kept passing out. He yelled slut and whore while spitting in my face constantly. I tried to fight him. I kept saying I changed my mind, but he wouldn’t stop abusing my ass until he came. I stood up to leave, feeling angry at myself for thinking this would go any other way. Before I could get fully upright, he sucker punched me in the gut, then a right hook to the face. He used me as a punching bag after he used me as a fuck doll before finally letting me go. If we did a fantasy phone sex call, would you show me any mercy?

Blood. Piss. Puke. Cunt.

torture sex

“You like piss in your mouth bitch?” He yanked my hair and punched me in my mouth and then I could taste blood and piss. I was drowning in my patheticness…I truly felt worthless. But one grab to my pussy and he could feel my wetness. Guys think girls like me don’t exist but I’m trained to be the stupid fucking piece of shit I always have been. Who the fuck lets guys degrade her and beat and fucking treat like a nasty fucking toilet and humiliate… that would be me. He knew this too because he uses me often and after feeling my wet fucking cunt he tested my bloody mouth on his cock. Completely balls fucking deep in my cunt throat. I couldn’t take it and I started to puke choking on my vomit, his dick and the blood in my mouth. He let me barf it up then slammed my face in it making me fucking eat that shit like the nasty fucking whore I am. I mumbled yes sir and whimpered as my wet tight pussy glistened with anticipation of his violation. It wasn’t long before he was going in hard – choking me from behind making it where I could barely breathe. I started to see black as he slammed his dick in harder and I knew I was losing consciousness and soon would be completely at his will but what else am I good for anyway…

Murder phone sex Fantasies about the girl next door.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

My neighbor was an older man, I never thought he would be a crazed man looking for sex in a brutal way. He has lived next door to me all of my life. He was always a very nice man. He always had the best decorations at every holiday! Last year he fell while he was taking down his Christmas decorations. He broke his arm and needed help, he offered to pay me by the hour to come help him take everything down. Once I had taken everything down I had to box it up and take it into the basement. The vibe I got while being down there scarred me. He yelled down to me to grab something from the back room down there.. Then the lights went out. I screamed and he yelled down to me how to find the breaker box, but I was in darkness. I couldn’t see anything.. Suddenly someone grabbed me, covered my mouth and told me if I screamed he was going to skin me alive. He blind folded me, stripped me naked and I could hear the flash of his camera.

Teen phone sex

He tied my hands behind my back with a rope tightly around my neck cutting off my airflow making it very hard for me to catch my breath. If I tried to move I would end up chocking myself. Which is what he wanted. The blind fold came off and there was my neighbor. His arm was out of his cast and just fine. He started slapping my body with a string of lights. I tried to struggle and it made the rope tighten. The tighter it got the worse the torture was. He grabbed one of his Christmas gnomes and started force fucking my pussy with his hat. Shoving inside of me making me fuck it. He kept saying I was such a dirty worthless fucking whore. He showed me the gnome hat and said look at how fucking wet this is, that’s how I know you want me. He start forcing his cock inside of me. Brutally fucking me, making me struggle and slowly choking myself as I started to cum on his cock. Next thing I know  I was fully dressed and in my back yard… As if nothing happened to me.. Was it a dream?


Taboo Phone Sex with an Evil Babysitter

Evil babysitter Gray is all over the whole taboo phone sex scene. In fact she is always on the look out for new brats to become her next victims and there is always a filthy perverted boyfriend in the picture willing to assist. One afternoon a musician friend of hers was getting all worked up over some hot little tramp dressed up in a school uniform and needed Grays assistance.

Taboo Phone Sex

I was informed of some trampy young thing with the perfectly undeveloped body of one much younger that Gary was dying to get his cock in. He loves small bodied females that he could age play with and this time wanted my help to lure her in.

I have never rejected the opportunity to watch some hot young thing being filmed in some ass rape porn. I was excited to help and loved it even more when he wanted me to actually assist him in penetrating that tight little cunt. Once he finished with her she would be nothing but a corpse as he always had to feel their little bodies go limp on his cock before he could orgasm.