Category: Snuff sex

Fantasy phone sex Ivy

Murder phone sex Fantasies

After a binge of snorting some shit up my nose I watched a ton of documentaries on world war 2 and a shit ton of porn. I have this fantasy of grabbing a bitch off the street and taker her home. I want to see how long the human body took to no longer live. Starving someone was going to take a lot of time and patients, something I don’t have normally. I know exactly who to take. Kaylee, she was a whore down on 5th ave. No one cared about her or where she was. Kaylee was always strung out and she eats pussy like a pro.

Torture phone sex

I know I can trick her into going to my apartment and after a few days when she comes down she isn’t going to leave. Starving her isn’t going to be enough for me. I’ll have to see how much pain she can take. Cut her and make her drain her blood. She will be a dirty toilet, since she wont be eating or drinking anything I don’t think I need to let her out to let her go potty. I do think I will let her eat protein… Let someone fuck her throat till they cum. I’m excited to beat her, fuck her, piss on her. If you have any other suggestions, Id love to hear them. Ill be waiting her watching her suffer.. 

 Taboo phone sex

Torture Sex leads to Castration phone sex

Torture sex is exactly what they will get along with their fucking little dicks castrated. That’s right these frat fucks think they can just trot the fuck in a place they DO NOT fucking belong and act like entitled little dicks. Well those little dicks won’t matter when I’m done with them. They think they’re some kind of special, well they are REAL special.

My entourage and I surround the meathead fucktards and took to showing them who’s in charge. A real bawdy mofo with the big mouth was my main focus. I kneed him in the nuts then I proceeded to kick him, dropping his ass. As the asshat was keeled over I took a bottle of 151 and poured in on him and took the lighter as though I was going to set him afire.

Torture Sex

Yeah, I really wanted to smell his gross assed flesh burn and stink the place up, NOT! As the fear in his eyes made me fucking laugh I motioned for my guys to pull his ass up. They knew exactly what I wanted one held him up by his arms at hiis back. The other tied his ankles to the kickbar at the foot of the bar then bound his wrists behind his back and hooked him up to the post. The fuckhead was bound and upright as I unzipped his pants yanked my knife out and swung it open. Kneeling down keeping my eyes fixated on this dumb bastard I took the knife slowly along his ballsack. Taking sweet pleasure in torturing him as the blade draws droplets of blood along the base of his balls.

Once I have him whimpering like a bitch I press the shiny sharp tip of my blade right into the center of his balls. I slice right into them as another guy pours Tequila right along the cut. Once I have the ballsack slit open I remove the balls and drop them in a rocks glass. Topping the cocktail off with some gin and vermouth I take the glass and force his frat budy to drink. Forcing him to open his mouth and swallow the balls of his beloved fucktard frat bro I laugh in his face and stab my knife in his gut. Catching the spurting blood as I remove the blade I kneel down rubbing it all over my breasts.

As I finish torturing each one of the fucks with my knives my entourage situate each of them for their final demoralizing. I grab my biggest strap-on as the three of my guys with the biggest cocks work them nice and hard. It is the ass rape porn sodomization of these fucks filmed and live streaming for everyone to see. I take my first choice and my guys do the same as we destroy these asswipes of society.

They don’t deserve to live now do they?


Bet Good

bloody phone sex karma1So Shadow thought she was being slick making a bet with me that she knew I would not, could not turn down. She thought the scales were tipped in her favor because she likes them young. She didn’t think I would think of that. But I had a little something up my sleeve. The bet was who could fit their victim in the smallest container to dispose of the body, as she made the proposal with an evil grin on her face and a twinkle in her eye my pussy began to twitch with the excitement of it all. She would surely find a victim ads young as possible, her way of cheating. Shadow is not one to play fair, but then again neither do I. I asked if there were any rules for this little wager, she said no, and I knew I would win. There is no way she could beat me. We had until the next night to find and snuff our victim and we would meet back at my place with the remains in their containers.  Sealing the deal with a handshake we went our separate ways.  I had everything I needed, except a victim, which I found easily. She was a grown ass bitch, about 125 pounds. After torturing her and getting my rocks off I tossed her into the tub. Pouring muriatic acid all over her I watched as her flesh melting into a pile of liquid leaving nothing but her bones. The sight had my cunt dripping wet.  I found my mason jar and made sure all the liquid was in the jar before taking the bones out to start hacking into bits before crushing them with a hammer and pouring them into the jar as well. Watching them settle to the bottom made me cum yet again. I was ready for Shadow, there is no way she is getting her victim in anything smaller then this jar! bloody phone sex shadow

I love a good challenge

snuff sexI’ve always been good at puzzles, how could I not be? I am so creative and I like to see things fit together just the way they were supposed to… that’s why I’ll take up any challenge to cut a precious lil bitch’s body up and find a way to fit it into any container you have for me. I’ve disposed of many sluts this way and I greatly enjoy the task of trying to fit all those once sweet and breathing body parts into the most obvious or most bizarre containers possible. I like to have my fun experimenting with smaller containers causing me to have to cut her up into nice small pieces, almost like nice beef stew sized pieces. Maybe I’ll even keep a few for my dinner? Hmm, who could turn down free meat? And the fun I had with this delicious meat will make it taste THAT much better, every bite I will remember her struggle and screams and imagine all the blood I caused right until the life left those big doe eyes she had…so whatever I can’t cut up to those little bite size pieces can easily go right into the crock pot for a nice meal tomorrow! After I had done my teasing and torture, and of course had my way with that sweet pink pussy of hers, I made sure to tell her exactly how she was going to die, as I slowly cut her soft skin, she was the color red by the time I was done with her, I made her cry and beg until she couldn’t speak anymore – at last she finally bled out, and even her very own blood is what she tasted before she finally shutup for good. At this point it was so easy to completely saw through her body as she was no longer able to struggle but we all know it is no easy task to cut through bone so I did of course have to pull out my special set of tools. Now I’m going to use those tiny tupperware boxes that look like giant Legos and stuff them all full and bury them throughout the town – it will be quite the scavenger hunt for the police – if they ever grow a brain and even find the first one!

Torture Phone Sex puts Langley on the Rack

torture phone sex


     The moisture between my legs began to grow and I felt him stick his over sized meat sausage in my hole. I don’t know if it was insanity that was driving him to push my little cunny to the limit but I was sure whatever it was I was going to pay for it with my life. I should have never teased him. I was on the table going to be electrocuted or suffer the most for my comments. It started with Chinese water torture and then escalated to me being hung by my ankles. I am sure he was going to crucify me but I couldn’t say what this freak show reject was going to do. He had nailed my feet to this board and I was now swinging left and right like a pendulum. I knew he had broken my legs and my ass was no longer there from the blow torch he had used earlier. But the worse would be yet to come and I knew that.  My parents would be so proud to see how their little brat had turned out. A slut with a coke habit who was getting what she deserved!

     I had done so many things up to this point but the painful part was I was not through suffering the consequences of my actions. Using a rusty knife he began to cut away at my skin first, starting with my tits and then leading to my cunny. Pushing it forcefully into my flesh I felt my body shake as the knife sliced through me pulling me apart. I was in the gates of an unburden hell and he was just about to show me how bloody and terrible things would become. Using the bottle, I felt it cut my face open and the bluntness of his cock as he pushed inside of my mouth. He was pushing my head so hard that my toes that were nailed to the board uplifted and I fell to the floor. Blood spilled over me as I toppled on top of my captor. Pulling the knife out of my flesh again he tasted my blood and spit it in my mouth. I closed my eyes but there was no escape there would never be any escape!

Drown Me

I’ve been soaking here for hours imagining you so far away. The water feels like a trap around my little body and reminds me of the time you tried to drown me in the tub. I was smaller then, but no less wise to what you were trying to do. I felt your cock get rock hard inside of me while you held my head under the water, pressing my face against the hard bottom of the bathtub. I would have died that day, but you came just in time. Once your evil cum drained out of you, you came back to reality and let my head come up.

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I remember choking on the water and trying to stand up as you kept knocking back down into the tub, telling me what a dirty fucking whore I was and that I would never be good for anything else. You stuck the bar of soap in my mouth and told me to suck it and try to clean myself. I remember gagging on the soap, but I didn’t dare try to spit it out. I sat and cried in the cold water and you stood up and pissed all over me. I was nothing but a used up toy at that point. All the water and soap in the world would never be enough to clean me.

Now as I lay here, in my own tub, with warm suds all around, I rub my clit thinking of those days when your cock would rage for me. My pussy throbs at the thought of how it felt to be drowning and unable to fight you off. I know I am a sick fuck now because of the things you did to me back then. I take the soap from the tray, and place it up to my mouth to taste it. It brings back all the memories that make my clit tingle and throb as I cum all inside my bathwater. I will never feel clean, and for that, I want to say thank you.

Some people never shut up

violent phone sexThe tedious things in life are what really get to me, should I really have to go do the shopping or pay bills? Uggghh! Unfortunately for me though, I am forced to take care of these things and that is how I ended up stuck sitting next to the most annoying woman on earth! She was nonstop talking on her damn phone, the whole room heard all about her medical problems and how she hates her daughter in law, blah blah blah, it went on forever! By the time I actually paid my bill and left I knew that I was going to kill her, how could I not? I waited for her to come out and followed the clueless bitch home, turns out that she lived all alone, I guess no one else could stand her incessant bitching either. Definitely made it easier for me to follow her inside though, she had no idea I was even there because she was still quacking away on her damn phone! That stopped when I hit her over the head with a bat, she dropped like a stone and her phone shattered and turned off and finally there was silence. I hit her again and again until my arms were tired and her head was pretty much obliterated, there was blood and brains everywhere but I’m sure her cats will take care of all that…

Carve Me Up

You were right, I got addicted. After that weekend when you tied me up in your basement and tortured my body and my mind, I will never be the same. I lay in bed at night aching for the burning of that blade cutting though my tits. I remember you telling me that I belonged to you forever, and of course I thought you were going to kill me. But you didn’t, you let me go, and you told me that I would come back on my own. The pain is all I can think of and I have to have more.

I knock on your door, my pussy throbbing under my skirt just hoping you will answer. The knob turns, the door opens, and there you are. I don’t even dare look into your eyes – I know I am a worthless whore to you and that wouldn’t be allowed. You tell me to go to the basement. I cum down the insides of my legs at just the sound of your voice. My legs try to buckle under me as I make my way down the stairs. I can feel you behind me and suddenly I am terrified, but its too late for that. I came on my own and you know my body is yours.

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I stand before you and strip down to nearly nothing. I can feel your eyes go up and down my naked body and you take me by the arm and lead me over to the table. Your toys and tools are arranged neatly, as if you had been waiting for me. I reach out and run my hands over the edges of the blades, remembering how they seared through my soft skin last time I was here. I remember my blood pouring out as you sliced my left nipple off. The pain was so incredible I couldn’t even make a sound when I tried to scream.

You reach for a long iron poker, with a sharp tip at one end. You tell me that now that I have come back, I am yours to keep, and you are going to carve your name in me so that I cannot get lost ever again. My heart is racing as you take the sharp tip and begin scratching through the skin on my back. I feel like a lowly piece of cattle being marked by you, and you are merciless with the pain. The blade drags and cuts through my skin and the blood starts running down over my tight ass. I can smell the scent and I know you can too as your cock gets hard at the bright red cascade. I will now forever carry your name, and its time for our next game…. what do you have in store for me, Sir?

Evil Easter

violent phone sex angieHe looks diabolical in his Evil Easter Bunny get up. Just looking at him and imagining the carnage we are going to bring at the sweet community Easter social that this boring town holds every year makes me dripping wet wtih evil anticipation. All the brats out in their Sunday best running around carefree, laughing and looking for colored eggs in the park. It makes me sick….but our plans are going to bring a dark and twisted turn to an otherwise perfect day for the little twits. He is going to hide behind the bushes and scare the shit out of the little twits until I point out the one that I want to bring home. Then he is going to nab that little fucker and throw her in the van. Kidnapped by the Evil Easter Bunny, it is sinister and diabolical an absolutely perfect! I have a wonderful little torture chamber set up that is themed Evil Easter with everything from rotten boiled eggs to a boiling pot so that I can turn my little wit into a human Easter egg. I have holiday plans of my own for tomorrow and I can’t wait  for them to come true! violent phone sex bunny

XXX Snuff Porn Desires

Torture sex

I love watching xxx snuff porn so much. I love sitting in front of my TV on the edge of my bed and watching bitches get their throats slit while their blood is used as lubricant for ass rape. I will watch different snuff films for hours. You know what I do while I am watching guys be castrated with chain saws in the public square? I am sitting there with my finger in my gooey cunny making myself squirt all over my floor for my mom to clean up.

I love it when they scream, the noise their voice makes when it is so raw from all that screaming. I miss bathing in the blood of my enemies and my list is down to the floor and out the door.

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I miss being the accomplice to little p cock fun. Chop up and feed them to my mother for dinner lol.

Her fat ass would eat them and never know anything different. I want to kidnap this perfect dumb ass whore from school named Erika and make my own little snuff film to watch over and over.

Take her to a private place with you and spread her perky ass cheeks wide while you ass rape her. We can make out to the soundtrack of her pathetic screams. Recoding it all we will make our own anal rape porn that others will wish they had. She will beg for us to stop while we knife he in the twat. She is so full of shit while she apologizes; let me spread her mouth so you can shit in there. Make her eat it just to prove a point. I am all wet just thinking about all the ways we are going to pluck this stupid bitches life from her body.

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