Category: Snuff sex

Fisting Punch Princess

You told me you would make me your Fisting Princess. I love the way you torture my body and tear my pussy up, and this sounded like the next step in our fucked up and poisonous affair. I wanted to feel your huge hand go inside my pussy with no mercy – I knew you would do it with no hesitation. I knew you wouldn’t stop to ask if I was okay or if it hurt. You don’t give a fuck – in fact the more it hurts me the better it is for both of us.

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On my back, you ram your hard cock in my ass and fuck it raw, making me feel every thrust deep inside my tight asshole. I love the searing pain, but I know its about to multiply. You look down at my pathetic cunt, just waiting for your fist, and spit all over it. I know that is the only lube I will get and I am grateful, because I want to be your favorite fuckpig.  You take your fingers, and slip four tips inside me. You stretch my pussy open and I watch you as your eyes follow your fingers, pumping them in and out of my tight hole.

As you continue to ass fuck me, you ball your hand up into a tight fist, and pull back. There would be no easing it in, and there would be no going slow. Your arm is pulled back behind you, fist clenched, and you take aim on my wet pussy. I watch as your fist flies through the air and enters me with the sound of someone being punched in the face. I couldn’t even scream, my air was gone. As you pumped your fist in and out of my cunt, the feeling was pain all over my body, and I knew my insides would never be the same.

The waiting game

violent phone sex fionaI finally am awake, and yet I still feel so tired from my previous beating the other night. I try sitting up in bed. I feel so sore and every part of my body aches. As I look around me I begin to realize why it is so hard for me to sit up- other then me being sore. I look at my hands and feet, they are tied with black straps to each corner of the bed. I try to wiggle out of them, but nothing seems to budge. Then walks in the man to blame for the torturous behavior I was going to have to endure. He went to each coroner of the bed and made each strap tighter, pulling my body and stretching it out. I couldn’t run and I couldn’t hide, I was going to pay for my behavior. He took tassels and whips to my rib cage, my tits, my legs, and my tummy. He made my skin bleed, dripping red down my body and ripped me open with each hit. I had mark after mark, slash after slash. Pop! Pop! It burned, I laid there cringing at the sharp stinging pain. My skin was gashing open and spilling out more blood, exposing my pink fluffy fresh flesh. Everything started to go blurry, my eyes fell heavy, and my head felt clouded as if I was going to fall into a deep sleep when all of the sudden he stopped and walked out of the room. He was off going to get more things to teach me my lesson. I was there for days. Now I sit on the floor of my bathroom, wondering when the next time he will come for me.

Drugged for Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

I knew my uncle was a drug addict, but I had no idea how far he would go to get his fix. He picked me up from the store today, acting like he was just being nice, and took me back to his place to “have some fun”. He has never hurt me before, but I have gotten drunk and told him how much I love pain, but it never crossed my mind that he would do anything about it. When we arrived, he handed me a drink and I took a sip. It tasted bitter, but I figured it was gin or something that I normally don’t drink.

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After a few more sips, as he sat and smiled at me, I began to feel really weird. The room started to move in strange ways and I was seeing trails of light whenever I looked around. My arms and legs felt very heavy and I could see that my uncle was saying something, but I couldn’t understand him. Everything was in slow motion and I realized he had slipped me something. My brain couldn’t function beyond wondering why, and then I noticed there were more men in the room. They must have just came in?

The next thing I knew, my clothes were being torn off and my arms and legs bound with rope. I couldn’t scream – my mouth just wasn’t working. That didn’t stop one of them from putting his hard cock inside my mouth and ramming it down my throat. I couldn’t even wrap my lips around him as he fucked my face. I felt fingers and hands everywhere and finally a hard cock enter my ass so hard that I think I let out a squeak. I could feel them slapping me, but it didn’t hurt. I had a vague thought that it was going to hurt later… and then drifted off as my uncle’s drug dealers finished the rest of the day with their rape phone sex fantasies.

Happy Birthday Baby

snuff phone sex karmaHe loves to come to me. Her pussy is loose and she is a prude. She is bitchy and whiny and so is his daughter. When he told me she wouldn’t even fuck him for his birthday, I knew I had to make it up to him. I brought him in and sat him down and blind folded him. I began by teasing his dick. First on the couch and then all the way down the hall and to the bedroom. When I finally let him see there she was and the daughter too, tied to my bed with ball gags in their mouths. I made him watch as I tortured her and her whiny ass brat. Finally I let him ass fuck her deep, ripping her ass opened before fucking me over her face, his nuts running across her sniveling lips.
When he cane in my pussy I squatted over her mouth and pushed all his cum mixed with mine out and into her mouth. Then I held her head so he could punch the shit out of her before holding her head back so he could slit her bitch ass throat. I made him rub his cock in her blood before shoving it down his daughter’s throat, making her taste her mother’s blood and letting her know that if she ever said a word she would be next….She could never do for him what I do…..

Did you really think I wouln’t find out?

torture sexYou stupid little fucking CUNT!!! I can’t even believe you actually thought you would get away with this! And now your dumbass is REALLY gonna pay, oh am gonna make you fucking regret it now. Regret what you might ask? You didn’t think I wouldn’t notice? Are you actually trying to play stupid to me right now? Well that was another mistake I HATE STUPID BITCHES! You see, I was gonna be nice, only fuck you and torture your ass a little, but you wanted to disobey me – wanted to see me get really mad huh? Oh you say, ‘that was never your intention?’ Ha! Well, you’re screwed now! No little slut of mine will ever try and escape me, no, I don’t put up with sneaky little whores who try to leave my grasp! When you leave here next… it will be in pieces. Your body is going to be cut up into so many fuckin pieces when I’m done with your fucking ass… oh but don’t get too comfy because before I do all that I’ve got some serious plans for you! Plans that are going to have you begging me to end it all! Oh…but my dear, the fun is just getting started! How do you like this knife – sooo very sharp, sharp enough to saw through bone I bet… want to test it out? We can test it as my friends fuck your holes, the holes that once they are done fucking are going to be filled with your blood. The blood that comes from my knife fucking you literally raw from the inside. I bet you really wish you had listened to me now don’t you? Well it’s too late now – you can suck this cock and shut up with all that screaming. Your pain and punishment is only going to get worse from here…

Snuff Porn Tears Little Nigger Whore Apart

Snuff Porn


     Snuff porn had broken your heart and you were over the edge. It started off as a sinister joke and now my game was about to get my fucking neck snapped. I saw you coming at me with the knife wanting to plunge that mother fucker in my neck. I tried to grab at the gun but you beat me to it. I felt your fist hit me in my mouth and my head hit the cabinet with a loud thump. Grabbing me up like the nigger whore I was , you yanked at my roots and pulled me over the counter. I felt the rip of my skirt and panties. Trying to regain my composure, I scratched at your hands and tried to relieve the pressure that was around my neck. You wouldn’t let up. Slamming my head against the counter I slid to the floor where you pounced on me kicking my tits. As the blood entered my mouth I saw you grab your cock and force it in my mouth. I tried to sit up from the blows but the force of your cock in throat was to powerful. I thought I would vomit, scream but that was not the answer.

     Taking a razor from the counter I felt the first slice across my fucking face like a tiny needle Then there was a third and fourth. Grabbing my neck again you pushed me on my hands and knees spreading my ass cheeks and stuffing the knife blade in me.” You nigger whore! You Nigger whore! That will teach you to mess with my heart.” Kicking me on my back, I felt the force of your knee on my rib cage and the snap. I couldn’t breathe! Blood was filling my lungs and coming out of my mouth! Pushing your lips to mine you tasted my blood. You dropped to your knees and punched me in the mouth again. Opening my mouth and grabbing my head I drank my own blood. You loved the blood the kill! Our calls would always have me screaming for death and mercy. I will wait again for the call because this nigger bitch was always ready to die!

      I heard the little one down the hall screaming I saw your face, and tried to hold onto you. Stabbing me in the skull with the knife, I felt the rip and the blood pulsate to the floor.  My screams followed you down the hallway. I saw your smile as you headed to my room to get her! My little one!  Slamming  ,  her face into the wall the scream was blood curling. I saw you rip her legs open and push your cock in her. Blood squirted out of her like a river. Coming towards me I saw you dragging my little one across the floor. Taking my head in your hand you kissed and slammed my head into the counter I saw your cock and my little one crawling towards me. Pulling her legs and dragging her onto your cock I tried to reach for her. I watched the blood run off of her as she screamed. Was this real? Was this our game? No one would know your desire to kill a nigger whore!

Behead Me

torture phone sex

One of the more darker fantasies on my mind lately has been beheading. It’s something I fear, but I still want it. Is that weird. I guess it is, I’m just so twisted now and there’s no way to turn back. No matter how hard I try I’ll never be like I was before. Not after be exposed to so much sex and violence. Vanilla sex doesn’t do it for me anymore, but I’m not sad about it. Honestly, I don’t even miss it.

In my fantasy a very strong man is torturing me hours. Cutting into my body and piercing with it needles. My body would be his pin cushion and I think it’d be even sexier if he did medical experiments on me too! Before my head is severed from my body I want to be completely red with blood. I want him to remove my head and hold it front of my broken body so I see it in my final moments. It would be perfect if there were a mirror in the room too because I want to see what my severed head looked like actually.

murder phone sex fantasies

The idea of my torture and death is so hot. It makes my cunt dripping wet just thinking about it, but it can only happen once. Wouldn’t it be great if I just die over and over again? That’s what I really want, but sadly it isn’t possible and it will never be possible. Although knowing that I only have one death makes it more dangerous. If something goes wrong I’ll never have the chance to do it again. Maybe it’s sick of me to think this, but I think that’s incredibly intimate. It’s the most private and precious thing you can give someone because you only have one life and one death.

Family comes first

snuff phone sex belleI am such a naughty girl that my family has always been there to make me behave. Today I was watching porn on my TV in the living room, thinking no one was home and touching my dripping wet pussy with my fingers. My Uncle Tom all of the sudden came from no where with a razor blade in hand and a stiff pole in his pants. He turned off the tv and stood in front of me,- now naked. He told me to sit up like a big girl and open my legs. He then took the razor blade and made little cuts along my aureoles. It burned! He then told me if I make even a sound he was going to punish me more. I couldn’t help but squeal as that blade cut my pale skin. He then grabbed my hair and through my face to the side of the couch bending me over to slap my pale ass with his belt until my skin wilted. He said that I can’t look at any man except for him. As he began to piss in my eyes. Oh ouch! I will always listen because I like the pain, blood, and ripped skin way too much, I can’t wait to be another persons victim.

Ass Rape Porn and Snuff Porn Made in the Back of a Hearse

ass rape porn killer sexMaster had an idea for making ass rape porn. He purchased a hearse. I call it the snuffmobile because all the girls he makes his little porn movies with, never leave the vehicle breathing. He gutted it out, put in a mattress, bondage equipment, even torture devices. My job is to be his accomplice. I procure girls for Master, preferably young girls and drive it around while he entertains them in the back. It is surprisingly easy. Between hitch hikers, runaways, brats left unattended at the mall and drunk girls, I have been able to bring him lots of flesh for his  mobile torture studio.

Today I brought him a tender young girl I picked up at the mall. She was lost. I went into Mommy mode, told her I knew her mommy and she was waiting for her in the parking lot. I shoved her into the back of the snuffmobile, where Master and his crew took over. I don’t like being involved in hurting little ones; it goes against my maternal instincts. But I want to live, so I have to do what Master wants. Dying goes against my survival instincts.

I could hear her screams from the front seat. Master had a camera installed so when his victim is left alone, he can see what she is doing while driving to our next destination. I peaked in while driving. He had her naked, spread eagle on the mattress. She was bound, gagged and being anally assaulted. He spanked her; fisted her tight little cunny to prime it for hardcore anal fucking. One of his henchmen was filming it all. The little girl was crying for her mommy as she got forced fucked in all her little holes. This hearse also served as a P-mobile. He was anally assaulting young girls in the back and filming it all.

snuff porn tortureThis little girl that I helped kidnap was going to die in the snuffmobile. I know Mater well enough to know that he was not gonna risk letting her go when she could identify us all. I watched as he sliced her little bee sting boobies off. She laid their bleeding all over the white sheets again. The little thing was battered and broken, but the more blood that Master drew from her, the harder he got. It was a vicious cycle. He would cut off a body part, then fuck her. Cut off another body part, fuck her some more. Eventually she was just a lifeless little stump covered in blood with cum oozing out of her fuck holes. He was now making snuff porn.

He had me stop the snuffmobile near the city dump. He tossed her lifeless body in a landfill and we drove off to pick up the next  victim. Next up to star in one of his force fuck porns and die in his hearse was a teen hitch hiker. Stupid cunt. She should know better than to take ride from strangers.

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Snuff Porn Slut gets Wasted

snuff porn


     Snuff porn has always been a great hobby of mine. Seeing all those dead bodies , made you want to torture me. I felt the dirt cover my face and your hand at my neck snapping it back. The shovel entered my pussy like a thousand knives and I knew there was no escaping your fantasy. The bugs ate at my asshole and I felt the push of your cock enter me! It was death , the craziest thing about it was that we loved it! You liked to take the ball gag and have me throw up all over it. I would say the horniest I have ever been would be when you hit me in the face like a good little slut. But today was different, you had tested the daily limitations to the max. Today I was in fear of my life as I saw the hacksaw cut down into my neck. You needed the blood to squirt out to feel that exuberant power over me. I was helpless to stop you as you pressed your teeth into my tits and ripped the flesh. You liked the way I tasted you said. Then you took your hand and pressed it against my throat causing my breath to lighten and I was fading in our little time together and you loved it.

      My blood spattered on your shirt and you took the time to lick it off. You liked the way I tasted and with death lingering over my head I was sure you would have a lot to remember. It would be the perfect crime no one would know. To be fucked in a sadistic game was the best cover up! As I felt your cock ram into me harder and the last of my blood run onto the floor, I knew it would be it the last game ,the end but I didn’t care. You cumming all over my dead body is all I ever wanted.