Category: Snuff sex

Finding My Way Into A XXX Snuff Porn

Snuff phone sexI received the phone call to show up at an auction from one of my long time friends.  I was so very excited because buying nice shit from auctions is one of my personal passions.  Always the slut I dressed for the occasion.  You never know when you might meet a guy who wants to take you home and use you the way a woman should be used.  That means, left bruised, battered, fucked raw and then tossed away like the trash she is.

I arrived and it wasn’t at an auction house, it was a regular house.  This through me so I phoned my friend and asked him for the address again.  He told to just get my stupid blonde ass in the house.  I hung up and walked up to the door.  Before I could even ring the bell the door opened, I was grabbed and yanked inside.  There were many men inside and three other girls.  Not dressed as white trash as me, but still there.

I asked my friend what was going on, he told me to shut up and just go stand with the others.  One by one we were taken downstairs and were told to walk around the tables where the majority of the men were seated.  We were also instructed to not say a word.  The first girl only made it to the third table when she started to cry.  Then she became hysterical and tried to run.  She was quickly grabbed and taken into another room.  I can still hear her screaming in my mind. 

The second girl didn’t make that mistake, she made her way around the room then had pictures taken of her.  It was my turn, I still didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but I knew better then to say anything.  I walked from table to table, it was then that I noticed that each man had an ipad in front of them along with an auction paddle.  I wasn’t going to an auction, I was IN the auction!  I became excited! 

After another hour or so we were all brought back into the room and we each went with a group of different men.  I was taken into one of the upstairs bedrooms that was completely covered in heavy plastic.  The first man came in wearing a hood, then the second and so on and so forth.  I was violated in every way possible.  I didn’t care why they were doing what they were doing, I was enjoying it.  Then I heard a gun shot from somewhere else in the house.  I immediately froze.  One of the men grabbed me and forced my mouth back down onto his bulging cock.  He pulled my hair back and said, “What’s the matter cunt? Haven’t you ever heard of XXX Snuff Porn??”XXX snuff porn

Suffocation Phone Sex: A Means to an End

It was a dark and dank confinement with little ventilation. It felt like suffocation phone sex as I felt as though I would die due to my claustiphobia. I was holed up in some sort of cement grave with a couple small grates for air. I was bound and gagged unable to make a sound. They came for me in the middle of the night while asleep in bed they were dressed like paramedics.

Suffocation Phone Sex

A large needle was injected in the back of my skull and was paralyzed. They bound me in a straight jacket and hauled me out into the night. I was shoved in the back of an ambulance but inside was not normal. All around me were different torture devices, knives, chains and rope. I was able to see everything going on around me but was helpless and mute. My eyes got big as I watched one of the masked men grab a drill and came towards me.

The back of my neck really hurt me and I had no cognative function. I fear I was labotomized and was being kept in this cement grave as they cultivated even more heinous torture. I heard voices outside of my chamber and the clanking of padlocks.

Torture Sex

Two men in butcher smocks stood before me with huge smiles as the grabbed me out. I was taken into what appears to be an abadoned asylum. Removing my straight jacket they laid me out on a steel operating table. The overhead light was glaringly intense I had to close my eyes. In moments I felt my legs parted and a speculum inserted in my vagina.

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Without hesitation the man that inserted the speculum and stretched me open pulled out a huge fat cock from his pants. He stood before me jerking off into my stretched cunt, and soon followed by the other man. When they finished and removed the instrument what happened next I could barely believe. I felt a heavy furry musky smelling thing on top of me. I could not make out what this creature was that entered my pussy with the biggest fuck rod ever. The sperm of the men and the stretching with the medical instrument were all done to assist in this beasts huge furry shafted penis inside me.

I was stretched and fucked by a few of these creatures and left for dead. But they were’nt done with me yet. I felt warm breath on my overfucked cunt and felt teeth clamp down aroung it. The rough tongue of these creatures licked inside my pussy and they started literally eating my cunt. The guys had started slicing off pieces of my flesh like I was a deli loaf and tossed it into a stew pot of aromatic herbs and mirepoix (onions, garlic, carrots, and celery). They then fed me my own flesh stew before they finished me off. Making my limbs and organs into the stew which was fed to the creatures.

Killer Phone Sex British Twat

Killer phone sex

My teeth felt the kick of his boot heel once again. He had offered me food as he fucked me in my asshole and offered me a drink as he pounded inside of me. I am sure the balloon in my stomach would burst that was full of the heroine and I would have my last high. Kicking me again I felt the sound of the hits that were being delivered to my rib cage. I was trying to enjoy the snort of my last blow as the punishment continued on my torso. It was the price of partying too much with a maniac on my campus. I should have known something was wrong when the party started and someone spoke the words killer phone sex rocks the house! I was so high I didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about or being led back to the a room where the real party had just started. Some guy whoever the hell he was ripped me out of all my clothes and I was naked I felt the bottle being tossed at me but didn’t give it much attention.

     The next thing I knew I was being slapped by a big hand that knocked me to the ground, The force at which he hit me would haunt me until my impending death. Ripping my clothes off and spreading my legs apart I felt the first of them push into me and the blood gush out of my cunny like water. It was all I could do not to cry and scream at the top of my lungs as I felt the gag go in my mouth. I smelled the scent of my cunny and the cream from my underwear that was being forced down my throat. My lips were torn open again and I felt the balloon inserted inside  my mouth and the stiff kick to my stomach. As I felt my body ripped apart from the position of cocks I felt a little tear roll down my face. It was too late much too late. Picking up my bloody body and putting me on the wheel that ripped me from limb to limb my last thoughts as he pulled me apart were that this was one party I would never forget!

Langly’s Party Daze

Killer phone sex


I felt the kick to my face and the one thing that had held me down was that I couldn’t see him anymore tearing into my flesh and asshole. He had placed a metal rod in his jolly and was now plunging it into my asshole with the glass. Bloods squirted as I screamed at the pressure of the metal pounding into my gaping hole. Plunging the knife deep into my gut I felt the rip as my organs were being disemboweled. I thought this was what you see before you die a gruesome death! The blood pool was mounting on the floor and I was feeling myself go faint. Blow was all over my back with the blood and I could feel him snorting it up his nose. With each pound I felt his jolly grow longer and longer. That’s what coke did to you pressed the energy and release to new heights. He was full of it and I knew death for me was the only substitute.

     He had brought me here in hopes of having the party of a life time and I was getting that alright and then some. The experience was one I would die for he said so I had no quirks about getting in the car with a complete stranger as long as at the end of the night I was loaded. But it had ended badly of course with him smacking me to the ground with a hammer and nailing a crucifix  on the wall. A trophy he had said to Christ! And I was the sacrifice! With each slash that cut into my flesh I knew this party was not going to be over until I was dead. I tried to gather myself as he sucked my blood but I was too weak and my body was going numb. The last thing I felt as he tore the knife into my asshole was a metal pole pushed into my cunt. Then there was nothing but splashes of water oh so I thought as my eyes closed.


mutilation phone sex angieI had no plans of mutilation, torture or violence when I went out this morning. I was just running into town to grab a few things I needed for the house. Wouldn’t you know while at the store this little brown haired bitch pissed me off. I can’t stand rude ass mother fuckers and as soon as she pushed me aside without so much as an “excuse me” my blood began to boil and I saw red fast. OK you little bitch you pissed the wrong one off. I followed her while she finished her shopping and waited for her to exit the store. Grabbing her and getting her in my van was easy. I knocked the bitch out with one good punch to the jaw. I couldn’t stand listening to her mouth, so full of herself it made me sick!  I dragged her in the house and down to the basement securing her to a pole with leather straps I waited for her to come to. As soon as she opened her eyes she started in again. That fowl mouthed bitch had no respect or fear. She was about to learn the last and most valuable lesson of her life. Picking up my hatchet I held it high over my head and brought it down just below her knee. Finally a sound came out of her mouth that was acceptable, a scream! I didn’t give her a chance to finish the first scream before repeating the action on her other leg. Slowly I worked my way up her body until my blade found her face. Standing back covered in her blood, looking at her now limp, lifeless and quiet body I had a knee buckling orgasm and collapsed to the floor. Time to drag her body outside to the ant hills so they could eat the flesh from her bones. Dumb ass bitch, she made me do it!

Give Me More

After cuddling for 5 minutes, you get the tennis ball.  You push it into my widening vagina.  It feels like a lump of food being caught in my throat, only much bigger, and in my cunt instead.  You push it in more, and when it can’t go in more by pushing, You hit it with the bat.  Sometimes you miss and hit me.  You hit it until it disappears inside me.  But now you have lost the ball and have to get it back.

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You push on my lower abdomen, and tell me to push under threat of cuddling.  Eventually, after much labor and screaming, the ball pops out, bouncing off of the opposite wall. I begin to breathe easier until  you  remind me about the softball, which is much bigger.  My eyes widen as you begin pushing it into me, knowing that it probably would not fit in.  It doesn’t matter.  What matters is the audacity of the attempt, and the pain.  Eventually you give up.  My pussy is bruised and bleeding.

This makes your cock rock hard and even with my pussy on fire, I want your cock. I want you to pound me – not cuddle me- so I pretend I don’t want you. I pull against the ropes and try to scream. The predator inside you attacks and sticks your hard cock into my swollen and bleeding cunt. I continue to scream even as I cum because I don’t want you to stop. You will never know that I had that orgasm, because this naughty little pain whore will never tell….


I wake up to find myself tied to your bed, legs spread, and my cunt exposed and unprotected.  Next to the bed is a table with various items:  A miniature baseball bat, and tennis ball, a soft ball, and a small chest cooler.  I look down and see a large knife laying between my thighs, the tip pointed at my pussy.  I don’t know if it is a promise or a threat, but it is there.  You approach the bed,  with your cock fully erect.  You grope my soft parts with one hand, and stroke yourself with the other.  

Your hands go everywhere, and penetrate my pussy, gentle at first, and then forceful and merciless afterward.  The ferocity of the penetration makes me scream at first, but it feels good, and I relax into a moan. You push in more, and my body arcs with ecstasy, and my juices flow.   You’re not giving me a chance to be afraid before I am aroused.  That way I cannot resist.  You work me up to the point of climax, before you pull out.  I’m not allowed to cum yet.  Instead you take the bat and hit my breasts with it.  They jiggle like punching bags, with red welts appearing.  You also hit my thighs, tummy, and finally back down to my pussy.    

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After hitting my pussy, you slide the bat inside, and fuck me with it.  It rubs raw against me on the inside, especially when it hits my cervix.   You work me up to a climax, and again deny me the pleasure.  I beg for you to let me, but you must punish me for asking.  Since pain excites me, you lay next to me on the bed, put your arms around me and hold me. FUCK, I hate cuddling.


I knew you had been watching me for a long time. You call my house constantly and hang up the phone. All times of the day and night. You send me letters with no return address and the handwriting is scrawled like a maniac. The police haven’t done shit to help me, and I walk around scared all the time. Last week, there was even a note on my car. It said you were watching. I had no doubt that you were.

I got an alarm system for my house, and started carrying pepper spray. Everywhere I went, I checked behind me to see if you were there. I rarely went anywhere at night because the dark just seemed more scary, knowing you could be lurking anywhere. You emailed me pictures of myself from everywhere – the grocery store, the park when I jog, and it was never ending. You had me acting like a scared little mouse, just waiting for the cat to pounce.

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Last night I had to go visit a friend at the hospital. I was there much longer than I thought I would be and I had to walk back to my car alone in the dark. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. The parking lot was quiet, and I just kept thinking about you and if you were watching me. I was almost to my car and remembered my pepper spray was in my purse. As I went to reach for it, you came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I could smell sweat and leather and you had a grip on me that I couldn’t break free of.

You shoved me against my car, ripping my blouse open, and I could feel my tits against the outside of the cold window. You had been there waiting all along. Your months of patience had finally paid off. You had me alone, and in the dark, and now I would become your prey. As I felt your cock enter my pussy, and your hands go around my throat, I knew that I wouldn’t make it out alive. You tightened your grip, and the last thing I remember is feeling your hot cum shoot inside of me… then it all went black.

Master has a new Sadistic game for us PT 1

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We have started to play a new game Master and I. He has grown quiet fond of it and with the new spring weather I could see it happening more often. The fact that Master involves me in these games goes to show how good I have been and accepting of his discipline. I am undeserving of his love or attention so I am glad I can contribute to his happiness. Now back to the sadistic game Master has developed for us. With the warmer weather comes the lack of clothing that follows and outdoor activities alongside it. So what better way to enjoy these outdoor activities than with Master allowing me to be his bait in a good ol’ game of torture the silly little boy who looks at his pet? Oh how I love this game, it brings my Master so much happiness and for that I will do anything. Master lets me dress super skanky with a little tiny skirt and slutty inviting pigtails and rollerblade around the park. My cunt feels so good as the air rushes past it up my skirt, I bite my lip as a jogger approaches. Master sits on a bench as I flash him a glance for his approval. He nods.

“Damn doll face you always roller blade like that?”
He tries to sound super slick as he approaches me. I can see his rape fantasies while he eyes looks through my clothes already. He is perfect for Master; I received the nod of approval, my heart races with anticipation. I giggle at him, seeming as though I am bashful.
“Only when it feels this great outside.” I replied. Then I questioned him, “You always approach random women at the park?”
I already anticipated the comeback; I knew this kind of boy, this kind of little tiny, pathetic, waste of human tissue that Master always ranted about. I raised my eyebrow and gave him a half cocked smile in anticipation for what was about to come from his wretched face hole.
“Only when they look this good out. HaHaHa.”
His chuckle made me want to vomit all over the sidewalk. This tiny boy who though he was a man was about to realize what a real man was, Master would show him, Master would show him what it meant to be a real man. What it meant to dominate and what it meant to have a good little pet to submit to every demand because they want to please.
“How ‘bout we take this back to my place. I don’t live far I promise.” And just like that I turned my back to him gave him a wink and wagged my finger in a come hither motion. And just like that the poor little puke of a puppy dog followed hot on my trails. I could see him uproot from his bench, Master was quickly steps ahead of me. A smile grew across my face. The douche behind me thought it was for him but my allegiance was with the brilliant mind of my masochistic Master waiting for the next step of our game. We take my car, I tell him I can drive him back to the park, but really I do not want any evidence in his douche rocket of a vehicle when they find it abandoned there.
When we pull up he points out how beautiful my house is, how “well groomed” my garden looks trying to flash his dull innuendos in my direction. I chuckle for him slightly, fake of course, but he doesn’t seem to notice. As we step across the walkway to the entrance of Master’s home a smirk began to reach the very corners of my mouth. Thinking of Master on the other side of the door, of what he was going to do with this piece of waste when he walked in, made me burst with love juices. My pussy throbbed hard for his hard cock to penetrate his pet, and we had not even got to the best part.
I reached for the brushed brass door handle furnished upon the heavy door painted red and gave it a turn. Slowly I pushed it open and held out my arm directing my pussy thirsty guest inside. I smiled from ear to ear, I was a good little pet, like a cat bringing home a dead bird to please it’s owner I brought mine home for my Master. He was dead already, he was just lucky to have a pulse.

Or were we the lucky ones…

Fuckpig Slaughter

There they were, hanging from the pipes in the ceiling like fuckpigs waiting to be slaughtered. I had seen it before. I knew what was coming. I sat quietly in my cell, no chains needed anymore, you knew I wasn’t about to try to escape. These stupid girls were about to find out what happens when someone tries. I watched you across the room, sharpening your blade. The sound of it scraping metal on metal against the sharpener made my teeth chatter.

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The girls were hogtied and swinging back and forth as they tried to scream. Every once in awhile they caught a glimpse of you preparing the blade. I could see the pure terror in their eyes. I knew you loved seeing it too. They still had that glimmer of hope, hell, some of them you hadn’t even tortured yet. They were hoping you were just trying to scare them. Little did they know, you were only keeping the ones, like me, too scared to try to leave. I watched as you approached them. Their naked bodies hanging at face level to yours.

The blade picked up the glow of the only lights in basement. The first girl began screaming as you sank the blade straight into her throat. Her scream was caught off like someone turning off a radio. Blood spurted out in an arc about 5 feet from where she hung. I saw another of them faint. That wouldn’t save her either. You would wake her up for her turn. You loved practicing your techniques, and you were using your favorite blade. You raised it to the second girl and stuck it straight up through her back. With one swift yank upwards, her guts spilled onto the floor. She never made a sound, and those are the ones that scared me the most. I continued to watch as you slaughtered the fuckpig whores, one by one, and curled up in my dirt bed, promising myself I would never disobey you.