Category: Snuff sex

Gangbang Rape Porn Is Beneficial

Gangbang rape porn


Filming gangbang rape porn does a lot for me, it’s really beneficial.  Friends, finances and fuck action, I get it all when I record and distribute my salacious sex sessions with a group of ravenous, cum crazed fuck fiends.  Like all of my other evil exploits, I got this shit down to a science.  I give that credit to the Virgo side of me.

Finding a bunch of boys who want to gang up on a hot little helpless and horrified teen whore and do everything they want to her is never a problem.  Sometimes they wimp out when I tell them that I’m going to put them on camera.  That’s okay, I put those high strung little fuck pigs on my other list to revisit at a later time when I’m not feeling very nice.

Of course I orchestrate the whole thing but I don’t sacrifice any of my uncertain feelings when four or five guys are violating me.  I like not knowing if I’ll make it through to the end to even cut off the cameras and edit everything together so I tell them what toys and restraints to use and make sure they understand my safety signals then let them go to work.  Whatever they want within certain bounds and I always know that they’re going to push those limits.

My ass and pussy never seem to get tired of being endlessly stretched out and reamed, but my throat has never been able to get over that pesky gag reflex.  Guys like that shit, though.  Making an incapacitated slut gag and puke all over their cocks really gets some guys off, and I get it.  Frankly, that’s the one part I can do without but both the players and the viewers like to see it, so I let them push their pricks as far down my esophagus as they can to produce a puddle of my own gut grime for me to roll around in while they torture me and use my holes.  Besides, if they go too far and try to choke me all the way out with their massive throat clogging meat, I can just bite it off.  Nothing makes a rape loving degenerate think twice about his actions quicker than having another man’s cock spit into their faces.  When I use the gushing blood spewing out of the screaming man’s crotch knob to lube up my pussy and get myself off, it shuts the whole thing down.  It’s all good, I just rebrand it as a snuff video with a twist.  That’s the Scorpio coming out of me, for sure. 

I get top dollar for my gangbang rape porn videos and my viewers often times become my next performers.  Now that I have a thing going, it’s kind of an incestuous circle that goes a long way to feed and satisfy my dark desires.  Manufactured fucked up friends fueling my need to be completely dominated while helping me fund my lurid and frightful lifestyle at the same time.  Pretty smart, huh? 


Snuff Porn Summer Nights

snuff pornDuring the hot summer nights, I love hunting for snuff porn victims. Last night, a new client and I went hunting together. He is a more hands on kind of guy. He had an ideal victim in mind. Most guys want a young blonde girl. This guy wanted a ginger whore. He had a look he was searching for too. Pale skin, freckles, no tits and raven hair. It is hard to find a little read-headed slut. But I am stealth and patient, and so is he. It is always best not to be impulsive. Wait until you find the perfect victim. The one that makes your cock the hardest. We found her. She was walking around Walmart looking for her mother. I told her I would take her to her mother. I never go to a Walmart. They always bring out my killer phone sex fantasies. I was in a blonde wig, big sunglasses and I was a few counties away from home. I never hunt in my backyard. No one recognized me. Walmarts are cesspools. The dregs of society. We were liberating this girl. Truly, she was going to be better off without a crack head mom who cannot keep tabs on her in a Walmart. We went to my cabin in the woods to make our snuff flick. It was over two hours before we heard the AMber alert. That crack head mama took awhile to realize her girl was MIA. That is why truck stops and Walmarts make great hunting grounds. My client’s dick had already cum twice in the little ginger whore’s holes before anyone realized she was gone. He was savoring her tight holes too. I filmed it. He wanted a memento of the day his rape phone sex fantasies became a reality. We killed her together which was hot because most of my clients just want to be there for the fucking but not the killing. No one will ever find her little body because there is never anything left once I am done making a slut disappear.

Mutilation phone sex slut doll

Men need a slut doll like me to take out those mutilation phone sex fantasies on. This is just the thing that daddy prepared me for. The way he fucked me with no restraint and tortured me to the point of hospitalization was his way of showing his love and priming me. This is my existence. I am here to be used abused and fucked into in the oblivion of your darkest fantasies. I just can’t grasp any other form of pleasure. The rape fantasies you bring me also bring on my best fucking orgasms. You see it’s just the way I’ve been raised . As a fuck doll for the pleasure of men and sometimes even some really vicious women. We have some vicious mean fucking cunts on the site. I would be so fucking honored to have you and one of our sadistic’ cunts ruin me for your pleasure.
Mutilation phone sex


The Torment of Torture Sex

Torture sex


I’m not sure which kind of fuck pig I like to torment and have torture sex with more, the horndog hogs or the slutty sows.  I don’t give a shit about gender, everyone can take their pretentious pronouns and fake ass wokeness and fucking choke on it for all I care.  I want tears, I want screams and I want blood.  Every last unlucky fuck piggy on earth has all of those inside of them and I revel in gory glory of being the entity in this world who beat it all out of them.  

Where does the torturing begin?  The mind.  A hemmed up little vixen doesn’t fear the volatile violation she’s about to receive if you don’t drag her brain through the muck first.  Sure, it hurts like hell, but do they fear death nearly as much as I whip and flog their flesh if I don’t humiliate them and tease them with all of my implements of pain and tools of persecution before I get to the dirty work?  I don’t think so.  

Once they’re properly tenderized, I can finally feel good about getting into that cunt or climbing onto a cock and draining all of the cum out of them that I can as they just hang there, restrained and writhing in the air.  I absolutely love to marinate their mangled pork meat with my pussy spit.  My tight and tortured twat power squirts and I’m a great fucking aim.  I love to blast it in their faces, drown them in a deluge of my juices every time I experience “Le Petite Mort” in my reign over them.

When I finally get my fill of torture sex and jizzing all over my fine fuck pig masterpieces, one thing is for certain.  They’re broken.  Hell, some of them don’t even make it through the whole encounter.  It’s bittersweet for me, I like to put people through as much punishment as possible before they expire, but turning a fuck pig into long pig is a snap and earns me a pretty good pay day in the right markets.


He Gave Me Domination Phone Sex

domination phone sexHe said I needed domination phone sex. I explained that I was trying to be an accomplice now. I have paid my dues and earned my freedom. He smacked me hard across the face because he thought I was getting too big for my britches. He said, “Once a whore, always a whore.” The more I pleaded, the harder he hit me. He was in a mood. He released me from his clutches last year. I earned my freedom fair and square, but when he gets into a mood, there is no reasoning with him. Even the sex trade industry has suffered shortages. He has lost a few key operatives who help kidnap young girls to keep the business thriving. He told me, he needed to use me for a client. I quipped that I was too old for his clientele, and he smacked my face. He said this one client prefers used up old whores. When I tried to explain that I was neither old nor used up, he put a ball gag in my mouth. He told me to shut up and take care of his client. Men who prefer women like me, usually have snuff sex on the brain. This man just needed a punching doll. He wanted a fight, and the younger girls are too scared to fight. Not me. I put up a fight even though I am scared. I want to live. This client of my former master was a sadist. He burned me with cigarette ashes. He fisted my ass.  He used a taser on me. He punched me hard in the stomach. So hard that I puked. He pushed my face down in the vomit and made me lick it up. Four hours of hell. I survived though even if barely. I have a cracked rib, two black eyes, burns and bruises all over my body and bloodied swollen fuck holes. I thought my days of snuff porn were over, but just like that, I was pulled back in.

Snuff Sex for Hire

snuff sexSnuff sex? Hell, yes with me. I tell guys all the time I have no limits, yet stupid losers always misinterpret that to mean I will be their bitch or at the least their lover. I am not your typical woman. I do not send off warm fuzzy vibes. I am not looking for a boyfriend. We can hunt and kill together, but that does not bond me to you in any way, especially not a sexual way. I have very little to do with men. You guys are a bunch of drama. Take Peter, for example. Hired me to help him kidnap a girl that resembled his daughter. His own girl has been cock teasing him for a few years now. He wanted to kill her, but if you hire me for a snuff porn, I keep you out of prison. And that meant not drawing undue suspicion his way. Anytime some one dies or goes missing, they look at the family first. I was sure his computer was full of brat porn and maybe even communications with other assassins for hire like me. He is driven by hormones and that always means a not so well-planned murder.

After we kidnapped the lookalike daughter and brought her to my kill shack, he got a sense of bravado he had not earned. I did all the planning. I took all the risks. He fucked this little surrogate whore in every hole she has. He tore her to shreds. Where he fucked up was thinking he could fuck me afterwards. I do not mix business with pleasure. If you hire me to kill for you there will be no fucking me. It is non-negotiable. Full of misguided confidence, he tried to fuck me. Now, there are two dead bodies getting devoured by the wild behind my kill shack. I got the money he owed me before I killed him. I am a smart taboo phone sex bitch. Let this be a cautionary tale men. I do not mix business with pleasure, and I am never any man’s bitch.

Who’s Watching The Babysitter?

Babysitter phone sex

My favorite babysitter phone sex story is from the first time I stalked, raped and murdered a promising young duty bound teen.  I’ll never forget it, it’s as clear in my mind now as it was the night it happened.  It was all over the news, I’m sure you heard about it.  Turned several lives upside down and completely shook a sleepy little lower middle class town to its core.  It was great!

I was traveling, took my tortured soul on a little road trip for some insipid inspiration.  I do that from time to time.  It’s good to get out and get a different perspective on life, plus it takes a little of the heat off of me back home.  I stopped at a gas station in a podunk town that couldn’t amount to more than a smeared splotch of fly shit on a map.  As I filled my tank, I noticed a bob haired teen walk out of the station and down the road toward the setting sun.  The urge struck, so I discreetly followed her to a quaint little house on a hill.

I sat in hiding for just a few moments before I saw a man and woman exit the home in what seemed to be their fanciest clothes, get into their car and zip off down the road.  At that moment I knew that I had just followed a babysitter and that this fateful night was going to be her last on this miserable, muck covered earth.

I was a patient predator, as I always am.  My hiding spot in the treeline was absolutely perfect and, when the time was right, I pounced.  It was just before midnight when I made my way around the house in the shadows and started testing windows.  The second one I tried was unlocked and I slipped my tiny self inside of it in a heartbeat.  Making entry is always so easy, you’d think a good babysitter would be more vigilant.  Stupid whores.

As luck would have it, I landed myself right in the little rugrat’s room and didn’t even wake the little fucker as I crept out and into the dark domicile.  The only light on in the place was in the living room, an ironically named area, considering what was about to happen.  I silently stalked through the hallway until I caught sight of my intended target, doing homework on the couch as she watched the Late Show.  

I could’ve just slipped up behind her and started strangling, but I like a fuck pig to be afraid of me before I take them out.  The smell and taste of fear in the air is absolutely exquisite.  If you haven’t had the pleasure, Man, you’re really missing out.  I waited for the girl to look up at the T.V. then I stepped out of the darkness right in her line of sight.  She jumped so high up off of the sofa you’d have thought that she had springs in her ass.

After the initial shock, there’s always a moment of confusion.  No one ever thinks that the 5’6” tiny framed blonde that’s standing in front of them is going to cause them any harm.  At first, anyway.  Once they process the look on my face as a malicious one, they seem to understand.  This simple servant slut didn’t get it until I had gotten halfway across the room leaving mere feet between us.  Poor little piggy, she even made it to the telephone and fingered out 911 on the buttons.  That was all I gave her.

As the operator answered on the other end, I wrapped the phone cord around her thin little neck a couple of times and pulled back with all of my might.  We fell to the floor as the operator answered and I rolled her so I ended up on her back, choking her out the whole time.  All the operator heard were grunts and gurgles as I wrapped the ball of cord in my right hand and jerked down her pants and panties with my left.  As her entire head started turning purple, I unzipped my fly, whipped out my fat black strapped on dildo and forced it into her tiny teen cunt.  She hacked out a few wails and moans as I went back and forth from pussy to ass and back again.  I could hear the operator on the other end asking questions, struggling to understand what was happening.  

I kept going, making sure the sitter had just enough air to live through the brutal pounding I gave her hot holes.  She started groaning and writhing and, just as her tight rims spasmed and clenched down on my dildo in an enormous orgasm, I tightened my hold until there was no breath or life left in her.  Perfect.  I stood up, ripped the phone out of the wall then took a couple of pics to memorialize the moment.  Then, I stuffed my fake black cock back into my trousers and darted out the same window I entered, leaving the little one safe and sound in their bed.  The police have no leads, I’m pretty sure they think they’re looking for a guy. Sexual assault with no seminal fluids, though.  That should tell them they’re not on the right path.



Snuff Porn Keepsake

snuff pornDo you watch snuff porn? I do, but I make it too. I have been a snuff peddler for several years now. Just like you can hire a hit person if you know where to look, you can hire a snuff movie maker too. Sometimes, guys hire me to execute certain people they know and preserve it on film. Others hire me to kill anyone fitting a certain description and kill them on film. Most men are too squeamish to get their hands dirty. They will, however, hire some one like me to take all the risks for them. I am a skilled killer. I was trained by a serial killer, who was never caught. He was also my grandfather. I went hunting all the time with him when I was little. I learned so much from him. No one like him that I have met yet. Most of you are too candy ass to make your own snuff movies.

When Ty found my ad on this black op site on the dark net, he knew he finally found the person to make his fantasy a reality. He wanted to kill a little girl. Like a super young schoolgirl. He just needed the right partner. He found his perfect match with me. I knew where to find the girl and how to dispose of her so no one would ever find an iota of her DNA. I also knew how to preserve his memory on film. I use 8MM film and an old camcorder. Nothing linked to the Cloud or any form of Internet. That is how perverts get caught nowadays. I took the risk of kidnapping the girl and brought her to my kill shack for him. He was waiting like an excited boy on Christmas morning.  I should have put a red bow on the cunt’s head. LOL. He explored his long-standing rape phone sex fantasies with her. I watched enjoying the show. He destroyed her tiny holes. He fucked her bloody raw. That is when I came into finish the job. A few slices in the right places and she bled out. I filmed it all for his spank bank. I am expensive as a videographer, but worth every scent when you get your little snuff flick keepsake.

Torture sex with a pain whore

torture sex

Tear my asshole apart, shove that big ass cock and make me bleed on your dick. I love fucking when I’m on my period. The look of blood while fucking makes my pussy so wet.

I want blood coming out of me and going in me. Slice me up and pound me hard till I can no longer feel anything from all the rush and the adrenaline pumping thru me.

Whenever I pass out, I cum extra hard. It began accidentally when I got beaten so badly by my ex-boyfriend. He began to use me and fucking me up like the slut I am.

I wanted to be his excellent girl, but he began whaling on me one day and made me pass out on the verge of climax

when I woke up. I was still orgasming. Now I look forward to anal pounding and sex so good that it makes me pass out mid-orgasm.

Forced to be His Ass Rape Porn Star

ass rape pornHe said I had an ass for ass rape porn. I told him my days of being a submissive bitch for all men were over. I told him that he needed to find another ass to abuse because he was not worthy of mine. He was not wanting to hear that. He thought he was all that and a bag of chips, but he was a loser in my opinion. That is why I walked away from him, or I tried at least. He followed me out of the club and ran me off the road. It was dark, so at first, I struggled to see who had pushed me off the road. I was in a ditch, when he came up the driver side and pulled me out of my car with force. He drugged me after he dragged me kicking and screaming out of my car. I woke up in his dungeon. I had no clue where I was, but I knew this was not good for me. He started insulting me. Telling me I was nothing but a blonde bimbo who forgot her place. He put a belt around my next and squeezed it fast, choking me. I could barely breathe. I had no clue who this guy was or why he picked me. Maybe he likes a challenge. Maybe I represented all the bitches who have snubbed him before. I was in for some snuff sex though because he had me tied down to a bench with my ass in the air. He was stronger than he looked. Perhaps, he was on meth or something. His adrenaline was pumped, and my ass paid the price. I fought the best that I could, but he had me tied up well. Plus, the constant strangulation with his belt made me weak because I was passing out every couple of minutes. He held me captive all night. Honestly, I was not sure that I would make it home ever again. But he grew tired of me and released me back into the wild like an animal he tortured. One of these days, this taboo phone sex whore will not be so lucky. I swear I have more lives than a cat.