Category: Strangulation phone sex

Ass Rape Porn in a Dirty Bathroom

ass rape pornAss rape porn in a dirty bathroom was not my idea. I was not even planning on making a movie. I was shopping when some guys jumped me. They pushed me into a bathroom. I was near some reconstruction of the mall and the closed off section. Several men grabbed me and pushed me into the closed off part of the mall. They dragged me into a bathroom being remodeled. It was like a bathroom out of the first Saw movie. It was dirty and smelled like urine and shit. They ripped my clothes off and gang banged me. One of my attackers was young. He was likely a schoolboy and the brother of one of the older guys. He was filming the entire thing like it was a gangbang rape porn shoot. One guy held me by my throat and pinned me to the wall like a bug he had squashed. His pals took that as an invitation to fuck the shit out of me. They took turns sodomizing me with cocks and fists, laughing at my pain. My head was forced into a dirty toilet while they ran a train on my ass. I was screaming bloody murder, but no one came to my rescue. I just had to wait until they were done having their fun. Once that time came, I found myself alone, naked, bloodied and sore on a gross bathroom floor.


Strangulation Phone Sex With A Sleazy Slut

He was always at the strip club watching me and he has even stalked me a few times when I left work. He had these urges to do very bad things with my stripper body and the fact I was a fake titted blonde barbie doll made his fantasie even more intense as he took these desires out on his sisters old barbie dolls. The sadistic things he did to her barbies like tying a noose around her neck and taking red paint to make her bleed from her cunt and tits as he dreamed of mutilating them and cutting the implants out. He had all these desires but the most potent was the one for strangulation phone sex while he forced himself on me. I heard about this sicko from a few girls that dated him, he obsessed over me so much and a few of them saw his little shrine to me in his bedroom. Needless to say they never returned his calls, but I think that was just a way to get word to me about how badly he desired to destroy me.

One night I was walking home from having a few drinks with my co-workers at an industry night gathering and he stalked me all the way home. I didn’t notice because I was on my phone the whole time and tipsy as fuck. I hung up and let myself in my apartment and he overpowered me out of nowhere….

Strangulation phone sex

Snuff Porn Got Real

snuff pornSnuff porn gave me my start in the adult industry. I have been making hardcore BDSM films since I was 18. I thought I was pain proof. I have thick skin. I can handle pain better than most men can. I found out this week, I do have a pain threshold that can be crossed. I was doing a bondage film. The director switched gears on me. He wanted snuff, the real kind too. Apparently, he was paid a large sum of money to execute me on film. I have enemies. Men who hate me for not submitting completely to them. I was tied up, locked to a bar. I was being fucked hard in the ass. I thought I was making an ass rape porn, but then my star started taking orders from the director. He choked me, punched me, even cut me. I was gasping for air and bleeding. I had no idea what was going on. I signed up for a fake snuff flick, but this felt like the real deal. I started screaming for help. I was in a studio, surely some one would help me. But, no one did. In fact, they were all in on it. Suddenly, I had a small army around me and they were all helping to hurt me. Knives, whips, blow torches, any kind of torture device they could find they brought to the table to kill me with in unison. It was gang bang torture while the director filmed my demise. I endured hours of pain and torture while the director filmed it for a mystery patron. I thought could handle pain, but they found my threshold. I went into shock before everything went dark. I have made thousand of snuff movies in my life, but this one was real. This one was my last one.

Snuffing Mommy

Killer phone sex

My Daddy always said that he hated naughty little sluts. Last Saturday, I came home from shopping with my friends at the mall to find daddy waiting for me as soon as I walked in. I was so shocked that he returned home from his business trip early, but he told me that he had to cut it short because he received a call from mall security. They told Daddy that I stole thongs and bras from the lingerie store with my friends. He grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the wall making my head bleed. Daddy asked why I am behaving so badly and why I am dressing like a whore like my friends. He pushed his fingers inside my stolen panties and rubbed my cunnie until it dripped wet. He asked if I deserved to be punished and I begged him not to. He said instead he would punish my mother for letting me dress like such a slut. He dragged mommy into the living room by her hair and made me sit on her face with my bare cunnie while he defiled her with his cock. Daddy made me watch while he had his rape fantasy with mommy. Mommy screamed and screamed into my wet cunnie but Daddy wrapped his hands around her neck and squeezed tightly until she couldn’t breathe. Daddy suffocated her while I rubbed my wet hard clitty all over her face until I squirted all over her blue face. Daddy told me that my punishment was to snuff my mommy with him and I did as I was told. Now if I want to continue to live, I had to bring Daddy all my little whorish friends to snuff one by one. It would serve as a lesson to me for being a slut like them, he said.

Torture Sex on Tinder

torture sexTorture sex is something I am no stranger to as a pain slut. I was a cutter as a young girl. I loved being in control of my pain. Now, I am rarely in control of my pain. I run with a bad crowd. I love bad boys and I have daddy issues, which means I lack good judgement when it comes to men. I met Charles online. It was Tinder, and I was looking for sex. I wasn’t looking for violent sex, however. I don’t always want to be abused, but because of my issues, I don’t judge character well. The signs were there in hindsight that Charles was a sadistic man not looking for casual sex. He didn’t want to fuck, well he didn’t want to fuck gently. He wanted to torture me; he wanted snuff sex. He told me he is in trouble with the law. He fucked some street hooker who lied about her age and she blackmailed him. He assumed the law was on his side because she was a street whore, but he was wrong. He didn’t pay her, and she called the cops. Funny, she was a buxom blonde too, just much younger than me. I should have realized that when he told me the story, that I was going to be the surrogate for his rage. He sodomized me with such force and anger, my asshole prolapsed. He choked me as he fucked me too. I still have purple ligature marks around my neck. I signed up for casual sex, but he wanted to fuck me to death. He damn near came close too. My ass is prolapsed, my neck is purple, and I can barely walk today. Just another day in the life of this fucked up taboo phone sex whore with daddy issues.

Deepthroat Victim

Snuff Porn

My school teacher says my throat is only good for one thing. He says that my constant talking in class is going to get me into big trouble and he is sick of it. After class, he dragged me to his car and drove me to his house talking about how he was going to silence me once and for all. When we got there, he dragged me down to the basement and strapped me down to a table. He whipped me every time I dared open my mouth until my tiny tits and body were covered in gashes and bright red welts. He shoved his thick cock down my throat until I could barely scream or even breathe. He throat fucked my young throat and gripped his hands around it until my throat bones began to crack and crumbled all around his cock. He suffocated me with his cock and forced his cum deep down into my broken throat.


snuff sexI knew snuff sex was the way to his heart but to keep him from wandering I had to amp it up. When my master’s ex-girlfriend started resurfacing, I knew it meant trouble for me. Not only was she a freak she was a pyscho willing to do it all. For a while now I have been asked to stab my holes for his pleasure. I have been adamant about not doing so. However, things do change. As soon as I saw I was quickly replaceable, I decided to do what his heart desired and ruin myself to the limit. I knew seeing me bloody would make him commit to me even more. Blood and tears get his cock off instantly. I did what I had to do to keep the pyscho ex away.

Snuff sex addict

snuff sexSnuff sex is the best when it is spontaneous. I like going to clubs and targetting sluts that catch my eye. The best snuff fuck sessions have happened randomly. I see a girl I know, and I instantly get the wrong ideas. This week I saw a girl that is an avid bible study ended. We both went to Catholic school together. I could see she was out of her element and I decided to buy her a drink. I made her ease up with some fun stuff. She had no idea I slid some pills in her glass. I had her so out of it that I even was having her do a bunch of coke lines. I eventually convinced her to partake in a gangbang. I had a few buddies rough her up and leave her beaten to a pulp. I wonder how she woke up the next day if she ever did.

Bondage Phone Sex Upside Down

bondage phone sexHe told me he was a fan of bondage phone sex. He told me that for my time as his BDSM slave, he would give me a bag of coke. He had me at bag of coke. I am a coke whore. It always leads me down dangerous avenues, however. I should have known better. When I arrived, I was hit over the head. I didn’t see it coming. I woke up hanging upside down, bound in an extremely awkward position. The guy I agreed to meet, was waiting for me with his monster cock out. He skull fucked me while I was dangling in the air upside down. Blood was trickling down my face from the blow to the head. Turns out he enjoyed my blood dripping on his dick. He said blood is great lube. I knew I was in over my head. I thought I was having some BDSM fun not snuff sex. I figured some whips and chains, and restraints, but he was strangling me and fucking me so hard I puked on his dick. Because of the position I was in, I ended up swallowing most of my own puke, which made me puke again. He was laughing at what a disgusting whore I was. I tried to think about the coke, but he was fucking me so hard from an upside-down position that I kept passing out. The head wound compounded my dizzy feeling. Eventually, he grew bored with me. He had cum so much he couldn’t cum anymore. I was dizzy, sore and bleeding from my head, so I was happy to be set free, but that didn’t happen until the next morning. He kept me to mutilate my tits and my clit. This was a far cry from some BDSM fun. It was torture sex.

Twisted Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesMost men have rape phone sex fantasies. It just that some men are more violent than others. I like the more violent fantasies. I harbor deep dark desires. Many so taboo, I cannot tell my closest friends for fear they will send me to the psych ward. I have several sides to me, but my strongest side is a submissive whore who struggles to tell dominant men no. I had a what the fuck am I doing moment the other night. I was on a date with a dominant man, but he wasn’t attractive, nor was he rich. The submissive whore side of me struggled to tell him no. The gfe side of me was like what the fuck, this guy is a total loser. I excused myself to the restroom and never came back. I ditched him at the restaurant because I don’t like confrontation. I forgot he knows where I live. He broke down the door in the middle of the night in a rage because I left him. He had fire in his eyes. Before I could call 911 or grab my baseball bat, he had me in a choke hold and was forcing his cock in my mouth. It was rough oral with some strangulation phone sex moves. He was skull fucking me and choking me. I saw him eye my baseball bat and I knew I was in trouble. He reached over my head with his free hand and grabbed it. He was so angry, I thought he might beat me to death. Instead, he sodomized my ass with it while he continued to crush my windpipe. He was calling me names and making me apologize to him for being a worthless cunt. Suddenly, he was more appealing to me. I know. I am a twisted bitch. He went from dominant to sadistic and my cunt got uber wet.